Hillary is mouthing off again

Nah. If she'd just go away and spend the rest of her years in her rocking chair, we would forget all about her.

She's making a speech in India. I dunno what I find more interesting, that conservative actually care she is making a speech in India, or they even know where it is...

And what was her speech all about, knitting?

She is actively involved in politics.....still. She has denigrated married white women and she has denigrated states that didn't vote for her. Nobody is supposed to pay attention here at home? Nobody on the right is supposed to notice or criticize?
Nah. If she'd just go away and spend the rest of her years in her rocking chair, we would forget all about her.

She's making a speech in India. I dunno what I find more interesting, that conservative actually care she is making a speech in India, or they even know where it is...

And what was her speech all about, knitting?

She is actively involved in politics.....still. She has denigrated married white women and she has denigrated states that didn't vote for her. Nobody is supposed to pay attention here at home? Nobody on the right is supposed to notice or criticize?

farting on the present president of the USA -----whilst visiting
India-------IS SICK
That's ironic, since the OP, who has now run away, tried to pass this off as pandering to the black community.

Neither of which however holds water, since as I already posted, the OP's own link notes how Clinton has been keen on hot peppers and their sauces at least 26 years, ergo it is entirely plausible that she's (still) packin' heat. As the sublink notes, if this is pandering it's got decades of planning behind it.

So what you are saying is that the left has not been pandering to the minorities the last couple of decades to get votes? My goodness, you better get a television set and real fast.

The Democrat party is now the anti-white party. Their mission is to make whites a minority in this country ASAP. Not watching news outlets, I'm sure you are totally in the dark about this........no, that was not a pun.

Why am I not surprised that you're still clinging to the boob tube, the most effective propaganda device ever invented. I fired mine years ago and kicked it to the proverbial curb. Perhaps that's why my head isn't filled with useless goddam shit.

Then what is it filled with and from where? The internet?????
Nah. If she'd just go away and spend the rest of her years in her rocking chair, we would forget all about her.

She's making a speech in India. I dunno what I find more interesting, that conservative actually care she is making a speech in India, or they even know where it is...

And what was her speech all about, knitting?

She is actively involved in politics.....still. She has denigrated married white women and she has denigrated states that didn't vote for her. Nobody is supposed to pay attention here at home? Nobody on the right is supposed to notice or criticize?

farting on the present president of the USA -----whilst visiting
India-------IS SICK

It also demonstrates an awesome flatulence-propelling power. I mean that's gotta be eight, nine thousand miles.

It's prolly the hot sauce.
That's ironic, since the OP, who has now run away, tried to pass this off as pandering to the black community.

Neither of which however holds water, since as I already posted, the OP's own link notes how Clinton has been keen on hot peppers and their sauces at least 26 years, ergo it is entirely plausible that she's (still) packin' heat. As the sublink notes, if this is pandering it's got decades of planning behind it.

So what you are saying is that the left has not been pandering to the minorities the last couple of decades to get votes? My goodness, you better get a television set and real fast.

The Democrat party is now the anti-white party. Their mission is to make whites a minority in this country ASAP. Not watching news outlets, I'm sure you are totally in the dark about this........no, that was not a pun.

Why am I not surprised that you're still clinging to the boob tube, the most effective propaganda device ever invented. I fired mine years ago and kicked it to the proverbial curb. Perhaps that's why my head isn't filled with useless goddam shit.

Then what is it filled with and from where? The internet?????

yes----for a few decades.-------but not forever. ----the donkey has been descending for a few decades------from the working
man's friend, the friend of the oppressed and helpless------to the embracing of the dregs
So what you are saying is that the left has not been pandering to the minorities the last couple of decades to get votes?

I said nothing about "the left" and the only reference to "pandering" was StuporGirl's mindless thread that imagines carrying one's own hot sauce is somehow a "leftist" thing. That was mockery thereof. Again as I posted Clinton has been a known hot sauce freak since the early '90s according to her own past interviews. This dog ain't huntin'.

My goodness, you better get a television set and real fast.

This will never happen. See, I understand what television's purpose is. That's exactly why I kicked it out.

And you should too.

The Democrat party is now the anti-white party. Their mission is to make whites a minority in this country ASAP.

Please go ahead and square this with the board freaks who keep insisting the Klan is a Democrat thing. I like watching Doublethink meltdowns.
I said nothing about "the left" and the only reference to "pandering" was StuporGirl's mindless thread that imagines carrying one's own hot sauce is somehow a "leftist" thing. That was mockery thereof. Again as I posted Clinton has been a known hot sauce freak since the early '90s according to her own past interviews. This dog ain't huntin'.

Of course it's a leftist thing. She might as well have said she adores watermelon. Who is obsessed with hot sauce--European Americans?

Also remember in the early 90's, her husband was considered the first black President. It's no secret how the left has pandered to minorities for decades.

This will never happen. See, I understand what television's purpose is. That's exactly why I kicked it out.

And you should too.

Again, where do you get your info from? I love my television set. It not only informs me, but entertains me. It's a 80" HD Vizeo. And guess what? I watch evil Fox News on it.

Please go ahead and square this with the board freaks who keep insisting the Klan is a Democrat thing. I like watching Doublethink meltdowns.

So who started the KKK, Republicans?

Can you explain to me why Democrats defeated Kate's Law, a bill that would have given criminal illegals a minimum five years in prison if they returned? Can you explain why they are fighting tooth and nail to keep their sanctuary cities; and now newly developed sanctuary states? Can you explain why they are even willing to shut the government down over a southern border wall?

You really don't see the man behind the curtain, do you? I bet you really think that Democrat protection of criminals and illegals is out of compassion. I bet you also think that Democrats really cared about making sure everybody had health insurance. I bet you even think that their attempt to disarm law abiding citizens is because they are so concerned about mass shootings.

Really........buy yourself a television set.
Of course it's a leftist thing. She might as well have said she adores watermelon. Who is obsessed with hot sauce--European Americans?

Thais... various Indian cuisines... Jamaicans.... Mexican cuisine.... the occasional Hungarian dish.... the hottest meal I ever had in a restaurant was Korean.

All that desperate leaping aside, the subject has apparently been quite attached to hot peppers/sauces since before they went into the White House, where she kept 100 bottles of it. Not that, again, I knew any of this before the bogus desperate-leap HDS article, nor did I need to, but that info was right there in the same sources. So it's already on the record, for decades.

Hence the desperation of straining so hard to connect a 26-year personal quirk with a single comment, pretending it's the first time. HDS has gotta be a lot of work.

Also remember in the early 90's, her husband was considered the first black President.

---- by?

Did Bill Clinton claim that?

It's no secret how the left has pandered to minorities for decades.

What the hell do the Clintons have to do with "the left"?

Politicians do pander, speaking of this just in, but this doesn't appear to be an example thereof. Again --- guess we'll just continue to post this until it sinks in --- it's ON THE RECORD going back to at least 1992. This didn't just pop up this week. It's a 26-year-long part of her everyday life. Now suddenly you want to notice 26 years on and cry "pandering" to a culture that isn't even connected with hot sauce in the first place?

Damn dood. Yeah that's it. Hillary Clinton planned a three-second comment 26 years in advance. SMGDH

Again, where do you get your info from? I love my television set. It not only informs me, but entertains me.

I'll tell ya what it does. It hypnotizes you. It massages your endorphins with scary stories that addict the emotions, the more salacious the better, all for one purpose and one purpose only: to persuade you to go buy a bunch of shit you don't need, which we call "advertising". It presents you with a two-dimensional superficial manipulated perverse view of the world, but only that part of the world it can use to massage emotions, just so it can convince you to go buy a truck that can tow an asteroid. It converts you into an insensate zombie, a passive sponge into which it then pours all sensations --- which it dictates, in full --- to your passive and malleable brain. It shuts off your senses and proclaims itself lord god supreme of what goes into your eyes and ears.

Walk into a room, any room, where people are watching TV and instead of following everybody's gaze to the screen, look instead at the watchers, the passive zombies obediently sponging up whatever Lord God TV tells them. You'll see visually exactly what I mean here. Wide-open blank stares, unspeaking, as if to say "yes Master, may I have another image". When an instrument forces you to sit down, shut up, accept whatever it tells you and the only thing you ever get up for is necessary bodily functions ---- you are enslaved.

TV is the most insidious propaganda device ever invented. It shuts down the senses, dictates its own realities, mines emotions, exploits its victims' gullibilities, and is utterly incapable of rendering any kind of proper context for the bullshit it spews. The only thing television is even remotely capable of rendering accurately is sports, and even then it's still limited to its two dimensions, and if you've ever compared a sporting event seen on TV to the same event witnessed in person, you know exactly what I mean there.

It's a 80" HD Vizeo.

Just minutes ago I was offered a (free) 42" flat screen. I considered it briefly -- since it was free, for the purpose of watching stored/streamed videos and sports events. Then I measured the dimensions in the actual room. Freaking thing would have dominated the whole coffee table. WAY overkill. And that's half the size of yours.

This is another illusion they sell you, the idea that "bigger screen equals more content". It doesn't. It just milks more money out of your wallet. Unless you're displaying something for your neighbors down the street there's no point in that.

So who started the KKK, Republicans?

First thing you have to do is get over this ridiculous childish fantasy that the world consists of two elements named "Democrats" and "Republicans' and that's all there is. That's absurd. I for one belong to the largest political faction in this country, which is "none of the above". There are more of us than there are Democrats OR Republicans. K?

Second, the six guys who started the Klan were ex-Confederate soldiers, none of whom had any known political affiliations, nor was it founded for any political purpose anyway; furthermore political parties didn't even exist in that place and time, which was Christmas Eve 1865 in Pulaski Tennessee. Now that Klan was defunct in less than a decade but the second iteration, founded 1915, the much larger and widespread one, was founded by an opportunist salesman huckster looking to milk money off memberships by making the mysterious brigade pictured in "Birth of a Nation" into a real thing. He was looking to make money by mining emotions, just as TV would later but that technology didn't exist yet. He too had no political affiliations.

Who knew it was possible to walk around and exist without a political party, huh.

The point being, you can't simultaneously attribute both a white-supremacist and the anti-white philosophy to the same group. They're mutually exclusive. Hence the reference to Doublethink.

That'll do for now. Your homework is to abandon TV and pointless dichotomy fantasies. It'll probably take all day.
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All that desperate leaping aside, the subject has apparently been quite attached to hot peppers/sauces since before they went into the White House, where she kept 100 bottles of it. Not that, again, I knew any of this before the bogus desperate-leap HDS article, nor did I need to, but that info was right there in the same sources. So it's already on the record, for decades.

Hence the desperation of straining so hard to connect a 26-year personal quirk with a single comment, pretending it's the first time. HDS has gotta be a lot of work.

Do you think their political careers started in the White House? They never had plans on becoming politicians as it was a last minute decision? It was an unexpected calling?

I bet you also think they got married out of love like any other couple.

These two had aspirations of getting into politics since they left college. They always operated as a team. They were more a partnership than a married couple and they've been in the news since before Bill became Governor. In fact try to find a picture of Hillary when she was pregnant.

Their entire lives have been geared towards money and power. Do you really believe Bill was so slick to sleep around with all those other women behind Hillary's back? Of course not. Hillary could care less as long as he didn't get caught.

Did Bill Clinton claim that?

Nope, the New York times, the next best thing. Bill wore the label proudly.

What the hell do the Clintons have to do with "the left"?

The Clintons are the left.

I'll tell ya what it does. It hypnotizes you. It massages your endorphins with scary stories that addict the emotions, the more salacious the better, all for one purpose and one purpose only: to persuade you to go buy a bunch of shit you don't need, which we call "advertising".

Which I don't watch either. I DVR everything and skip through the commercials like most people.

Walk into a room, any room, where people are watching TV and instead of following everybody's gaze to the screen, look instead at the watchers, the passive zombies obediently sponging up whatever Lord God TV tells them. You'll see visually exactly what I mean here. Wide-open blank stares, unspeaking, as if to say "yes Master, may I have another image". When an instrument forces you to sit down, shut up, accept whatever it tells you and the only thing you ever get up for is necessary bodily functions ---- you are enslaved.

Oh please. You get the same reaction of people when they go to the movies, see a play, watch a concert, work on their cell phone, and even see strippers in a bar. It's called concentration.

Just minutes ago I was offered a (free) 42" flat screen. I considered it briefly -- since it was free, for the purpose of watching stored/streamed videos and sports events. Then I measured the dimensions in the actual room. Freaking thing would have dominated the whole coffee table. WAY overkill. And that's half the size of yours.

This is another illusion they sell you, the idea that "bigger screen equals more content". It doesn't. It just milks more money out of your wallet. Unless you're displaying something for your neighbors down the street there's no point in that.

Not at all. Did you ever try Virtual Reality goggles? If not, try them sometime. It takes you into a different world. My television does dominate my entire living room as I live in an upstairs of a half-house. It's fantastic.

It doesn't give you more content, just more realistic content. If people bring their grandchildren over, I turn on YouTube and play HD roller coasters for them or cartoons. As for myself, I enjoy nature shows, animal channels where you can see the terrain almost like you were there, and HGTV. Try watching a baseball game on a television like mine.

My friends have always said I have the ultimate Man Cave. In fact I have a poker game once a year or so, and when the guys get here, they spend the first hour or so of the night watching my television set. It's something they don't have at home; their wives would never allow them to put something that big in their living room.

First thing you have to do is get over this ridiculous childish fantasy that the world consists of two elements named "Democrats" and "Republicans' and that's all there is.

No......not the world, but certainly in this country.

Second, the six guys who started the Klan were ex-Confederate soldiers, none of whom had any known political affiliations, nor was it founded for any political purpose anyway; furthermore political parties didn't even exist in that place and time, which was Christmas Eve 1865 in Pulaski Tennessee. Now that Klan was defunct in less than a decade but the second iteration, founded 1915, the much larger and widespread one, was founded by an opportunist salesman huckster looking to milk money off memberships by making the mysterious brigade pictured in "Birth of a Nation" into a real thing. He was looking to make money by mining emotions, just as TV would later but that technology didn't exist yet. He too had no political affiliations.

I don't know the history quite that deep, but the Klan was quickly adopted by the southern Democrats.
I have just seen on FOX NEWS a clip of Secretary Clinton speaking recently.

She again repeated her opinion that the present administration is against African Americans and women.

Probably no losing candidate in American history has reacted so irrationally to losing an election.

We should have the greatest sympathy for her.

In 2008, she was absolutely shocked (as well as many other Americans) that a relatively unknown first-year Senator could be nominated over here.

In 2016, everyone (including Candidate Trump's supporters) thought she was a shoo-in.


Richard Nixon's comeback is proof that Secretary Clinton could possibly get the nomination in 2020 and get elected (especially with the ineligible voters that will be voting for her).

But the talking heads on TV have assured us that her time has passed, and that the Democrats want a younger and more pleasant candidate.


Let's all hope that Secretary Clinton can get personal counseling to help her get through this difficult time in her life.
Do you think their political careers started in the White House? They never had plans on becoming politicians as it was a last minute decision? It was an unexpected calling?

Not at all. Of course they were ambitious. That's no secret.

But that's got nothing in the world to do with hot sauces and peppers, now does it.

If you walked into my house you'd also find myriad containers of hot sauces including those I made myself, as well as countless seasonings and spices typical of Asia and the Middle East. But none of them have jack squat to do with what I do for a living; it's simply how I like to cook. Now I don't carry it around on my person, but then I don't have a purse either. I do however take Stevia sugar packets on the road for coffee -- does that put me in the camp of, I dunno, the Surprise Party?

I bet you also think they got married out of love like any other couple.

It's not my place to judge what they got married for. That's none of my business.
Perhaps Bill wanted an endless supply of hot sauce. I don't know and I don't care.

These two had aspirations of getting into politics since they left college. They always operated as a team. They were more a partnership than a married couple and they've been in the news since before Bill became Governor. In fact try to find a picture of Hillary when she was pregnant.

Again, all well known and all irrelevant to hot sauce. And again none of my business.

As for the last half of the post too busy to quote about TV, sure you can do all that but you and whoever's with you is still hypnotized by and tuned in to ("concentrating on") your Telescreen Master --- which means you're all tuned OUT of the world of reality and of each other. It means each of you is individually making the effort ("concentrating") to isolate yourself as an individual cell, an obedient one passively taking in anything and everything the boob tube tells you, in lieu of human interaction. And that's where robots come from.

Why do you think they call it "programming"?
Not at all. Of course they were ambitious. That's no secret.

But that's got nothing in the world to do with hot sauces and peppers, now does it.

Yes it does because that's why she made the claim. Do you know anybody else who talks about things like that?

People who seriously get into politics do it early on in most cases. It's their goal in life. Trump won't release his tax returns because it doesn't look as pretty as those of professional politicians. They make sure they file their taxes to the approval of the public view. Trump never had intentions to get into politics until the last minute, so he took every deduction legally coming to him, and probably was pretty cheap when it came to charity.

As for the last half of the post too busy to quote about TV, sure you can do all that but you and whoever's with you is still hypnotized by and tuned in to ("concentrating on") your Telescreen Master --- which means you're all tuned OUT of the world of reality and of each other. It means each of you is individually making the effort ("concentrating") to isolate yourself as an individual cell, an obedient one passively taking in anything and everything the boob tube tells you, in lieu of human interaction. And that's where robots come from.

Why do you think they call it "programming"?

And yet you participate in internet blogs? WTF is the difference?

We all need to get away from our four walls. It's why people watch movies, comedy, music...... You yourself admitted to watching sports. What's the difference? You get involved with a game that always has the same outcome: one team wins and the other loses. I don't care for sports for that reason. But I wouldn't dream about criticizing your interest; it's just it's not my interest, that's all.

Television is not that much different than the internet. You bring your interests into your home. It doesn't tell you what to think, it makes you think even more if anything. It's purely entertainment is all. So if you don't own a television set and enjoy watching your popcorn pop, so be it. If you enjoy it, that's all that counts.
Not at all. Of course they were ambitious. That's no secret.

But that's got nothing in the world to do with hot sauces and peppers, now does it.

Yes it does because that's why she made the claim. Do you know anybody else who talks about things like that?

People who seriously get into politics do it early on in most cases. It's their goal in life. Trump won't release his tax returns because it doesn't look as pretty as those of professional politicians. They make sure they file their taxes to the approval of the public view. Trump never had intentions to get into politics until the last minute, so he took every deduction legally coming to him, and probably was pretty cheap when it came to charity.

No doubt, on the last point. But Rump's been flirting with politics for thirty years. Put himself in a Presidential campaign back in 2000 --- when he abandoned it citing in part the presence in the party of David Duke, which sentiment completely wiped itself from his memory sixteen years later as he tried to pander back to that constituency. And that was before the Access Hollywood tape and before Stormy Daniels and all that as well.

Again, this has no bearing on somebody else's quarter-century of hot sauce fixation. Again, if (a) this were a quip out of left field that had no history behind it, AND if (b) there were such a thing as hot sauce as a black community icon, THEN there might be a point to this 'pandering' idea, and lord knows Hillary Clinton is no stranger to pandering. But neither of those IFs is the case. It's simply factual and this is hardly the first time she's mentioned it. What it is, is the first time some blogger wag tried to make an issue out of it despite that backgound.

It's kinda like Colin Kaepernick quietly sitting on the bench during the national anthem making no noise about it and nobody notices until some cameraman who's presumably supposed to be standing at attention picks him out and tries to milk a story out of it. And yet before the first photo there was no story on the same act.

It's manufactured outrage. It's synthehtic. Fake. It was always there and nobody tried to make it into a big deal until some idiot in need of attention pumped it up. What's depressing is that gullible audiences swallow it whole upon command, with nary a critical thought about whether the point is even a legitimate one. And there again is the TV mentality. Yes Master, may I have another image.... I see and obey...

As for the last half of the post too busy to quote about TV, sure you can do all that but you and whoever's with you is still hypnotized by and tuned in to ("concentrating on") your Telescreen Master --- which means you're all tuned OUT of the world of reality and of each other. It means each of you is individually making the effort ("concentrating") to isolate yourself as an individual cell, an obedient one passively taking in anything and everything the boob tube tells you, in lieu of human interaction. And that's where robots come from.

Why do you think they call it "programming"?

And yet you participate in internet blogs? WTF is the difference?

Really? You're gonna serve me a hanging curve like that?

The difference is this is interactive. It's two-way communication. You can take this post and contest it. I can take yours and do the same. We can do it now or we can do it later. You can also pick and choose what thread you want to participate in, as can everybody else. We have control over all of that. Television on the other hand tells you to "sit down, shut up, and ingest everything I feed you". Television is a monologue. All or nothing.

You hang 'em, I bang 'em. Socko.

We all need to get away from our four walls. It's why people watch movies, comedy, music...... You yourself admitted to watching sports. What's the difference? You get involved with a game that always has the same outcome: one team wins and the other loses. I don't care for sports for that reason. But I wouldn't dream about criticizing your interest; it's just it's not my interest, that's all.

I'm neither criticizing nor pushing "sports". I'm simply noting that a live sports event is about the only thing that television can even partially approach without its own inherent lying, and even then it loses the critical dimension of depth. Sports is simply the tool in that demonstration but the point is about the insidious nature of television -- not about sports.

We do all need to get away from our four walls, agreed. Generally I do that literally. We are a social animal that depends on social interactions, deprivation of which can be detrimental, emphasis on mental. And that's exactly what TV contributes to by plunking people into the same room and ensuring they can't interact with each other. It's the difference between watching a sports game on TV, and being in the stadium witnessing it in person -- only the latter comprises shared human interaction. The former is just two-dimensional opportunistic exploitative fakery.

This is also why I contend and will always contend that radio (audio in general) is a superior medium to television. Because it doesn't dominate the senses. It doesn't command that you sit down and shut up and ingest. You can walk around, do other things, ignore it, tune in and out, hold conversations, drive, whatever you like. The sound is there if you want it, i.e. offered, not demanded. And since it isn't dictating every scene of its two-dimensional context it allows imagination to flow, which television does not and can not. The listener can imagine what the announcer, or the actor, or the scene, looks like, whereas television dictates all that. And if you don't see how turning your senses over to a slave master that dictates what you should sense, I can't help you. Perhaps George Orwell can; he was prescient enough to see the insidiousity in 1949.
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No doubt, on the last point. But Rump's been flirting with politics for thirty years. Put himself in a Presidential campaign back in 2000 --- when he abandoned it citing in part the presence in the party of David Duke, which sentiment completely wiped itself from his memory sixteen years later as he tried to pander back to that constituency. And that was before the Access Hollywood tape and before Stormy Daniels and all that as well.

Again, this has no bearing on somebody else's quarter-century of hot sauce fixation. Again, if (a) this were a quip out of left field that had no history behind it, AND if (b) there were such a thing as hot sauce as a black community icon, THEN there might be a point to this 'pandering' idea, and lord knows Hillary Clinton is no stranger to pandering. But neither of those IFs is the case. It's simply factual and this is hardly the first time she's mentioned it. What it is, is the first time some blogger wag tried to make an issue out of it despite that backgound.

It's kinda like Colin Kaepernick quietly sitting on the bench during the national anthem making no noise about it and nobody notices until some cameraman who's presumably supposed to be standing at attention picks him out and tries to milk a story out of it. And yet before the first photo there was no story on the same act.

It's manufactured outrage. It's synthehtic. Fake. It was always there and nobody tried to make it into a big deal until some idiot in need of attention pumped it up. What's depressing is that gullible audiences swallow it whole upon command, with nary a critical thought about whether the point is even a legitimate one. And there again is the TV mentality. Yes Master, may I have another image.... I see and obey...

If nobody knew what Kaepernick was doing, of course they didn't care. If he murdered somebody before a game, nobody would care because nobody knew.

After people found out, they started to turn off the games. You should be thrilled with that.

Hillary was into politics nearly before she knew how to use the toilet herself. From Wiki biography:

She saw evidence of electoral fraud (such as voting list entries showing addresses that were empty lots) against Republican candidate Richard Nixon,[22] and later volunteered to campaign for Republican candidate Barry Goldwater in the U.S. presidential election of 1964.[23] Rodham's early political development was shaped most by her high school history teacher (like her father, a fervent anti-communist), who introduced her to Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative and by her Methodist youth minister (like her mother, concerned with issues of social justice), with whom she saw and afterwards briefly met, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. at a 1962 speech in Chicago's Orchestra Hall.[24]

From there she never stopped, so you can't tell me she had no intention of political calculations long before she was first lady.

Really? You're gonna serve me a hanging curve like that?

The difference is this is interactive. It's two-way communication. You can take this post and contest it. I can take yours and do the same. We can do it now or we can do it later. You can also pick and choose what thread you want to participate in, as can everybody else. We have control over all of that. Television on the other hand tells you to "sit down, shut up, and ingest everything I feed you". Television is a monologue. All or nothing.

You hang 'em, I bang 'em. Socko.

Oh, come on, like you have only one channel to watch? Most people have 200 to 500 channels they can select from. Like the internet, people choose what their interests are. There are plenty of times when I see a Socialist on televisions spew his or her hate, I just fast forward through the segment. People don't just sit there mindlessly watching television.

I'm neither criticizing nor pushing "sports". I'm simply noting that a live sports event is about the only thing that television can even partially approach without its own inherent lying, and even then it loses the critical dimension of depth. Sports is simply the tool in that demonstration but the point is about the insidious nature of television -- not about sports.

We do all need to get away from our four walls, agreed. Generally I do that literally. We are a social animal that depends on social interactions, deprivation of which can be detrimental, emphasis on mental. And that's exactly what TV contributes to by plunking people into the same room and ensuring they can't interact with each other. It's the difference between watching a sports game on TV, and being in the stadium witnessing it in person -- only the latter comprises shared human interaction. The former is just two-dimensional opportunistic exploitative fakery.

You don't have to interact with everything that entertains you. You watch movies or sports without interaction. The only difference between the internet and television is you can respond back. But that doesn't make the entertainment factor any different. Entertainment is in the eyes of the beholder. How many times do you go to FaceBook and just read what everybody else posts? I don't know about you, but my page is loaded with dog pictures and dog stories. How do I respond? Nice doggie?

To be totally honest, I spend about ten times more time on the internet that the television, but at times I grow tired of it and want to watch television. I don't want to interact with anybody. I just want to relax and watch people entertain me.
Hillary Clinton told a receptive audience over the weekend in India that while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

I'm not a Donald Trump supporter by a longshot, but I sincerely wish Hillary Clinton would shut her mouth. Her opinions are valueless, and her political future is non existent. Go away Hillary, no one cares about you anymore!

Hillary Clinton: US does 'not deserve' Trump - CNNPolitics

I wonder if feminists and liberals recognize Hillary Clinton is a woman's worst enemy equal breast cancer? Consider this assholes, Hillary is a woman (sort of) and ran on the woman card. You know, she represents women and all her opponents are womanizers, on the condition they're white male.

She lost, and since then she's played the victim role as she makes excuses 24/7. That's the definition of weakness and intellectual dishonesty.........................So if Hillary represents feminism, and certainly she does, what does that say for women? Then consider she surrounds herself with sex predators.
whenever she opens her flapper

remember this is what you are dealing with

Hillary Clinton mouthing... Bill getting mouthed...

That seems to be the way of the world.
Pretty sure 10 or 20 is not lots.

Pretty sure there's more than 10 or 20 on this board alone continually obsessed with her --- this thread being, again, the ready example and the hot pepper thread I linked, another one. And that's just from today.

Key phrase here is "want to hear what she has to say"....pay attention.

That's exactly what I just referenced. Why without USMB I not only would never have known Hillary Freaking Clinton has a thing for hot peppers, but I would have never heard of Ninja Squirrel hot sauce. The Partisan Hack Rhetorical Suicide Squad not only wanted to hear what she had to say, they scraped through months of obscure stories to bring them out here in hopes that someone somewhere would care.

If that ain't wanting to hear what she had to say, grits ain't groceries, eggs ain't poultry and Mona Lisa was a man.

Then you've got the level of the OP of this thread, whose problem seems to be not so much what she has to say but the fact that she says anything at all, which speaks volumes about the OP and which he has yet to address.
Then you weren't paying much attention during the campaign.

Nothing in the campaign, on any side, had anything to do with hot peppers.

I wasn't a Hillary supporter but even if I had been, a POTUS candidate is gonna need something a bit more tangible than good taste in peppers. It's irrelevant.
Of course it is, but you weren't paying attention:

Here's What Hot Sauce Hillary Clinton Keeps in Her Bag
Pretty sure there's more than 10 or 20 on this board alone continually obsessed with her --- this thread being, again, the ready example and the hot pepper thread I linked, another one. And that's just from today.

Key phrase here is "want to hear what she has to say"....pay attention.

That's exactly what I just referenced. Why without USMB I not only would never have known Hillary Freaking Clinton has a thing for hot peppers, but I would have never heard of Ninja Squirrel hot sauce. The Partisan Hack Rhetorical Suicide Squad not only wanted to hear what she had to say, they scraped through months of obscure stories to bring them out here in hopes that someone somewhere would care.

If that ain't wanting to hear what she had to say, grits ain't groceries, eggs ain't poultry and Mona Lisa was a man.

Then you've got the level of the OP of this thread, whose problem seems to be not so much what she has to say but the fact that she says anything at all, which speaks volumes about the OP and which he has yet to address.
Then you weren't paying much attention during the campaign.

Nothing in the campaign, on any side, had anything to do with hot peppers.

I wasn't a Hillary supporter but even if I had been, a POTUS candidate is gonna need something a bit more tangible than good taste in peppers. It's irrelevant.
Of course it is, but you weren't paying attention:

Here's What Hot Sauce Hillary Clinton Keeps in Her Bag

Actually I brought that article in several days ago. It was my source for the Sixty Minutes reference from ten years ago, the legacy going back to 1992 and how she kept 100 bottles of it in the White House. That article was in fact what I used to debunk Stuporgirl's whole bullshit thread, whereupon she ran away and hid and is still in hiding.

Way to keep up, Buzzo.

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