Hillary is mouthing off again

Hillary Clinton told a receptive audience over the weekend in India that while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

I'm not a Donald Trump supporter by a longshot, but I sincerely wish Hillary Clinton would shut her mouth. Her opinions are valueless, and her political future is non existent. Go away Hillary, no one cares about you anymore!

Hillary Clinton: US does 'not deserve' Trump - CNNPolitics
Hillary still scares the fuck out of you whiners.

No, but she should scare you, she can fuck up your midterms with this stupid shit.
Hillary Clinton told a receptive audience over the weekend in India that while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

I'm not a Donald Trump supporter by a longshot, but I sincerely wish Hillary Clinton would shut her mouth. Her opinions are valueless, and her political future is non existent. Go away Hillary, no one cares about you anymore!

Hillary Clinton: US does 'not deserve' Trump - CNNPolitics

Interesting --- so you believe in free speech for everyone except "Hillary"?

That's gotta be a lotta work.

while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

Well no shit. She's right but she's also stating the obvious.
Hillary Clinton told a receptive audience over the weekend in India that while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

I'm not a Donald Trump supporter by a longshot, but I sincerely wish Hillary Clinton would shut her mouth. Her opinions are valueless, and her political future is non existent. Go away Hillary, no one cares about you anymore!

Hillary Clinton: US does 'not deserve' Trump - CNNPolitics

Interesting --- so you believe in free speech for everyone except "Hillary"?

That's gotta be a lotta work.

while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

Well no shit. She's right but she's also stating the obvious.

Free speech does not mean that what her highness says is immune from criticism.. Her critics also have the right to free speech. I thought everyone knew that.

I agree with BILL718. I wish she would just shut her mouth and go away but I know my dreams will never come true. The First Amendment, which I believe in, grants freedom of speech to each and every one of us including corrupt, dishonest, overbearing, manipulative dolts like Hillary Clinton.

She has the absolute right to express her opinion and I have the equivalent right to criticize what she says including the right to say I wish she would shut her mouth and fade quietly into the sunset. Her words are divisive and hateful but she is allowed to utter them. As for me I wish she would stop peddling her garbage on a global or national scale.
"at this point, Hillary has insulted more American than Trump. and that is a very high bar" - Wacky Jesse Watters
Hillary Clinton told a receptive audience over the weekend in India that while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

I'm not a Donald Trump supporter by a longshot, but I sincerely wish Hillary Clinton would shut her mouth. Her opinions are valueless, and her political future is non existent. Go away Hillary, no one cares about you anymore!

Hillary Clinton: US does 'not deserve' Trump - CNNPolitics

Interesting --- so you believe in free speech for everyone except "Hillary"?

That's gotta be a lotta work.

while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

Well no shit. She's right but she's also stating the obvious.
Hillary Clinton told a receptive audience over the weekend in India that while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

I'm not a Donald Trump supporter by a longshot, but I sincerely wish Hillary Clinton would shut her mouth. Her opinions are valueless, and her political future is non existent. Go away Hillary, no one cares about you anymore!

Hillary Clinton: US does 'not deserve' Trump - CNNPolitics

Interesting --- so you believe in free speech for everyone except "Hillary"?

That's gotta be a lotta work.

while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

Well no shit. She's right but she's also stating the obvious.

Free speech does not mean that what her highness says is immune from criticism..

Never implied it does. I'm questioning the OP's proposal that this one person -- or anybody -- should not be able to speak at all. No reason to make it more complex than it is.

I believe that's why he ran away. Couldn't think of an answer. Apparently OP never heard of the old adage, "change the channel".
The freaking Pentagod got caught pimping these fake patriotism displays at pro sports events that set all this up in the first place. Without that scandal, there is no exercise for Colin Kaepernick to sit out in the first place.

This is why I deliberately spell it 'Pentagod'. You seem to want to lick its feet when it pimps this bullshit. That's your Double Standard --- when the Pentagod plunks politics into a sporting event you get all 'yes Master', yet when some players react to it you hit the roof. Having it both ways.

Wait a minute, the Pentagon is responsible for fake patriotism? What fake patriotism? WTF are you even talking about?

There is only one reason those clowns were kneeling, and it had nothing to do with the Pentagon. It had to do with disrespecting our police and country.

Oh fucking bullshit. I disrespect the idea of mob mentality that's what I disrespect. I disrespect lockstep obsequiousness. I disrespect people bending over to be zombies just because some PA announcer or some politician tells them to. ANY time anybody implores "everybody" to commit to some mob action your hackles should IMMEDIATELY go up. Don't be a god damn sheep and don't be a hypocrite ---- if it's wrong for a football player to make a political gesture on the field, then it's EQUALLY wrong for the Pentagod to do the same thing.

As for that insane flag worship, I don't do idolatry or fetishism. That's way too kinky. So that's a non-starter. Nobody's going to coerce me into fetishism.

Standing up and showing respect for our flag is mob mentality? Fetishism? Guess what? It wasn't the announcers idea for the Anthem or flag. It's been going on long before he became an announcer.

It's a real shame when you live in a country that does so much for you and asks so little in return. It's not a wonder why we are more and more of a divided country every year, and will be even more divided in the future.
Playing the Anthem at sporting events is a tradition well over 100 years old. It wasn't until nine years ago when they had the NFL players enter the field before the Anthem.

You are born in the greatest country on earth. You became a millionaire playing a child's game. Is it too much to ask that you respect our flag and country for one minute?

Okay, so what are the protesting? They are protesting their ignorance of the law. They now turned football into a platform for race discrepancies. If a police officer does something illegal, they are brought to justice. If they are found to be in compliance with the law, they don't face any disciplinary actions, and that's what these big stupid jocks are protesting.

We don't live in the jungle. We live in a civilized society. We don't lock people up for something some may not like. We have laws in this country that we all abide by.
Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and Holder, sent out the word that police ae being brutal against blacks, and that America is racist and oppressive to blacks. The jocks fall for it. They're just really stupid, that's all. And why would they know anything ?

They went to college, got super high paying jobs (just for playing a kid's game), and didn't serve in the military either. They're young, spoiled, they've been nowhere, they've done nothing, they know nothing.
Wait a minute, the Pentagon is responsible for fake patriotism? What fake patriotism? WTF are you even talking about?

Sigh. Really? REALLY? We're gonna do this yet again?

Where was the "boycott NFL" movement during the paid patirotism scandal?

Once AGAIN -- if the Pentablob and its henchmen don't start fucking with sports events as a free avenue to a captive audience so it can sell Jingoism, then there's nothing to trot the players out to be marionettes for in a bullshit charade, and hence nothing for Colin Kaepernick, or anybody else, to sit out.

Ain't friggin' rocket surgery.

There is only one reason those clowns were kneeling, and it had nothing to do with the Pentagon. It had to do with disrespecting our police and country.

But good luck in your new career of speaking for people you've never met.

Standing up and showing respect for our flag is mob mentality? Fetishism? Guess what? It wasn't the announcers idea for the Anthem or flag. It's been going on long before he became an announcer.

Yep, it's fetishism. And when everybody does it it's mob mentality.
Perhaps you need to look up those terms to see what they mean. A I said --- I don't do idolatry.

It's a real shame when you live in a country that does so much for you and asks so little in return. It's not a wonder why we are more and more of a divided country every year, and will be even more divided in the future.

Once AGAIN avoiding the simple fact that the jingoist bullshit got put in there FIRST. And you can't come up with any good reason for that. And the reason you can't is that there isn't one. It's just another exercise in mass control. First you make a deity out of a piece of cloth -- that's the idol. Then you try to use that to shame the masses into whatever hoops you'd like them to jump through, on pain of 'how dare you offend the Great God Flag". Pfffft.

And that's why I don't buy the idolatry in the first place.
Playing the Anthem at sporting events is a tradition well over 100 years old. It wasn't until nine years ago when they had the NFL players enter the field before the Anthem.

You are born in the greatest country on earth. You became a millionaire playing a child's game. Is it too much to ask that you respect our flag and country for one minute?

Okay, so what are the protesting? They are protesting their ignorance of the law. They now turned football into a platform for race discrepancies. If a police officer does something illegal, they are brought to justice. If they are found to be in compliance with the law, they don't face any disciplinary actions, and that's what these big stupid jocks are protesting.

We don't live in the jungle. We live in a civilized society. We don't lock people up for something some may not like. We have laws in this country that we all abide by.
Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and Holder, sent out the word that police ae being brutal against blacks, and that America is racist and oppressive to blacks. The jocks fall for it. They're just really stupid, that's all. And why would they know anything ?

They went to college, got super high paying jobs (just for playing a kid's game), and didn't serve in the military either. They're young, spoiled, they've been nowhere, they've done nothing, they know nothing.

The media is the biggest player in all this. We have a serious problem in this country with mind control by the media.

All police shootings and so-called brutality have one thing in common: the suspect didn't obey orders of the police. That's all. The solution to their problem is to just obey everything commanded by a police officer, and nobody gets shot or hurt. Too much to ask for from a liberal.

So instead, riot, burn down your town, execute police officers harmlessly sitting in a diner or their car, destroy public and private property, and yes, even kneel during the anthem. None of these actions will address their concerns, it's just that the easy way out is too easy for them.
Playing the Anthem at sporting events is a tradition well over 100 years old. It wasn't until nine years ago when they had the NFL players enter the field before the Anthem.

You are born in the greatest country on earth. You became a millionaire playing a child's game. Is it too much to ask that you respect our flag and country for one minute?

Okay, so what are the protesting? They are protesting their ignorance of the law. They now turned football into a platform for race discrepancies. If a police officer does something illegal, they are brought to justice. If they are found to be in compliance with the law, they don't face any disciplinary actions, and that's what these big stupid jocks are protesting.

We don't live in the jungle. We live in a civilized society. We don't lock people up for something some may not like. We have laws in this country that we all abide by.
Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and Holder, sent out the word that police ae being brutal against blacks, and that America is racist and oppressive to blacks. The jocks fall for it. They're just really stupid, that's all. And why would they know anything ?

They went to college, got super high paying jobs (just for playing a kid's game), and didn't serve in the military either. They're young, spoiled, they've been nowhere, they've done nothing, they know nothing.

The media is the biggest player in all this. We have a serious problem in this country with mind control by the media.

All police shootings and so-called brutality have one thing in common: the suspect didn't obey orders of the police. That's all. The solution to their problem is to just obey everything commanded by a police officer, and nobody gets shot or hurt. Too much to ask for from a liberal.

So instead, riot, burn down your town, execute police officers harmlessly sitting in a diner or their car, destroy public and private property, and yes, even kneel during the anthem. None of these actions will address their concerns, it's just that the easy way out is too easy for them.

---- and there it is again: "the suspect didn't obey orders". Always all about "obey obey obey".

Spineless obsequiousness is rampant.

i'd love to see Pogo's response!
Playing the Anthem at sporting events is a tradition well over 100 years old. It wasn't until nine years ago when they had the NFL players enter the field before the Anthem.

You are born in the greatest country on earth. You became a millionaire playing a child's game. Is it too much to ask that you respect our flag and country for one minute?

Okay, so what are the protesting? They are protesting their ignorance of the law. They now turned football into a platform for race discrepancies. If a police officer does something illegal, they are brought to justice. If they are found to be in compliance with the law, they don't face any disciplinary actions, and that's what these big stupid jocks are protesting.

We don't live in the jungle. We live in a civilized society. We don't lock people up for something some may not like. We have laws in this country that we all abide by.
Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and Holder, sent out the word that police ae being brutal against blacks, and that America is racist and oppressive to blacks. The jocks fall for it. They're just really stupid, that's all. And why would they know anything ?

They went to college, got super high paying jobs (just for playing a kid's game), and didn't serve in the military either. They're young, spoiled, they've been nowhere, they've done nothing, they know nothing.

The media is the biggest player in all this. We have a serious problem in this country with mind control by the media.

All police shootings and so-called brutality have one thing in common: the suspect didn't obey orders of the police. That's all. The solution to their problem is to just obey everything commanded by a police officer, and nobody gets shot or hurt. Too much to ask for from a liberal.

So instead, riot, burn down your town, execute police officers harmlessly sitting in a diner or their car, destroy public and private property, and yes, even kneel during the anthem. None of these actions will address their concerns, it's just that the easy way out is too easy for them.

---- and there it is again: "the suspect didn't obey orders". Always all about "obey obey obey".

Spineless obsequiousness is rampant.

Yes, obey his orders. Not that hard. That's what we do in a civilized society.
Playing the Anthem at sporting events is a tradition well over 100 years old. It wasn't until nine years ago when they had the NFL players enter the field before the Anthem.

You are born in the greatest country on earth. You became a millionaire playing a child's game. Is it too much to ask that you respect our flag and country for one minute?

Okay, so what are the protesting? They are protesting their ignorance of the law. They now turned football into a platform for race discrepancies. If a police officer does something illegal, they are brought to justice. If they are found to be in compliance with the law, they don't face any disciplinary actions, and that's what these big stupid jocks are protesting.

We don't live in the jungle. We live in a civilized society. We don't lock people up for something some may not like. We have laws in this country that we all abide by.
Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and Holder, sent out the word that police ae being brutal against blacks, and that America is racist and oppressive to blacks. The jocks fall for it. They're just really stupid, that's all. And why would they know anything ?

They went to college, got super high paying jobs (just for playing a kid's game), and didn't serve in the military either. They're young, spoiled, they've been nowhere, they've done nothing, they know nothing.

The media is the biggest player in all this. We have a serious problem in this country with mind control by the media.

All police shootings and so-called brutality have one thing in common: the suspect didn't obey orders of the police. That's all. The solution to their problem is to just obey everything commanded by a police officer, and nobody gets shot or hurt. Too much to ask for from a liberal.

So instead, riot, burn down your town, execute police officers harmlessly sitting in a diner or their car, destroy public and private property, and yes, even kneel during the anthem. None of these actions will address their concerns, it's just that the easy way out is too easy for them.

I disagree with some of what you say but certainly not everything.

The police cannot use deadly force against a suspect just because the suspect fails to follow instructions. Police can use deadly force only to prevent death or serious bodily injury to themselves or an innocent third party or to effect the arrest or prevent the escape of a dangerous felon. A dangerous felon is described as someone who has either inflicted or threatened to inflict death or serious bodily injury.

The leading case regarding when the police may use deadly force to prevent the escape of a suspect is Tennessee v. Garner. In this case the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) reviewed a Tennessee law which allowed the police to use deadly force to prevent the escape of non-dangerous suspects The particular case involved a man who was suspected of burglarizing a home. The following are the relevant portions of the SCOTUS decision:

“The Tennessee statute is unconstitutional insofar as it authorizes the use of deadly force against, as in this case, an apparently unarmed, nondangerous fleeing suspect; such force may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.”

“While burglary is a serious crime, the officer in this case could not reasonably have believed that the suspect - young, slight, and unarmed - posed any threat. Nor does the fact that an unarmed suspect has broken into a dwelling at night automatically mean he is dangerous.”.

“The use of deadly force to prevent the escape of all felony suspects, whatever the circumstances, is constitutionally unreasonable. It is not better that all felony suspects die than that they escape. Where the suspect poses no immediate threat to the officer and no threat to others, the harm resulting from failing to apprehend him does not justify the use of deadly force to do so. It is no doubt unfortunate when a suspect who is in sight escapes, but the fact that the police arrive a little late or are a little slower afoot does not always justify killing the suspect. A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead. The Tennessee statute is unconstitutional insofar as it authorizes the use of deadly force against such fleeing suspects.”

FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

The fairly recent case of officer Michael Slager should serve as an example. On April 4, 2015, 50-year old Walter Scott was pulled over by Officer Slager for a broken tail light. There is no video of the initial encounter between Slager and Scott, but it was reported that Scott offered resistance and there was a minor scuffle between the two (neither Slager or Scott had any visible injuries). When Slager pulled out his taser Scott managed to wrestle it away from him. It was also reported that Scott fired the taser at Slager but missed. There was a video taken by an observer but it begins showing Scott running away from the scene and Slager shooting him in the back.

As I pointed out in a previous post, Scott was not a dangerous felon by any stretch of the imagination. A scuffle with a policeman certainly does not make Scott a dangerous felon. An attempt to tase the officer certainly does not qualify because a taser is not considered a dangerous weapon and is routinely used in situations where deadly force would not be allowed. In fact, many people have volunteered to be tased just to know what it feels like.

Scott was tried for murder but there was a hung jury with only one juror voting for acquittal. Scott got the message and accepted a 20-year sentence rather that take his chances with another jury.

By the way, here's a video showing a man pleading for his life and desperately trying to follow an officer's confusing instructions but is killed anyway:

Video shows Arizona man sobbing, begging for his life before fatal police shooting

A jury found the officer, Philip Brailsford, innocent although I can't for the life of me figure out how. The officer is being sued and I hope a civil court jury has better judgment. It appears the officer had a previous well-documented use of excessive force but I doubt this was allowed into evidence at his criminal trial.

Cop who killed Daniel Shaver had a history of excessive force, video shows

CONCLUSION: Police do not have the right to use deadly force just because a suspect fails to follow instructions. Sometimes police shoot those who try their best to follow instructions. The man shot by Officer Brailsford appeared to be afraid, confused and complaint. Hell, I'm 78 years old and I could have cuffed the man without killing him. He was on the ground, face down with his arms stretched out in front of him. All Brailsford had to do was walk up to the man, get him to put his hands behind him and cuff him. There was at least one other officer present along with Brailsford so taking the man into custody should not have been a problem.

There are other shootings which were completely justified but were portrayed in the media as being racially motivated. Some Blacks believed the media and went on a rampage. The media should have expected this so they have blood on their hands. Even if a police shooting was unjustified that does not justify a violent response against others and their property. Any Black person who kills an innocent cop because they believe another officer killed a Black suspect without just cause is a worthless POS, the worst kind of criminal and dumb as a rock. I suppose that if a Black man raped my daughter, I could wait for an innocent Black worker who just put in a 14-hour shift and is going home to his family for a quick meal and some sack time and put a bullet in his head. It doesn't matter who I kill as long as I kill somebody to get a message across or just to make me feel better, right?

Damn, this world is getting crazier by the minute.
Playing the Anthem at sporting events is a tradition well over 100 years old. It wasn't until nine years ago when they had the NFL players enter the field before the Anthem.

You are born in the greatest country on earth. You became a millionaire playing a child's game. Is it too much to ask that you respect our flag and country for one minute?

Okay, so what are the protesting? They are protesting their ignorance of the law. They now turned football into a platform for race discrepancies. If a police officer does something illegal, they are brought to justice. If they are found to be in compliance with the law, they don't face any disciplinary actions, and that's what these big stupid jocks are protesting.

We don't live in the jungle. We live in a civilized society. We don't lock people up for something some may not like. We have laws in this country that we all abide by.
Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and Holder, sent out the word that police ae being brutal against blacks, and that America is racist and oppressive to blacks. The jocks fall for it. They're just really stupid, that's all. And why would they know anything ?

They went to college, got super high paying jobs (just for playing a kid's game), and didn't serve in the military either. They're young, spoiled, they've been nowhere, they've done nothing, they know nothing.

The media is the biggest player in all this. We have a serious problem in this country with mind control by the media.

All police shootings and so-called brutality have one thing in common: the suspect didn't obey orders of the police. That's all. The solution to their problem is to just obey everything commanded by a police officer, and nobody gets shot or hurt. Too much to ask for from a liberal.

So instead, riot, burn down your town, execute police officers harmlessly sitting in a diner or their car, destroy public and private property, and yes, even kneel during the anthem. None of these actions will address their concerns, it's just that the easy way out is too easy for them.

---- and there it is again: "the suspect didn't obey orders". Always all about "obey obey obey".

Spineless obsequiousness is rampant.

Yes, obey his orders. Not that hard. That's what we do in a civilized society.

Actually it's what drones do in a robotic authoritarian society.

And the whole lockstep jingoism exercise at the sporting event is where it starts. That, and the fetish prayer idolatry in the schoolroom. Once you get the masses bending over any time you say 'boo' and you know they won't question it, you have free rein. And to help get you there you have the universal hypnotist of Television to keep them lobotomized. Nice and docile and pliant. And when you see your marks going out to buy inverted bathtubs and calling them "SUVs", you know you've reached the point where you can suggest anything, and they'll do it.

This thread's another example of the same mentality --- an OP who wants a voice that sounds like it's challenging Authority literally shut down. Even the colloquialism in his thread title -- "mouthing off" --- sounds like a cop about to bust some heads because he doesn't like what those heads are saying.
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Actually it's what drones do in a robotic authoritarian society.

No, that's what respectable citizens do in a civilized society. Yes, in a civilized society we have a pecking order of authority. We don't take matters into our own hands when it comes to confrontation. We hire police and we the people GIVE THEM THAT AUTHORITY to enforce the laws our representatives create.

Police officers represent the people......at least the good people. Because of that, they deserve our respect and cooperation.
Playing the Anthem at sporting events is a tradition well over 100 years old. It wasn't until nine years ago when they had the NFL players enter the field before the Anthem.

You are born in the greatest country on earth. You became a millionaire playing a child's game. Is it too much to ask that you respect our flag and country for one minute?

Okay, so what are the protesting? They are protesting their ignorance of the law. They now turned football into a platform for race discrepancies. If a police officer does something illegal, they are brought to justice. If they are found to be in compliance with the law, they don't face any disciplinary actions, and that's what these big stupid jocks are protesting.

We don't live in the jungle. We live in a civilized society. We don't lock people up for something some may not like. We have laws in this country that we all abide by.
Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and Holder, sent out the word that police ae being brutal against blacks, and that America is racist and oppressive to blacks. The jocks fall for it. They're just really stupid, that's all. And why would they know anything ?

They went to college, got super high paying jobs (just for playing a kid's game), and didn't serve in the military either. They're young, spoiled, they've been nowhere, they've done nothing, they know nothing.

The media is the biggest player in all this. We have a serious problem in this country with mind control by the media.

All police shootings and so-called brutality have one thing in common: the suspect didn't obey orders of the police. That's all. The solution to their problem is to just obey everything commanded by a police officer, and nobody gets shot or hurt. Too much to ask for from a liberal.

So instead, riot, burn down your town, execute police officers harmlessly sitting in a diner or their car, destroy public and private property, and yes, even kneel during the anthem. None of these actions will address their concerns, it's just that the easy way out is too easy for them.

I disagree with some of what you say but certainly not everything.

The police cannot use deadly force against a suspect just because the suspect fails to follow instructions. Police can use deadly force only to prevent death or serious bodily injury to themselves or an innocent third party or to effect the arrest or prevent the escape of a dangerous felon. A dangerous felon is described as someone who has either inflicted or threatened to inflict death or serious bodily injury.

The leading case regarding when the police may use deadly force to prevent the escape of a suspect is Tennessee v. Garner. In this case the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) reviewed a Tennessee law which allowed the police to use deadly force to prevent the escape of non-dangerous suspects The particular case involved a man who was suspected of burglarizing a home. The following are the relevant portions of the SCOTUS decision:

“The Tennessee statute is unconstitutional insofar as it authorizes the use of deadly force against, as in this case, an apparently unarmed, nondangerous fleeing suspect; such force may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.”

“While burglary is a serious crime, the officer in this case could not reasonably have believed that the suspect - young, slight, and unarmed - posed any threat. Nor does the fact that an unarmed suspect has broken into a dwelling at night automatically mean he is dangerous.”.

“The use of deadly force to prevent the escape of all felony suspects, whatever the circumstances, is constitutionally unreasonable. It is not better that all felony suspects die than that they escape. Where the suspect poses no immediate threat to the officer and no threat to others, the harm resulting from failing to apprehend him does not justify the use of deadly force to do so. It is no doubt unfortunate when a suspect who is in sight escapes, but the fact that the police arrive a little late or are a little slower afoot does not always justify killing the suspect. A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead. The Tennessee statute is unconstitutional insofar as it authorizes the use of deadly force against such fleeing suspects.”

FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

The fairly recent case of officer Michael Slager should serve as an example. On April 4, 2015, 50-year old Walter Scott was pulled over by Officer Slager for a broken tail light. There is no video of the initial encounter between Slager and Scott, but it was reported that Scott offered resistance and there was a minor scuffle between the two (neither Slager or Scott had any visible injuries). When Slager pulled out his taser Scott managed to wrestle it away from him. It was also reported that Scott fired the taser at Slager but missed. There was a video taken by an observer but it begins showing Scott running away from the scene and Slager shooting him in the back.

As I pointed out in a previous post, Scott was not a dangerous felon by any stretch of the imagination. A scuffle with a policeman certainly does not make Scott a dangerous felon. An attempt to tase the officer certainly does not qualify because a taser is not considered a dangerous weapon and is routinely used in situations where deadly force would not be allowed. In fact, many people have volunteered to be tased just to know what it feels like.

Scott was tried for murder but there was a hung jury with only one juror voting for acquittal. Scott got the message and accepted a 20-year sentence rather that take his chances with another jury.

By the way, here's a video showing a man pleading for his life and desperately trying to follow an officer's confusing instructions but is killed anyway:

Video shows Arizona man sobbing, begging for his life before fatal police shooting

A jury found the officer, Philip Brailsford, innocent although I can't for the life of me figure out how. The officer is being sued and I hope a civil court jury has better judgment. It appears the officer had a previous well-documented use of excessive force but I doubt this was allowed into evidence at his criminal trial.

Cop who killed Daniel Shaver had a history of excessive force, video shows

CONCLUSION: Police do not have the right to use deadly force just because a suspect fails to follow instructions. Sometimes police shoot those who try their best to follow instructions. The man shot by Officer Brailsford appeared to be afraid, confused and complaint. Hell, I'm 78 years old and I could have cuffed the man without killing him. He was on the ground, face down with his arms stretched out in front of him. All Brailsford had to do was walk up to the man, get him to put his hands behind him and cuff him. There was at least one other officer present along with Brailsford so taking the man into custody should not have been a problem.

There are other shootings which were completely justified but were portrayed in the media as being racially motivated. Some Blacks believed the media and went on a rampage. The media should have expected this so they have blood on their hands. Even if a police shooting was unjustified that does not justify a violent response against others and their property. Any Black person who kills an innocent cop because they believe another officer killed a Black suspect without just cause is a worthless POS, the worst kind of criminal and dumb as a rock. I suppose that if a Black man raped my daughter, I could wait for an innocent Black worker who just put in a 14-hour shift and is going home to his family for a quick meal and some sack time and put a bullet in his head. It doesn't matter who I kill as long as I kill somebody to get a message across or just to make me feel better, right?

Damn, this world is getting crazier by the minute.

Okay, now lets take some hypotheticals in the situations you outlined.

If you ever watch the show COPS, you will see criminals acting out a part. They lie, they cry, they claim injuries when you know damn well they are not injured at all just to try and get out of trouble or going to jail.

I've seen the video of the man crying. While I admit it's pretty convincing, what if it was all an act?

The officer told the subject several times DO NOT PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK! He did so several times. Now if you're a police officer, you might think "wait a minute, he's trying to get his hand behind him for some reason!" If I remember correctly, the officer explicitly stated he will shoot to protect himself if the subject put his hands behind his back one more time. And he did.

In the other situation, if you attack a police officer, he is in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. A taser paralyzes a person. That means if a criminal uses one on an officer, he could easily disarm the officer and use his very own gun on him. I would constitute that as a possible deadly situation. He attacked the police officer and the officer has every right to defend himself and the public. If a guy is crazy or desperate enough to attack an officer, it's only a stones throw away that he is capable of killing that officer.

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