Hillary is mouthing off again

whenever she opens her flapper

remember this is what you are dealing with


One f these days there won't be any white men there to catch her.
She lost, and since then she's played the victim role as she makes excuses 24/7. That's the definition of weakness and intellectual dishonesty.........................

Ah yes, like her claim that "three million illegals voted"? Like her countless claims of voter fraud in (fill in state name here) none of which have a shred of evidence? Like claiming she got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan? Like her whining that the election was "rigged", that she would only accept the election results if she won, and if she didn't she promised there would be "riots"?

Oh wait, that was Rump. Still is too.
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If nobody knew what Kaepernick was doing, of course they didn't care. If he murdered somebody before a game, nobody would care because nobody knew.

After people found out, they started to turn off the games. You should be thrilled with that.

Bulll Fucking Shit. They did no such thing. Football TV ratings had already been going down --- as had baseball, basketball, hockey and even NASCAR, and all for the same reason --- people cutting the cable. That trend has been going down for years. I'm one of them too.

The old truism still holds, there's no such thing as bad publicity. "Ratings" have nothing to do with "assent" They have only to do with ATTENTION. And "attention" is a neutral. A tractor trailer jackknifed and spewing smoke in the highway will get "attention" --- that doesn't mean drivers "approve of" the idea of tractor trailers jackknifed and spewing smoke in the highway. This imaginary cause-and-effect bullshit is exactly that ---wishful thinking. Furthermore you're posting from a city whose football team LITERALLY went 0 and 16 so spare me the bullshit.

Hillary was into politics nearly before she knew how to use the toilet herself. From Wiki biography:

She saw evidence of electoral fraud (such as voting list entries showing addresses that were empty lots) against Republican candidate Richard Nixon,[22] and later volunteered to campaign for Republican candidate Barry Goldwater in the U.S. presidential election of 1964.[23] Rodham's early political development was shaped most by her high school history teacher (like her father, a fervent anti-communist), who introduced her to Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative and by her Methodist youth minister (like her mother, concerned with issues of social justice), with whom she saw and afterwards briefly met, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. at a 1962 speech in Chicago's Orchestra Hall.[24]

From there she never stopped, so you can't tell me she had no intention of political calculations long before she was first lady.

None of that has jack squat to do with hot sauce or whether its presence is a real thing. Nobody has ever disputed that Hillary was ambitious. That's completely irrelevant.
Key phrase here is "want to hear what she has to say"....pay attention.

That's exactly what I just referenced. Why without USMB I not only would never have known Hillary Freaking Clinton has a thing for hot peppers, but I would have never heard of Ninja Squirrel hot sauce. The Partisan Hack Rhetorical Suicide Squad not only wanted to hear what she had to say, they scraped through months of obscure stories to bring them out here in hopes that someone somewhere would care.

If that ain't wanting to hear what she had to say, grits ain't groceries, eggs ain't poultry and Mona Lisa was a man.

Then you've got the level of the OP of this thread, whose problem seems to be not so much what she has to say but the fact that she says anything at all, which speaks volumes about the OP and which he has yet to address.
Then you weren't paying much attention during the campaign.

Nothing in the campaign, on any side, had anything to do with hot peppers.

I wasn't a Hillary supporter but even if I had been, a POTUS candidate is gonna need something a bit more tangible than good taste in peppers. It's irrelevant.
Of course it is, but you weren't paying attention:

Here's What Hot Sauce Hillary Clinton Keeps in Her Bag

Actually I brought that article in several days ago. It was my source for the Sixty Minutes reference from ten years ago, the legacy going back to 1992 and how she kept 100 bottles of it in the White House. That article was in fact what I used to debunk Stuporgirl's whole bullshit thread, whereupon she ran away and hid and is still in hiding.

Way to keep up, Buzzo.
I pay no attention to specific posters because none of them are important enough to spend the energy on. I do find it interesting, however, that, in your own words, "without USMB I not only would never have known Hillary Freaking Clinton has a thing for hot peppers, but I would have never heard of Ninja Squirrel hot sauce".
That's exactly what I just referenced. Why without USMB I not only would never have known Hillary Freaking Clinton has a thing for hot peppers, but I would have never heard of Ninja Squirrel hot sauce. The Partisan Hack Rhetorical Suicide Squad not only wanted to hear what she had to say, they scraped through months of obscure stories to bring them out here in hopes that someone somewhere would care.

If that ain't wanting to hear what she had to say, grits ain't groceries, eggs ain't poultry and Mona Lisa was a man.

Then you've got the level of the OP of this thread, whose problem seems to be not so much what she has to say but the fact that she says anything at all, which speaks volumes about the OP and which he has yet to address.
Then you weren't paying much attention during the campaign.

Nothing in the campaign, on any side, had anything to do with hot peppers.

I wasn't a Hillary supporter but even if I had been, a POTUS candidate is gonna need something a bit more tangible than good taste in peppers. It's irrelevant.
Of course it is, but you weren't paying attention:

Here's What Hot Sauce Hillary Clinton Keeps in Her Bag

Actually I brought that article in several days ago. It was my source for the Sixty Minutes reference from ten years ago, the legacy going back to 1992 and how she kept 100 bottles of it in the White House. That article was in fact what I used to debunk Stuporgirl's whole bullshit thread, whereupon she ran away and hid and is still in hiding.

Way to keep up, Buzzo.
I pay no attention to specific posters because none of them are important enough to spend the energy on. I do find it interesting, however, that, in your own words, "without USMB I not only would never have known Hillary Freaking Clinton has a thing for hot peppers, but I would have never heard of Ninja Squirrel hot sauce".

That's absolutely true, not that it's at all useful information. I'm not a fan of Sriracha. Or of Ho Foods.
Bulll Fucking Shit. They did no such thing. Football TV ratings had already been going down --- as had baseball, basketball, hockey and even NASCAR, and all for the same reason --- people cutting the cable. That trend has been going down for years. I'm one of them too.

The old truism still holds, there's no such thing as bad publicity. "Ratings" have nothing to do with "assent" They have only to do with ATTENTION. And "attention" is a neutral. A tractor trailer jackknifed and spewing smoke in the highway will get "attention" --- that doesn't mean drivers "approve of" the idea of tractor trailers jackknifed and spewing smoke in the highway. This imaginary cause-and-effect bullshit is exactly that ---wishful thinking. Furthermore you're posting from a city whose football team LITERALLY went 0 and 16 so spare me the bullshit.

Maybe, but one thing I'll say about Browns fans, they are loyal. Even with all the losing years they've had, they still pack the stadium most of the season. Not this year.

Football is becoming more sissified every year and has been at least the last five. This kneeling BS is only putting gasoline on the fire. For instance, one of my coworkers is a retired Cleveland police officer. He was also a diehard Browns and NFL fan. After this kneeling started, he said football is forbidden in his home. He even told friends and family. You want to stop by for a visit, fine, but no football on his television set. His wife was more outraged than him. Who can blame her? All the times police got involved in a shootout with criminals and she's at home praying nothing happens to her husband. Then these jokers protest the police.

Here is the thing: when anybody in entertainment takes a political stance, they piss off their audience. About one-third of their audience agrees with their opinion, another third could care less either way. They are only there to watch a game or see a concert. The other third are offended. It's just the stupidest thing anybody could do.
Here is the thing: when anybody in entertainment takes a political stance, they piss off their audience. About one-third of their audience agrees with their opinion, another third could care less either way. They are only there to watch a game or see a concert. The other third are offended. It's just the stupidest thing anybody could do.

Then the Pentagon should have considered that point before it started pimping fake patriotism displays that brought the national anthem out there in the first place, shouldn't they have.

Far as I know btw, the NFL is the only major sport that got that pimp money who sent it back. Which was the right thing to do. Yet here you are whining about it. Boggles the mind.
Here is the thing: when anybody in entertainment takes a political stance, they piss off their audience. About one-third of their audience agrees with their opinion, another third could care less either way. They are only there to watch a game or see a concert. The other third are offended. It's just the stupidest thing anybody could do.

Then the Pentagon should have considered that point before it started pimping fake patriotism displays that brought the national anthem out there in the first place, shouldn't they have.

Far as I know btw, the NFL is the only major sport that got that pimp money who sent it back. Which was the right thing to do. Yet here you are whining about it. Boggles the mind.

When did I whine about money? I never said anything about it.

The only point I make is that when you do something to offend some people, they are likely going to respond.
Here is the thing: when anybody in entertainment takes a political stance, they piss off their audience. About one-third of their audience agrees with their opinion, another third could care less either way. They are only there to watch a game or see a concert. The other third are offended. It's just the stupidest thing anybody could do.

Then the Pentagon should have considered that point before it started pimping fake patriotism displays that brought the national anthem out there in the first place, shouldn't they have.

Far as I know btw, the NFL is the only major sport that got that pimp money who sent it back. Which was the right thing to do. Yet here you are whining about it. Boggles the mind.

When did I whine about money? I never said anything about it.

The only point I make is that when you do something to offend some people, they are likely going to respond.

No, you're whining about politics being injected into sports. And I'm whining along with you. The only difference is that I'm looking at where it actually started and you're looking at a convenient entry point after it was already underway. In other words you're cherrypicking.

You could ask, and I think it's a fair paraphrase, what does protesting police brutality have to do with a sporting event? And that would be a valid question deserving a valid answer, including "nothing". In the same way I'm asking what does trotting out players for a friggin' national anthem have to do with the same sporting event? And I'm seeing the same answer. But this is not a chicken-or-egg question as it's clear which came first. Had athletes not been trotted out like so many marionettes to sell an image, there would be no such image to sit out in the first place.
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Here is the thing: when anybody in entertainment takes a political stance, they piss off their audience. About one-third of their audience agrees with their opinion, another third could care less either way. They are only there to watch a game or see a concert. The other third are offended. It's just the stupidest thing anybody could do.

Then the Pentagon should have considered that point before it started pimping fake patriotism displays that brought the national anthem out there in the first place, shouldn't they have.

Far as I know btw, the NFL is the only major sport that got that pimp money who sent it back. Which was the right thing to do. Yet here you are whining about it. Boggles the mind.

When did I whine about money? I never said anything about it.

The only point I make is that when you do something to offend some people, they are likely going to respond.

No, you're whining about politics being injected into sports. And I'm whining along with you. The only difference is that I'm looking at where it actually started and you're looking at a convenient entry point after it was already underway. In other words you're cherrypicking.

You could ask, and I think it's a fair paraphrase, what does protesting police brutality have to do with a sporting event? And that would be a valid question deserving a valid answer, including "nothing". In the same way I'm asking what does trotting out players for a friggin' national anthem have to do with the same sporting event? And I'm seeing the same answer. But this is not a chicken-or-egg question as it's clear which came first. Had athletes not been trotted out like so many marionettes to sell an image, there would be no such image to sit out in the first place.

Playing the Anthem at sporting events is a tradition well over 100 years old. It wasn't until nine years ago when they had the NFL players enter the field before the Anthem.

You are born in the greatest country on earth. You became a millionaire playing a child's game. Is it too much to ask that you respect our flag and country for one minute?

Okay, so what are the protesting? They are protesting their ignorance of the law. They now turned football into a platform for race discrepancies. If a police officer does something illegal, they are brought to justice. If they are found to be in compliance with the law, they don't face any disciplinary actions, and that's what these big stupid jocks are protesting.

We don't live in the jungle. We live in a civilized society. We don't lock people up for something some may not like. We have laws in this country that we all abide by.
Hillary Clinton told a receptive audience over the weekend in India that while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

I'm not a Donald Trump supporter by a longshot, but I sincerely wish Hillary Clinton would shut her mouth. Her opinions are valueless, and her political future is non existent. Go away Hillary, no one cares about you anymore!

Hillary Clinton: US does 'not deserve' Trump - CNNPolitics
Hillary still scares the fuck out of you whiners.
Playing the Anthem at sporting events is a tradition well over 100 years old. It wasn't until nine years ago when they had the NFL players enter the field before the Anthem.

Actually it's exactly 100 years old but that only applies to baseball and only to the first time it was done, not as a 'tradition'. And that was at a time of rampang jingoism, racism and general mob mentality, which should inform all of us about how it got there.

The point about the NFL nine years ago is correct. Before that they were in the locker room. The question remains, what's up with the Pentagon pimping all this fake-patriotism shit? That's where it starts.

You are born in the greatest country on earth. You became a millionaire playing a child's game. Is it too much to ask that you respect our flag and country for one minute?

NONE of that addresses the question in any way whatsoever, now does it. See what I mean about cherrypicking? When the Pentagod does it you defend it, when Kaepernick does it you wet your pants. Can't have it both ways. Again -- which one got foisted in there first?

But the direct answer is yes. It's WAY too much to ask to be an obedient robot in a captive audience mouthing some pimped bullshit that has nothing to do with what you came there for. I don't participate in it, I never have, and neither should anybody else. When we start down that road we become North Korea. Fer Chrissake stand up for yourself and stop bending over every time some Authority says boo.
Hillary Clinton told a receptive audience over the weekend in India that while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

I'm not a Donald Trump supporter by a longshot, but I sincerely wish Hillary Clinton would shut her mouth. Her opinions are valueless, and her political future is non existent. Go away Hillary, no one cares about you anymore!

Hillary Clinton: US does 'not deserve' Trump - CNNPolitics
Hillary still scares the fuck out of you whiners.

She sure does.

Hillary monster.jpg
The point about the NFL nine years ago is correct. Before that they were in the locker room. The question remains, what's up with the Pentagon pimping all this fake-patriotism shit? That's where it starts.

What does the Pentagon have to do with it?

NONE of that addresses the question in any way whatsoever, now does it. See what I mean about cherrypicking? When the Pentagod does it you defend it, when Kaepernick does it you wet your pants. Can't have it both ways. Again -- which one got foisted in there first?

But the direct answer is yes. It's WAY too much to ask to be an obedient robot in a captive audience mouthing some pimped bullshit that has nothing to do with what you came there for. I don't participate in it, I never have, and neither should anybody else. When we start down that road we become North Korea. Fer Chrissake stand up for yourself and stop bending over every time some Authority says boo.

Nobody is forcing you to stand or do anything. It's merely a sign of respect.

I guess some of us are more grateful than others. If you had a television set and seen the way people in other countries live, you might appreciate being here yourself. My father spent a year in the Korean war. He said one of the first things he did when he got back home was kiss the ground.

We all have some kind of beef with our federal government. But those issues should be put aside for another time when that flag is raised. When you disrespect that flag, you disrespect our police, you disrespect many of our military, you disrespect the people of this country.
The point about the NFL nine years ago is correct. Before that they were in the locker room. The question remains, what's up with the Pentagon pimping all this fake-patriotism shit? That's where it starts.

What does the Pentagon have to do with it?

The freaking Pentagod got caught pimping these fake patriotism displays at pro sports events that set all this up in the first place. Without that scandal, there is no exercise for Colin Kaepernick to sit out in the first place.

This is why I deliberately spell it 'Pentagod'. You seem to want to lick its feet when it pimps this bullshit. That's your Double Standard --- when the Pentagod plunks politics into a sporting event you get all 'yes Master', yet when some players react to it you hit the roof. Having it both ways.

NONE of that addresses the question in any way whatsoever, now does it. See what I mean about cherrypicking? When the Pentagod does it you defend it, when Kaepernick does it you wet your pants. Can't have it both ways. Again -- which one got foisted in there first?

But the direct answer is yes. It's WAY too much to ask to be an obedient robot in a captive audience mouthing some pimped bullshit that has nothing to do with what you came there for. I don't participate in it, I never have, and neither should anybody else. When we start down that road we become North Korea. Fer Chrissake stand up for yourself and stop bending over every time some Authority says boo.

Nobody is forcing you to stand or do anything. It's merely a sign of respect.

I guess some of us are more grateful than others. If you had a television set and seen the way people in other countries live, you might appreciate being here yourself. My father spent a year in the Korean war. He said one of the first things he did when he got back home was kiss the ground.

We all have some kind of beef with our federal government. But those issues should be put aside for another time when that flag is raised. When you disrespect that flag, you disrespect our police, you disrespect many of our military, you disrespect the people of this country.

Oh fucking bullshit. I disrespect the idea of mob mentality that's what I disrespect. I disrespect lockstep obsequiousness. I disrespect people bending over to be zombies just because some PA announcer or some politician tells them to. ANY time anybody implores "everybody" to commit to some mob action your hackles should IMMEDIATELY go up. Don't be a god damn sheep and don't be a hypocrite ---- if it's wrong for a football player to make a political gesture on the field, then it's EQUALLY wrong for the Pentagod to do the same thing.

As for that insane flag worship, I don't do idolatry or fetishism. That's way too kinky. So that's a non-starter. Nobody's going to coerce me into fetishism.
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Oh fucking bullshit. I disrespect the idea of mob mentality that's what I disrespect. I disrespect lockstep obsequiousness. I disrespect people bending over to be zombies just because some PA announcer or some politician tells them to. ANY time anybody implores "everybody" to commit to some mob action your hackles should IMMEDIATELY go up. Don't be a god damn sheep and don't be a hypocrite ---- if it's wrong for a football player to make a political gesture on the field, then it's EQUALLY wrong for the Pentagod to do the same thing.

As for that insane flag worship, I don't do idolatry or fetishism. That's way too kinky. So that's a non-starter. Nobody's going to coerce me into fetishism.
Nobody's going to scare you into sanity, decency, and common sense. You're a lost cause. But >> Not my problem.

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