Hillary Is Too Big To Jail


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Hillary knows they won't do anything to her.

“She’s too big to jail,” said national security attorneyEdward MacMahon Jr., who represented former CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling in 2011 in a leak case that led to an espionage prosecution and 3½-year prison term. He cited a pattern of light punishments for top government officials who have mishandled classified information while lower level whistleblowers such as Sterling have faced harsh prosecutions for revealing sensitive information to expose waste, fraud or abuse in government.

At least 671 emails thatClintonsent or received through her private server containedclassified material, according to the State Department’s latest update Friday from its ongoing review of more than 30,000 emails. Her aides also sent and received classified information.

In response to a public records lawsuit, the department released another7,200 pagesof Clinton’s emails after partially or entirely redacting any containing sensitive U.S. or foreign government information on a range of issues.

The inspectors general of the State Department and intelligence community have said that some contained classified information when they were generated, but they were not marked that way at the time.

Hillary smiling while (D) Elijah Cummings is arguing with (R)Trey Gowdy
Most of the classified emails are at the “confidential” level – the lowest level of classification – but if additional emails are determined to be the more sensitive “secret” or highly sensitive “top secret” levels, it would raise the gravity of a potential security breach.

Peter Zeidenberg, a former federal prosecutor who handles cases against local, state and federal officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff,Scooter Libby, for leaking the covert identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame, said Clinton’s actions may have been foolish but not necessarily illegal.

“If the emails were not marked, it would not be possible – at least not in my view – to establish that Ms. Clinton knowingly mishandled classified information,” he said. “How was she to know that this was classified if it was not marked?”
How? Because it's her damned job to know whether it's classified or not!!!
Fact.....every official State Department communication is considered to be classified.

Still, experts say that if Clinton aides pasted classified information into emails to her without including markings signaling the material was classified they could face felony charges.

Clinton’s campaign declined to comment for this story. Clinton initially said she did not send or receive any classified information – a denial she later adjusted, saying that none was marked as classified at the time.

Read more here: As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

U.S. Department of State
Foreign Affairs Manual Volum
e 12
Diplomatic Security 12 FAM 530


12 FAM 533.1 Overnight Custody
185; (01-31-2012)
(Uniform State, USAID, OPIC, TDP)

You must not remove classified material from official premises except when
necessary in conducting official meetings, conferences, or consultations, and
you must return this material to safe storage facilities immediately upon the
conclusion of the meeting, conference, or consultation. Residences are not
considered official premises.
You must not remove classified material for
reasons of personal convenience or keep it overnight in personal custody.
12 FAM 533.2 Certification Upon Permanent Departure from Post
185; (01-31-2012)
(Uniform State, USAID, OPIC, TDP)

a. When departing a post upon transfer, resignation, or retirement, each
employee, irrespective of rank, must certify as part of the post clearance
procedure that:

(1) They are not taking classified material from the post through any
other than authorized means;

(2) Such material is not in their household or personal effects; and

(3) Such material will not be mailed or otherwise transmitted in violation of 12 FAM 536.10

Hillary knows they won't do anything to her.

“She’s too big to jail,” said national security attorneyEdward MacMahon Jr., who represented former CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling in 2011 in a leak case that led to an espionage prosecution and 3½-year prison term. He cited a pattern of light punishments for top government officials who have mishandled classified information while lower level whistleblowers such as Sterling have faced harsh prosecutions for revealing sensitive information to expose waste, fraud or abuse in government.

At least 671 emails thatClintonsent or received through her private server containedclassified material, according to the State Department’s latest update Friday from its ongoing review of more than 30,000 emails. Her aides also sent and received classified information.

In response to a public records lawsuit, the department released another7,200 pagesof Clinton’s emails after partially or entirely redacting any containing sensitive U.S. or foreign government information on a range of issues.

The inspectors general of the State Department and intelligence community have said that some contained classified information when they were generated, but they were not marked that way at the time.

Hillary smiling while (D) Elijah Cummings is arguing with (R)Trey Gowdy
Most of the classified emails are at the “confidential” level – the lowest level of classification – but if additional emails are determined to be the more sensitive “secret” or highly sensitive “top secret” levels, it would raise the gravity of a potential security breach.

Peter Zeidenberg, a former federal prosecutor who handles cases against local, state and federal officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff,Scooter Libby, for leaking the covert identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame, said Clinton’s actions may have been foolish but not necessarily illegal.

“If the emails were not marked, it would not be possible – at least not in my view – to establish that Ms. Clinton knowingly mishandled classified information,” he said. “How was she to know that this was classified if it was not marked?”
How? Because it's her damned job to know whether it's classified or not!!!
Fact.....every official State Department communication is considered to be classified.

Still, experts say that if Clinton aides pasted classified information into emails to her without including markings signaling the material was classified they could face felony charges.

Clinton’s campaign declined to comment for this story. Clinton initially said she did not send or receive any classified information – a denial she later adjusted, saying that none was marked as classified at the time.

Read more here: As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

U.S. Department of State
Foreign Affairs Manual Volum
e 12
Diplomatic Security 12 FAM 530


12 FAM 533.1 Overnight Custody
185; (01-31-2012)
(Uniform State, USAID, OPIC, TDP)

You must not remove classified material from official premises except when
necessary in conducting official meetings, conferences, or consultations, and
you must return this material to safe storage facilities immediately upon the
conclusion of the meeting, conference, or consultation. Residences are not
considered official premises.
You must not remove classified material for
reasons of personal convenience or keep it overnight in personal custody.
12 FAM 533.2 Certification Upon Permanent Departure from Post
185; (01-31-2012)
(Uniform State, USAID, OPIC, TDP)

a. When departing a post upon transfer, resignation, or retirement, each
employee, irrespective of rank, must certify as part of the post clearance
procedure that:

(1) They are not taking classified material from the post through any
other than authorized means;

(2) Such material is not in their household or personal effects; and

(3) Such material will not be mailed or otherwise transmitted in violation of 12 FAM 536.10

First things first.....

First...you must find her guilty of something, then charge her with a crime.

After all that, if she's found guilty of something, then you can talk about jail.

"Cart before the horse" mean anything to you?
Hillary knows they won't do anything to her.

“She’s too big to jail,” said national security attorneyEdward MacMahon Jr., who represented former CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling in 2011 in a leak case that led to an espionage prosecution and 3½-year prison term. He cited a pattern of light punishments for top government officials who have mishandled classified information while lower level whistleblowers such as Sterling have faced harsh prosecutions for revealing sensitive information to expose waste, fraud or abuse in government.

At least 671 emails thatClintonsent or received through her private server containedclassified material, according to the State Department’s latest update Friday from its ongoing review of more than 30,000 emails. Her aides also sent and received classified information.

In response to a public records lawsuit, the department released another7,200 pagesof Clinton’s emails after partially or entirely redacting any containing sensitive U.S. or foreign government information on a range of issues.

The inspectors general of the State Department and intelligence community have said that some contained classified information when they were generated, but they were not marked that way at the time.

Hillary smiling while (D) Elijah Cummings is arguing with (R)Trey Gowdy
Most of the classified emails are at the “confidential” level – the lowest level of classification – but if additional emails are determined to be the more sensitive “secret” or highly sensitive “top secret” levels, it would raise the gravity of a potential security breach.

Peter Zeidenberg, a former federal prosecutor who handles cases against local, state and federal officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff,Scooter Libby, for leaking the covert identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame, said Clinton’s actions may have been foolish but not necessarily illegal.

“If the emails were not marked, it would not be possible – at least not in my view – to establish that Ms. Clinton knowingly mishandled classified information,” he said. “How was she to know that this was classified if it was not marked?”
How? Because it's her damned job to know whether it's classified or not!!!
Fact.....every official State Department communication is considered to be classified.

Still, experts say that if Clinton aides pasted classified information into emails to her without including markings signaling the material was classified they could face felony charges.

Clinton’s campaign declined to comment for this story. Clinton initially said she did not send or receive any classified information – a denial she later adjusted, saying that none was marked as classified at the time.

Read more here: As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

U.S. Department of State
Foreign Affairs Manual Volum
e 12
Diplomatic Security 12 FAM 530


12 FAM 533.1 Overnight Custody
185; (01-31-2012)
(Uniform State, USAID, OPIC, TDP)

You must not remove classified material from official premises except when
necessary in conducting official meetings, conferences, or consultations, and
you must return this material to safe storage facilities immediately upon the
conclusion of the meeting, conference, or consultation. Residences are not
considered official premises.
You must not remove classified material for
reasons of personal convenience or keep it overnight in personal custody.
12 FAM 533.2 Certification Upon Permanent Departure from Post
185; (01-31-2012)
(Uniform State, USAID, OPIC, TDP)

a. When departing a post upon transfer, resignation, or retirement, each
employee, irrespective of rank, must certify as part of the post clearance
procedure that:

(1) They are not taking classified material from the post through any
other than authorized means;

(2) Such material is not in their household or personal effects; and

(3) Such material will not be mailed or otherwise transmitted in violation of 12 FAM 536.10

First things first.....

First...you must find her guilty of something, then charge her with a crime.

After all that, if she's found guilty of something, then you can talk about jail.

"Cart before the horse" mean anything to you?

It means something to me. Honesty, national security, and the rule of law obviously means nothing to you.

They've already found evidence of perjury, obstruction of justice, and violations of the above regulations ( mishandling classified information).

Whether they're going to charge her is another matter.

They have probable cause. They're in the process of finding the proof they need to press charges on Hillary personally, and it isn't going to be easy. She's good at using scapegoats. She'll just throw someone under the bus and brush this one off like all of the other offenses she's been accused of.
Hillary knows they won't do anything to her.

“She’s too big to jail,” said national security attorneyEdward MacMahon Jr., who represented former CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling in 2011 in a leak case that led to an espionage prosecution and 3½-year prison term. He cited a pattern of light punishments for top government officials who have mishandled classified information while lower level whistleblowers such as Sterling have faced harsh prosecutions for revealing sensitive information to expose waste, fraud or abuse in government.

At least 671 emails thatClintonsent or received through her private server containedclassified material, according to the State Department’s latest update Friday from its ongoing review of more than 30,000 emails. Her aides also sent and received classified information.

In response to a public records lawsuit, the department released another7,200 pagesof Clinton’s emails after partially or entirely redacting any containing sensitive U.S. or foreign government information on a range of issues.

The inspectors general of the State Department and intelligence community have said that some contained classified information when they were generated, but they were not marked that way at the time.

Hillary smiling while (D) Elijah Cummings is arguing with (R)Trey Gowdy
Most of the classified emails are at the “confidential” level – the lowest level of classification – but if additional emails are determined to be the more sensitive “secret” or highly sensitive “top secret” levels, it would raise the gravity of a potential security breach.

Peter Zeidenberg, a former federal prosecutor who handles cases against local, state and federal officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff,Scooter Libby, for leaking the covert identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame, said Clinton’s actions may have been foolish but not necessarily illegal.

“If the emails were not marked, it would not be possible – at least not in my view – to establish that Ms. Clinton knowingly mishandled classified information,” he said. “How was she to know that this was classified if it was not marked?”
How? Because it's her damned job to know whether it's classified or not!!!
Fact.....every official State Department communication is considered to be classified.

Still, experts say that if Clinton aides pasted classified information into emails to her without including markings signaling the material was classified they could face felony charges.

Clinton’s campaign declined to comment for this story. Clinton initially said she did not send or receive any classified information – a denial she later adjusted, saying that none was marked as classified at the time.

Read more here: As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

U.S. Department of State
Foreign Affairs Manual Volum
e 12
Diplomatic Security 12 FAM 530


12 FAM 533.1 Overnight Custody
185; (01-31-2012)
(Uniform State, USAID, OPIC, TDP)

You must not remove classified material from official premises except when
necessary in conducting official meetings, conferences, or consultations, and
you must return this material to safe storage facilities immediately upon the
conclusion of the meeting, conference, or consultation. Residences are not
considered official premises.
You must not remove classified material for
reasons of personal convenience or keep it overnight in personal custody.
12 FAM 533.2 Certification Upon Permanent Departure from Post
185; (01-31-2012)
(Uniform State, USAID, OPIC, TDP)

a. When departing a post upon transfer, resignation, or retirement, each
employee, irrespective of rank, must certify as part of the post clearance
procedure that:

(1) They are not taking classified material from the post through any
other than authorized means;

(2) Such material is not in their household or personal effects; and

(3) Such material will not be mailed or otherwise transmitted in violation of 12 FAM 536.10

First things first.....

First...you must find her guilty of something, then charge her with a crime.

After all that, if she's found guilty of something, then you can talk about jail.

"Cart before the horse" mean anything to you?

It means something to me. Honesty, national security, and the rule of law obviously means nothing to you.

They've already found evidence of perjury, obstruction of justice, and violations of the above regulations ( mishandling classified information).

Whether they're going to charge her is another matter.

They have probable cause. They're in the process of finding the proof they need to press charges on Hillary personally, and it isn't going to be easy. She's good at using scapegoats. She'll just throw someone under the bus and brush this one off like all of the other offenses she's been accused of.

What an arrogant bitch this woman is. She knows she is going to get away with this.
First...you must find her guilty of something, then charge her with a crime.

Huh? ...Don't think that's how it works. :dunno:

She has already broken several laws just in what she has admitted she did. You cannot conduct your private business on government computers. You cannot conduct government business on your own private servers. Even a low-level clerk would know better.
She's a Democrat....
She is Hillary...
She is running for President and the front-runner...

She won't be touched....

And she knows it...
I can see it now, plans already in motion. Just before the election they will have the doj issue a statement she is not going to be charged with anything, and the liberal press will shout it to the hills.
I can see it now, plans already in motion. Just before the election they will have the doj issue a statement she is not going to be charged with anything, and the liberal press will shout it to the hills.
But if they do, they have a ready-made replacement in the wings......

"Hillary Is Too Big To Jail"


There is no objective, documented evidence Clinton 'committed a crime,' only ridiculous, inane lies contrived by the right – if any objective, documented evidence of a 'crime' existed, after being afforded due process and found guilty in a court of law, imprisoning Clinton would be perfectly appropriate and warranted.

No one is 'too big to go to jail' if found guilty of violating the law based on the evidence.

Of course the partisan right has no 'evidence' of a 'crime,' just fear of facing Clinton in a General Election.
I can see it now.....

The report....
While there is evidence that Hillary did ...... such and such.....
There isn't enough to charge.....

Hillary responds.....

I have been totally vindicated....
I am innocent as I have said all along...
I can see it now.....

The report....
While there is evidence that Hillary did ...... such and such.....
There isn't enough to charge.....

Hillary responds.....

I have been totally vindicated....
I am innocent as I have said all along...

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