I'm certain she'll win, but wait until there's one candidate left to face, then we'll get a much more accurate idea.
Interseting you only cited the CNN poll if you look at the RCP polls she has a double digit lead on only two candidates Ben Carson and Donald Trump the two people who have never held an elected office. She has a 9 point lead on Christie who just offically got into the race and a 9 point lead on Walker who has not offically gotten in yet.
There's a long time before the election. Her campaign has been a joke and I can just imagine her in a debate. What will she do, refuse to answer questions?

Any one of the GOP hopefuls will make her look like the liar and incompetent candidate she is.
The Republican field is divided. Some would vote for one candidate but not for the other one. However, neither would vote for Clinton. Wait with your stupid polls after the nominations of major party candidates, the gap will significantly narrow down, disappear and/or change.
Totally meaningless bullshit at the present.
The Republican field is divided. Some would vote for one candidate but not for the other one. However, neither would vote for Clinton. Wait with your stupid polls after the nominations of major party candidates, the gap will significantly narrow down, disappear and/or change.
Totally meaningless bullshit at the present.

Huh? This was one on one poll. Divided repcon field has no impact on one on one battles. Repcons will once again delude themselves unto believing their candidate will win in a landslide. Just bring in Dick Morris and ask him to give you the good news. As we all know on Fox nuse, no democratic candidate ever leads the polls. So your best bet is to tune it to fox news and ignore the polls altogether. It will give you a nice 18 month period during which you can use the Fox nuse data as a novacaine or codeine to minimize your pain.
Interseting you only cited the CNN poll if you look at the RCP polls she has a double digit lead on only two candidates Ben Carson and Donald Trump the two people who have never held an elected office. She has a 9 point lead on Christie who just offically got into the race and a 9 point lead on Walker who has not offically gotten in yet.

I used the latest polls from CNN and ORC. All ther pollsters are probably taking some time off for holidays and beach visits. I use available data. Heck, I will also use Fox nuse data if you want me to. I know that when all other organizations show a lead for Hillary and Fox shows a lead for Jeb, at least I will get a good laugh at Fox for trying to fool their own stupid Fox nuse viewers.
There's a long time before the election. Her campaign has been a joke and I can just imagine her in a debate. What will she do, refuse to answer questions?

Any one of the GOP hopefuls will make her look like the liar and incompetent candidate she is.

For being a "liar and incompetent" she still leads all repcons by almost double digits at least in these latest polls. I know the lead may fluctuate from time to time.

What should make you piss in your own pants with total fear is that these leads have been consistent over the past couple of months. If people really wanted to have another repcon in the WH, we would have seen at least some of the candidates do better against Hillary than they're doing now.

Only Jeb, Scott and Marco are within striking distance of Hillary. All others are long shot. Of the three Jeb is actually the best candidate to give her a tough fight. Hillary will defecate on Marco and Scott every day, given a chance. They wlll look like total shit against her.

Any ways, remain tuned to Fox nuse, they will lie to you and you can feel good about yourself and your party until the dreaded eleciton day comes. Then, as happened in 2012, you will realize that your candidate was never going to win in a landslide.

Enjoy the ride, and keep your seatbelts fastened.
A long way to go but Republicans have to notice, Ben Gassy is a non-issue, email is a non-issue, and every other fake 'controversy' they drum up have all been rejected.

The debates will matter one way or the other but it looks like as long as she just doesn't make a couple of major mistakes she will win.

Then eight more years of Boehner crying and saying we won't pass any legislation as long as 'that woman' is in the White House.

Maybe she'll shine a pink light on the White House and the right wing whackjob media convulsion can activate again.
Interseting you only cited the CNN poll if you look at the RCP polls she has a double digit lead on only two candidates Ben Carson and Donald Trump the two people who have never held an elected office. She has a 9 point lead on Christie who just offically got into the race and a 9 point lead on Walker who has not offically gotten in yet.

I used the latest polls from CNN and ORC. All ther pollsters are probably taking some time off for holidays and beach visits. I use available data. Heck, I will also use Fox nuse data if you want me to. I know that when all other organizations show a lead for Hillary and Fox shows a lead for Jeb, at least I will get a good laugh at Fox for trying to fool their own stupid Fox nuse viewers.
You cherry picked the one poll that best supported your agenda people on both sides do this just don't act like that's not what you did.
Interseting you only cited the CNN poll if you look at the RCP polls she has a double digit lead on only two candidates Ben Carson and Donald Trump the two people who have never held an elected office. She has a 9 point lead on Christie who just offically got into the race and a 9 point lead on Walker who has not offically gotten in yet.

I used the latest polls from CNN and ORC. All ther pollsters are probably taking some time off for holidays and beach visits. I use available data. Heck, I will also use Fox nuse data if you want me to. I know that when all other organizations show a lead for Hillary and Fox shows a lead for Jeb, at least I will get a good laugh at Fox for trying to fool their own stupid Fox nuse viewers.
You cherry picked the one poll that best supported your agenda people on both sides do this just don't act like that's not what you did.

I cherry picked available latest data on RCP. End of story. No, I am not a stupid moron Fox nuse viewer. In 2014, when MSNBC said democrats were going to lose house and senate, I did not dispute their findings.

That s because I am not a stupid moron Fox viewer. I don't like to be lied to. If dems are going to lose, I accept it. I don't need a lefty version of Dick Morris to lie to me. I am not a Fox viewer to deny global warming or to belive stupid idiotic news that Romney will win in a landslide.

Trust me, when the polls turn around and Hillary trails, I will be the first person you will hear from to report Hillary is in trouble. Unlike FOx viewers I am not a DF to believe in lies to feel good about myself or my candidate.
I suppose you morons think its a given that she'll even survive the primaries. :slap:

No we "morons" think Romney is going to win in a landslide!
Recent history has proven Romney correct in his assertions and assumptions.
Or maybe you just can't read? :dunno:

LOL, what recent assertions? Assertions and assumptions are just that. They begin with "ass". That's about all I can say. LOL LOL LOL!
I suppose you morons think its a given that she'll even survive the primaries. :slap:

No we "morons" think Romney is going to win in a landslide!
Recent history has proven Romney correct in his assertions and assumptions.
Or maybe you just can't read? :dunno:

LOL, what recent assertions? Assertions and assumptions are just that. They begin with "ass". That's about all I can say. LOL LOL LOL!
You are one lost fucking cause. :slap:
I suppose you morons think its a given that she'll even survive the primaries. :slap:

No we "morons" think Romney is going to win in a landslide!
Recent history has proven Romney correct in his assertions and assumptions.
Or maybe you just can't read? :dunno:

LOL, what recent assertions? Assertions and assumptions are just that. They begin with "ass". That's about all I can say. LOL LOL LOL!
You are one lost fucking cause. :slap:

Yep OK, then I recommend you go back to watching Fox nuse now. You will feel much better on that network. Let the rest of us live in the real world. Bye.
I suppose you morons think its a given that she'll even survive the primaries. :slap:

No we "morons" think Romney is going to win in a landslide!
Recent history has proven Romney correct in his assertions and assumptions.
Or maybe you just can't read? :dunno:

LOL, what recent assertions? Assertions and assumptions are just that. They begin with "ass". That's about all I can say. LOL LOL LOL!
You are one lost fucking cause. :slap:

Yep OK, then I recommend you go back to watching Fox nuse now. You will feel much better on that network. Let the rest of us live in the real world. Bye.
I don't watch Fox News, you ass. And my favorite radio station is NPR.
Yeah, go figger on that one, Brotch. :slap:

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