Hillary leads polls by 27 points!

obama won The General Election because The American People want and deserve a Health Care system that covers everybody.

It was only forty years late. And Republicans couldn't get their shit together enough to provide a cogent Plan.

I'm telling you -- I'm right. The American People have wanted a mandatory plan for decades and it seemed like only dimocraps could get it done.(complicated, but dimocraps were NOT the good guys in this shit)

Even though National Health has always been a Republican idea. From Teddy Roosevelt to Richard Milhouse Nixon.

But we couldn't get our shit together long enough to get it pushed through over the dimocrap wishes to make it a socialist system

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief promised to model ours after the Swiss System, which is an EXCELLENT Plan.

He did and........... he didn't. dimocraps are like the Scorpion and the Frog, they just can't help being what they are.

If we want to win in 2016, our candidates better learn to SHUT THE FUCK UP on the ACA.

Many, many, many Republicans are Self-employed small business owners who NEED Health Insurance and couldn't get an affordable, viable plan until lately.

The Republican Candidate needs to run on FIXING the ACA or we're gonna lose.

Just that fucking simple.
Well ....... then ............ I guess you also have an explanation as to why premiums went up, coverage went down, deductibles went up, accessibility to doctors got more difficult, some doctors quit and moved to other countries to practice, the quality of care went down, and Vets still can't get proper health care................. Awaiting your explanation, if and when you have tine to explain the above. Thanks
I hate liberturdians.

scum of the earth. Almost as bad as dimocrap filth
Clinton Sustains Huge Lead in Democratic Nomination Race

It sure looks like she has a lock on the nomination.

Poll from 2007. Not relevant to 2015/2016. You do understand the difference between the years 2007 and 2015, right?

Also from Gallup, a pollster that disgraced itself both in 2010 and 2012 and had to pay a multi-million dollar settlement out of court for having cooked the books.

This time, Hillary towers over the field of potential Democratic contenders by about 50 points, pretty similar to George H. W. Bush in the Republican primaries of 1988.

Any more stupid you want to pile on today?

The O. P. obviously meant to compare the huge lead the bogus bitch had in the last election....which quickly faded to nothing; with her huge lead now...which is also about to fade to nothing as we learn how corrupt the bitch really is.

You missed that point and look like a fool and an ass.

Poll this morning shows Rubio has closed to a margin-of-error TIE with the bogus bitch. Maybe that will satisfy you need for a more current poll.

Analysis Finds No Nationwide Increase in Health Insurance Marketplace Premiums - The Commonwealth Fund

Clinton Sustains Huge Lead in Democratic Nomination Race

It sure looks like she has a lock on the nomination.

Poll from 2007. Not relevant to 2015/2016. You do understand the difference between the years 2007 and 2015, right?

Also from Gallup, a pollster that disgraced itself both in 2010 and 2012 and had to pay a multi-million dollar settlement out of court for having cooked the books.

This time, Hillary towers over the field of potential Democratic contenders by about 50 points, pretty similar to George H. W. Bush in the Republican primaries of 1988.

Any more stupid you want to pile on today?

Ummmmm, it's a JOKE Stat.
Obama won because he was black, that's all.

That must have left a mark on you. Here your party ran the best white guys money could buy and you all still got your asses kicked by the black guy.

That has really left a mark. Beaten by the black guy.

And now you are gonna be beaten by a woman.

I don't know if you all can recover from that.
Geeeee ........... thanks for the info ......... we appreciate your honesty .................... but, can you tell us how you feel about Republicans?

Republicans are your everyday, run-of-the-mill politicians. Somewhat honest, somewhat dishonest, somewhat incompetent, somewhat competent.

Some are well meaning, some are self-serving asswipes. Some are honest, some are dishonest.

dimocraps are the scum of the fucking earth. Period. The entire party is based on and steeped in criminality.

Their voters are nothing more than a coalition of grievance activists, communists, anarchists, racists. and perennial victims.

liberturdians are gutless fucks who not only don't have any power but don't WANT any power.

Having power would commit them to having responsibility. And if it's one thing liberturdians can't stand, it is taking responsibility for anything.

They are uniformly cowards.

Do you understand or did I just waste my time and the Board's bandwidth?

That's what I thought
We ask a young girl how she feels about the woman hating GOP

This from the same scum who support the walking advertisement for FDS that destroyed the lives of multiple women for rightly accusing a serial rapist (Bill the rapist Clinton) of everything from rape to sexual assault.

dimocraps are the scum of the fucking earth.

You say one thing and do the opposite. And it's not out of ignorance.... You are simply scum
You sure did but then again you are "comfort personnel" for the GOP because you like sucking up to the rich and powerful...

I don't like the 'rich and powerful' anymore than anybody else.

It's just that I'm not so stupid as to not understand their necessity to our society.

You are. Stupid. I mean, terminally stupid. Which is why you are a loser now and you will always be a loser.

Stop and think for a while on why the 'rich and powerful' are needed to make our society function at peak efficiency.

Nevermind. You're way too stupid
You say one thing and do the opposite. And it's not out of ignorance.... You are simply scum
did I just waste my time and the Board's bandwidth?

That's what I thought

You sure did but then again you are "comfort personnel" for the GOP because you like sucking up to the rich and powerful...

Hillary isn't rich and powerful? LMAO
yes she is rich and powerful but she is not Republican...giant difference

You should cease posting....you're too stupid to live.

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