Hillary leads polls by 27 points!

how do repubs who still have a modicum of non-theocratic brain power react to actual facts? It's an interesting psychological and sociological question. Can facts change voting habits these days?

You can see the answer on the post with reactionary venom towards my person LOL..
Translation: Soros and Al Aweed got their candidate the nomination in 2008 and it will be no different in 2016

uh, no, not really.

But I don't think if i explain it to you again you'd understand.

Simply put. Obama won because he was where the majority of his party and the country was at in 2008.


Obama was the guy who took the stand the Iraq War was a terrible idea in 2003, when that wasn't a popular position.

By 2008, everyone knew it was a bad idea, and he looked visionary for saying it first.
Obama won because he was black, that's all.
So that's why the GOP refuses to nominate one?
For some reason they don't want a true conservative. Hopefully we the people will over ride the gop and nominate a true conservative this time. My pick didn't get the nomination in 2009 or 2012.
Scott Walker tarnished forever hahahahhahhahahahahha
Walker, Christie and Jindal were supposed to show off GOP's deep bench. They highlighted incompetence instead


In Wisconsin, Walker, facing a two-year deficit that could go as high as $2 billion, has responded with $300 million in cuts for higher education, on top of billions in previous education cuts. Still, job creation was supposed to be Walker’s big thing—he promised to create 250,000 jobs in four years when he first ran in 2010, but came up short by more than 100,000 jobs. Making matters worse are the neighborhood comparisons. Wisconsin ranked between 29th and 41st in job growth over the last four years, the worst in the Midwest three of those years, and second worst the other. In fact, the state performed poorly on a whole host of indicators used by Bloomberg News, and suffers markedly in contrast with neighboring Minnesota, where progressive policies have that state’s economy recovering nicely.

Perhaps the pundits are still dazzled by these guys, but folks at home, not so much. Neither Christie nor Walker has any traction in beating Hillary Clinton in head-to-head home state matchups, probably the only kind of polls this early with any potential long-term 2016 value, since they involve figures well-known to the public being polled. Then again, Walker’s job approval fell to 41 percent in the latest Marquette Law poll (56 percent disapprove), which has plenty of other bad news for him as well.
Clinton Sustains Huge Lead in Democratic Nomination Race

It sure looks like she has a lock on the nomination.

Poll from 2007. Not relevant to 2015/2016. You do understand the difference between the years 2007 and 2015, right?

Also from Gallup, a pollster that disgraced itself both in 2010 and 2012 and had to pay a multi-million dollar settlement out of court for having cooked the books.

This time, Hillary towers over the field of potential Democratic contenders by about 50 points, pretty similar to George H. W. Bush in the Republican primaries of 1988.

Any more stupid you want to pile on today?

Well, ok.

In that case, why is this thread not in political humor, but rather, in politics?


Ummmmm, it's a JOKE Stat.
I didn't know there was a democrat nomination race. Watch out about using the word "locked". I imagine more than a couple of felonies were committed when Hill was SOS and donors to her husband's "fund" were treated favorably. I mean if they can convict the former head of the CIA and former commanding general of "sharing classified information" think about what they can do to Mrs. Clinton if it's alleged that she committed real crimes.
dream on, your old tired angry corrupt bitch has zero chance, it is highly likely that she won't even get the dem nomination. Well, maybe she can run from her jail cell.

The O. P. obviously meant to compare the huge lead the bogus bitch had in the last election....which quickly faded to nothing; with her huge lead now...which is also about to fade to nothing as we learn how corrupt the bitch really is.

You missed that point and look like a fool and an ass.

Poll this morning shows Rubio has closed to a margin-of-error TIE with the bogus bitch. Maybe that will satisfy you need for a more current poll.

Well, guys, don't hold back. Let us know what you think. And thank you for your female voter outreach - for the Democratic Party, that is!

how do repubs who still have a modicum of non-theocratic brain power react to actual facts? It's an interesting psychological and sociological question. Can facts change voting habits these days?

You can see the answer on the post with reactionary venom towards my person LOL..
Dude relax its Chinatown......

In his book, “They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010,” investigative historian Erik Zuesse shows that “Democratic economic superiority extends not only to the performance of the stock markets, but also to employment, wages, economic equality, and all other major economic variables,” as he explained in a 2012 column for Business Insider.
dream on, your old tired angry corrupt bitch has zero chance, it is highly likely that she won't even get the dem nomination. Well, maybe she can run from her jail cell.

The O. P. obviously meant to compare the huge lead the bogus bitch had in the last election....which quickly faded to nothing; with her huge lead now...which is also about to fade to nothing as we learn how corrupt the bitch really is.

You missed that point and look like a fool and an ass.

Poll this morning shows Rubio has closed to a margin-of-error TIE with the bogus bitch. Maybe that will satisfy you need for a more current poll.

Well, guys, don't hold back. Let us know what you think. And thank you for your female voter outreach - for the Democratic Party, that is!


Dem outreach: Using female interns as their personal humidor
dream on, your old tired angry corrupt bitch has zero chance, it is highly likely that she won't even get the dem nomination. Well, maybe she can run from her jail cell.

The O. P. obviously meant to compare the huge lead the bogus bitch had in the last election....which quickly faded to nothing; with her huge lead now...which is also about to fade to nothing as we learn how corrupt the bitch really is.

You missed that point and look like a fool and an ass.

Poll this morning shows Rubio has closed to a margin-of-error TIE with the bogus bitch. Maybe that will satisfy you need for a more current poll.

Well, guys, don't hold back. Let us know what you think. And thank you for your female voter outreach - for the Democratic Party, that is!


Dem outreach: Using female interns as their personal humidor
sometimes a cigar is only a cigar...
dream on, your old tired angry corrupt bitch has zero chance, it is highly likely that she won't even get the dem nomination. Well, maybe she can run from her jail cell.

The O. P. obviously meant to compare the huge lead the bogus bitch had in the last election....which quickly faded to nothing; with her huge lead now...which is also about to fade to nothing as we learn how corrupt the bitch really is.

You missed that point and look like a fool and an ass.

Poll this morning shows Rubio has closed to a margin-of-error TIE with the bogus bitch. Maybe that will satisfy you need for a more current poll.

Well, guys, don't hold back. Let us know what you think. And thank you for your female voter outreach - for the Democratic Party, that is!


Dem outreach: Using female interns as their personal humidor
sometimes a cigar is only a cigar...

We don't insert our cigars and tell.
dream on, your old tired angry corrupt bitch has zero chance, it is highly likely that she won't even get the dem nomination. Well, maybe she can run from her jail cell.

The O. P. obviously meant to compare the huge lead the bogus bitch had in the last election....which quickly faded to nothing; with her huge lead now...which is also about to fade to nothing as we learn how corrupt the bitch really is.

You missed that point and look like a fool and an ass.

Poll this morning shows Rubio has closed to a margin-of-error TIE with the bogus bitch. Maybe that will satisfy you need for a more current poll.

Well, guys, don't hold back. Let us know what you think. And thank you for your female voter outreach - for the Democratic Party, that is!


Dem outreach: Using female interns as their personal humidor
sometimes a cigar is only a cigar...

We don't insert our cigars and tell.
Same ole silly shit.

Hillary is toast. Americans are sick and tired of Clinton shit. SHe is sleazy, old, and out of ideas. It is questionable whether she will win the primary. It is without doubt she will lose the general election.
dream on, your old tired angry corrupt bitch has zero chance, it is highly likely that she won't even get the dem nomination. Well, maybe she can run from her jail cell.

The O. P. obviously meant to compare the huge lead the bogus bitch had in the last election....which quickly faded to nothing; with her huge lead now...which is also about to fade to nothing as we learn how corrupt the bitch really is.

You missed that point and look like a fool and an ass.

Poll this morning shows Rubio has closed to a margin-of-error TIE with the bogus bitch. Maybe that will satisfy you need for a more current poll.

Well, guys, don't hold back. Let us know what you think. And thank you for your female voter outreach - for the Democratic Party, that is!


Dem outreach: Using female interns as their personal humidor
sometimes a cigar is only a cigar...

We don't insert our cigars and tell.
ashes to ashes....
Serious questions are being raised regarding Hillary through investigations led by the Washington Post, New York Times and Reuters. Increasingly doubts are growing as to her person and who she would be working for if she became president. An article in MSNBC touched on some interesting points:

"*** The real damage here for the Clintons: All of these stories unite around a few indisputable facts:

  1. The Clintons became wealthy due to paid speeches, and the Clinton Foundation raked in millions due to celebrity/access reasons.
  2. They didn’t seem concerned about appearances. If they believed they weren’t being bought off then they didn’t see a problem with an appearance. The problem: Can the same be said for the folks who spent the money either lavishing the foundation or paying for a speech/appearance?
  3. These stories do undermine – politically – Hillary’s attempt to refashion herself as an economic populist. The Clintons made it because of power and access. And now they want to argue for fairness. Do these stories make them more or less credible?
  4. We are an electorate burned out on the polarizing political wars. These new stories are a reminder that the war isn’t going anywhere."
House Republicans might not release Benghazi findings until 2016 MSNBC

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