Hillary leads polls by 27 points!

Yet another sophomoric response from a person that is only able to debate or argue using logical fallacies, such as appeals to ridicule, hasty generalizations, from Ignorance: because something is not known to be true, it is assumed to be false and then ridiculed.:rolleyes:
I didnt use a logical fallacy, dipshit. I mocked you. Because your rhetoric is stupid. It is something picked up on the whackier libertarian websites and the darker sillier corners of the Internet. It isnt even debatable. It is merely name-calling,not an argument.
Now get back under your rock.

You are apparently ignorant of what logical fallacies are. Mocking someone and calling them names is a logical fallacy ace. You need to look up what logical fallacies are and learn something, if that's possible. You failed to refute with any scholarly credibility whatsoever what I posted. What I posted is not unsubstantiated "rhetoric". What I stated can be substantiated with facts. You are unable to argue on the merits of the argument so you resort to juvenile name calling and mocking.

Personal Attack (Argumentum Ad Hominem, literally, "argument toward the man." Also called "Poisoning the Well"): Attacking or praising the people who make an argument, rather than discussing the argument itself. This practice is fallacious because the personal character of an individual is logically irrelevant to the truth or falseness of the argument itself.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” -Mark Twain
You appear to be new here.

Sadly, you're going to learn quickly that such behavior is the norm here and practiced regularly by those on both ends of the spectrum.

You'll be able to find some decent, reasonable conversation here now and then, but you will definitely have to wade through the muck.

I'll probably just ignore most of the juvenile low IQ taunts which lack any valid argument that usually come from ignoramuses with an attitude.
Ironic post is moronic.
Did you say something?
ZOMG! The global-internationalists have taken over! Run!!

Yet another sophomoric response from a person that is only able to debate or argue using logical fallacies, such as appeals to ridicule, hasty generalizations, from Ignorance: because something is not known to be true, it is assumed to be false and then ridiculed.:rolleyes:
I didnt use a logical fallacy, dipshit. I mocked you. Because your rhetoric is stupid. It is something picked up on the whackier libertarian websites and the darker sillier corners of the Internet. It isnt even debatable. It is merely name-calling,not an argument.
Now get back under your rock.

You are apparently ignorant of what logical fallacies are. Mocking someone and calling them names is a logical fallacy ace. You need to look up what logical fallacies are and learn something, if that's possible. You failed to refute with any scholarly credibility whatsoever what I posted. What I posted is not unsubstantiated "rhetoric". What I stated can be substantiated with facts. You are unable to argue on the merits of the argument so you resort to juvenile name calling and mocking.

Personal Attack (Argumentum Ad Hominem, literally, "argument toward the man." Also called "Poisoning the Well"): Attacking or praising the people who make an argument, rather than discussing the argument itself. This practice is fallacious because the personal character of an individual is logically irrelevant to the truth or falseness of the argument itself.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” -Mark Twain
I see I am dealing with a college sophomore. A little knowledge is a ridiculous thing.
Ridicule is not a logical fallacy. It isnt logical at all. Except in your case. Your posts are so filled with name calling and jargon the only proper response is ridicule until you go away.
Using ridicule instead of addressing the argument itself is a logical fallacy ace because you're not arguing with any logic or reason just replying with ridicule (ad hominem) and hence the fallacy, the quality of being false or wrong. Appealing to ridicule is a logical fallacy and it's quite apparent you're ignorant as to the variety of logical fallacies taught in a liberal arts education. Appealing to ridicule is one of the logical fallacies listed in college level liberal arts text books of which you're apparently not familiar with.

You're engaging in another logical fallacy, a straw man, by stating my posts are "so filled with name calling and jargon". Yet, you cite no examples of my posts being "filled with name calling and jargon". A misrepresentation of my postings and at the very least a gross exaggeration.

Straw Man Argument: A subtype of the red herring, this fallacy includes any lame attempt to "prove" an argument by overstating, exaggerating, or over-simplifying the arguments of the opposing side. Such an approach is building a straw man argument. The name comes from the idea of a boxer or fighter who meticulously fashions a false opponent out of straw, like a scarecrow, and then easily knocks it over in the ring before his admiring audience. His "victory" is a hollow mockery, of course, because the straw-stuffed opponent is incapable of fighting back. When a writer makes a cartoon-like caricature of the opposing argument, ignoring the real or subtle points of contention, and then proceeds to knock down each "fake" point one-by-one, he has created a straw man argument.

For instance, one speaker might be engaged in a debate concerning welfare. The opponent argues, "Tennessee should increase funding to unemployed single mothers during the first year after childbirth because they need sufficient money to provide medical care for their newborn children." The second speaker retorts, "My opponent believes that some parasites who don't work should get a free ride from the tax money of hard-working honest citizens. I'll show you why he's wrong . . ." In this example, the second speaker is engaging in a straw man strategy, distorting the opposition's statement about medical care for newborn children into an oversimplified form so he can more easily appear to "win." However, the second speaker is only defeating a dummy-argument rather than honestly engaging in the real nuances of the debate.
You havent presented an argument. You've called people global statists or whatever the hell you said. That isnt an argument. That isnt anything but stupid.
I didnt use a logical fallacy, dipshit. I mocked you. Because your rhetoric is stupid. It is something picked up on the whackier libertarian websites and the darker sillier corners of the Internet. It isnt even debatable. It is merely name-calling,not an argument.
Now get back under your rock.

You are apparently ignorant of what logical fallacies are. Mocking someone and calling them names is a logical fallacy ace. You need to look up what logical fallacies are and learn something, if that's possible. You failed to refute with any scholarly credibility whatsoever what I posted. What I posted is not unsubstantiated "rhetoric". What I stated can be substantiated with facts. You are unable to argue on the merits of the argument so you resort to juvenile name calling and mocking.

Personal Attack (Argumentum Ad Hominem, literally, "argument toward the man." Also called "Poisoning the Well"): Attacking or praising the people who make an argument, rather than discussing the argument itself. This practice is fallacious because the personal character of an individual is logically irrelevant to the truth or falseness of the argument itself.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” -Mark Twain
You appear to be new here.

Sadly, you're going to learn quickly that such behavior is the norm here and practiced regularly by those on both ends of the spectrum.

You'll be able to find some decent, reasonable conversation here now and then, but you will definitely have to wade through the muck.

I'll probably just ignore most of the juvenile low IQ taunts which lack any valid argument that usually come from ignoramuses with an attitude.
Ironic post is moronic.
Did you say something?
No, idiot. It's a message board. I posted something.
Well, turns out Hillary helped Obama become "more flexible" by giving 20% of our uranium production to Russia.....sortof disarming America and helping our enemies at the same time.
Breaking down the Russian uranium deal hanging over Hillary Clinton s campaign Quartz

I love it when Democrats show this penchant for selling out our national security every chance they get.

I wonder how many other ways these assholes have sold us out.
Last edited:
"While Walker’s Wisconsin wallows around 40th among all states in job growth, and while according to a Pew study its middle class is shrinking faster than any other state, Minnesota is going great guns. The only apparent difference? Progressive political policies enacted by controlling Democrats in Minnesota actually work, contrary to the trickle-down, austerity-driven and wholly wishful policies of Walker, whose fellow Republicans completely control the Wisconsin legislature."
Well, turns out Hillary helped Obama become "more flexible" by giving 20% of our uranium production to Russia.....sortof disarming America and helping our enemies at the same time.
Breaking down the Russian uranium deal hanging over Hillary Clinton s campaign Quartz

I love it when Democrats show this penchant for selling out our national security every chance they get.

I wonder how many other ways these assholes have sold us out.
You are apparently ignorant of what logical fallacies are. Mocking someone and calling them names is a logical fallacy ace. You need to look up what logical fallacies are and learn something, if that's possible. You failed to refute with any scholarly credibility whatsoever what I posted. What I posted is not unsubstantiated "rhetoric". What I stated can be substantiated with facts. You are unable to argue on the merits of the argument so you resort to juvenile name calling and mocking.

Personal Attack (Argumentum Ad Hominem, literally, "argument toward the man." Also called "Poisoning the Well"): Attacking or praising the people who make an argument, rather than discussing the argument itself. This practice is fallacious because the personal character of an individual is logically irrelevant to the truth or falseness of the argument itself.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” -Mark Twain
You appear to be new here.

Sadly, you're going to learn quickly that such behavior is the norm here and practiced regularly by those on both ends of the spectrum.

You'll be able to find some decent, reasonable conversation here now and then, but you will definitely have to wade through the muck.

I'll probably just ignore most of the juvenile low IQ taunts which lack any valid argument that usually come from ignoramuses with an attitude.
Ironic post is moronic.
Did you say something?
No, idiot. It's a message board. I posted something.

You're so lame, it was sarcasm ace. Are you able to read between the lines?
You lied. First you claimed she didnt have insurance.

No, i said Romney took away their insurance, which he did. That she had crappy insurance later after she was already sick didn't help.

And Romney didnt have anything to do with it to begin with. Romney probably had never heard of her until some schmuck went trolling for the story.

Romney never heard of her because like most soulless Mormon Bloodsuckers, he didn't.

Democrats were among the strongest opponents of Obamacare. They could have passed 15/hr min wage, universal health care, etc in the first 2 years of Obama's reign. They didnt. What does that tell you?

That they missed an oppurtunity and they tried too hard to get the Republicans to do the right thing. What they should have done was did all those things, and if Joe Liebershit (D-Israel) objected, deploy the nuclear option.
What a liar you are!!

The last black we had running for president was accused of sexual harassment. He dropped out to end the constant accusations. The only woman we had that even came close was called a **** by the left and her family attacked.

Guy, the thing is, you only put some Uncle Tom like Alan Keyes or Herman Cain up there so you can say, "See, See, were not racist." It's not like you will ever be in any danger of nominating them. The reason you put these nuts on the stage is for the same reason a fat bride makes all her girlfriends wear ugly dresses at a wedding.
You lied. First you claimed she didnt have insurance.

No, i said Romney took away their insurance, which he did. That she had crappy insurance later after she was already sick didn't help.

And Romney didnt have anything to do with it to begin with. Romney probably had never heard of her until some schmuck went trolling for the story.

Romney never heard of her because like most soulless Mormon Bloodsuckers, he didn't.

Democrats were among the strongest opponents of Obamacare. They could have passed 15/hr min wage, universal health care, etc in the first 2 years of Obama's reign. They didnt. What does that tell you?

That they missed an oppurtunity and they tried too hard to get the Republicans to do the right thing. What they should have done was did all those things, and if Joe Liebershit (D-Israel) objected, deploy the nuclear option.
Romney didnt take away anyone's insurance. The rest of the claim is bullshit as well. Even Factcheck.org cant swallow this one, although they try.
Is Romney to Blame for Cancer Death
What a liar you are!!

The last black we had running for president was accused of sexual harassment. He dropped out to end the constant accusations. The only woman we had that even came close was called a **** by the left and her family attacked.

Guy, the thing is, you only put some Uncle Tom like Alan Keyes or Herman Cain up there so you can say, "See, See, were not racist." It's not like you will ever be in any danger of nominating them. The reason you put these nuts on the stage is for the same reason a fat bride makes all her girlfriends wear ugly dresses at a wedding.
"Uncle Tom"?
How many blacks are running on the Democrat ticket this year?
What a liar you are!!

The last black we had running for president was accused of sexual harassment. He dropped out to end the constant accusations. The only woman we had that even came close was called a **** by the left and her family attacked.

Guy, the thing is, you only put some Uncle Tom like Alan Keyes or Herman Cain up there so you can say, "See, See, were not racist." It's not like you will ever be in any danger of nominating them. The reason you put these nuts on the stage is for the same reason a fat bride makes all her girlfriends wear ugly dresses at a wedding.
"Uncle Tom"?
How many blacks are running on the Democrat ticket this year?
Democrats already had their token black....and look what happened......
Well, turns out Hillary helped Obama become "more flexible" by giving 20% of our uranium production to Russia.....sortof disarming America and helping our enemies at the same time.
Breaking down the Russian uranium deal hanging over Hillary Clinton s campaign Quartz

I love it when Democrats show this penchant for selling out our national security every chance they get.

I wonder how many other ways these assholes have sold us out.

actually, a MULTI-NATIONAL Corporation controls uranium sales. It's not really the same thing.

Corporations know no flags.
What a liar you are!!

The last black we had running for president was accused of sexual harassment. He dropped out to end the constant accusations. The only woman we had that even came close was called a **** by the left and her family attacked.

Guy, the thing is, you only put some Uncle Tom like Alan Keyes or Herman Cain up there so you can say, "See, See, were not racist." It's not like you will ever be in any danger of nominating them. The reason you put these nuts on the stage is for the same reason a fat bride makes all her girlfriends wear ugly dresses at a wedding.

Uh huh. Keep calling them ‘uncle tom’ and then demand that everyone else is racist.
The idiocy is astounding.
Uh huh. Keep calling them ‘uncle tom’ and then demand that everyone else is racist.
The idiocy is astounding.

Well, if Keyes or Cain ever went in front of a black audience and talked their, "Yeah, boss, we sho be shiftless" smack, they'd call them Uncle Tom, too. see also Oreo.

They serve a purpose. They make people like you pretend their isn't racism in this country.
Well, if Keyes or Cain ever went in front of a black audience and talked their, "Yeah, boss, we sho be shiftless" smack, they'd call them Uncle Tom, too. see also Oreo.
I think this alone illustrates the existence of racism in America. Anyone who believes any blacks who are not in lock-step with the liberal agenda are Uncle Toms is racist.

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