Hillary Makes It Official?

Irregardless if it is true or not>>>>>>(DRUDGE: HILLARY MAKES IT OFFICIAL?<BR><BR>) as of now any democratic candidate will be able to defeat any likely Republican Candidate.

This is true simply because the big wig republicans had rather have a democratic president than a Real Conservative President.

After Obama and Obamacare--the odds of this nation electing another democrat as President-are zero to none. Furthermore Hilliary is completely ineligible--she was way to close to this administratiion--and of course Bengazi has already swallowed her up.

Polls may only be a snapshot in time, but at this time, they indicate Hillary can easily beat any Republican running against her except for Christie.

Election 2016

You win the carrot.
I don't see Clinton running. Even if she does I have no plans on voting for her. If anything, I MIGHT vote for Rand Paul, but at this rate I see myself sitting out another election cycle.
Hillary has said nothing so it isn't official it's more like wishful thinking.

Hillary is waiting to see how bad it's going to get for democrats and how badly they will do in the mid terms. She won't run just to lose. Her folliwing isn't as big as it is loud. One of the mistakes democrats might be making is to put every egg in the Hillary basket.
If and this is a very big if Hillary runs in 2016 I don't think she is as big a lock on the Democratic nomination as some believe Benghazi took some of the luster off her star which her rivals if their smart will try and exploit add to that the drop in Obama's approval could mean the Democrats could want someone who does not have such close ties to the administration. Of course this all very far off speculation on my part many things could happen between now and 2016.
Irregardless, it's a doggy dog world. So, for all intensive purposes, Hillary can't win.

Nipped that point in the butt!!! I am now at your beckon call. Please don't make me an escape goat!!
I don't see Clinton running. Even if she does I have no plans on voting for her. If anything, I MIGHT vote for Rand Paul, but at this rate I see myself sitting out another election cycle.

That is how the Republicans lost the last election.....too many stayed home because they could not in good conscience vote for elitist pc/moderate/liberal mormon.

Rush Limbaugh On Romney's Missing White Vote: "Why Did Three Million Republicans Stay Home?" | VDARE.com

You misinterpret what I meant. It's the Mitt Romneys of the GOP that I refuse to vote for. The only chance the GOP has of getting my vote is with Rand Paul, and even that isn't definite. I liked his father, but so far he has shown himself to lean more towards neo-con than libertarian.

I refuse to vote for the "lesser of two evils". The entire idea is bullshit.
I don't see Clinton running. Even if she does I have no plans on voting for her. If anything, I MIGHT vote for Rand Paul, but at this rate I see myself sitting out another election cycle.

If you don't vote you're an asshole. Left or right or go into that booth and strike every ones name off GO FUCKING IN.

And until you do you have no voice. You shouldn't be allowed to speak anywhere because you didn't have the balls to make a commitment.

How dare you comment at any given time anywhere when you won't vote. You want to make me bazooka barf
If and this is a very big if Hillary runs in 2016 I don't think she is as big a lock on the Democratic nomination as some believe Benghazi took some of the luster off her star which her rivals if their smart will try and exploit add to that the drop in Obama's approval could mean the Democrats could want someone who does not have such close ties to the administration. Of course this all very far off speculation on my part many things could happen between now and 2016.

Benghazi won't be a factor.

The lunch Obama and Ms. Clinton had together in July was about re-introducing her to the American Public:


There is no doubt that she is running if her health isn't a factor.
Exactly what did the hildabeast make official?

All I see is a PAC asking a dumb assed question and BTW the are not affiliated with any candidate.
I don't see Clinton running. Even if she does I have no plans on voting for her. If anything, I MIGHT vote for Rand Paul, but at this rate I see myself sitting out another election cycle.

If you don't vote you're an asshole. Left or right or go into that booth and strike every ones name off GO FUCKING IN.

And until you do you have no voice. You shouldn't be allowed to speak anywhere because you didn't have the balls to make a commitment.

How dare you comment at any given time anywhere when you won't vote. You want to make me bazooka barf

With all due respect, I don't vote to make myself feel good. I vote for results.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIraCchPDhk]George Carlin Doesn't vote - YouTube[/ame]
If and this is a very big if Hillary runs in 2016 I don't think she is as big a lock on the Democratic nomination as some believe Benghazi took some of the luster off her star which her rivals if their smart will try and exploit add to that the drop in Obama's approval could mean the Democrats could want someone who does not have such close ties to the administration. Of course this all very far off speculation on my part many things could happen between now and 2016.

Benghazi won't be a factor.

The lunch Obama and Ms. Clinton had together in July was about re-introducing her to the American Public:


There is no doubt that she is running if her health isn't a factor.

Come to think of it, why do they need to get their own salt and pepper shakers...this must be the government waste that the cons keep talking about. They can't share?
If and this is a very big if Hillary runs in 2016 I don't think she is as big a lock on the Democratic nomination as some believe Benghazi took some of the luster off her star which her rivals if their smart will try and exploit add to that the drop in Obama's approval could mean the Democrats could want someone who does not have such close ties to the administration. Of course this all very far off speculation on my part many things could happen between now and 2016.

Benghazi won't be a factor.

The lunch Obama and Ms. Clinton had together in July was about re-introducing her to the American Public:


There is no doubt that she is running if her health isn't a factor.
Benghazi may not matter to her die hard supporters moderates and independents may be a very different story.
Who will run against her if she does? And who will she name as VP?

I don't think there will be a shortage of candidates from either major Party. The Clinton/Elizabeth Warren ticket would be pretty stout.

Clinton won't put Warren on with her. :lol:

This whole debacle with Obama has strictly been a Kennedy game. From way back. And yes I know the D party well and am still in shock at those that betrayed the Clintons. Notice Chuckie missing from the NYC celebrations? Notice the Clintons rocking front and center?

What they did to Hillary was frankly unspeakable. We are of course paying the price. But politically aye carumba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the bright side, the Clintons have long memories. :eusa_angel:
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As people have stated, it is not in fact a double negative, but has a quantifying prefix. Irregardless of how you interpret it, the word is used in a strong way. To say “regardless” just doesn’t have the same connotation, and in fact doesn’t fit some contexts nearly as well as its extended, emphasised version.

That grammarians would get upset over something like this is interesting; and it is also very interesting to see how far back its usage actually goes. Etymology is great. ;)

Irregardless of what irritates people, and irrespective of perspective, I shall endeavour to utilise the full extent of my communication skills.
I honestly think Obama might lose the 2016 Presidential election for the Dems, he did lose 4 million voters in 2012. Plus I just don't think enough people want a dynasty.

No matter what in 2016 40ish% will vote Dem and 40ish% will vote Rep. It's the 20% that decides the election and Hilary has already lost us.
I could see the DNC pushing a Hilary Obama ticket, just as a gimmick to the utterly and truly stupid voter out there. Michelle Obama that is.,

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