Hillary of Fox today. Lying about her lies

She said she never told the families of the dead that a video caused it, then Wallace played the clip of her saying exactly that, then she danced and tried to change the subject.

How can anyone vote for this lying bitch?
What did Hillary Clinton tell families in Benghazi case?

Jan Stevens, father of Ambassador Chris Stevens, told PolitiFact that the first time he heard anything about a video was when the Washington Post Fact Checker called him with a similar question. He confirmed that he heard "nothing whatsoever" about a video from Clinton but declined to comment further.

Tyrone Woods’ mother, Cheryl Bennett, told PolitiFact that when she spoke with Clinton, she "never heard the word ‘video’ mentioned. That’s just a fact." Bennett, who is estranged from Charles Woods, said the motivation behind the attack didn’t come up in her brief interaction with Clinton.

Barbara Doherty, Glen Doherty’s mother, didn’t recall talking with Clinton about a video and said she remembered Clinton as being sincere and crying, according to the Washington Post.

she is on tape at Dover telling the world that it was caused by an evil video.

Sorry, but your bullshit doesn't fly.
In the early days the video was very much suspected of being the reason behind Benghazi. The video caused protests in over 100 countries, and the only terrorist arrested from the Benghazi attack said he was there because of the video. But maybe you didn't know all that...

Yea, you also believed then that protesters carried RPGs in there cars..

God damn it happened right before our eyes.
She said she never told the families of the dead that a video caused it, then Wallace played the clip of her saying exactly that, then she danced and tried to change the subject.

How can anyone vote for this lying bitch?

How can anyone NOT vote for Hillary Clinton with this Chimpanzee being the nominee of the Republican party? The most incompetent, unqualified, dangerous threat to National Security that this nation has ever witnessed. An emotionally unstable male drama queen.

The reason Hillary Clinton is going on FOX News is because she is well aware that the Republican party has been shattered into pieces--and she is going for those moderate Republican--(the overwhelming majority) and she's going to get them.

If you're voting for Trump, you're no PATRIOT of this country, you're simply a spoon fed Reich wing political hack.
I still don't get why it is even a thing... In the time after the attack they thought it was the video for a brief time but then relised it was more sinister... This was a war status and then were running with the best information at the time...
Again a GOP congress has vindicated all decisions Clinton made...
Because it was right before the presidential elections and the left had been saying obama had terrorism under control and we were much better off than the Bush years. Benghazi highlighted how wrong that was ...so they lied about it and made it look like a spontaneous riot. Susan Rice was sent arount to all the talking head show lying about it, now we know Hillary was too, all to prop up the lie and help get obama re-elected.

What difference does it make? A lot to people that care about truth in government and don't like us being led like a 3rd world dictatorship telling us what the state wants us to believe.
She said she never told the families of the dead that a video caused it, then Wallace played the clip of her saying exactly that, then she danced and tried to change the subject.

How can anyone vote for this lying bitch?

How can anyone NOT vote for Hillary Clinton with this Chimpanzee being the nominee of the Republican party? The most incompetent, unqualified, dangerous threat to National Security that this nation has ever witnessed. An emotionally unstable male drama queen.

The reason Hillary Clinton is going on FOX News is because she is well aware that the Republican party has been shattered into pieces--and she is going for those moderate Republican--(the overwhelming majority) and she's going to get them.

If you're voting for Trump, you're no PATRIOT of this country, you're simply a spoon fed Reich wing political hack.

you have it backwards, this election is the establishment pukes vs the American people. Hillary represents the pukes and will continue the crap that created 20 trillion in debt and a terrible trade imbalance.

Trump scares the shit out of the establishment in both parties because they know that he will call them out on their years of lying and corruption.
Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing
Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

Hillary: Claimed nothing she sent or received was marked classified.
- Comey: “That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.".

Hillary: Claimed she used one device
- Comey: “She used multiple devices.”

Hillary: 'I didn't do anything wrong.'
- Comey: 'Had worked at the FBI, she could be subject to a range of disciplinary measures including suspension or termination.'

'4 PINOCCHIOS': Fact-checker slams Clinton over 'truthful' claim in email scandal
Clinton fact-checked on 'truthful' claim in email scandal | Fox News

So who are you going to believe, the Director of the FBI, whose department conducted the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton or the bitch who was found to have perjured herself, endangered national security, and who was proven to have broken the law?

Yeah. I'll never vote for that guy. Meanwhile, this corrupt liar is actually running for president. Gonna vote for her?

Nope, but I unlike many recognize the entire system is dishonest, not just "one" side.

Oh, I agree. Just today I've called trump egotistical, blowhard, bloviator and more.

And in spite of that I will vote for him before voting third party or for Crooked Hillary.

Me too. That's why I'm so annoyed. If the Democrats had put anyone else up there, I'd have options. As it is, I can't risk a throwaway/protest vote and can't sit this one out. Hillary should be collecting a paycheck from Trump. She convinced me to vote for him.

We were all tired of political correctness, there is none of that with Trump. The establishment hates Trump. We all said we hate the establishment. Surrounded by the right advisers there will be nothing wrong with Trump and America will at least have someone that cheer leads for America.

You might be right. Sometimes I think he's playing the media. It would be very hard to negotiate well with no filter, and they say he is an excellent negotiator. Also, his children seem really great, even grounded (except maybe Tiffany who is still in that emo age bracket, but infinitely better than say Paris Hilton).
Why are you so involved in this when you aren't even American. This is about our election. Unless you want us to start trying to interfere with your own elections...
Benghazi revealed how Hillary handles high political office. She gets an 'F'. She is a pathological liar, she is incompetent, she is weak mentally and physically, and she preferred to put Americans lives at risk rather than incur political risk.

And you are derranged..

One, Benghazi is not Clinton's fault...

Two, Where were you for all the embassies attacked when Bush was in charge?

Reich Wingers will piss on dead americans to point the finger at a Democrat...

As I said before, I have a business and employees in the US... So I have an opinion...
I watched a little of what she said and she said that the FBI stated she didn't lie. Funny, the way I heard it live Comey said that she lied about everything. Does that mean she lied in their secret meeting? No, because we don't know what was asked.

Prior to the interview with crooked Hillary.

FBI agent: Where is Comey isn't he suppose to be here?
FBI agent 2: Well he was but since it is obvious that there will never be an indictment he has stopped involvement.
FBI agent: Damn we have to do this on a Saturday.
FBI agent 2: Yes, Obama is going to campaign for Clinton on Weds and Mon is a holiday so we have to get it done so Comey can give a presser on Tues.
FBI agent: Damn my daughter has a softball game Saturday.
FBI agent 2: Don't worry, you are going to get a chance to throw some softballs.
FBI agent: Is Comey going to meet with us afterwards to see our results.
FBI agent 2: No need, I'll text him it is over, and believe me it is over.
FBI agent: You mean he isn't going to talk to all of us?
FBI agent 2: no reason too.

FBI agent: Good morning Mrs. Clinton how are you today?
Hillary: I am fine.
FBI agent: Good one question answered truthfully.
On and on again until the agent's arm is sore from throwing softballs. Please, insert your own questions and answers.
She got caught lying about emails and being marked classified also, Wallace let it slide, spineless wimp

yes, what the left wing loons don't understand is that the markings have nothing to do with it, its the content that makes it classified. The "not marked" dialog is bullshit.
Exactly. She was trained and responsible to mark it classified. Claiming it wasn't marked just means she wasn't doing her job.
FBI Director Comey AGREED with Democrats on the committee to which he testified under oath when they suggested Hillary simply didn't understand what the classifications meant.

Despite signing a document stating she fully understood and was then responsible for the handling and safe-guarding of all classified, Comey suggested she was too STUPID to understand:

"Comey indeed said there is a question over whether Clinton was “sophisticated enough” to know at the time what a particular classified marking signified. "

'Not sophisticated enough' = TOO STUPID

Her own staff called her 'technology challenged' and 'often confused'. What a great mix - doesn't understand technology, is often confused (exciting for those times she has her finger on the nuclear trigger :p), and too stupid to understand the significance of classified markings and the importance of safe-guarding information that could gravely damage our national security! BRILLIANT...what a great candidate, Dems! :p

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

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