Hillary Plops Out Another: She was Robbed of Her Rightful Presidency by Hacking 10-Year-Old Childre


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
In case you needed a reminder about the world dodging a bullet 3 years ago.

You know, we don’t really know to what extent the election was interfered in because nobody will look for it. We do know that in Florida a lot more happened than has been admitted publicly.”

And on we go…

We know we’re really vulnerable.”

Get ready for it…

Every, you know, every Hackathon that happens, you know, 10-year-olds are hacking our voting systems and the networks that connect them.”

And the federal government likes all the elections being stolen:

So we have four big problems, and we don’t have a government that is interested in protecting our elections.”

Well there ya go.

Hillary Plops Out Another: She was Robbed of Her Rightful Presidency by Hacking 10-Year-Old Children

I’m still betting on her running come January.
Those meddling kids cost her the election!
You gotta love the shit that lady comes up with. I wonder if she figured that out after one of her walks in the woods? More likely it was later in the day after she polished off a bottle of Vodka.
I am so sick of this depraved woman.

The turning point in her life was when she flunked the D. C. Bar Exam.

She had just told Bill to stuff it---she was not about to go live in a backwater like Arkansas. But, suddenly she flunked the bar, and realized she was going to have to have some MALE coat-tails to ride through life---and Bill, a horney ole southern boy, who turned out to be a political genius---would have to be her ticket.

He got her every job she's ever had, all of which she Fucked Up.

She is dumb, drunk, dishonest----flat out depraved...an obvious slave of Satan---and if she had a whiff of decency about her, she would shut up and go away.

You could say she just made a fool out of herself messing with Gabbard, a woman with a spine---but why bother, she's been making an ass out of herself for 4 decades.

Somebody needs to drop a house on this haint---like they did to her twin in the Wizard of Oz.
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In case you needed a reminder about the world dodging a bullet 3 years ago.

You know, we don’t really know to what extent the election was interfered in because nobody will look for it. We do know that in Florida a lot more happened than has been admitted publicly.”

And on we go…

We know we’re really vulnerable.”

Get ready for it…

Every, you know, every Hackathon that happens, you know, 10-year-olds are hacking our voting systems and the networks that connect them.”

And the federal government likes all the elections being stolen:

So we have four big problems, and we don’t have a government that is interested in protecting our elections.”

Well there ya go.

Hillary Plops Out Another: She was Robbed of Her Rightful Presidency by Hacking 10-Year-Old Children

I’m still betting on her running come January.

The above nitwits "cites" Red State....(I've always wondered who the morons are that actually follow these opinionated bloggers......above, an example.......LOL)

In case you needed a reminder about the world dodging a bullet 3 years ago.

You know, we don’t really know to what extent the election was interfered in because nobody will look for it. We do know that in Florida a lot more happened than has been admitted publicly.”

And on we go…

We know we’re really vulnerable.”

Get ready for it…

Every, you know, every Hackathon that happens, you know, 10-year-olds are hacking our voting systems and the networks that connect them.”

And the federal government likes all the elections being stolen:

So we have four big problems, and we don’t have a government that is interested in protecting our elections.”

Well there ya go.

Hillary Plops Out Another: She was Robbed of Her Rightful Presidency by Hacking 10-Year-Old Children

I’m still betting on her running come January.

The above nitwits "cites" Red State....(I've always wondered who the morons are that actually follow these opinionated bloggers......above, an example.......LOL)

So? CNN will not.

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