Hillary releases Homosexual Ad

The Bible specifically states that a man should not lie with a man like with a woman. Also The Bible tells us, God tells us, this is His word and we can't interpret it any other way than He means it to be.

Who cares what the Bible says?

It was written by man and should never be used to tell people how to live, and if you believe it should then move to Africa to one of those Christian countries that put Homosexuals in prison and let the rest America live in peace!

Aren't there something like 150 million American Christians? So what, they're irrelevant?

I don't want to move to Africa darling, too many mosquitoes and too many Africans....:tongue::wink:

You don't understand, dear. To PantyBoy there, EVERYONE is irrelevant except him and those who agree with him. It's not just that their opinions, viewpoints, and desires are the only ones that matter; they're the only ones allowed to exist. And they're going to scream and stomp and flounce around until it's impossible for anyone else to be heard, just like a two-year-old who doesn't want a nap.

This from the poster that told me that I was wrong for responding to this thread. Now it seem because I do not do as you say I am acting like the child but it was you that threw the fit about what I wrote to the OP'er and acting like a twat...

Projecting much?

Do we have an emoticon for hitting someone with a pink purse?
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

As a heterosexual man I don't see anything wrong with it. Your Christianity is oppressing your logic.

Oh, look, yet another jackass who's come to the party for the purpose of pissing in the punch bowl.

Again, reading the OP and not reading the responses the individual did as I did and responded to the thread. Now what part of that is too damn hard for you to understand?

You're confused. I understand perfectly why both you and One are crass and ill-mannered. And I take great pleasure in knowing that the fastest way to ruin your lives is to keep saying what you don't want to hear, no matter how hard you try to prevent it.

This just in: fags kissing in public is disgusting, you're a pitiful loser with a shit sandwich of a life, and the rest of us are still having a pleasant conversation around your little tantrum.

And guess what? The next time I see two homosexuals kissing in public, I'm STILL going to be rude to them about it and make them cry, and your demands can't stop me from doing it. You're helpless, and I'm laughing at you.

I am sure you will, and I hope they french you!

Are you going to dream about that tonight? You ARE....AREN'T you....better get the plastic sheet out tonight, I'm sure that wet patches in the bed are most annoying sweet cheeks :meow::evil:
Oh, look, yet another jackass who's come to the party for the purpose of pissing in the punch bowl.

If it smells like a paper sack of hypocrite on fire on the front porch......it must be.

Hey, I will happily yield to your great expertise with burning shit. Far be it from me to criticize someone else's fetish . . . so long as they're not acting it out in front of me in the McDonald's line.




Intolerance goes against the teachings of Christ.

The bible has maybe two lines of scripture that refer loosely to homosexuality -- in the proper historical context, they are as irrelevant as the verses on stoning people to death.

Your twisted intolerant version of "christianity" is sick.

The Bible specifically states that a man should not lie with a man like with a woman. Also The Bible tells us, God tells us, this is His word and we can't interpret it any other way than He means it to be.

Who cares what the Bible says?

It was written by man and should never be used to tell people how to live, and if you believe it should then move to Africa to one of those Christian countries that put Homosexuals in prison and let the rest America live in peace!

Aren't there something like 150 million American Christians? So what, they're irrelevant?

I don't want to move to Africa darling, too many mosquitoes and too many Africans....:tongue::wink:

You don't understand, dear. To PantyBoy there, EVERYONE is irrelevant except him and those who agree with him. It's not just that their opinions, viewpoints, and desires are the only ones that matter; they're the only ones allowed to exist. And they're going to scream and stomp and flounce around until it's impossible for anyone else to be heard, just like a two-year-old who doesn't want a nap.

Are you talking about this sort of thing?

View attachment 56590

Got it in one.
Who cares what the Bible says?

It was written by man and should never be used to tell people how to live, and if you believe it should then move to Africa to one of those Christian countries that put Homosexuals in prison and let the rest America live in peace!

Aren't there something like 150 million American Christians? So what, they're irrelevant?

I don't want to move to Africa darling, too many mosquitoes and too many Africans....:tongue::wink:

You don't understand, dear. To PantyBoy there, EVERYONE is irrelevant except him and those who agree with him. It's not just that their opinions, viewpoints, and desires are the only ones that matter; they're the only ones allowed to exist. And they're going to scream and stomp and flounce around until it's impossible for anyone else to be heard, just like a two-year-old who doesn't want a nap.

This from the poster that told me that I was wrong for responding to this thread. Now it seem because I do not do as you say I am acting like the child but it was you that threw the fit about what I wrote to the OP'er and acting like a twat...

Projecting much?

Do we have an emoticon for hitting someone with a pink purse?
Damit, no! Or I would have had it worn out by now.

The Bible specifically states that a man should not lie with a man like with a woman. Also The Bible tells us, God tells us, this is His word and we can't interpret it any other way than He means it to be.

Who cares what the Bible says?

It was written by man and should never be used to tell people how to live, and if you believe it should then move to Africa to one of those Christian countries that put Homosexuals in prison and let the rest America live in peace!

Aren't there something like 150 million American Christians? So what, they're irrelevant?

I don't want to move to Africa darling, too many mosquitoes and too many Africans....:tongue::wink:

Can you provide a link to prove the 150 million Christian part, and also your religion should not dictate how I live or do you believe Americans should be forced to adhere to the Bible?

As far as I can tell, nothing dictates how you live except for how many OTHER people's rights you can stomp on in the process.

It seems that everyone has rights except Christians, for Christians rights are obviously becoming elusive.

It's increasingly apparent each day to true Christians, that we're living in the times of Anti-Christ, this all was prophesised....the persecution of true Christians, the denial of God and Jesus Christ....the Falling Away of the Churches etc.

What right has been taken from you?

Has your Church been forced to marry someone?

Has the government force you to live with a gay person?

Now before you write about the Christian business owners please understand they are in business and they understand the chance of being called the bigots they are, but alas you will use that one and scream your rights are being denied.

Also do you believe Homosexuality is just hated by Christians, and you do realize on this issue you and Muslim's have so much in common all the way to the point you believe your book should be the law of the land!
The Bible specifically states that a man should not lie with a man like with a woman. Also The Bible tells us, God tells us, this is His word and we can't interpret it any other way than He means it to be.

Who cares what the Bible says?

It was written by man and should never be used to tell people how to live, and if you believe it should then move to Africa to one of those Christian countries that put Homosexuals in prison and let the rest America live in peace!

Aren't there something like 150 million American Christians? So what, they're irrelevant?

I don't want to move to Africa darling, too many mosquitoes and too many Africans....:tongue::wink:

Can you provide a link to prove the 150 million Christian part, and also your religion should not dictate how I live or do you believe Americans should be forced to adhere to the Bible?

As far as I can tell, nothing dictates how you live except for how many OTHER people's rights you can stomp on in the process.

What rights have been taken from you?

Your right to deny people the same rights you enjoy?

No one is forcing you to live with someone that is Gay nor would I push for that, but you can not tell someone that they can not kiss while a heterosexual couple can because it make you feel sick, or your religion dictates that it is wrong.

Your religion is not the law of this nation nor will it ever be, and you disliking something, well who gives a fuck what you like or dislike because that will never be law either.

Your church will never be forced to marry Gay couples and should never be forced.

You do not have to watch commercials with Gay couples kissing and you can change the channel, and seeing you refuse to do so make me wonder about your sexuality even more.

Because someone is gay and your religion tell you it is wrong, well who cares because they also said the Mark of Cain were Africans with dark skin Color and thought the Native population was heathens, so religion is bigoted as can be.

So what rights have you lost except being a worthless redneck bigot?
This one calls for a three Bullshit Awards.

Yep...unlike you, I'm not afraid of strong women who don't need men in their lives. :D
Lol, obviously you have never met my wife.

She has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is a sharp shooter, intelligent, cute and one of the most independent minded people I have ever met.

I thank God every day that he has cursed her with bad judgement regarding men.
Cool story, bro. :lol:
Lol, yeah, another libtard who cant imagine an intelligent conservative woman who is successful in life.

That is because of the dyke echo chamber you live in, dear.
Very cool story, bro. :lmao:
Again, reading the OP and not reading the responses the individual did as I did and responded to the thread. Now what part of that is too damn hard for you to understand?

You're not my type and neither is your sister that is your mother that is your grandmother.

I prefer a woman with teeth that does not play the banjo with her toes and squeals like a pig when she hears someone tell her she has a pretty face.

You're going to make your boyfriend very unhappy when he reads that.

I told your father that I do not do the down low, and prefer the beaver and not the beaver cleaver.

Now tell me again how I am not suppose to write anything unless I get your permission and remember I was responding at first to the OP and never read your twat writings until you became a rabid twat telling me what I should or should not write!

I'm sorry, was that supposed to be devastatingly clever and hurtful?

Methinks you should fire your grade-school comedy writers and move over to the junior high playground for some fresh humor material.

"Again" implies that I told you that the FIRST time. But like all fags, you have to build straw men because you're too much of a ruffled wuss to take on real opponents.

Tell me, did getting porked in the ass make you a wimp, or did your wimpiness make you want to get porked in the ass? Which is the cause, and which is the effect?

You barged in and made a shrieking strident fool out of yourself in the middle of an otherwise pleasant social situation that you are massively unequipped to handle, loser. And then you doubled down on denying your public pants-shitting. That's it, that's all, case closed.

Oh, except for one other thing: fags kissing in public is gross, and they should be told to go home. And then we should all laugh.

Nope, guess you STILL are completely helpless to stop me and make me behave the way you want. Gosh, that must suck for you.
The Bible specifically states that a man should not lie with a man like with a woman. Also The Bible tells us, God tells us, this is His word and we can't interpret it any other way than He means it to be.

Who cares what the Bible says?

It was written by man and should never be used to tell people how to live, and if you believe it should then move to Africa to one of those Christian countries that put Homosexuals in prison and let the rest America live in peace!

Aren't there something like 150 million American Christians? So what, they're irrelevant?

I don't want to move to Africa darling, too many mosquitoes and too many Africans....:tongue::wink:

You don't understand, dear. To PantyBoy there, EVERYONE is irrelevant except him and those who agree with him. It's not just that their opinions, viewpoints, and desires are the only ones that matter; they're the only ones allowed to exist. And they're going to scream and stomp and flounce around until it's impossible for anyone else to be heard, just like a two-year-old who doesn't want a nap.

This from the poster that told me that I was wrong for responding to this thread. Now it seem because I do not do as you say I am acting like the child but it was you that threw the fit about what I wrote to the OP'er and acting like a twat...

Projecting much?

"You disagreed with me, that means you TRIED TO SILENCE ME!"

I never said you couldn't post, nancy boy, so quit whimpering. I said your posts are shit, and you're shit, and your First Amendment freedom to make an unbearable ass of yourself in public who is instantly hated by everyone unfortunate enough to be aware of his existence is accompanied by MY First Amendment right to TELL you that you're an unbearable ass who is instantly hated by everyone unfortunate enough to be aware of his existence.

Far from wanting to prevent you from posting, I hope you continue. You're the funniest joke I've heard in ages. I would be disappointed if you stopped giving me the chance to rub your nose in the fact that I can say whatever I want, and you can't screech loudly enough to shout me down.

Ooh, this just in: fags kissing in public is disgusting, and they should be told to go fuck at home where that shit belongs.

Let's see if maybe your NEXT post will be enough ranting and wailing to make me stop. :woohoo:

Nancy boy?

Your right are being taken away?

Also you did write about how I was ruining your Gay Bashing nonsense, and I told you I can write anywhere I want, and was responding to the OP'er, and you were not happy that I did not run away like you were hoping I was going to do.

Also your Fag's kissing in public nonsense is so childish that I am guessing your kid wrote it for you!

So tell me again what I should write and what you want to read?

Should I write that everyone that is non-Christian, Homosexuals, Non-WASP, oh hell everyone but you has no rights, and they should just do as you tell them?

Seem you are the one dictating what everyone should do in their life, so tell me what should I write to appease someone that is so perfect that they should go nail yourself on a cross upside down so people can piss on you...
Aren't there something like 150 million American Christians? So what, they're irrelevant?

I don't want to move to Africa darling, too many mosquitoes and too many Africans....:tongue::wink:

You don't understand, dear. To PantyBoy there, EVERYONE is irrelevant except him and those who agree with him. It's not just that their opinions, viewpoints, and desires are the only ones that matter; they're the only ones allowed to exist. And they're going to scream and stomp and flounce around until it's impossible for anyone else to be heard, just like a two-year-old who doesn't want a nap.

Are you talking about this sort of thing?

View attachment 56590

No, I am saying you believe that your Bible should be law, and if you believe it should be then move to Africa where you can kill Homosexuals for sport.

I do not care if you agree with me but the moment you tell me your bible is what I should honor then fuck off and die along with your fake messiah...

Where did I say that I wanted homosexuals killed?

That's right NOWHERE is where I said that.


I am just giving you some suggestions where you can go and there you can kill them for sport, and wouldn't you love that?

You seem to be more like those Iranian types that prefer to force your religious values onto others, and it make me wonder should we obey the entire bible or just the select parts most Christian's like you enjoy?

You're obviously a somewhat messed-up person, I'm not sure what's caused your issues, but I'll pray for your soul and for you to reach out and find God, He accepts anyone who reaches out to Him in good faith.
Again, reading the OP and not reading the responses the individual did as I did and responded to the thread. Now what part of that is too damn hard for you to understand?

You're not my type and neither is your sister that is your mother that is your grandmother.

I prefer a woman with teeth that does not play the banjo with her toes and squeals like a pig when she hears someone tell her she has a pretty face.

You're going to make your boyfriend very unhappy when he reads that.

I told your father that I do not do the down low, and prefer the beaver and not the beaver cleaver.

Now tell me again how I am not suppose to write anything unless I get your permission and remember I was responding at first to the OP and never read your twat writings until you became a rabid twat telling me what I should or should not write!

I'm sorry, was that supposed to be devastatingly clever and hurtful?

Methinks you should fire your grade-school comedy writers and move over to the junior high playground for some fresh humor material.

"Again" implies that I told you that the FIRST time. But like all fags, you have to build straw men because you're too much of a ruffled wuss to take on real opponents.

Tell me, did getting porked in the ass make you a wimp, or did your wimpiness make you want to get porked in the ass? Which is the cause, and which is the effect?

You barged in and made a shrieking strident fool out of yourself in the middle of an otherwise pleasant social situation that you are massively unequipped to handle, loser. And then you doubled down on denying your public pants-shitting. That's it, that's all, case closed.

Oh, except for one other thing: fags kissing in public is gross, and they should be told to go home. And then we should all laugh.

Nope, guess you STILL are completely helpless to stop me and make me behave the way you want. Gosh, that must suck for you.

Do you see fags in your closet?

If you do then tell your husband to stop hiding in there.

You are the one that wanted me to behave the way you want, and not the other way around.

Why is it you were the one telling me off about what I wrote, and started dictating to me how what I wrote was wrong?

It is my opinion and like your opinion it stinks but I am allow to write my opinion as much as you have to right to express your bigoted opinion.

Now what will you do if a Fag french kissed you?

Wait, I forgot about the guy in the closet...
Well there was only minor scaring of the retinas as I was able to look away fast enough to avoid permanant damage....but we we're at the LoneStar rally in Galveston and we ran across some of theseView attachment 56589
And we'll just say it wasnt pretty.....
Oh well, then. That explains it. You base your knowledge of gay women on signs....in Galveston of all places. :lol:

Ugly fat lesbians are a universal thing...I just caught these two in their natural habitat.
Disgustingly drunk and naked in public.
You're another one who seems to have it all figured out. :lmao:

Actually I do,I just like screwing with militant dykes.
My mother was a drug and alcohol counselor for many years and I was amazed at the percentage of dykes that came through her office compared to "normal" people.
It was damn near thirty percent!!!
So anyhow,I have to deal with them because they're friends of my mother in her time of need with dementia setting in.
The three that I know best are actually nice people..they dont flaunt there sexual preference any more than I do and I can respect that.
So really my beef is with your type. .....keep the ammo flowing please.
That's a fascinating story. Now...tell me how you had access to medical knowledge from your mother's office. That I'd like to hear.

I had no idea that dykism affected the ability of reading comprehension .....as Spock would say....fascinating.
The Bible specifically states that a man should not lie with a man like with a woman. Also The Bible tells us, God tells us, this is His word and we can't interpret it any other way than He means it to be.

Who cares what the Bible says?

It was written by man and should never be used to tell people how to live, and if you believe it should then move to Africa to one of those Christian countries that put Homosexuals in prison and let the rest America live in peace!

Aren't there something like 150 million American Christians? So what, they're irrelevant?

I don't want to move to Africa darling, too many mosquitoes and too many Africans....:tongue::wink:

Can you provide a link to prove the 150 million Christian part, and also your religion should not dictate how I live or do you believe Americans should be forced to adhere to the Bible?

As far as I can tell, nothing dictates how you live except for how many OTHER people's rights you can stomp on in the process.

What rights have been taken from you?

Your right to deny people the same rights you enjoy?

No one is forcing you to live with someone that is Gay nor would I push for that, but you can not tell someone that they can not kiss while a heterosexual couple can because it make you feel sick, or your religion dictates that it is wrong.

Your religion is not the law of this nation nor will it ever be, and you disliking something, well who gives a fuck what you like or dislike because that will never be law either.

Your church will never be forced to marry Gay couples and should never be forced.

You do not have to watch commercials with Gay couples kissing and you can change the channel, and seeing you refuse to do so make me wonder about your sexuality even more.

Because someone is gay and your religion tell you it is wrong, well who cares because they also said the Mark of Cain were Africans with dark skin Color and thought the Native population was heathens, so religion is bigoted as can be.

So what rights have you lost except being a worthless redneck bigot?

The right to go the fucking McDonald's without being treated to a public porn show unasked, for starters.


I dunno, guys. I think I captured PantyBoy's posting style pretty well. What do y'all think?

Oh, by the way, PantyBoy, before I forget: Homosexual kissing is gross, homosexuality isn't normal, it's not equivalent to heterosexuality and never will be, no amount of laws will ever make you feel good about getting fucked in the ass, and people should be able to refuse to bake you a cake.

Nope. You still haven't silenced me. In fact, if anything, you've encouraged me. How's THAT for being utterly helpless and meaningless in the world, PantyBoy?
You don't understand, dear. To PantyBoy there, EVERYONE is irrelevant except him and those who agree with him. It's not just that their opinions, viewpoints, and desires are the only ones that matter; they're the only ones allowed to exist. And they're going to scream and stomp and flounce around until it's impossible for anyone else to be heard, just like a two-year-old who doesn't want a nap.

Are you talking about this sort of thing?

View attachment 56590

No, I am saying you believe that your Bible should be law, and if you believe it should be then move to Africa where you can kill Homosexuals for sport.

I do not care if you agree with me but the moment you tell me your bible is what I should honor then fuck off and die along with your fake messiah...

Where did I say that I wanted homosexuals killed?

That's right NOWHERE is where I said that.


I am just giving you some suggestions where you can go and there you can kill them for sport, and wouldn't you love that?

You seem to be more like those Iranian types that prefer to force your religious values onto others, and it make me wonder should we obey the entire bible or just the select parts most Christian's like you enjoy?

You're obviously a somewhat messed-up person, I'm not sure what's caused your issues, but I'll pray for your soul and for you to reach out and find God, He accepts anyone who reaches out to Him in good faith.

No thank you.

Those like you claiming to understand God is like someone in ISIL telling me they know the way to God, and to be really honest neither one of you have a fucking clue about God!

Now when you are on your knees screaming Oh GOD let hope the one making you scream that is not a closet case on the down low, wait let hope it is!
Who cares what the Bible says?

It was written by man and should never be used to tell people how to live, and if you believe it should then move to Africa to one of those Christian countries that put Homosexuals in prison and let the rest America live in peace!

Aren't there something like 150 million American Christians? So what, they're irrelevant?

I don't want to move to Africa darling, too many mosquitoes and too many Africans....:tongue::wink:

You don't understand, dear. To PantyBoy there, EVERYONE is irrelevant except him and those who agree with him. It's not just that their opinions, viewpoints, and desires are the only ones that matter; they're the only ones allowed to exist. And they're going to scream and stomp and flounce around until it's impossible for anyone else to be heard, just like a two-year-old who doesn't want a nap.

This from the poster that told me that I was wrong for responding to this thread. Now it seem because I do not do as you say I am acting like the child but it was you that threw the fit about what I wrote to the OP'er and acting like a twat...

Projecting much?

"You disagreed with me, that means you TRIED TO SILENCE ME!"

I never said you couldn't post, nancy boy, so quit whimpering. I said your posts are shit, and you're shit, and your First Amendment freedom to make an unbearable ass of yourself in public who is instantly hated by everyone unfortunate enough to be aware of his existence is accompanied by MY First Amendment right to TELL you that you're an unbearable ass who is instantly hated by everyone unfortunate enough to be aware of his existence.

Far from wanting to prevent you from posting, I hope you continue. You're the funniest joke I've heard in ages. I would be disappointed if you stopped giving me the chance to rub your nose in the fact that I can say whatever I want, and you can't screech loudly enough to shout me down.

Ooh, this just in: fags kissing in public is disgusting, and they should be told to go fuck at home where that shit belongs.

Let's see if maybe your NEXT post will be enough ranting and wailing to make me stop. :woohoo:

Nancy boy?

Your right are being taken away?

Also you did write about how I was ruining your Gay Bashing nonsense, and I told you I can write anywhere I want, and was responding to the OP'er, and you were not happy that I did not run away like you were hoping I was going to do.

Also your Fag's kissing in public nonsense is so childish that I am guessing your kid wrote it for you!

So tell me again what I should write and what you want to read?

Should I write that everyone that is non-Christian, Homosexuals, Non-WASP, oh hell everyone but you has no rights, and they should just do as you tell them?

Seem you are the one dictating what everyone should do in their life, so tell me what should I write to appease someone that is so perfect that they should go nail yourself on a cross upside down so people can piss on you...


OMG you HOMOPHOBE, using HOMOPHOBIC language darling....:eek-52:

I refer to them as gays, lesbians etc.
Are you talking about this sort of thing?

View attachment 56590

No, I am saying you believe that your Bible should be law, and if you believe it should be then move to Africa where you can kill Homosexuals for sport.

I do not care if you agree with me but the moment you tell me your bible is what I should honor then fuck off and die along with your fake messiah...

Where did I say that I wanted homosexuals killed?

That's right NOWHERE is where I said that.


I am just giving you some suggestions where you can go and there you can kill them for sport, and wouldn't you love that?

You seem to be more like those Iranian types that prefer to force your religious values onto others, and it make me wonder should we obey the entire bible or just the select parts most Christian's like you enjoy?

You're obviously a somewhat messed-up person, I'm not sure what's caused your issues, but I'll pray for your soul and for you to reach out and find God, He accepts anyone who reaches out to Him in good faith.

No thank you.

Those like you claiming to understand God is like someone in ISIL telling me they know the way to God, and to be really honest neither one of you have a fucking clue about God!

Now when you are on your knees screaming Oh GOD let hope the one making you scream that is not a closet case on the down low, wait let hope it is!

So, Christians and ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, there's no actual real difference to you?

Are you talking about this sort of thing?

View attachment 56590

No, I am saying you believe that your Bible should be law, and if you believe it should be then move to Africa where you can kill Homosexuals for sport.

I do not care if you agree with me but the moment you tell me your bible is what I should honor then fuck off and die along with your fake messiah...

Where did I say that I wanted homosexuals killed?

That's right NOWHERE is where I said that.


I am just giving you some suggestions where you can go and there you can kill them for sport, and wouldn't you love that?

You seem to be more like those Iranian types that prefer to force your religious values onto others, and it make me wonder should we obey the entire bible or just the select parts most Christian's like you enjoy?

You're obviously a somewhat messed-up person, I'm not sure what's caused your issues, but I'll pray for your soul and for you to reach out and find God, He accepts anyone who reaches out to Him in good faith.

No thank you.

Those like you claiming to understand God is like someone in ISIL telling me they know the way to God, and to be really honest neither one of you have a fucking clue about God!

Now when you are on your knees screaming Oh GOD let hope the one making you scream that is not a closet case on the down low, wait let hope it is!

Hey, as you're obviously some sort of voyeur....Mr. Lucy is at this moment checking that you haven't installed a secret camera in our bedroom....:eek-52::dev2:
Who cares what the Bible says?

It was written by man and should never be used to tell people how to live, and if you believe it should then move to Africa to one of those Christian countries that put Homosexuals in prison and let the rest America live in peace!

Aren't there something like 150 million American Christians? So what, they're irrelevant?

I don't want to move to Africa darling, too many mosquitoes and too many Africans....:tongue::wink:

Can you provide a link to prove the 150 million Christian part, and also your religion should not dictate how I live or do you believe Americans should be forced to adhere to the Bible?

As far as I can tell, nothing dictates how you live except for how many OTHER people's rights you can stomp on in the process.

What rights have been taken from you?

Your right to deny people the same rights you enjoy?

No one is forcing you to live with someone that is Gay nor would I push for that, but you can not tell someone that they can not kiss while a heterosexual couple can because it make you feel sick, or your religion dictates that it is wrong.

Your religion is not the law of this nation nor will it ever be, and you disliking something, well who gives a fuck what you like or dislike because that will never be law either.

Your church will never be forced to marry Gay couples and should never be forced.

You do not have to watch commercials with Gay couples kissing and you can change the channel, and seeing you refuse to do so make me wonder about your sexuality even more.

Because someone is gay and your religion tell you it is wrong, well who cares because they also said the Mark of Cain were Africans with dark skin Color and thought the Native population was heathens, so religion is bigoted as can be.

So what rights have you lost except being a worthless redneck bigot?

The right to go the fucking McDonald's without being treated to a public porn show unasked, for starters.


I dunno, guys. I think I captured PantyBoy's posting style pretty well. What do y'all think?

Oh, by the way, PantyBoy, before I forget: Homosexual kissing is gross, homosexuality isn't normal, it's not equivalent to heterosexuality and never will be, no amount of laws will ever make you feel good about getting fucked in the ass, and people should be able to refuse to bake you a cake.

Nope. You still haven't silenced me. In fact, if anything, you've encouraged me. How's THAT for being utterly helpless and meaningless in the world, PantyBoy?

There you go again telling me what to do again.

I read the OP, and responded to the OP, and then the OP bitch hound came attacking telling me what i should have done when the fact is I was not responding to the OP bitch hound in the first place.

I know how dare I respond to the OP without your permission or taking into account you hate homosexuals and believe anyone that has no problem with someone sexual lifestyle must be a fag to you.

I know if you keep on writing about how someone must be a fag, and you rant on and on about how if someone kisses in public and is not a straight WASP bitch hound then it is wrong.

Now tell me what I should write to appease the bitch hound goddess of this thread, and please understand I do not care if you suck face with a man, woman, well most likely for you it would be that Donkey in T.J. that you get paid for at the local truck stop...

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