Hillary releases Homosexual Ad

There you go again telling me what to do again.

I read the OP, and responded to the OP, and then the OP bitch hound came attacking telling me what i should have done when the fact is I was not responding to the OP bitch hound in the first place.

I know how dare I respond to the OP without your permission or taking into account you hate homosexuals and believe anyone that has no problem with someone sexual lifestyle must be a fag to you.

I know if you keep on writing about how someone must be a fag, and you rant on and on about how if someone kisses in public and is not a straight WASP bitch hound then it is wrong.

Now tell me what I should write to appease the bitch hound goddess of this thread, and please understand I do not care if you suck face with a man, woman, well most likely for you it would be that Donkey in T.J. that you get paid for at the local truck stop...

"There you go again telling me what to do again."

Leftist men's greatest fantasy is having Right-Wing women telling them what to do and issuing orders to them....it's okay, we already know this, you mustn't be ashamed, it's completely natural and normal :wink:

Yeah, but the cheap bastards NEVER offer to pay for it.

Some people will never understand that the finer things in life actually aren't free.

Not if you look like PantyBoy, they aren't.

Now, if you look like Vin Diesel . . .

You do not even know what I look like you stupid bitch hound!

God you are retarded, and I hope a Fag French Kisses you!

I bet you have sucked many Fag's in your life and did not even know it!

Have you been drinking? ......or maybe huffing amyl nitrite?
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.

Starbucks is awful for it, that and their coffee blows
Really? I just get a latte.
Clinton said it was outrageous that in 2015, "you can still be fired for being gay, you can still lose your home for being gay, and you can even be denied a wedding cake for being gay."

She later added, "I'm delighted, however, that climate deniers can be fired from their jobs, you can lose your NBA if you are bigot, and you can lose your house and business if you don't want to bake a gay cake.

View attachment 56592

That picture of Obama....that's going to give me a nightmare now :eek-52:

You're NOT a nice person :crybaby::wink:

Sorry to do that to ya, but it is what it is.

Obama is the one who is not a nice person.

Incidentally, that is probably my favorite pic of all time. It's spot on.

Of course it's spot on, Obama is a freak and a weirdo.
No, I am saying you believe that your Bible should be law, and if you believe it should be then move to Africa where you can kill Homosexuals for sport.

I do not care if you agree with me but the moment you tell me your bible is what I should honor then fuck off and die along with your fake messiah...

Where did I say that I wanted homosexuals killed?

That's right NOWHERE is where I said that.


I am just giving you some suggestions where you can go and there you can kill them for sport, and wouldn't you love that?

You seem to be more like those Iranian types that prefer to force your religious values onto others, and it make me wonder should we obey the entire bible or just the select parts most Christian's like you enjoy?

You're obviously a somewhat messed-up person, I'm not sure what's caused your issues, but I'll pray for your soul and for you to reach out and find God, He accepts anyone who reaches out to Him in good faith.

No thank you.

Those like you claiming to understand God is like someone in ISIL telling me they know the way to God, and to be really honest neither one of you have a fucking clue about God!

Now when you are on your knees screaming Oh GOD let hope the one making you scream that is not a closet case on the down low, wait let hope it is!

Hey, as you're obviously some sort of voyeur....Mr. Lucy is at this moment checking that you haven't installed a secret camera in our bedroom....:eek-52::dev2:

Have him check the bathroom, too. I'm just sayin' . . . toilet cams . . . :scared1:
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.
Yet all the het flaunting doesn't bother you a bit.
You don't understand, dear. To PantyBoy there, EVERYONE is irrelevant except him and those who agree with him. It's not just that their opinions, viewpoints, and desires are the only ones that matter; they're the only ones allowed to exist. And they're going to scream and stomp and flounce around until it's impossible for anyone else to be heard, just like a two-year-old who doesn't want a nap.

This from the poster that told me that I was wrong for responding to this thread. Now it seem because I do not do as you say I am acting like the child but it was you that threw the fit about what I wrote to the OP'er and acting like a twat...

Projecting much?

"You disagreed with me, that means you TRIED TO SILENCE ME!"

I never said you couldn't post, nancy boy, so quit whimpering. I said your posts are shit, and you're shit, and your First Amendment freedom to make an unbearable ass of yourself in public who is instantly hated by everyone unfortunate enough to be aware of his existence is accompanied by MY First Amendment right to TELL you that you're an unbearable ass who is instantly hated by everyone unfortunate enough to be aware of his existence.

Far from wanting to prevent you from posting, I hope you continue. You're the funniest joke I've heard in ages. I would be disappointed if you stopped giving me the chance to rub your nose in the fact that I can say whatever I want, and you can't screech loudly enough to shout me down.

Ooh, this just in: fags kissing in public is disgusting, and they should be told to go fuck at home where that shit belongs.

Let's see if maybe your NEXT post will be enough ranting and wailing to make me stop. :woohoo:

Nancy boy?

Your right are being taken away?

Also you did write about how I was ruining your Gay Bashing nonsense, and I told you I can write anywhere I want, and was responding to the OP'er, and you were not happy that I did not run away like you were hoping I was going to do.

Also your Fag's kissing in public nonsense is so childish that I am guessing your kid wrote it for you!

So tell me again what I should write and what you want to read?

Should I write that everyone that is non-Christian, Homosexuals, Non-WASP, oh hell everyone but you has no rights, and they should just do as you tell them?

Seem you are the one dictating what everyone should do in their life, so tell me what should I write to appease someone that is so perfect that they should go nail yourself on a cross upside down so people can piss on you...


OMG you HOMOPHOBE, using HOMOPHOBIC language darling....:eek-52:

I refer to them as gays, lesbians etc.

Whaaaaat....? So pole smoker isn't PC?
How embarrassing...

Rump ranger? Cock holster?
Clinton said it was outrageous that in 2015, "you can still be fired for being gay, you can still lose your home for being gay, and you can even be denied a wedding cake for being gay."

She later added, "I'm delighted, however, that climate deniers can be fired from their jobs, you can lose your NBA if you are bigot, and you can lose your house and business if you don't want to bake a gay cake.

View attachment 56592

That picture of Obama....that's going to give me a nightmare now :eek-52:

You're NOT a nice person :crybaby::wink:

Sorry to do that to ya, but it is what it is.

Obama is the one who is not a nice person.

Incidentally, that is probably my favorite pic of all time. It's spot on.

Of course it's spot on, Obama is a freak and a weirdo.
And you're not? LOL
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.
Yet all the het flaunting doesn't bother you a bit.

So basically, you just pranced in here and started posting without reading a single page.

You and PantyBoy have something in common.
There you go again telling me what to do again.

I read the OP, and responded to the OP, and then the OP bitch hound came attacking telling me what i should have done when the fact is I was not responding to the OP bitch hound in the first place.

I know how dare I respond to the OP without your permission or taking into account you hate homosexuals and believe anyone that has no problem with someone sexual lifestyle must be a fag to you.

I know if you keep on writing about how someone must be a fag, and you rant on and on about how if someone kisses in public and is not a straight WASP bitch hound then it is wrong.

Now tell me what I should write to appease the bitch hound goddess of this thread, and please understand I do not care if you suck face with a man, woman, well most likely for you it would be that Donkey in T.J. that you get paid for at the local truck stop...

"There you go again telling me what to do again."

Leftist men's greatest fantasy is having Right-Wing women telling them what to do and issuing orders to them....it's okay, we already know this, you mustn't be ashamed, it's completely natural and normal :wink:

Yeah, but the cheap bastards NEVER offer to pay for it.

Some people will never understand that the finer things in life actually aren't free.

Not if you look like PantyBoy, they aren't.

Now, if you look like Vin Diesel . . .

You do not even know what I look like you stupid bitch hound!

God you are retarded, and I hope a Fag French Kisses you!

I bet you have sucked many Fag's in your life and did not even know it!

You're so very confused aren't you darling?
This from the poster that told me that I was wrong for responding to this thread. Now it seem because I do not do as you say I am acting like the child but it was you that threw the fit about what I wrote to the OP'er and acting like a twat...

Projecting much?

"You disagreed with me, that means you TRIED TO SILENCE ME!"

I never said you couldn't post, nancy boy, so quit whimpering. I said your posts are shit, and you're shit, and your First Amendment freedom to make an unbearable ass of yourself in public who is instantly hated by everyone unfortunate enough to be aware of his existence is accompanied by MY First Amendment right to TELL you that you're an unbearable ass who is instantly hated by everyone unfortunate enough to be aware of his existence.

Far from wanting to prevent you from posting, I hope you continue. You're the funniest joke I've heard in ages. I would be disappointed if you stopped giving me the chance to rub your nose in the fact that I can say whatever I want, and you can't screech loudly enough to shout me down.

Ooh, this just in: fags kissing in public is disgusting, and they should be told to go fuck at home where that shit belongs.

Let's see if maybe your NEXT post will be enough ranting and wailing to make me stop. :woohoo:

Nancy boy?

Your right are being taken away?

Also you did write about how I was ruining your Gay Bashing nonsense, and I told you I can write anywhere I want, and was responding to the OP'er, and you were not happy that I did not run away like you were hoping I was going to do.

Also your Fag's kissing in public nonsense is so childish that I am guessing your kid wrote it for you!

So tell me again what I should write and what you want to read?

Should I write that everyone that is non-Christian, Homosexuals, Non-WASP, oh hell everyone but you has no rights, and they should just do as you tell them?

Seem you are the one dictating what everyone should do in their life, so tell me what should I write to appease someone that is so perfect that they should go nail yourself on a cross upside down so people can piss on you...


OMG you HOMOPHOBE, using HOMOPHOBIC language darling....:eek-52:

I refer to them as gays, lesbians etc.

Whaaaaat....? So pole smoker isn't PC?
How embarrassing...

Rump ranger? Cock holster?

I always forget the latest PC term....
Clinton said it was outrageous that in 2015, "you can still be fired for being gay, you can still lose your home for being gay, and you can even be denied a wedding cake for being gay."

She later added, "I'm delighted, however, that climate deniers can be fired from their jobs, you can lose your NBA if you are bigot, and you can lose your house and business if you don't want to bake a gay cake.

View attachment 56592

That picture of Obama....that's going to give me a nightmare now :eek-52:

You're NOT a nice person :crybaby::wink:

Sorry to do that to ya, but it is what it is.

Obama is the one who is not a nice person.

Incidentally, that is probably my favorite pic of all time. It's spot on.

Of course it's spot on, Obama is a freak and a weirdo.
And you're not? LOL

Actually no I'm not.
"There you go again telling me what to do again."

Leftist men's greatest fantasy is having Right-Wing women telling them what to do and issuing orders to them....it's okay, we already know this, you mustn't be ashamed, it's completely natural and normal :wink:

Yeah, but the cheap bastards NEVER offer to pay for it.

Some people will never understand that the finer things in life actually aren't free.

Not if you look like PantyBoy, they aren't.

Now, if you look like Vin Diesel . . .

You do not even know what I look like you stupid bitch hound!

God you are retarded, and I hope a Fag French Kisses you!

I bet you have sucked many Fag's in your life and did not even know it!

You're so very confused aren't you darling?
Loosey goosey hates queers..
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.
Yet all the het flaunting doesn't bother you a bit.

So basically, you just pranced in here and started posting without reading a single page.

You and PantyBoy have something in common.

My thread became very good natured and now it's all gone horrible :(
There you go again telling me what to do again.

I read the OP, and responded to the OP, and then the OP bitch hound came attacking telling me what i should have done when the fact is I was not responding to the OP bitch hound in the first place.

I know how dare I respond to the OP without your permission or taking into account you hate homosexuals and believe anyone that has no problem with someone sexual lifestyle must be a fag to you.

I know if you keep on writing about how someone must be a fag, and you rant on and on about how if someone kisses in public and is not a straight WASP bitch hound then it is wrong.

Now tell me what I should write to appease the bitch hound goddess of this thread, and please understand I do not care if you suck face with a man, woman, well most likely for you it would be that Donkey in T.J. that you get paid for at the local truck stop...

"There you go again telling me what to do again."

Leftist men's greatest fantasy is having Right-Wing women telling them what to do and issuing orders to them....it's okay, we already know this, you mustn't be ashamed, it's completely natural and normal :wink:

Yeah, but the cheap bastards NEVER offer to pay for it.

Some people will never understand that the finer things in life actually aren't free.

Not if you look like PantyBoy, they aren't.

Now, if you look like Vin Diesel . . .

You do not even know what I look like you stupid bitch hound!

God you are retarded, and I hope a Fag French Kisses you!

I bet you have sucked many Fag's in your life and did not even know it!

Well, if I did, they weren't afterward. :spinner::mm:
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.
Yet all the het flaunting doesn't bother you a bit.

So basically, you just pranced in here and started posting without reading a single page.

You and PantyBoy have something in common.

My thread became very good natured and now it's all gone horrible :(
Look at your posts and you'll see why.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.
Yet all the het flaunting doesn't bother you a bit.

So basically, you just pranced in here and started posting without reading a single page.

You and PantyBoy have something in common.

My thread became very good natured and now it's all gone horrible :(

Oh, I don't know. I'm still having fun.
Yeah, but the cheap bastards NEVER offer to pay for it.

Some people will never understand that the finer things in life actually aren't free.

Not if you look like PantyBoy, they aren't.

Now, if you look like Vin Diesel . . .

You do not even know what I look like you stupid bitch hound!

God you are retarded, and I hope a Fag French Kisses you!

I bet you have sucked many Fag's in your life and did not even know it!

You're so very confused aren't you darling?
Loosey goosey hates queers..

No need to state the condition of your asshole when speaking to Lucy.
Thats just sick...
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.
Yet all the het flaunting doesn't bother you a bit.

So basically, you just pranced in here and started posting without reading a single page.

You and PantyBoy have something in common.

My thread became very good natured and now it's all gone horrible :(
Look at your posts and you'll see why.

Actually, it went horrible when you showed up . . . kinda like every event you've ever attended in your life, I'd imagine.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.
Yet all the het flaunting doesn't bother you a bit.

So basically, you just pranced in here and started posting without reading a single page.

You and PantyBoy have something in common.

My thread became very good natured and now it's all gone horrible :(

No worries...I'm still with you,dont let the homos deflect from the fun of making sport of homos.

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