Hillary represents everything the democrats pretend they oppose! Best candidate ever!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
She's an elitist..campaigning on behalf of the little people. She's a one percenter..campaigning on the premise that one percenters should be stripped of their privilege and income. Tell us how that works out for you, folks. Maybe it will work out as well for you as the Obama did.

"Clinton embodies all the things Democrats supposedly reject. But she's got money and powerful allies in politics, the media and K Street — and for these reasons, Democratic voters appear ready to settle for her."

"Sen. Clinton, of course, voted for the Iraq war and spoke on the Senate floor in defense of it. But it's not just Iraq. Her entire record is pro-war. Her husband launched wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. When he was getting impeached in 1998, he launched missile attacks on Iraq.
"As Obama's Secretary of State, Clinton was one of the three Obama aides most responsible for the illegal pre-emptive war in Libya. "We came, we saw, he died," she gloated after the U.S. helped depose dictator Moammar Qadhafi."

"Clinton-world is full of names that hardly scream good government: Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emanuel, Mark Penn, Sandy Berger and Lanny Davis. These are the people Democrats are inviting back into the inner circles of power if they send another Clinton to the White House.
"Finally, there's her total resistance to transparency — a necessary pillar of good government. Clinton is famously and stubbornly closed to media. She refused to use the State Department's email system, instead creating her own email system, which was scrubbed totally clean once congressional digging got too close.
"At worst, the email saga shows that Hillary is covering up something. At best, it shows she suffers from a paranoid obsession with secrecy.
"Are America's Democrats really ready to put up with four years of war, corporatism and power-hungry secrecy?"

Yes, yes they are. Because they aren't putting up for it..they've always been fanatically in SUPPORT of it. People make a mistake when they think that what democrats SAY is what they mean. They're compulsive, accomplished liars, and to understand them, you must assume that they mean the polar opposite of any sentence they utter. Particularly if they are REALLY passionate about whatever they're lying about.

Washington Examiner
Hillary is a complete fake, and her supporters love her ability to hoodwink the masses.
Hillary is a complete fake, and her supporters love her ability to hoodwink the masses.
Yup. At the same time failing to recognize that she views them as the masses..not as compatriots.

Brain dead morons.
Hillary is a complete fake, and her supporters love her ability to hoodwink the masses.
Yup. At the same time failing to recognize that she views them as the masses..not as compatriots.

Brain dead morons.
What's with this "Listening Tour" Hitlery is on? She's been around Washington since 1992 and it appears she has never heard what's going on. She has to go to Iowa to listen to voices like in "The Field Of Dreams?"
Hillary is now preaching "campaign reform" - AFTER taking millions and millions and MILLIONS from foreign countries who, coincidentally, treat their women as sub humans.

But I'm fairly certain the left won't see any "contradiction" there, will they?

You can ALWAYS spot the American Liberal with their "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality......
Hillary is a complete fake, and her supporters love her ability to hoodwink the masses.
Yup. At the same time failing to recognize that she views them as the masses..not as compatriots.

Brain dead morons.
What's with this "Listening Tour" Hitlery is on? She's been around Washington since 1992 and it appears she has never heard what's going on. She has to go to Iowa to listen to voices like in "The Field Of Dreams?"

What I would personally like to know is how many times during this Bullshit "road trip" in the Armored van has she said, "Hop over in the jump seat dude...I'm driving the next 500 miles"

Hillary is a complete fake, and her supporters love her ability to hoodwink the masses.
Yup. At the same time failing to recognize that she views them as the masses..not as compatriots.

Brain dead morons.
What's with this "Listening Tour" Hitlery is on? She's been around Washington since 1992 and it appears she has never heard what's going on. She has to go to Iowa to listen to voices like in "The Field Of Dreams?"
They bussed in her *listeners*. They're pro-Hillites, not regular people.
She's an elitist..campaigning on behalf of the little people. She's a one percenter..campaigning on the premise that one percenters should be stripped of their privilege and income. Tell us how that works out for you, folks. Maybe it will work out as well for you as the Obama did.

"Clinton embodies all the things Democrats supposedly reject. But she's got money and powerful allies in politics, the media and K Street — and for these reasons, Democratic voters appear ready to settle for her."

"Sen. Clinton, of course, voted for the Iraq war and spoke on the Senate floor in defense of it. But it's not just Iraq. Her entire record is pro-war. Her husband launched wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. When he was getting impeached in 1998, he launched missile attacks on Iraq.
"As Obama's Secretary of State, Clinton was one of the three Obama aides most responsible for the illegal pre-emptive war in Libya. "We came, we saw, he died," she gloated after the U.S. helped depose dictator Moammar Qadhafi."

"Clinton-world is full of names that hardly scream good government: Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emanuel, Mark Penn, Sandy Berger and Lanny Davis. These are the people Democrats are inviting back into the inner circles of power if they send another Clinton to the White House.
"Finally, there's her total resistance to transparency — a necessary pillar of good government. Clinton is famously and stubbornly closed to media. She refused to use the State Department's email system, instead creating her own email system, which was scrubbed totally clean once congressional digging got too close.
"At worst, the email saga shows that Hillary is covering up something. At best, it shows she suffers from a paranoid obsession with secrecy.
"Are America's Democrats really ready to put up with four years of war, corporatism and power-hungry secrecy?"

Yes, yes they are. Because they aren't putting up for it..they've always been fanatically in SUPPORT of it. People make a mistake when they think that what democrats SAY is what they mean. They're compulsive, accomplished liars, and to understand them, you must assume that they mean the polar opposite of any sentence they utter. Particularly if they are REALLY passionate about whatever they're lying about.

When did she ever say the one percent should be stripped of all their privilege? It's amazing how conservatives twist words. Democrats have never been quoted as saying we should strip all of the income of the wealthy. It's always been about fair wages for the poor and middle class. You can't have fair wages AND a wage gap of CEO's making 300x more a year. Even America isn't wealthy enough for that. No dem has ever proposed we pay everyone the same. It is simply about paying the lower classes realistically. If that means cutting the ridiculous egregious pay of the top CEOs, then so be it.
She's an elitist..campaigning on behalf of the little people. She's a one percenter..campaigning on the premise that one percenters should be stripped of their privilege and income. Tell us how that works out for you, folks. Maybe it will work out as well for you as the Obama did.

"Clinton embodies all the things Democrats supposedly reject. But she's got money and powerful allies in politics, the media and K Street — and for these reasons, Democratic voters appear ready to settle for her."

"Sen. Clinton, of course, voted for the Iraq war and spoke on the Senate floor in defense of it. But it's not just Iraq. Her entire record is pro-war. Her husband launched wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. When he was getting impeached in 1998, he launched missile attacks on Iraq.
"As Obama's Secretary of State, Clinton was one of the three Obama aides most responsible for the illegal pre-emptive war in Libya. "We came, we saw, he died," she gloated after the U.S. helped depose dictator Moammar Qadhafi."

"Clinton-world is full of names that hardly scream good government: Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emanuel, Mark Penn, Sandy Berger and Lanny Davis. These are the people Democrats are inviting back into the inner circles of power if they send another Clinton to the White House.
"Finally, there's her total resistance to transparency — a necessary pillar of good government. Clinton is famously and stubbornly closed to media. She refused to use the State Department's email system, instead creating her own email system, which was scrubbed totally clean once congressional digging got too close.
"At worst, the email saga shows that Hillary is covering up something. At best, it shows she suffers from a paranoid obsession with secrecy.
"Are America's Democrats really ready to put up with four years of war, corporatism and power-hungry secrecy?"

Yes, yes they are. Because they aren't putting up for it..they've always been fanatically in SUPPORT of it. People make a mistake when they think that what democrats SAY is what they mean. They're compulsive, accomplished liars, and to understand them, you must assume that they mean the polar opposite of any sentence they utter. Particularly if they are REALLY passionate about whatever they're lying about.

When did she ever say the one percent should be stripped of all their privilege? It's amazing how conservatives twist words. Democrats have never been quoted as saying we should strip all of the income of the wealthy. It's always been about fair wages for the poor and middle class. You can't have fair wages AND a wage gap of CEO's making 300x more a year. Even America isn't wealthy enough for that. No dem has ever proposed we pay everyone the same. It is simply about paying the lower classes realistically. If that means cutting the ridiculous egregious pay of the top CEOs, then so be it.
She's an elitist..campaigning on behalf of the little people. She's a one percenter..campaigning on the premise that one percenters should be stripped of their privilege and income. Tell us how that works out for you, folks. Maybe it will work out as well for you as the Obama did.

"Clinton embodies all the things Democrats supposedly reject. But she's got money and powerful allies in politics, the media and K Street — and for these reasons, Democratic voters appear ready to settle for her."

"Sen. Clinton, of course, voted for the Iraq war and spoke on the Senate floor in defense of it. But it's not just Iraq. Her entire record is pro-war. Her husband launched wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. When he was getting impeached in 1998, he launched missile attacks on Iraq.
"As Obama's Secretary of State, Clinton was one of the three Obama aides most responsible for the illegal pre-emptive war in Libya. "We came, we saw, he died," she gloated after the U.S. helped depose dictator Moammar Qadhafi."

"Clinton-world is full of names that hardly scream good government: Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emanuel, Mark Penn, Sandy Berger and Lanny Davis. These are the people Democrats are inviting back into the inner circles of power if they send another Clinton to the White House.
"Finally, there's her total resistance to transparency — a necessary pillar of good government. Clinton is famously and stubbornly closed to media. She refused to use the State Department's email system, instead creating her own email system, which was scrubbed totally clean once congressional digging got too close.
"At worst, the email saga shows that Hillary is covering up something. At best, it shows she suffers from a paranoid obsession with secrecy.
"Are America's Democrats really ready to put up with four years of war, corporatism and power-hungry secrecy?"

Yes, yes they are. Because they aren't putting up for it..they've always been fanatically in SUPPORT of it. People make a mistake when they think that what democrats SAY is what they mean. They're compulsive, accomplished liars, and to understand them, you must assume that they mean the polar opposite of any sentence they utter. Particularly if they are REALLY passionate about whatever they're lying about.

When did she ever say the one percent should be stripped of all their privilege? It's amazing how conservatives twist words. Democrats have never been quoted as saying we should strip all of the income of the wealthy. It's always been about fair wages for the poor and middle class. You can't have fair wages AND a wage gap of CEO's making 300x more a year. Even America isn't wealthy enough for that. No dem has ever proposed we pay everyone the same. It is simply about paying the lower classes realistically. If that means cutting the ridiculous egregious pay of the top CEOs, then so be it.
You know I'm right.
She's an elitist..campaigning on behalf of the little people. She's a one percenter..campaigning on the premise that one percenters should be stripped of their privilege and income. Tell us how that works out for you, folks. Maybe it will work out as well for you as the Obama did.

"Clinton embodies all the things Democrats supposedly reject. But she's got money and powerful allies in politics, the media and K Street — and for these reasons, Democratic voters appear ready to settle for her."

"Sen. Clinton, of course, voted for the Iraq war and spoke on the Senate floor in defense of it. But it's not just Iraq. Her entire record is pro-war. Her husband launched wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. When he was getting impeached in 1998, he launched missile attacks on Iraq.
"As Obama's Secretary of State, Clinton was one of the three Obama aides most responsible for the illegal pre-emptive war in Libya. "We came, we saw, he died," she gloated after the U.S. helped depose dictator Moammar Qadhafi."

"Clinton-world is full of names that hardly scream good government: Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emanuel, Mark Penn, Sandy Berger and Lanny Davis. These are the people Democrats are inviting back into the inner circles of power if they send another Clinton to the White House.
"Finally, there's her total resistance to transparency — a necessary pillar of good government. Clinton is famously and stubbornly closed to media. She refused to use the State Department's email system, instead creating her own email system, which was scrubbed totally clean once congressional digging got too close.
"At worst, the email saga shows that Hillary is covering up something. At best, it shows she suffers from a paranoid obsession with secrecy.
"Are America's Democrats really ready to put up with four years of war, corporatism and power-hungry secrecy?"

Yes, yes they are. Because they aren't putting up for it..they've always been fanatically in SUPPORT of it. People make a mistake when they think that what democrats SAY is what they mean. They're compulsive, accomplished liars, and to understand them, you must assume that they mean the polar opposite of any sentence they utter. Particularly if they are REALLY passionate about whatever they're lying about.

When did she ever say the one percent should be stripped of all their privilege? It's amazing how conservatives twist words. Democrats have never been quoted as saying we should strip all of the income of the wealthy. It's always been about fair wages for the poor and middle class. You can't have fair wages AND a wage gap of CEO's making 300x more a year. Even America isn't wealthy enough for that. No dem has ever proposed we pay everyone the same. It is simply about paying the lower classes realistically. If that means cutting the ridiculous egregious pay of the top CEOs, then so be it.

It's not the governments business nor does it have the authority to cut the pay of a corporation's CEO. LOL
The Hildabeast was out today bitching about how special interest money influences politics and how she wants to change that but she has promised to raise $2.5 billion in special interest money for herself.

Just think how many of these jackass Moon Bats fail to understand her hypocrisy. I guess being a Libtard really affect the brain functions.
The Hildabeast was out today bitching about how special interest money influences politics and how she wants to change that but she has promised to raise $2.5 billion in special interest money for herself.

Just think how many of these jackass Moon Bats fail to understand her hypocrisy. I guess being a Libtard really affect the brain functions.
The Hildabeast was out today bitching about how special interest money influences politics and how she wants to change that but she has promised to raise $2.5 billion in special interest money for herself.

Just think how many of these jackass Moon Bats fail to understand her hypocrisy. I guess being a Libtard really affect the brain functions.
She's an elitist..campaigning on behalf of the little people. She's a one percenter..campaigning on the premise that one percenters should be stripped of their privilege and income. Tell us how that works out for you, folks. Maybe it will work out as well for you as the Obama did.

"Clinton embodies all the things Democrats supposedly reject. But she's got money and powerful allies in politics, the media and K Street — and for these reasons, Democratic voters appear ready to settle for her."

"Sen. Clinton, of course, voted for the Iraq war and spoke on the Senate floor in defense of it. But it's not just Iraq. Her entire record is pro-war. Her husband launched wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. When he was getting impeached in 1998, he launched missile attacks on Iraq.
"As Obama's Secretary of State, Clinton was one of the three Obama aides most responsible for the illegal pre-emptive war in Libya. "We came, we saw, he died," she gloated after the U.S. helped depose dictator Moammar Qadhafi."

"Clinton-world is full of names that hardly scream good government: Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emanuel, Mark Penn, Sandy Berger and Lanny Davis. These are the people Democrats are inviting back into the inner circles of power if they send another Clinton to the White House.
"Finally, there's her total resistance to transparency — a necessary pillar of good government. Clinton is famously and stubbornly closed to media. She refused to use the State Department's email system, instead creating her own email system, which was scrubbed totally clean once congressional digging got too close.
"At worst, the email saga shows that Hillary is covering up something. At best, it shows she suffers from a paranoid obsession with secrecy.
"Are America's Democrats really ready to put up with four years of war, corporatism and power-hungry secrecy?"

Yes, yes they are. Because they aren't putting up for it..they've always been fanatically in SUPPORT of it. People make a mistake when they think that what democrats SAY is what they mean. They're compulsive, accomplished liars, and to understand them, you must assume that they mean the polar opposite of any sentence they utter. Particularly if they are REALLY passionate about whatever they're lying about.

When did she ever say the one percent should be stripped of all their privilege? It's amazing how conservatives twist words. Democrats have never been quoted as saying we should strip all of the income of the wealthy. It's always been about fair wages for the poor and middle class. You can't have fair wages AND a wage gap of CEO's making 300x more a year. Even America isn't wealthy enough for that. No dem has ever proposed we pay everyone the same. It is simply about paying the lower classes realistically. If that means cutting the ridiculous egregious pay of the top CEOs, then so be it.

It's not the governments business nor does it have the authority to cut the pay of a corporation's CEO. LOL
The issue isn't about cutting their pay. It's about paying people fairly. If CEO's can getaway with paying people realistically and keeping their pay then more power to them.
She's an elitist..campaigning on behalf of the little people. She's a one percenter..campaigning on the premise that one percenters should be stripped of their privilege and income. Tell us how that works out for you, folks. Maybe it will work out as well for you as the Obama did.

"Clinton embodies all the things Democrats supposedly reject. But she's got money and powerful allies in politics, the media and K Street — and for these reasons, Democratic voters appear ready to settle for her."

"Sen. Clinton, of course, voted for the Iraq war and spoke on the Senate floor in defense of it. But it's not just Iraq. Her entire record is pro-war. Her husband launched wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. When he was getting impeached in 1998, he launched missile attacks on Iraq.
"As Obama's Secretary of State, Clinton was one of the three Obama aides most responsible for the illegal pre-emptive war in Libya. "We came, we saw, he died," she gloated after the U.S. helped depose dictator Moammar Qadhafi."

"Clinton-world is full of names that hardly scream good government: Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emanuel, Mark Penn, Sandy Berger and Lanny Davis. These are the people Democrats are inviting back into the inner circles of power if they send another Clinton to the White House.
"Finally, there's her total resistance to transparency — a necessary pillar of good government. Clinton is famously and stubbornly closed to media. She refused to use the State Department's email system, instead creating her own email system, which was scrubbed totally clean once congressional digging got too close.
"At worst, the email saga shows that Hillary is covering up something. At best, it shows she suffers from a paranoid obsession with secrecy.
"Are America's Democrats really ready to put up with four years of war, corporatism and power-hungry secrecy?"

Yes, yes they are. Because they aren't putting up for it..they've always been fanatically in SUPPORT of it. People make a mistake when they think that what democrats SAY is what they mean. They're compulsive, accomplished liars, and to understand them, you must assume that they mean the polar opposite of any sentence they utter. Particularly if they are REALLY passionate about whatever they're lying about.

When did she ever say the one percent should be stripped of all their privilege? It's amazing how conservatives twist words. Democrats have never been quoted as saying we should strip all of the income of the wealthy. It's always been about fair wages for the poor and middle class. You can't have fair wages AND a wage gap of CEO's making 300x more a year. Even America isn't wealthy enough for that. No dem has ever proposed we pay everyone the same. It is simply about paying the lower classes realistically. If that means cutting the ridiculous egregious pay of the top CEOs, then so be it.

It's not the governments business nor does it have the authority to cut the pay of a corporation's CEO. LOL
The issue isn't about cutting their pay. It's about paying people fairly. If CEO's can getaway with paying people realistically and keeping their pay then more power to them.

The government has no authority to make that happen either. It's simple, if you don't like what a corporation pays then don't work for that corporation.
She's an elitist..campaigning on behalf of the little people. She's a one percenter..campaigning on the premise that one percenters should be stripped of their privilege and income. Tell us how that works out for you, folks. Maybe it will work out as well for you as the Obama did.

"Clinton embodies all the things Democrats supposedly reject. But she's got money and powerful allies in politics, the media and K Street — and for these reasons, Democratic voters appear ready to settle for her."

"Sen. Clinton, of course, voted for the Iraq war and spoke on the Senate floor in defense of it. But it's not just Iraq. Her entire record is pro-war. Her husband launched wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. When he was getting impeached in 1998, he launched missile attacks on Iraq.
"As Obama's Secretary of State, Clinton was one of the three Obama aides most responsible for the illegal pre-emptive war in Libya. "We came, we saw, he died," she gloated after the U.S. helped depose dictator Moammar Qadhafi."

"Clinton-world is full of names that hardly scream good government: Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emanuel, Mark Penn, Sandy Berger and Lanny Davis. These are the people Democrats are inviting back into the inner circles of power if they send another Clinton to the White House.
"Finally, there's her total resistance to transparency — a necessary pillar of good government. Clinton is famously and stubbornly closed to media. She refused to use the State Department's email system, instead creating her own email system, which was scrubbed totally clean once congressional digging got too close.
"At worst, the email saga shows that Hillary is covering up something. At best, it shows she suffers from a paranoid obsession with secrecy.
"Are America's Democrats really ready to put up with four years of war, corporatism and power-hungry secrecy?"

Yes, yes they are. Because they aren't putting up for it..they've always been fanatically in SUPPORT of it. People make a mistake when they think that what democrats SAY is what they mean. They're compulsive, accomplished liars, and to understand them, you must assume that they mean the polar opposite of any sentence they utter. Particularly if they are REALLY passionate about whatever they're lying about.

When did she ever say the one percent should be stripped of all their privilege? It's amazing how conservatives twist words. Democrats have never been quoted as saying we should strip all of the income of the wealthy. It's always been about fair wages for the poor and middle class. You can't have fair wages AND a wage gap of CEO's making 300x more a year. Even America isn't wealthy enough for that. No dem has ever proposed we pay everyone the same. It is simply about paying the lower classes realistically. If that means cutting the ridiculous egregious pay of the top CEOs, then so be it.

It's not the governments business nor does it have the authority to cut the pay of a corporation's CEO. LOL
The issue isn't about cutting their pay. It's about paying people fairly. If CEO's can getaway with paying people realistically and keeping their pay then more power to them.

The government has no authority to make that happen either. It's simple, if you don't like what a corporation pays then don't work for that corporation.
Umm yes it does. It's called raising the minimum wage.
She's an elitist..campaigning on behalf of the little people. She's a one percenter..campaigning on the premise that one percenters should be stripped of their privilege and income. Tell us how that works out for you, folks. Maybe it will work out as well for you as the Obama did.

"Clinton embodies all the things Democrats supposedly reject. But she's got money and powerful allies in politics, the media and K Street — and for these reasons, Democratic voters appear ready to settle for her."

"Sen. Clinton, of course, voted for the Iraq war and spoke on the Senate floor in defense of it. But it's not just Iraq. Her entire record is pro-war. Her husband launched wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. When he was getting impeached in 1998, he launched missile attacks on Iraq.
"As Obama's Secretary of State, Clinton was one of the three Obama aides most responsible for the illegal pre-emptive war in Libya. "We came, we saw, he died," she gloated after the U.S. helped depose dictator Moammar Qadhafi."

"Clinton-world is full of names that hardly scream good government: Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emanuel, Mark Penn, Sandy Berger and Lanny Davis. These are the people Democrats are inviting back into the inner circles of power if they send another Clinton to the White House.
"Finally, there's her total resistance to transparency — a necessary pillar of good government. Clinton is famously and stubbornly closed to media. She refused to use the State Department's email system, instead creating her own email system, which was scrubbed totally clean once congressional digging got too close.
"At worst, the email saga shows that Hillary is covering up something. At best, it shows she suffers from a paranoid obsession with secrecy.
"Are America's Democrats really ready to put up with four years of war, corporatism and power-hungry secrecy?"

Yes, yes they are. Because they aren't putting up for it..they've always been fanatically in SUPPORT of it. People make a mistake when they think that what democrats SAY is what they mean. They're compulsive, accomplished liars, and to understand them, you must assume that they mean the polar opposite of any sentence they utter. Particularly if they are REALLY passionate about whatever they're lying about.

When did she ever say the one percent should be stripped of all their privilege? It's amazing how conservatives twist words. Democrats have never been quoted as saying we should strip all of the income of the wealthy. It's always been about fair wages for the poor and middle class. You can't have fair wages AND a wage gap of CEO's making 300x more a year. Even America isn't wealthy enough for that. No dem has ever proposed we pay everyone the same. It is simply about paying the lower classes realistically. If that means cutting the ridiculous egregious pay of the top CEOs, then so be it.

It's not the governments business nor does it have the authority to cut the pay of a corporation's CEO. LOL
The issue isn't about cutting their pay. It's about paying people fairly. If CEO's can getaway with paying people realistically and keeping their pay then more power to them.

The government has no authority to make that happen either. It's simple, if you don't like what a corporation pays then don't work for that corporation.
And don't buy what they sell.
LIBS love boycotting don't they?
She's an elitist..campaigning on behalf of the little people. She's a one percenter..campaigning on the premise that one percenters should be stripped of their privilege and income. Tell us how that works out for you, folks. Maybe it will work out as well for you as the Obama did.

"Clinton embodies all the things Democrats supposedly reject. But she's got money and powerful allies in politics, the media and K Street — and for these reasons, Democratic voters appear ready to settle for her."

"Sen. Clinton, of course, voted for the Iraq war and spoke on the Senate floor in defense of it. But it's not just Iraq. Her entire record is pro-war. Her husband launched wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. When he was getting impeached in 1998, he launched missile attacks on Iraq.
"As Obama's Secretary of State, Clinton was one of the three Obama aides most responsible for the illegal pre-emptive war in Libya. "We came, we saw, he died," she gloated after the U.S. helped depose dictator Moammar Qadhafi."

"Clinton-world is full of names that hardly scream good government: Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emanuel, Mark Penn, Sandy Berger and Lanny Davis. These are the people Democrats are inviting back into the inner circles of power if they send another Clinton to the White House.
"Finally, there's her total resistance to transparency — a necessary pillar of good government. Clinton is famously and stubbornly closed to media. She refused to use the State Department's email system, instead creating her own email system, which was scrubbed totally clean once congressional digging got too close.
"At worst, the email saga shows that Hillary is covering up something. At best, it shows she suffers from a paranoid obsession with secrecy.
"Are America's Democrats really ready to put up with four years of war, corporatism and power-hungry secrecy?"

Yes, yes they are. Because they aren't putting up for it..they've always been fanatically in SUPPORT of it. People make a mistake when they think that what democrats SAY is what they mean. They're compulsive, accomplished liars, and to understand them, you must assume that they mean the polar opposite of any sentence they utter. Particularly if they are REALLY passionate about whatever they're lying about.

When did she ever say the one percent should be stripped of all their privilege? It's amazing how conservatives twist words. Democrats have never been quoted as saying we should strip all of the income of the wealthy. It's always been about fair wages for the poor and middle class. You can't have fair wages AND a wage gap of CEO's making 300x more a year. Even America isn't wealthy enough for that. No dem has ever proposed we pay everyone the same. It is simply about paying the lower classes realistically. If that means cutting the ridiculous egregious pay of the top CEOs, then so be it.

It's not the governments business nor does it have the authority to cut the pay of a corporation's CEO. LOL
The issue isn't about cutting their pay. It's about paying people fairly. If CEO's can getaway with paying people realistically and keeping their pay then more power to them.

The government has no authority to make that happen either. It's simple, if you don't like what a corporation pays then don't work for that corporation.
Umm yes it does. It's called raising the minimum wage.

That's not working out so well for you communists, we warned you it wouldn't.
She's an elitist..campaigning on behalf of the little people. She's a one percenter..campaigning on the premise that one percenters should be stripped of their privilege and income. Tell us how that works out for you, folks. Maybe it will work out as well for you as the Obama did.

"Clinton embodies all the things Democrats supposedly reject. But she's got money and powerful allies in politics, the media and K Street — and for these reasons, Democratic voters appear ready to settle for her."

"Sen. Clinton, of course, voted for the Iraq war and spoke on the Senate floor in defense of it. But it's not just Iraq. Her entire record is pro-war. Her husband launched wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. When he was getting impeached in 1998, he launched missile attacks on Iraq.
"As Obama's Secretary of State, Clinton was one of the three Obama aides most responsible for the illegal pre-emptive war in Libya. "We came, we saw, he died," she gloated after the U.S. helped depose dictator Moammar Qadhafi."

"Clinton-world is full of names that hardly scream good government: Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emanuel, Mark Penn, Sandy Berger and Lanny Davis. These are the people Democrats are inviting back into the inner circles of power if they send another Clinton to the White House.
"Finally, there's her total resistance to transparency — a necessary pillar of good government. Clinton is famously and stubbornly closed to media. She refused to use the State Department's email system, instead creating her own email system, which was scrubbed totally clean once congressional digging got too close.
"At worst, the email saga shows that Hillary is covering up something. At best, it shows she suffers from a paranoid obsession with secrecy.
"Are America's Democrats really ready to put up with four years of war, corporatism and power-hungry secrecy?"

Yes, yes they are. Because they aren't putting up for it..they've always been fanatically in SUPPORT of it. People make a mistake when they think that what democrats SAY is what they mean. They're compulsive, accomplished liars, and to understand them, you must assume that they mean the polar opposite of any sentence they utter. Particularly if they are REALLY passionate about whatever they're lying about.

When did she ever say the one percent should be stripped of all their privilege? It's amazing how conservatives twist words. Democrats have never been quoted as saying we should strip all of the income of the wealthy. It's always been about fair wages for the poor and middle class. You can't have fair wages AND a wage gap of CEO's making 300x more a year. Even America isn't wealthy enough for that. No dem has ever proposed we pay everyone the same. It is simply about paying the lower classes realistically. If that means cutting the ridiculous egregious pay of the top CEOs, then so be it.

It's not the governments business nor does it have the authority to cut the pay of a corporation's CEO. LOL
The issue isn't about cutting their pay. It's about paying people fairly. If CEO's can getaway with paying people realistically and keeping their pay then more power to them.

The government has no authority to make that happen either. It's simple, if you don't like what a corporation pays then don't work for that corporation.
And don't buy what they sell.
LIBS love boycotting don't they?
And it historically works out so well for them, lolol...

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