Hillary should have been indicted for secrets disclosed in her emails

I don't like her either, but she's never running for anything again, and she's not potus. She is poison for any candidate she comes near. What is her relevance?
I'll bite, what secrets did she disclose?

What evidence is there that shows any data from her private server was ever hacked, released or otherwise exposed?
I never voted for Hillary. I think Comey gave her a pass because of her political prominence as the likely nominee. But he also tanked her campaign. I'm just not sure why the issue is still relevant. Which was why I started the thread.

It’s relevant because she broke the law, Comey said so in he press meeting but she didn’t mean too,
Plus judicial watch just got 100’s more of her emails that they had to sue to get, and there’s 10 classified emails in those few emails with the rest to come. Are liberals ok with this?

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I never voted for Hillary. I think Comey gave her a pass because of her political prominence as the likely nominee. But he also tanked her campaign. I'm just not sure why the issue is still relevant. Which was why I started the thread.

It’s relevant because she broke the law, Comey said so in he press meeting but she didn’t mean too,
Plus judicial watch just got 100’s more of her emails that they had to sue to get, and there’s 10 classified emails in those few emails with the rest to come. Are liberals ok with this?

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Just keep lying to yourselves.

"Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way, or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities."


"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
I never voted for Hillary. I think Comey gave her a pass because of her political prominence as the likely nominee. But he also tanked her campaign. I'm just not sure why the issue is still relevant. Which was why I started the thread.

It’s relevant because she broke the law, Comey said so in he press meeting but she didn’t mean too,
Plus judicial watch just got 100’s more of her emails that they had to sue to get, and there’s 10 classified emails in those few emails with the rest to come. Are liberals ok with this?

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Just keep lying to yourselves.

"Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way, or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities."


"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
Well my point in starting the thread was just this: even if you agree with me that it should have been a jury decision of whether Hillary acted with intent or gross negligence in forwarding emails with secret info, Comey effectively ended Hillary's campaign with the Nov Surprise. His motives - for first giving her cover from an indictment, and then later torpedoing her campaign and causing Trump to be elected instead.- will be debated for decades. But it was what it was.

The Trumpbots use Comey's pass as evidence of some double standard towards Trump. The only way his presidency is possibly going to be ended without an election is if he and the Russians were actually in cahoots. No one with any shred of intellectual honesty can compare that to anything any presidential candidate (except possibly Nixon) did.

It may be that a lot of unsavory facts come out about Trump that will be in play in 2020, but the Trumpbots have no complaint on that (eg Lock her up)
I never voted for Hillary. I think Comey gave her a pass because of her political prominence as the likely nominee. But he also tanked her campaign. I'm just not sure why the issue is still relevant. Which was why I started the thread.

It’s relevant because she broke the law, Comey said so in he press meeting but she didn’t mean too,
Plus judicial watch just got 100’s more of her emails that they had to sue to get, and there’s 10 classified emails in those few emails with the rest to come. Are liberals ok with this?

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What law ? Was it a criminal law ? Comey is not a judge by the way .
I don't like her either, but she's never running for anything again, and she's not potus. She is poison for any candidate she comes near. What is her relevance?

Her relevance is a cautionary one.

Her constant drive-by media exposure has the sort of value attached to a dead crow being dangled by a wire from the outstretched arm of a scarecrow. The chance that it might inspire other crows to move on.
Of course she should have been indicted. The fix was in and anyone but a moron understands that. Meanwhile....they go after Trump like a rabid pack of dogs.

And Trump is scared. If he did nothing wrong, why is he so scared?

Shit, you know Trump is corrupt. He and Bill used to golf together. They were pretty good chums. I'm sure the Clinton's taught him the game of political corruption. It is only a matter of how well he learned.

The point is, he is small potatoes compared to them. Anything that they could possibly find on Trump, if they know where to look, or what to do to find the corruption, it is only because, they taught him how to do it.
I never voted for Hillary. I think Comey gave her a pass because of her political prominence as the likely nominee. But he also tanked her campaign. I'm just not sure why the issue is still relevant. Which was why I started the thread.

It’s relevant because she broke the law, Comey said so in he press meeting but she didn’t mean too,
Plus judicial watch just got 100’s more of her emails that they had to sue to get, and there’s 10 classified emails in those few emails with the rest to come. Are liberals ok with this?

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Just keep lying to yourselves.

"Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way, or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities."


"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
Well my point in starting the thread was just this: even if you agree with me that it should have been a jury decision of whether Hillary acted with intent or gross negligence in forwarding emails with secret info, Comey effectively ended Hillary's campaign with the Nov Surprise. His motives - for first giving her cover from an indictment, and then later torpedoing her campaign and causing Trump to be elected instead.- will be debated for decades. But it was what it was.

The Trumpbots use Comey's pass as evidence of some double standard towards Trump. The only way his presidency is possibly going to be ended without an election is if he and the Russians were actually in cahoots. No one with any shred of intellectual honesty can compare that to anything any presidential candidate (except possibly Nixon) did.

It may be that a lot of unsavory facts come out about Trump that will be in play in 2020, but the Trumpbots have no complaint on that (eg Lock her up)

I don't think it should have been released during a campaign. He knew what it would do, especially in November.

But my point above is no, Comey simply didn't say she broke the law.
I never voted for Hillary. I think Comey gave her a pass because of her political prominence as the likely nominee. But he also tanked her campaign. I'm just not sure why the issue is still relevant. Which was why I started the thread.

It’s relevant because she broke the law, Comey said so in he press meeting but she didn’t mean too,
Plus judicial watch just got 100’s more of her emails that they had to sue to get, and there’s 10 classified emails in those few emails with the rest to come. Are liberals ok with this?

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Any reason to believe those 10 e-mails were distributed to anybody?
Of course she should have been indicted. The fix was in and anyone but a moron understands that. Meanwhile....they go after Trump like a rabid pack of dogs.

And Trump is scared. If he did nothing wrong, why is he so scared?

Shit, you know Trump is corrupt. He and Bill used to golf together. They were pretty good chums. I'm sure the Clinton's taught him the game of political corruption. It is only a matter of how well he learned.

The point is, he is small potatoes compared to them. Anything that they could possibly find on Trump, if they know where to look, or what to do to find the corruption, it is only because, they taught him how to do it.

So you're saying any laws Trump broke are really Clinton's fault? That's just funny.
GAsp! Hillary used her private email for gov biz . Trump uses his private twitter for gov biz .

Guess they can share a jail cell.
Still whining about Hillary. Get new material. You couldn't get her locked up for almost 3 decades, what makes you think all your fake accusations will work now?
Did you EVER tell rtard dean to stop talking about BOOOOOOOOSH for Obama's entire 8 years?

No? I didn't think so. Go fuck yourself ya hack hypocrite

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