Hillary should have been indicted for secrets disclosed in her emails

GAsp! Hillary used her private email for gov biz . Trump uses his private twitter for gov biz .

Guess they can share a jail cell.
Twitter is not private ya moron.

God help us with idiots like this being allowed to vote

watch it gramps .........

Scroll down to the "Settings" option and click. Click on the tab labeled "Privacy and safety". Scroll down to the privacy section, then check the "Protect my Tweets" box to make your account private. Scroll down to the bottom of the settings page, and click on "Save changes".
2 Easy Ways to Make Your Twitter Account Private

Still whining about Hillary. Get new material. You couldn't get her locked up for almost 3 decades, what makes you think all your fake accusations will work now?
Did you EVER tell rtard dean to stop talking about BOOOOOOOOSH for Obama's entire 8 years?

No? I didn't think so. Go fuck yourself ya hack hypocrite

Almost 3 decades. Even you have to admit that's just silly.

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