Hillary Signed "Islamaphobia" Treaty Last December. It's Done And Now We're Screwed

Sorry bout that,

1. This film maker may have done something no other has done, actually said the truth about islam.
2. And now he has to pay for it, this shall blow up in Obama's face.
3. Obama will back peddle pretty soon, when all the truth comes out.
4. Never doubt me, this is huge, and this will undoubtedly cost Obama his legacy, he will be forever known as the president who tried to take away a Americans free speech rights.

Pulling the Islamic Veil over Americas' Eyes

Why would U.S. diplomats apologize to violent Muslims, on of all days 9/11, for America's sacred right of free speech? They were following a new protocol negotiated between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Saudi-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), an alliance of 56 Muslim nations.

In December, Clinton met behind closed doors in Washington with OIC officials to hammer out "mechanisms" for enforcing a U.N. resolution the administration signed to fight "Islamophobia" in America and other Western nations.

The three-day session was closed to the public.

However, the Homeland Security and Defense departments and the FBI have since purged thousands of counterterrorism training materials that Muslim reviewers complained pushed "negative stereotypes" of Islam.

Sanitized material included anything defining jihad as "holy war." In addition, courses on radical Islam have been canceled, and some instructors and trainers have been fired or disciplined.

U.S. Embassy Apologies Reflect Obama's Anti-'Islamophobia' Policy - Investors.com

a phobia is an unreasonable fear of something....

well... do you think our people in the embassy had unreasonable fear? How about the people who died...... did they have nothing to fear?

The truth is no a negative stereotype..... just becasue some are sensitive about how they act and don't want to be called on that.... is bullshit.
'An unexamined life is not worth living' - Socrates.

I wouldn't want to live in a world where you can't say or think whatever you like, if they made blasphemy illegal I would break the law in defiance. If Socrates was prepared to die to defy the state, then I am pretty sure most westerners can too. I don't think these blasphemy law advocates realize that if they start prosecuting people for committing 'blasphemy', they will be no better than the Spanish Inquisition. Radical Islamists are prepared to die for 'Allah', but westerners and non believers are prepared to die for freedom of speech and expression.
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Stop it, guys.

America is not going to give up free speech.
I agree that America isn't going to give up free speech.

But it does need to be modified so that it resembles the original intention of the founding fathers.

Which was to have the freedom to speak critically against the government without fear of prosecution.

Not to protect pornography and defamation of people's moral and spiritual values. :cool:
You have the FF's original intentions all wrong, bub.

And, yeah, we are so gonna make fun of your prophet and your religion, like . . . foheva!
This is the result of this Politically Correct atmosphere that favors Islam when it comes to liberal politicians.


Pretty soon they'll be asked to fully institute Sharia Law and the Dems will do everything in their power to comply so as not to insult a bunch of uptight Muslims.

I'm sure you on the left will say I'm full of crap, but you said the same thing about Carbon-taxes at the pump and my warnings that The Muslim Brotherhood would take over Egypt. This is Political Correctness gone wild.
September 29, 2012
Barack Obama: President and Protector of Islam's Prophet
By Andrew E. Harrod

United States President Barack Obama addressed the United Nations General Assembly this past week, on September 25, 2012. During his remarks on his country's role in international relations, Obama, in the midst of his comments otherwise within the mainstream of American discussions, proclaimed that the "future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." This single phrase entails deeply disturbing implications for the defense of free speech critical of Islam against multiplying threats from various adherents of this faith. This statement also introduces intellectual confusion into the rest of Obama's remarks extolling individual freedom while condemning bigotry and insults. This philosophical quagmire ultimately is resolvable only through reflection upon Obama's presumed future troubling policy course.

Obama's reference to Islam's prophet Muhammad came amidst a series of cited future threats to global social well-being. "On so many issues," Obama outlined, "we face a choice between the promise of the future, or the prisons of the past." "The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in Egypt," Obama's rhetorical litany began -- "it must be claimed by those in Tahrir Square who chanted, 'Muslims, Christians, we are one.'" Nor must the "future ... belong to those who bully women" or "to those corrupt few who steal a country's resources" or "to those who turn their backs on a prospect of peace" in the Arab-Israeli conflict or "to a dictator who massacres his people" in Syria.​

Articles: Barack Obama: President and Protector of Islam's Prophet

Obama is more concerned with insults to Islam than he is nukes in Iran.......and he doesn't see similarities between Syria, Egypt, and Libya.

The guy is carrying out his mission of changing the Middle-East into a mass of radical Islamic theocracies which eventually will impose their beliefs upon Americans.
You have simply lost it, mud.

Let's move on.

This is the result of this Politically Correct atmosphere that favors Islam when it comes to liberal politicians.

Conservative’s Anti-Jihad Subway Ad Leads to New MTA Policies: NYC Authority Can Now Ban Ads That Could ‘Incite or Provoke Violence’ | TheBlaze.com

Pretty soon they'll be asked to fully institute Sharia Law and the Dems will do everything in their power to comply so as not to insult a bunch of uptight Muslims.

I'm sure you on the left will say I'm full of crap, but you said the same thing about Carbon-taxes at the pump and my warnings that The Muslim Brotherhood would take over Egypt. This is Political Correctness gone wild.
You have simply lost it, mud.

Let's move on.

This is the result of this Politically Correct atmosphere that favors Islam when it comes to liberal politicians.

Conservative’s Anti-Jihad Subway Ad Leads to New MTA Policies: NYC Authority Can Now Ban Ads That Could ‘Incite or Provoke Violence’ | TheBlaze.com

Pretty soon they'll be asked to fully institute Sharia Law and the Dems will do everything in their power to comply so as not to insult a bunch of uptight Muslims.

I'm sure you on the left will say I'm full of crap, but you said the same thing about Carbon-taxes at the pump and my warnings that The Muslim Brotherhood would take over Egypt. This is Political Correctness gone wild.

Your opinion is in your ass along with your head.

Failure to heed warnings like this shows you to be a fool. I'm just hoping there are only a few pin-heads like you out there. Worthless dickwads who never take anything seriously till it's too late.
You are the fool, mud. The only "few pin-heads" are you and your buds.

What a buncha knuckle fools.

You guys are terrorizing the rest of normal America into thinking all of the far right is crazy.

You guys are pushing the undecideds to Obama.

You are destroying the GOP nationally as well.
You are the fool, mud. The only "few pin-heads" are you and your buds.

What a buncha knuckle fools.

You guys are terrorizing the rest of normal America into thinking all of the far right is crazy.

You guys are pushing the undecideds to Obama.

You are destroying the GOP nationally as well.

I seriously doubt that.

The undecideds are just that because they're not in love with Obama.

All they need is a good enough reason to vote for Romney.
You are not giving them any good reason to vote for Obama.

Your twisting of facts is obvious and not fooling anyone.
You are not giving them any good reason to vote for Obama.

Your twisting of facts is obvious and not fooling anyone.

I'm sorry, but I'm just not as gullible as you.

Looking into Obama's past is all you need to figure out what his deal is. You simply choose not to connect the dots. You figure how can anyone be this rotten to the core. Well only his analyst knows for sure.
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The dots are obviously not connected the way you believe.

But that is your problem, and your increasingly shill hysterical commentary, along with some of the others from the far right, have decided many of the previously undecided.
The dots are obviously not connected the way you believe.

But that is your problem, and your increasingly shill hysterical commentary, along with some of the others from the far right, have decided many of the previously undecided.

They keep saying that and yet I've been proved to be correct too many times to be on the wrong track.

But enough of this......your shit is boring me.
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