Hillary slams GOP candidates over voting suppression...and names them!

OH GAWD, not this again.

do these people ever have a new scheme to divide the people with?

what a witch..go fly away. we are so sick of you
OH GAWD, not this again.

do these people ever have a new scheme to divide the people with?

what a witch..go fly away. we are so sick of you

its all they have. they have no record to run on, obozo has been a massive failure, hildebeast is a proven liar and criminal, all they can do is preach about the evil republicans and the evil rich. While the Clintons are members of the ultra rich club.

Any dem voters who support her are either very ignorant or very stupid, or both.
OH GAWD, not this again.

do these people ever have a new scheme to divide the people with?

what a witch..go fly away. we are so sick of you

Ah Staph! Was it coincidence that Sassy was just here? I guess it took a few moments to change your profile, huh?
It's so easy proving this simpleton wrong :)

But Clinton has lost support among independents. In March, 45 percent had a favorable view and 44 percent had an unfavorable view, for a net approval rating of +1 point. That has now fallen to -14 points (37 percent-51 percent). Craighill notes that the sample size of pure independents is small (86 in the March survey and 97 in the May survey). So take this trend with a grain of salt.

Hillary Clinton s poll numbers are falling. Among Democrats. - The Washington Post
OH GAWD, not this again.

do these people ever have a new scheme to divide the people with?

what a witch..go fly away. we are so sick of you

its all they have. they have no record to run on, obozo has been a massive failure, hildebeast is a proven liar and criminal, all they can do is preach about the evil republicans and the evil rich. While the Clintons are members of the ultra rich club.

Any dem voters who support her are either very ignorant or very stupid, or both.

So what is the GOP answer for cutting voting hours and making it harder for college students to vote? Why do they continually try to keep voters away from the polls? Do you have an answer or are you just another "bash Hillary" repub?
OH GAWD, not this again.

do these people ever have a new scheme to divide the people with?

what a witch..go fly away. we are so sick of you

its all they have. they have no record to run on, obozo has been a massive failure, hildebeast is a proven liar and criminal, all they can do is preach about the evil republicans and the evil rich. While the Clintons are members of the ultra rich club.

Any dem voters who support her are either very ignorant or very stupid, or both.

I KNOW. we thought we saw Dirty with Obama's campaigning. I'm pretty sure we haven't seen ANYTHING yet these slimy progressives will be pulling on us
From shaking down the world to fund her political aspirations with the guise and veil of a foundation to denying her membership within the very same multi millionaire club and criticizing those that appose her political ideology. Dam what a con artist. One would have to say her love and admiration for her mentor Saul Alinsky and his teaching were not wasted on this dried up wannabe hag , boy can she work the system.
Shrillary didn't even SLAM he hound hog hubby for cheating/adultery on her while the country watched

yet here she is SLAMMING the gop OVER blaa blaa blaaa blaaa
Its not about voting rights, never has been, its about the machine, divide, and conquer at any price, provided they vote her way.
They want to put you all back in chains!
Class envy/class warfare and division are all the Democrats can offer. Oh look, he's oppressing you. I am for you.
It is old tired and hackneyed and I think people are done falling for it.
"Independents", of course, are mainly Republicans who are too gutless to admit being Republicans. That's why there were so few of them in that poll.

Hillary wins this in a runaway, of course. Hence the hysteria. Her money is all going into a legendary ground game. When Democrats get out and vote, they win easily, and Hillary will have them all out.

Plus ... and this is the big one ... she doesn't have Mark Penn around this time to make her fail. He's off ruining Microsoft now. Or Bob Shrum, or Terry Mac, or any of the old Democratic dinosaurs who made themselves big money by running losing campaigns for Democrats. A competent campaign strategist could have beaten Obama in 08. Penn was a clown who lost it for Hillary.

Oh, the HDS posters on this thread are helping Hillary win with the insults. By all means, alienate women and the elderly. We thank you for the votes that brings us.
"Independents", of course, are mainly Republicans who are too gutless to admit being Republicans. That's why there were so few of them in that poll.

Hillary wins this in a runaway, of course. Hence the hysteria. Her money is all going into a legendary ground game. When Democrats get out and vote, they win easily, and Hillary will have them all out.

Plus ... and this is the big one ... she doesn't have Mark Penn around this time to make her fail. He's off ruining Microsoft now. Or Bob Shrum, or Terry Mac, or any of the old Democratic dinosaurs who made themselves big money by running losing campaigns for Democrats. A competent campaign strategist could have beaten Obama in 08. Penn was a clown who lost it for Hillary.

Oh, the HDS posters on this thread are helping Hillary win with the insults. By all means, alienate women and the elderly. We thank you for the votes that brings us.

Her numbers are tanking across the board. Good grief
And yet, she is still beating everyone in the Clown Car.

Still no answer on voter suppression? Oh, you have no answer. The only reason the repubs want to keep people away from the polls is to stop minorities and the poor from voting. We all know that. You know it also. The gop targets areas and populations that will likely vote Democratic.

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