Hillary still far more popular than GOP rivals

The Republican Congress had the lowest approval ratings ever going into the 2014 election. How'd that work out for Dems?

It worked out exactly the way historical precedent predicted. Nobody was surprised. A little disappointed perhaps, but not surprised. 2016 will follow expected patterns as well. The right does have a chance to show they know how to govern, but they haven't shown much effort yet.
Wrong. It was a 95 year record for the GOP.

Also, what retard thinks any polling that compares one candidate in one party to many in another has any meaning whatsoever? Liberals can't think.

The amount of seats they won may have been a record, but the results were not. The GOP has been very good at getting their base to turn out, the Democrats have not.

I know you think Republicans have some sort of mandate from this last election when only 30 percent of the entire country voted and 20 percent of those were Republicans, but that does not a mandate make nor does it signal any desire for the policies of the GOP by the American people.

You have one and only one candidate that can give Hillary a run for the money...and that's because he has the money. Jebbie..and ya'll hate him.
The Dems didn't vote like the Republicans did because they weren't motivated given what's been going on. You can downplay the election results if you need to but most people see it for what is was. More seats=more power. We don't pass laws based on mandates we do them by votes. Liberals love the M word for some odd reason.

You also missed my point, the GOP doesn't have a pick yet and Hillary apparently doesn't have any competition. Comparing her with a dozen GOP prospects is just stupid.

Check out that dozen. Every one of them stupid. Ted Cruz is nothing more than Louie Gohmert with more hair, and all Ben Carson has to do is click his heels together three times while saying "999" , and he will magically be transported into Herman Cane.

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