Hillary Supporters Gone Berserk

Not if they let you, moron. Note: Trump said "they let you." That's the part morons like you keep leaving out when you lie that Trump admitted to sexual assault.
Kind of like guards of Jewish ghettos in Nazi Germany might have told each other which women would “let you do it,” rather than risk the potential consequences of resistance.

It's a pity that you don't have any clue what assault is.
But this isn't Mexico, Its the United States. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................CLARO QUE SI...****************************************************************************************************************
"Rodriguez has previously held Trump piñata events on the two most recent Mexican Independence days and on Cinco de Mayo this year."

Where it's citizen are free to make and brake pinatas to our hearts desire. Where as grabbing women by the pussy because you're a rich TV star is still illegal.
Not if they let you, moron. Note: Trump said "they let you." That's the part morons like you keep leaving out when you lie that Trump admitted to sexual assault.

Sure they do. </sarcasm> If you're a star and you move in on them real fast they don't have a chance to say no. I'll bet he has some success with that ham handed approach, after all he's rich and entitled to it right?

Donald Trump. He's not just a liar any more, he's a perv.
Not if they let you, moron. Note: Trump said "they let you." That's the part morons like you keep leaving out when you lie that Trump admitted to sexual assault.
Kind of like guards of Jewish ghettos in Nazi Germany might have told each other which women would “let you do it,” rather than risk the potential consequences of resistance.

It's a pity that you don't have any clue what assault is.
Your Clinton does.....
Liberals turn hostile so quickly because they run out of Intellectual Ammo so fast and have nothing to resort to except personal verbal and physical attacks .
Not if they let you, moron. Note: Trump said "they let you." That's the part morons like you keep leaving out when you lie that Trump admitted to sexual assault.
Kind of like guards of Jewish ghettos in Nazi Germany might have told each other which women would “let you do it,” rather than risk the potential consequences of resistance.

Oh, for the love of God. :lol:
Not if they let you, moron. Note: Trump said "they let you." That's the part morons like you keep leaving out when you lie that Trump admitted to sexual assault.
Kind of like guards of Jewish ghettos in Nazi Germany might have told each other which women would “let you do it,” rather than risk the potential consequences of resistance.

It's a pity that you don't have any clue what assault is.
So Trump was going to gas them if they didn't let him?

You really are a stupid dumb fuck, ya know it?
Not if they let you, moron. Note: Trump said "they let you." That's the part morons like you keep leaving out when you lie that Trump admitted to sexual assault.
Kind of like guards of Jewish ghettos in Nazi Germany might have told each other which women would “let you do it,” rather than risk the potential consequences of resistance.

Oh, for the love of God. :lol:
Really. That has to be near the top of the list of dumbest posts of the year.
So Trump was going to gas them if they didn't let him?

You really are a stupid dumb fuck, ya know it?
Right, because there was no assault before the gas chambers were fired up.

It is ironic you brought up gassing, since your messiah is running for Gaslighter in Chief.
The beating he is taking in the polls right now isn't that different. He's toast. RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
REALLY? From a Headline on Drudge....

I guess you don't know that Trump could win the popular vote by ten points and still lose?

He has no path to 270 http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo
Of course I do. you do realize the same applies to Hillary, right?!
We are happy: P1090676-e1359482432970.jpg ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************SO don't you Lib retards think that we will just let you lying creeps rob us of our joy, our rights, our minds, our bathrooms, our churches, our freedom of speech, our guns, and our country.
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The beating he is taking in the polls right now isn't that different. He's toast. RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
REALLY? From a Headline on Drudge....

I guess you don't know that Trump could win the popular vote by ten points and still lose?

He has no path to 270 http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo
Of course I do. you do realize the same applies to Hillary, right?!
Of course, you idiot. Watch the state polls as they are the only ones that matter.
We are happy: View attachment 93373 ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************SO don't you Lib retards think that we will just let you lying creeps rob us of our joy, our rights, our minds, our bathrooms, our churches, our guns, and our country.
Bring it on, Sweetheart.
Trump doesn't want to grab your gun. He wants to grab your pussy.

If that brings you joy, have at it.
Really. That has to be near the top of the list of dumbest posts of the year

I love it, though. The loons on either side are worth their weight in comedy gold. I usually leave message boards during the run-up to presidential elections and if this what I was missing then I made a terrible mistake. lol
So Trump was going to gas them if they didn't let him?

You really are a stupid dumb fuck, ya know it?
Right, because there was no assault before the gas chambers were fired up.

It is ironic you brought up gassing, since your messiah is running for Gaslighter in Chief.

I'll type this real slow so even you can understand: It isn't assault if they let him.
Oh those horrible Demo........um.....er.....Meixcans

Rodriguez said the piñata events aren't held out of malice but as a way to celebrate a Mexican custom. Rodriguez, who is Mexican-American, said piñatas are often used in Mexico and Central America as a way to poke fun at powerful political figures.

Rodriguez said New York billionaire Trump, whom he christened "El Trumpo," fit the bill perfectly. "The Don," he said, "represents the sorts of billionaires we're up against as small business owners.

"If someone is giving you the blues in Mexico, the devil or anyone like that, you build a piñata, sometimes even if you like the person," Rodriguez said. "It's the only way we can ridicule him, because if the one percent wanted, they could grind us into powder and sell us by the pound. Humor is the only way we can go up against this; it's the only weapon we have, and we're going to wield it."

Rodriguez has previously held Trump piñata events on the two most recent Mexican Independence days and on Cinco de Mayo this year.

Yeah, making a pinata in the likeness of a human and beating the shit out of with sticks is in no way malicious.

Really. That has to be near the top of the list of dumbest posts of the year

I love it, though. The loons on either side are worth their weight in comedy gold. I usually leave message boards during the run-up to presidential elections and if this what I was missing then I made a terrible mistake. lol
The insanity from the left is reaching stratospheric altitudes. Hysteria is what the thrive on. They get hysterical over every issue. Global warming isn't just a problem we need to study or that might cause a little inconvenience, IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!

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