Hillary Supporters Gone Berserk

Really. That has to be near the top of the list of dumbest posts of the year

I love it, though. The loons on either side are worth their weight in comedy gold. I usually leave message boards during the run-up to presidential elections and if this what I was missing then I made a terrible mistake. lol
The insanity from the left is reaching stratospheric altitudes. Hysteria is what the thrive on. They get hysterical over every issue. Global warming isn't just a problem we need to study or that might cause a little inconvenience, IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!
Speaking of acting hysterically..........
If I grab some other woman's pussy and my wife found out about it, I would be the victim of assault.

Weren't these women people he just met? Not girlfriend. Not wife.

I remember how concerned you Communists were when radical left David Letterman was doing the same thing.

Oh, wait...

He got assaulted by his wife for grabbing some girls pussy? Poor guy.


Let me know when Letteman runs for president.
"Speaking of acting hysterically.........."
...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Locker Room Talk really frightens me! Oh dear!
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We are happy: View attachment 93373 ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************SO don't you Lib retards think that we will just let you lying creeps rob us of our joy, our rights, our minds, our bathrooms, our churches, our guns, and our country.
Bring it on, Sweetheart.
Trump doesn't want to grab your gun. He wants to grab your pussy.

If that brings you joy, have at it.
You're just mad no one wants to grab yours.
We are happy: View attachment 93373 ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************SO don't you Lib retards think that we will just let you lying creeps rob us of our joy, our rights, our minds, our bathrooms, our churches, our guns, and our country.
Bring it on, Sweetheart.
Trump doesn't want to grab your gun. He wants to grab your pussy.

If that brings you joy, have at it.
You're just mad no one wants to grab yours.
Ah yes...that old misogynist line....
So Trump was going to gas them if they didn't let him?

You really are a stupid dumb fuck, ya know it?
Right, because there was no assault before the gas chambers were fired up.

It is ironic you brought up gassing, since your messiah is running for Gaslighter in Chief.

I'll type this real slow so even you can understand: It isn't assault if they let him.
It wasn't that they let him, it's that he got away with it, until now. Now the old Pussy Grabber is fucked and the pussies are taking their revenge.
The old pussies just have hearsay. One of the pussies claimed it happened during an interview with a magazine. However she left that part out when it would have been priceless.

With lefties, the accusation is good enough. And they don't give a rip about Democrats doing worse.
I'll type this real slow so even you can understand: It isn't assault if they let him.
I will type this real slow so you understand. Grabbing pussies without PRIOR permission is assault, EVEN if the person allows it, and EVEN if they decide they like it.
Oh puhleaze. Do you think every married man is committing assault if he grabs his wife's pussy? I've seen friends of mine do that to their girl friends right before my eyes. According to you, they should be in prison.

We had to listen to feminists invoke the "one free grope rule" when Slick was president, and now they are all acting like they've been inducted into a nunnery.

Who do you think you're fooling?

If I grab some other woman's pussy and my wife found out about it, I would be the victim of assault.

Weren't these women people he just met? Not girlfriend. Not wife.
I'll repeat this for all you moron douche bags: if they let him do it, then it's not assault.
I'll type this real slow so even you can understand: It isn't assault if they let him.
I will type this real slow so you understand. Grabbing pussies without PRIOR permission is assault, EVEN if the person allows it, and EVEN if they decide they like it.
Oh puhleaze. Do you think every married man is committing assault if he grabs his wife's pussy? I've seen friends of mine do that to their girl friends right before my eyes. According to you, they should be in prison.

We had to listen to feminists invoke the "one free grope rule" when Slick was president, and now they are all acting like they've been inducted into a nunnery.

Who do you think you're fooling?

If I grab some other woman's pussy and my wife found out about it, I would be the victim of assault.

Weren't these women people he just met? Not girlfriend. Not wife.
I'll repeat this for all you moron douche bags: if they let him do it, then it's not assault.

The only reference I made to any assault was mine if my wife found out I grabbed some other woman's puswaugh.

He was married at the time right?

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