Hillary Supporters Gone Berserk

So Trump was going to gas them if they didn't let him?

You really are a stupid dumb fuck, ya know it?
Right, because there was no assault before the gas chambers were fired up.

It is ironic you brought up gassing, since your messiah is running for Gaslighter in Chief.

I'll type this real slow so even you can understand: It isn't assault if they let him.
It wasn't that they let him, it's that he got away with it, until now. Now the old Pussy Grabber is fucked and the pussies are taking their revenge.
So Trump was going to gas them if they didn't let him?

You really are a stupid dumb fuck, ya know it?
Right, because there was no assault before the gas chambers were fired up.

It is ironic you brought up gassing, since your messiah is running for Gaslighter in Chief.

I'll type this real slow so even you can understand: It isn't assault if they let him.
It wasn't that they let him, it's that he got away with it, until now. Now the old Pussy Grabber is fucked and the pussies are taking their revenge.

Pussies, yeah that's good name for you guys. :smirk:
So Trump was going to gas them if they didn't let him?

You really are a stupid dumb fuck, ya know it?
Right, because there was no assault before the gas chambers were fired up.

It is ironic you brought up gassing, since your messiah is running for Gaslighter in Chief.

I'll type this real slow so even you can understand: It isn't assault if they let him.
It wasn't that they let him, it's that he got away with it, until now. Now the old Pussy Grabber is fucked and the pussies are taking their revenge.

Pussies, yeah that's good name for you guys. :smirk:
Pussy is why Trump will lose. We've mostly had it with his kind. The pile-on is going to crush his wrinkled old junk into Ramen noodles.
Me robaste el corazón
I love it, though. The loons on either side are worth their weight in comedy gold. I usually leave message boards during the run-up to presidential elections and if this what I was missing then I made a terrible mistake. lol

There has never been an election like this before.

democrats are evil trolls that make Josef Goebbels blush due to their slanderous lies; but generally the Republican just smiles and takes it up the ass.

Trump is fighting back, which has made this a mud fight.
Its the hearts that have gotten grabbed. The Libs have no heart, only an ice queen who lies to her followers.
images (9).jpg
"Even GOP women don't like him. You can forget the rest." ... I DID FORGET THE REST BECAUSE OF TRUMP I AM NO LONGER A DEMOCRAT.
So Trump was going to gas them if they didn't let him?

You really are a stupid dumb fuck, ya know it?
Right, because there was no assault before the gas chambers were fired up.

It is ironic you brought up gassing, since your messiah is running for Gaslighter in Chief.

I'll type this real slow so even you can understand: It isn't assault if they let him.
It wasn't that they let him, it's that he got away with it, until now. Now the old Pussy Grabber is fucked and the pussies are taking their revenge.

Pussies, yeah that's good name for you guys. :smirk:
Pussy is why Trump will lose. We've mostly had it with his kind. The pile-on is going to crush his wrinkled old junk into Ramen noodles.

Oh palease..... Obama referred to his grandmother as a "typical white woman", began his career in the home of a domestic terrorist, spent ten years in a a church headed by a racist preacher, was mentored by an avowed communist and on and on. He was elected.
Oh those horrible Demo........um.....er.....Meixcans

Rodriguez said the piñata events aren't held out of malice but as a way to celebrate a Mexican custom. Rodriguez, who is Mexican-American, said piñatas are often used in Mexico and Central America as a way to poke fun at powerful political figures.

Rodriguez said New York billionaire Trump, whom he christened "El Trumpo," fit the bill perfectly. "The Don," he said, "represents the sorts of billionaires we're up against as small business owners.

"If someone is giving you the blues in Mexico, the devil or anyone like that, you build a piñata, sometimes even if you like the person," Rodriguez said. "It's the only way we can ridicule him, because if the one percent wanted, they could grind us into powder and sell us by the pound. Humor is the only way we can go up against this; it's the only weapon we have, and we're going to wield it."

Rodriguez has previously held Trump piñata events on the two most recent Mexican Independence days and on Cinco de Mayo this year.

Yeah, making a pinata in the likeness of a human and beating the shit out of with sticks is in no way malicious.


Well he was probably a rapist or a drug dealer, you know how those people are.
Right, because there was no assault before the gas chambers were fired up.

It is ironic you brought up gassing, since your messiah is running for Gaslighter in Chief.

I'll type this real slow so even you can understand: It isn't assault if they let him.
It wasn't that they let him, it's that he got away with it, until now. Now the old Pussy Grabber is fucked and the pussies are taking their revenge.

Pussies, yeah that's good name for you guys. :smirk:
Pussy is why Trump will lose. We've mostly had it with his kind. The pile-on is going to crush his wrinkled old junk into Ramen noodles.

Oh palease..... Obama referred to his grandmother as a "typical white woman", began his career in the home of a domestic terrorist, spent ten years in a a church headed by a racist preacher, was mentored by an avowed communist and on and on. He was elected.
Women would vote for him, and we knew that at this very same time four years ago and eight years ago. Those same polls show Clinton winning. They weren't wrong then and they aren't wrong now.
"Even GOP women don't like him. You can forget the rest." ... I DID FORGET THE REST BECAUSE OF TRUMP I AM NO LONGER A DEMOCRAT.
If you can vote for Trump then you never were a Democrat, and you're a traitor to your sex so turn in your pussy, you don't deserve it.
I'll type this real slow so even you can understand: It isn't assault if they let him.
I will type this real slow so you understand. Grabbing pussies without PRIOR permission is assault, EVEN if the person allows it, and EVEN if they decide they like it.

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