Hillary supporters, what are her SPECIFIC top accomplishments? List them.


So when was Clinton charged with accepting bribes? When was she convicted?

Yes, Hillary is above the laws that govern commoners and Republicans, we know. That the law does not apply to her in no way changes the gross violations that she commits

Again- just your lies.

But if you couldn't lie-you wouldn't be able to post on USMB.

Notice the source retard, that was the DNC controlled NY Times. Are they lying?

In fact, the one lying around here is you, and you're far too fucking stupid to grasp how thoroughly exposed you are.
You can not back up those dopey allegations with factual data. In fact, unlimited funding into investigating some of those allegations came up blank. Your allegations qualify as blatant lies.

Yes, I know that you're willing to lie for Hillary, and do so incessantly. You are a democrat, you have purged yourself of any hint of integrity, I get it.

The problem is Camp, you ARE just a liar, and the Internet makes it so the your filthy party can no longer destroy the facts about the party bosses.

Of particular interest to investigators has been Ms. Clinton's work on an option agreement drafted to provide Seth Ward with some $300,000 in commissions on the re-sale of his holdings at Castle Grande. Regulators determined that the option agreement was principally designed to further obfuscate and hide the fraudulent nature of the underlying Castle Grande transactions.

The records also identified what investigators believe was a significant phone call on April 7, 1986 between Ms. Clinton and then-Madison loan officer Don Denton. When questioned by investigators about the call, Denton remembered speaking with Ms. Clinton about efforts to provide Ward with his commissions. According to their conversation, Denton believes that Ms.Clinton was familiar with the nature of the transaction -- again, a transaction that investigators believe was intended to deceive financial regulators.}

frontline: once upon a time in arkansas: Rose Law Firm Billing Records
You are a real ass. My past history on this site shows support for Huntsman and Kasich. I have been an unaffiliated voter my entire life. You think far to highly of yourself. Just like your cult leader.
Look at yourself dunce, you are chasing after unproven alleged conspiracy theories that date back over three decades.
She got 4 Americans murdered at a consulate in Libya while she slept. That was significant.
Clinton sponsored three bills which became law. She co-sponsored 74 bills which became law.

Passing laws is an "accomplishment" for the legislature? Wow.

Link? Specific Bills? Specific results?
Clinton has accomplished what 16 top Republicans could not do. She has kicked Trump's ass in both poll numbers and the debates.

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