Hillary, The Black Hole Of Politics?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Looking more and more that way as EVERYTHING she has done is harming her party BOTH direct and indirect. It seems everyone that so much as talks to Hillary comes away dirty.

You remember that email account Obozo said he knew nothing about until the press told him? Well email records from and to that account SHOWS Obozo used that account MANY times to keep in touch with here. YEARS worth!

Obama Exchanged E-Mail With Clinton on Her Personal Address - Bloomberg Politics

All this harms Hillary directly as many federal laws were broken so she is done. Indirectly it makes her supporters looks like a bunch of ignorant feeble minded clowns.

Another issue coming rather quickly {could be the next few weeks} is the Hillary black hole much like the ones in our solar system has sucked in EVERYTHING around her. With democrats now looking at nobody to replace here but MAYBE Warren a lot of the funding is gone.

Hillary has sucked up MILLIONS and she will never give it back. That leaves democrats with another problem. How do you raise millions for a new pick when your first pick just swindled MILLIONS from your base?

Hillary may have destroyed the chances of ANY democrat in ANY election for her OWN profit. And I truly think she could care less. At the very least America learns once again what a TRUE democrat is.
And it only cost democrats 15 to 20 million. I find THAT rather amusing.
Looking more and more that way as EVERYTHING she has done is harming her party BOTH direct and indirect. It seems everyone that so much as talks to Hillary comes away dirty.

You remember that email account Obozo said he knew nothing about until the press told him? Well email records from and to that account SHOWS Obozo used that account MANY times to keep in touch with here. YEARS worth!

Obama Exchanged E-Mail With Clinton on Her Personal Address - Bloomberg Politics

All this harms Hillary directly as many federal laws were broken so she is done. Indirectly it makes her supporters looks like a bunch of ignorant feeble minded clowns.

Another issue coming rather quickly {could be the next few weeks} is the Hillary black hole much like the ones in our solar system has sucked in EVERYTHING around her. With democrats now looking at nobody to replace here but MAYBE Warren a lot of the funding is gone.

Hillary has sucked up MILLIONS and she will never give it back. That leaves democrats with another problem. How do you raise millions for a new pick when your first pick just swindled MILLIONS from your base?

Hillary may have destroyed the chances of ANY democrat in ANY election for her OWN profit. And I truly think she could care less. At the very least America learns once again what a TRUE democrat is.
And it only cost democrats 15 to 20 million. I find THAT rather amusing.

He said black hole, I get it now.

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