Hillary - The smell test

Do you believe Hillary setting up her server was just an innocent mistake?

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Prosecutor: Secretary Clinton, Why did you maintain a personal server?

Clinton: My agency authorized it as it had been done in the past

Judge: Case closed

Her agency authorized it? Who, when, and by what authority?

Hillary acted with full knowledge and concurrence of her agency. As had Republicans before her

Right, yet somehow the justice department can't find that.

And what Republican set up their own server?

It's your usual fare of making shit up as you go
Prosecutor: Secretary Clinton, Why did you maintain a personal server?

Clinton: My agency authorized it as it had been done in the past

Judge: Case closed

Her agency authorized it? Who, when, and by what authority?

Hillary acted with full knowledge and concurrence of her agency. As had Republicans before her
And other people did dumb things too. Were they taking brib.. excuse me, donations to their charity while they were Secretary of State and had incentive to hide communications?
Servergate really is such a mundane scandal. May as well complain that she talked on a cell phone when people called her instead of using carrier pigeon.

The Freedom of information act and archiving official documents and communications just means government can tell you what they want to tell you, do they, sycophant? Transparent government? No need for that as long as liberals get your government dependency checks


That is all.

The freedom of information act is "mundane" to you? It's not really a rule, at least not an important one? Seriously?


Right, leftists always think government accountability is measured in terms of the number of digits on the check you get in the mail. Three digits, hmm, well, maybe I could look the other way. Four? Server? What stinking server!!!!
If I had Top Secret Intel on my personal server, within 10 minutes of discovery my security clearance would be suspended, within 4 hours I would be being grilled by the FBI, and within a month charges would be filed.

Just ask General Petraus if I'm right or not.

General Petraus intentionally passed classified information to his girlfriend who had no clearance
More bullshit lies. His girlfriend had the security clearance to see those documents.
Prosecutor: Secretary Clinton, Why did you maintain a personal server?

Clinton: My agency authorized it as it had been done in the past

Judge: Case closed

Her agency authorized it? Who, when, and by what authority?

Hillary acted with full knowledge and concurrence of her agency. As had Republicans before her
Nixon acted with full knowledge and concurrence of his agencies too, dumbass.
The left wouldn't tolerate her actions from the right. She would have been kicked out of office at a minimum. Running for president wouldn't happen, period.
Who else has done that. I call bull shit to that.

Where are all of Colin Powell's emails from his cpowell @aol.com address that he used for official business?

Wanna guess?

Hillary did far more than that, but he should be accountable for anything he did. BTW, I doubt that was the e-mail address, do you know how common cpowell would be?
Who else has done that. I call bull shit to that.

Where are all of Colin Powell's emails from his cpowell @aol.com address that he used for official business?

Wanna guess?

Hillary did far more than that, but he should be accountable for anything he did. BTW, I doubt that was the e-mail address, do you know how common cpowell would be?
Not the point, idiot.

He used a freakin aol.com account to conduct official State business --- AOL!

Where do you think *that* server was stored. Not at State, that's for damn sure.

And what did he do at the end? He deleted most all of them!

Poof! Gone.
Who else has done that. I call bull shit to that.

Where are all of Colin Powell's emails from his cpowell @aol.com address that he used for official business?

Wanna guess?
Ah, the ole 'he who smelt it dealt it' defense.
More like multiple people farted, but the only one you connies smell is the one you imagine HRC cut.

And that's all this is going to amount to: a fart.

Like all the other scandals the right wing has been ginning up for decades against the Clintons.
Who else has done that. I call bull shit to that.

Where are all of Colin Powell's emails from his cpowell @aol.com address that he used for official business?

Wanna guess?
Ah, the ole 'he who smelt it dealt it' defense.
More like multiple people farted, but the only one you connies smell is the one you imagine HRC cut.

And that's all this is going to amount to: a fart.

Like all the other scandals the right wing has been ginning up for decades against the Clintons.
Who else ran for president?

You dims fart and blame the nearest Republican.
Believe me, no need to drum up scandals, the Clintons manage quite well on their own.

They are to this date the ONLY first couple to be fingerprinted and subpoenaed by the FBI.
Who else has done that. I call bull shit to that.

Where are all of Colin Powell's emails from his cpowell @aol.com address that he used for official business?

Wanna guess?

Hillary did far more than that, but he should be accountable for anything he did. BTW, I doubt that was the e-mail address, do you know how common cpowell would be?
Not the point, idiot.

He used a freakin aol.com account to conduct official State business --- AOL!

Where do you think *that* server was stored. Not at State, that's for damn sure.

And what did he do at the end? He deleted most all of them!

Poof! Gone.

Pretty vague. Tell me which part you're having a hissy fit over:

1) Setting up a private e-mail account isn't the same as setting up his own e-mail server and bypassing government documentation requirements and settings

2) If he transacted government business through a non-official account he should totally be accountable for that
Who else has done that. I call bull shit to that.

Where are all of Colin Powell's emails from his cpowell @aol.com address that he used for official business?

Wanna guess?
Ah, the ole 'he who smelt it dealt it' defense.
More like multiple people farted, but the only one you connies smell is the one you imagine HRC cut.

And that's all this is going to amount to: a fart.

Like all the other scandals the right wing has been ginning up for decades against the Clintons.

The Clintons and the Bush's both need to go fuck themselves and stop screwing the country, their time is past. As if it ever was
Has anyone noticed that when they need to be on the record for their mindless drone positions on polls, the liberals are too chicken shit to post their vote?

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