Hillary to run as Establishment candidate in place of Biden?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
What would you all think the prospects of this were? Seemed impossible just a few months ago. This impeachment process changes everything. The alt-left is behind it I imagine.

Betting sites have her at 20-1 to win the WH in 2020 already.
Hillary is out to pasture.

The "Establishment Candidate" is now a Socialist.
Yes! Bring her on board! As if the clown car circus could get anymore f-d up!
What would you all think the prospects of this were? Seemed impossible just a few months ago. This impeachment process changes everything. The alt-left is behind it I imagine.

Betting sites have her at 20-1 to win the WH in 2020 already.
It would be great if they ran that cow again. She could end up in jail yet. If the bitch had any brains she'd already be hiding in some shithole country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US.
Apparently next week alone, she is going to be on The View, Colbert show and some big radio show. Even now, on Fox website, at the top of the clips on the side is "Hillary at Awards Ceremony".

At very least they want a backup Establishment to Biden and media will be "I'm with her!" I think the Dems realize they are going to push impeachment because they cannot beat America First with their global donors. In the process, they know Trump will crush Biden by exposing all about Biden making him unelectable.

If it backfires and the GOP don't vote for impeachment. The Dems are done in the WH and the House for 2020, this is a certainty. This is a High Wire act, a Hail Mary of desperation. The MSM are already beating the drum loudly, working to misrepresent and create false optics.
What would you all think the prospects of this were? Seemed impossible just a few months ago. This impeachment process changes everything. The alt-left is behind it I imagine.

Betting sites have her at 20-1 to win the WH in 2020 already.
She is injecting herself heavily in this impeachment process, anything is possible. I thought she was finished. With her big global donors, there is sure to be many asking her "maybe if Biden is undesirable you can return"

This family is a dynasty. Like the British monarchy, some long for the days of old.

Hillary, Chelsea Clinton to appear on 'The View' to talk new book, impeachment
Hillary, Chelsea Clinton to appear on 'The View' to talk new book, impeachment

Let's see if she sobers up enough to go on Colbert and The View. I'm sure the subject will come up. I wouldn't put my money up at 20-1.
She is injecting herself heavily in this impeachment process, anything is possible. I thought she was finished. With her big global donors, there is sure to be many asking her "maybe if Biden is undesirable you can return"

This family is a dynasty. Like the British monarchy, some long for the days of old.

Hillary, Chelsea Clinton to appear on 'The View' to talk new book, impeachment
Hillary, Chelsea Clinton to appear on 'The View' to talk new book, impeachment

And about all she is managing to accomplish is to ensure that her crimes haven't been forgotten and yet need to be dealt with along with all of her conspirators. Lynch is probably shitting her pants everytime Clinton gets on TV and opens her stupid mouth.
Let's see if she sobers up enough to go on Colbert and The View. I'm sure the subject will come up. I wouldn't put my money up at 20-1.

No way, I'd need probably 35 or 40-1 to put any sizeable amount. Knowing how bookie houses work, they like to get in when there is emotional hysteria, so they might be dangling this for easy House money.
In my opinion the Dim's are desperate, they need to regain the White House, cease the ongoing investigations regarding the FBI, DOJ, FISA court manipulation, and obstruction of justice, otherwise risk damaging exposure as to whom the real DNC is.
Oh they're desperaye sure enough but they're too damn stupid to get themselves out of the hole they're in so they just keep digging it deeper and deeper with idiotic desperation plays in their panic. I'd classify the current mental state of the democrats as stark raving terror and they're acting like it.
Oh they're desperaye sure enough but they're too damn stupid to get themselves out of the hole they're in so they just keep digging it deeper and deeper with idiotic desperation plays in their panic. I'd classify the current mental state of the democrats as stark raving terror and they're acting like it.

The issue to me is, who was the driving force behind pushing Pelosi to go this route? What benefit did she see, when she had to have known that Biden would be dragged in?

This to me, is as important as any. It's a game of chess, and some are looking to kill two birds with one stone in my estimation. Impeach Trump, and, knock Biden off as a candidate, replaced with a shiny, socialist rep.

I just can't see how a woman with her experience, who had resisted going down this road for so long, all of a sudden capitulates even though all of her political instincts and fact finding was accurate, "it's the wrong move".

She didn't seem convincing to me when discussing it, she seemed worse when the transcript was released. I can only think, those who she said she was protecting, were convinced to challenge her with "we don't care about the House seat, go for it. It called her bluff". She probably wasn't prepared and felt cornered.
Oh they're desperaye sure enough but they're too damn stupid to get themselves out of the hole they're in so they just keep digging it deeper and deeper with idiotic desperation plays in their panic. I'd classify the current mental state of the democrats as stark raving terror and they're acting like it.

The issue to me is, who was the driving force behind pushing Pelosi to go this route? What benefit did she see, when she had to have known that Biden would be dragged in?

This to me, is as important as any. It's a game of chess, and some are looking to kill two birds with one stone in my estimation. Impeach Trump, and, knock Biden off as a candidate, replaced with a shiny, socialist rep.

I just can't see how a woman with her experience, who had resisted going down this road for so long, all of a sudden capitulates even though all of her political instincts and fact finding was accurate, "it's the wrong move".

She didn't seem convincing to me when discussing it, she seemed worse when the transcript was released. I can only think, those who she said she was protecting, were convinced to challenge her with "we don't care about the House seat, go for it. It called her bluff". She probably wasn't prepared and felt cornered.

Well I don't think it's all that hard to understand once you realize that her congressional district is looney land central, San Fagcisco. When it gets down to keeping her ass in that seat, it's those crazy idiots she has to appease and not party central. You have to remember that for democratic politicians, is all about self preservation for the next term at any cost and nothing else.

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