Hillary use to look like this

Ahhhhhh, the boys come out of the wood work that fear strong, intelligent women.....

You all need to get a handle on your own insecurities..... ;)
Yep I notice none of the brilliant rw haterz, Hossfly for one, is running for President. In that case he needs to

A lot of rw misogyny rearing its ugly head. Especially from that hack- Hossfly. A real class act him :doubt: Sadly, typical day here on USMB
Hossfly, unlike Progressive Liberal Democrats, doesn't have to worship a thief, liar, crook and murderer all rolled into one with a wrinkled ass and face to match. Hillary that is.
How old are you hack boi errr..... Gramps? :eusa_whistle:
You can check my profile.
A lot of rw misogyny rearing its ugly head. Especially from that hack- Hossfly. A real class act him :doubt: Sadly, typical day here on USMB
Hossfly, unlike Progressive Liberal Democrats, doesn't have to worship a thief, liar, crook and murderer all rolled into one with a wrinkled ass and face to match. Hillary that is.
You are ridiculously misinformed, hater dupe. And ageism and sexism is ugly. Think grandmother.
I'm 8 years older than that drunken slut. I've been following her and Bubba since he marched in anti-war parades and handed out anti-war leaflets while Americans were dying in Vietnam while he dodged the draft. Hillary was his right hand and then he became Governor of Arkansas and the began their life of crime. And they haven't stopped. Wake up, smell the bullshit and think great grandfather.
You sure do run your yapper a lot. :blahblah: :anj_stfu: :asshole: What kind of denture adhesive you use?

BTW- if you were in my unit I'd have you on perma KP detail kiddo
You're just jealous, Dolt Com.
All the evil she did to others turned upon herself?

A mix of passing time, bad genes and bad karma.....


And your inability to understand what 23 years does to someone in their 40s. Let's not forget that.

Stop defending the woman! :mad-61:

Let's have a look at you when you are 70, and then maybe you can criticize. She is aging naturally. Aging has to do with genes, mostly. Why criticize the woman for looking her age and not the other male candidates? It's clear from most of your posts, Skye, that you think a lot of yourself and your looks. When you are 70, get back to us on that.

In addition, what she looks like has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not she will be a good president. Harping on her looks only indicates a chauvanistic attitude toward women. Actually, if she were a RW candidate, you'd have no problem with her looks or anything else about her. All your harping on her looks clearly indicates is how superficial and dumb you are, as well as being completely biased and partisan.

Hey little ray of sunshine!

I am not criticizing Clinton because of her age!

I am criticizing her because she is a witch!

All the evil she has done has gone to her face!

It's call karma.... sunshine! ;)

The woman belongs behind bars....... not sitting in the Oval Office.
All the evil she did to others turned upon herself?

A mix of passing time, bad genes and bad karma.....


And your inability to understand what 23 years does to someone in their 40s. Let's not forget that.

Stop defending the woman! :mad-61:

Let's have a look at you when you are 70, and then maybe you can criticize. She is aging naturally. Aging has to do with genes, mostly. Why criticize the woman for looking her age and not the other male candidates? It's clear from most of your posts, Skye, that you think a lot of yourself and your looks. When you are 70, get back to us on that.

In addition, what she looks like has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not she will be a good president. Harping on her looks only indicates a chauvanistic attitude toward women. Actually, if she were a RW candidate, you'd have no problem with her looks or anything else about her. All your harping on her looks clearly indicates is how superficial and dumb you are, as well as being completely biased and partisan.

Hey little ray of sunshine!

I am not criticizing Clinton because of her age!

I am criticizing her because she is a witch!

All the evil she has done has gone to her face!

It's call karma.... sunshine! ;)

The woman belongs behind bars....... not sitting in the Oval Office.
You're a simple minded partisan twit.
It must have been the front-line action she saw in Bosnia only to come home flat broke and being kicked out of her public housing. Things got so bad she had to move to Harlem.

That would age anyone.

Indeed! :up:
All the evil she did to others turned upon herself?

A mix of passing time, bad genes and bad karma.....


And your inability to understand what 23 years does to someone in their 40s. Let's not forget that.

Stop defending the woman! :mad-61:

Let's have a look at you when you are 70, and then maybe you can criticize. She is aging naturally. Aging has to do with genes, mostly. Why criticize the woman for looking her age and not the other male candidates? It's clear from most of your posts, Skye, that you think a lot of yourself and your looks. When you are 70, get back to us on that.

In addition, what she looks like has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not she will be a good president. Harping on her looks only indicates a chauvanistic attitude toward women. Actually, if she were a RW candidate, you'd have no problem with her looks or anything else about her. All your harping on her looks clearly indicates is how superficial and dumb you are, as well as being completely biased and partisan.

Hey little ray of sunshine!

I am not criticizing Clinton because of her age!

I am criticizing her because she is a witch!

All the evil she has done has gone to her face!

It's call karma.... sunshine! ;)

The woman belongs behind bars....... not sitting in the Oval Office.
You're a simple minded partisan twit.

And you are a simple moron!
Aside from being a lying cold-hearted bitch, she's too damn old to be president. So is Sanders, so is Trump.

THIS frumpy nasty individual could be the next potus of the free world. Oh. Dear. God.

rw hate is off-the-scales. :eusa_think: Must be a day of the week ending in "day"

Question- if non-repubs are so awful, why can't your candidates beat them? :itsok:

Question- if non-repubs are so awful, why can't your candidates beat them?

You're right.
After 2008 elections-257 Dem Congressmen, after 2014, 188 Dem Congressmen.
After 2008 elections-59 Dem Senators, after 2014, 46 Dem Senators.
After 2008 elections-29 Dem Governors, after 2014, 18 Dem Governors
It's obvious, Republicans can't get elected, anywhere. :laugh:

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