Hillary visits Iowa College to talk to "everyday Iowans" students get locked in classrooms


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
As Hillary visited Monticello, Iowa a week ago, the self proclaimed "champion of the people" was so much so that students at Jones Country branch of the Kirkwood Community College in Iowa were locked in their classrooms in the main hall along Hillary's walking path for close to an hour while she spoke to "everyday Iowans." Huh. I keep telling myself that this is a small, insignificant issue--but it screams to me that the only "everyday Iowans" are Iowans she picks and chooses to speak to and be around. I'm sure this will be a non issue later on, (or maybe it won't) but normally, a "champion of the people" shouldn't be shy about being around the average American, yet the entire campus was full of "everyday Iowans," despite that, she didn't mind having them locked in their classrooms or in some cases, having their classes cancelled altogether while she gave her message.

Take a moment to let that sink in, and consider the so called inclusivity of "everyday Iowans" that was on display that day:


Tells ya something, doesn't it? And, please pardon me while I unleash the flaming sarcasm below:

Woe be unto those students who are unlucky enough to be in her path, for they are not the fortunate few who are deemed worthy by her highness to be "everyday Iowans."


Hillary Visits College to See Everyday Iowans Students Get Locked In Their Classrooms
They are protecting the next POTUS, get used to it.

This isn't the next POTUS. Get used to it. This kind of campaign is abysmal. I'm sure you wouldn't like being locked in a room by someone who wants you to vote for them, right? Would you still vote for them? I'd wager not.
Just like the dear leader before her, it's all about the marketing, truth has nothing to do with it. The new normal in campaigns.
Just like the dear leader before her, it's all about the marketing, truth has nothing to do with it. The new normal in campaigns.

She's your everyday one percenter who hates one percenters, champion of the select few.
They are protecting the next POTUS, get used to it.

This isn't the next POTUS. Get used to it. This kind of campaign is abysmal. I'm sure you wouldn't like being locked in a room by someone who wants you to vote for them, right? Would you still vote for them? I'd wager not.
What a fucking child you are. The guy who gets your vote is the one who pats you on the head.

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