Hillary Votes "Present" On Keystone

Obama's political career began as an Illinois senator with a finger on the "present" button.

I think back to the 2008 GOP Convention and Giuliani's speech where he took apart Obama. Everything he said was a terrific indicator as to what we were getting. And of course he was ignored. Voting "present" is just not an option.
I won't be voting for her either. So you all get your Rubios, Ryans and RINOs all lined up 'cuz that's all you got. And she could win that way.
Must be how Obama plans on gas prices only stayin' low for a year...

Senate panel approves Keystone bill despite veto threat
January 8, 2015: WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans pushed veto-threatened legislation to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline through a Senate committee Thursday, but Democrats blocked plans for an immediate debate in the full Senate.
The Energy and Natural Resources committee moved the bill closer to the floor on a 13-9 vote. Sen Joe Manchin of West Virginia, one of six Democrats sponsoring the bill, was the only committee Democrat to support it. The House will vote Friday on its version of the bill and is expected to pass the measure easily. A few hours after the committee voted, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sought to begin Senate floor debate on the measure. Democrats objected, setting up a test vote for early next week that the bill is expected to clear easily.

The pipeline bill, the first piece of legislation in the Republican-controlled Senate, is on a collision course with the White House, and neither side appeared to be giving any ground on Thursday. The new energy committee chairman, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, urged colleagues not to be deterred by the veto threat, reminding them that the bill fell just one vote shy of Senate approval when Democrats controlled the chamber last year. This time, the bill already has enough support to overcome a filibuster: 54 Republicans and six Democrats are sponsors. But supporters acknowledge they remain short of the numbers that would be needed to overcome a veto and already are discussing other means to get the pipeline approved.


A sign reading "Stop the Transcanada Pipeline" stands in a field near Bradshaw, Neb. A bill to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline cleared a key Senate committee Thursday, setting up a fight next week pitting newly empowered Republicans against President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats. The Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee moved the bill closer to the floor by a 13-9 vote. Sen Joe Manchin of West Virginia, one of six Democrats sponsoring the bill, was the only Democrat to support it in committee. The House will vote on its version of the bill Friday, and is expected to pass it easily.

Prior to the committee's vote, McConnell called on Obama to rescind his veto threat. "So for a president who has said he'd like to see more bipartisan cooperation, this is a perfect opportunity," McConnell said in a statement. While the $5.4 billion project has become a political lightning rod, it will have minimal impact on issues the two sides care most about. For Republicans, it is about jobs, and for liberal Democrats, it is about their concern about worsening climate change. In the State Department's evaluation of the pipeline, now on hold until a Nebraska court rules on the pipeline's route, officials said the tar sands would be developed regardless of whether the pipeline was built.

The same review said that during the two-year construction period, about 42,000 jobs would be created, but only 3,900 would be directly related to the pipeline that would carry oil from tar sands in Canada to the Gulf Coast, where it would be refined. Democrats held off on introducing most amendments Thursday, saving them for the Senate floor. But in comments that gave a hint of the debate to come, Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent, offered an amendment that would put the entire Senate on record as recognizing that global warming is a threat and that the United States needs to transition as fast as possible away from fossil fuels. But he lost the attempt to add the amendment to the bill.

Senate panel approves Keystone bill despite veto threat CNS News
Must be how Obama plans on gas prices only stayin' low for a year...

Senate panel approves Keystone bill despite veto threat
January 8, 2015: WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans pushed veto-threatened legislation to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline through a Senate committee Thursday, but Democrats blocked plans for an immediate debate in the full Senate.
The Energy and Natural Resources committee moved the bill closer to the floor on a 13-9 vote. Sen Joe Manchin of West Virginia, one of six Democrats sponsoring the bill, was the only committee Democrat to support it. The House will vote Friday on its version of the bill and is expected to pass the measure easily. A few hours after the committee voted, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sought to begin Senate floor debate on the measure. Democrats objected, setting up a test vote for early next week that the bill is expected to clear easily.

The pipeline bill, the first piece of legislation in the Republican-controlled Senate, is on a collision course with the White House, and neither side appeared to be giving any ground on Thursday. The new energy committee chairman, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, urged colleagues not to be deterred by the veto threat, reminding them that the bill fell just one vote shy of Senate approval when Democrats controlled the chamber last year. This time, the bill already has enough support to overcome a filibuster: 54 Republicans and six Democrats are sponsors. But supporters acknowledge they remain short of the numbers that would be needed to overcome a veto and already are discussing other means to get the pipeline approved.


A sign reading "Stop the Transcanada Pipeline" stands in a field near Bradshaw, Neb. A bill to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline cleared a key Senate committee Thursday, setting up a fight next week pitting newly empowered Republicans against President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats. The Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee moved the bill closer to the floor by a 13-9 vote. Sen Joe Manchin of West Virginia, one of six Democrats sponsoring the bill, was the only Democrat to support it in committee. The House will vote on its version of the bill Friday, and is expected to pass it easily.

Prior to the committee's vote, McConnell called on Obama to rescind his veto threat. "So for a president who has said he'd like to see more bipartisan cooperation, this is a perfect opportunity," McConnell said in a statement. While the $5.4 billion project has become a political lightning rod, it will have minimal impact on issues the two sides care most about. For Republicans, it is about jobs, and for liberal Democrats, it is about their concern about worsening climate change. In the State Department's evaluation of the pipeline, now on hold until a Nebraska court rules on the pipeline's route, officials said the tar sands would be developed regardless of whether the pipeline was built.

The same review said that during the two-year construction period, about 42,000 jobs would be created, but only 3,900 would be directly related to the pipeline that would carry oil from tar sands in Canada to the Gulf Coast, where it would be refined. Democrats held off on introducing most amendments Thursday, saving them for the Senate floor. But in comments that gave a hint of the debate to come, Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent, offered an amendment that would put the entire Senate on record as recognizing that global warming is a threat and that the United States needs to transition as fast as possible away from fossil fuels. But he lost the attempt to add the amendment to the bill.

Senate panel approves Keystone bill despite veto threat CNS News

You DO realize that gasoline does not come from tar-sands, right?
Must be how Obama plans on gas prices only stayin' low for a year...

Senate panel approves Keystone bill despite veto threat
January 8, 2015: WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans pushed veto-threatened legislation to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline through a Senate committee Thursday, but Democrats blocked plans for an immediate debate in the full Senate.
The Energy and Natural Resources committee moved the bill closer to the floor on a 13-9 vote. Sen Joe Manchin of West Virginia, one of six Democrats sponsoring the bill, was the only committee Democrat to support it. The House will vote Friday on its version of the bill and is expected to pass the measure easily. A few hours after the committee voted, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sought to begin Senate floor debate on the measure. Democrats objected, setting up a test vote for early next week that the bill is expected to clear easily.

The pipeline bill, the first piece of legislation in the Republican-controlled Senate, is on a collision course with the White House, and neither side appeared to be giving any ground on Thursday. The new energy committee chairman, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, urged colleagues not to be deterred by the veto threat, reminding them that the bill fell just one vote shy of Senate approval when Democrats controlled the chamber last year. This time, the bill already has enough support to overcome a filibuster: 54 Republicans and six Democrats are sponsors. But supporters acknowledge they remain short of the numbers that would be needed to overcome a veto and already are discussing other means to get the pipeline approved.


A sign reading "Stop the Transcanada Pipeline" stands in a field near Bradshaw, Neb. A bill to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline cleared a key Senate committee Thursday, setting up a fight next week pitting newly empowered Republicans against President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats. The Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee moved the bill closer to the floor by a 13-9 vote. Sen Joe Manchin of West Virginia, one of six Democrats sponsoring the bill, was the only Democrat to support it in committee. The House will vote on its version of the bill Friday, and is expected to pass it easily.

Prior to the committee's vote, McConnell called on Obama to rescind his veto threat. "So for a president who has said he'd like to see more bipartisan cooperation, this is a perfect opportunity," McConnell said in a statement. While the $5.4 billion project has become a political lightning rod, it will have minimal impact on issues the two sides care most about. For Republicans, it is about jobs, and for liberal Democrats, it is about their concern about worsening climate change. In the State Department's evaluation of the pipeline, now on hold until a Nebraska court rules on the pipeline's route, officials said the tar sands would be developed regardless of whether the pipeline was built.

The same review said that during the two-year construction period, about 42,000 jobs would be created, but only 3,900 would be directly related to the pipeline that would carry oil from tar sands in Canada to the Gulf Coast, where it would be refined. Democrats held off on introducing most amendments Thursday, saving them for the Senate floor. But in comments that gave a hint of the debate to come, Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent, offered an amendment that would put the entire Senate on record as recognizing that global warming is a threat and that the United States needs to transition as fast as possible away from fossil fuels. But he lost the attempt to add the amendment to the bill.

Senate panel approves Keystone bill despite veto threat CNS News

You DO realize that gasoline does not come from tar-sands, right?
I always thought that also, just made
Garbage oil. But people kept telling me it did and even posted a link
Must be how Obama plans on gas prices only stayin' low for a year...

Senate panel approves Keystone bill despite veto threat
January 8, 2015: WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans pushed veto-threatened legislation to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline through a Senate committee Thursday, but Democrats blocked plans for an immediate debate in the full Senate.
The Energy and Natural Resources committee moved the bill closer to the floor on a 13-9 vote. Sen Joe Manchin of West Virginia, one of six Democrats sponsoring the bill, was the only committee Democrat to support it. The House will vote Friday on its version of the bill and is expected to pass the measure easily. A few hours after the committee voted, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sought to begin Senate floor debate on the measure. Democrats objected, setting up a test vote for early next week that the bill is expected to clear easily.

The pipeline bill, the first piece of legislation in the Republican-controlled Senate, is on a collision course with the White House, and neither side appeared to be giving any ground on Thursday. The new energy committee chairman, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, urged colleagues not to be deterred by the veto threat, reminding them that the bill fell just one vote shy of Senate approval when Democrats controlled the chamber last year. This time, the bill already has enough support to overcome a filibuster: 54 Republicans and six Democrats are sponsors. But supporters acknowledge they remain short of the numbers that would be needed to overcome a veto and already are discussing other means to get the pipeline approved.


A sign reading "Stop the Transcanada Pipeline" stands in a field near Bradshaw, Neb. A bill to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline cleared a key Senate committee Thursday, setting up a fight next week pitting newly empowered Republicans against President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats. The Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee moved the bill closer to the floor by a 13-9 vote. Sen Joe Manchin of West Virginia, one of six Democrats sponsoring the bill, was the only Democrat to support it in committee. The House will vote on its version of the bill Friday, and is expected to pass it easily.

Prior to the committee's vote, McConnell called on Obama to rescind his veto threat. "So for a president who has said he'd like to see more bipartisan cooperation, this is a perfect opportunity," McConnell said in a statement. While the $5.4 billion project has become a political lightning rod, it will have minimal impact on issues the two sides care most about. For Republicans, it is about jobs, and for liberal Democrats, it is about their concern about worsening climate change. In the State Department's evaluation of the pipeline, now on hold until a Nebraska court rules on the pipeline's route, officials said the tar sands would be developed regardless of whether the pipeline was built.

The same review said that during the two-year construction period, about 42,000 jobs would be created, but only 3,900 would be directly related to the pipeline that would carry oil from tar sands in Canada to the Gulf Coast, where it would be refined. Democrats held off on introducing most amendments Thursday, saving them for the Senate floor. But in comments that gave a hint of the debate to come, Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent, offered an amendment that would put the entire Senate on record as recognizing that global warming is a threat and that the United States needs to transition as fast as possible away from fossil fuels. But he lost the attempt to add the amendment to the bill.

Senate panel approves Keystone bill despite veto threat CNS News

You DO realize that gasoline does not come from tar-sands, right?
I always thought that also, just made
Garbage oil. But people kept telling me it did and even posted a link

Just in order to get tarsand oil down the pipeline, it has to be diluted with lighter petroleum products like naphtha, which is a gasoline additive. I don't see how tarsand could be economically exploitable for the purpose of making gasoline. Heating oil or diesel, maybe...

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