Hillary Was Right, example #1029

The manufacturers of solar panels seemed to have reached a roadblock in the reduction of the size of the product while improving efficiency. Capitalist and Government money has been used to push the maturation of solar panels for decades. It seems the house has to be rebuilt to fit the solar panels rather then the other way around.
Hillary was right? Wrong, she has never been "right", totally "left". crooked and a murderess. Glad she is gone like the sack of grain she is (9/11 the van), may her doubles suffer the same. Like Ginsburger. Another double. Notice ginsbergers last video? It was a TMZ video done a year earlier. Notice how her neck is so straight and doesn't sit like a vulture or hildebeast? Guess they took care of that with her cancer treatments. No you haven't huh. Poor dumb libtards, so gullible.
The manufacturers of solar panels seemed to have reached a roadblock in the reduction of the size of the product while improving efficiency. Capitalist and Government money has been used to push the maturation of solar panels for decades. It seems the house has to be rebuilt to fit the solar panels rather then the other way around.

I like alternative energy but solar is a frosted dream to those don't understand. What does it take to produce these panels, all associated devices, copper, inverters, batteries, chargers, charge controllers on and on which libtards have no clue. How about disposal when they expire, no one thinks of that. Solar is not what libs think and is not the answer. Gretta the brat has no clue what it took in energy, materials, polution to create her cross atlantic yacht and her kapitan flying across in a carbon footprint plane to sail her.
...and Trump lied. Where are all those coal jobs he promised to bring back?

And what was Hillary’s plan for those disappearing jobs that are never coming back?

Oh, yeah. This:

View attachment 297393


The mine closures alone were "catastrophic," according to a 2019 report by the Resource Legacy Fund, a nonprofit conservation group. Delta County went from 701 mining jobs in 2012 to 107 in 2016, a loss of more than 80%.

"Unlike some places that have a more gradual off-ramp or predictable decline, these mine closures came suddenly and significantly, allowing for little advance planning or preparation for what would come next," the report explained.

They were part of a broader decline in coal mining across the country, driven largely by cheap natural gas, which emits less carbon than coal, and the growing affordability of renewable energy. That decline is almost certainly a good thing overall, given the dangers of both mining and burning coal, but the short-term effects can also upend communities whose fates remain tethered to the coal industry.


Rural community that lost two coal mines is now teaching kids to install solar panels

Teaching kids to install solar panels, may as well teach them how to collect welfare checks.
Solar will never be a dominant energy source. It will always be a novelty supplement source to a large power grid. A power source that can’t generate shit when it’s dark or cold out is pretty worthless for a power grid.

It's readily apparent that you don't really understand how solar works. Yes, power is generated when the sun is out, and doesn't do so much when it's not. However...............you also need to remember that the panels are attached to a battery that stores the power until needed.

And...................if solar is such a "novelty" as you call it, then why are there lots of people who run their entire house on solar without needing to be hooked to the grid?
I guess construction businesses should shut down. Once you’ve built the houses then what?

You’re not smart.
Solar panel installers are not building roofs specifically so they can install panels in them. You are dealing with a service that is working with a finite amount of roofs. Once those houses have been serviced, and not every house wants solar panels by any means, that's the end of your usefulness.

You are considerably less smart.

You appear to not be too bright yourself. Guess you never heard of maintenance and repair have you? If a person is taught how to set up solar generation stations, not only would they be taught how to set them up, but they would also be taught how to maintain and repair them.
I would guess that during the time President Trump was campaigning, he never imagined that we would become not only emery-independent, but a net-exporter of oil and gas for the first time in this country's history.

Coal is nice for keeping the power grid going, but oil and natural gas production has really boomed in this country. So coal has to take a back seat.

Oh, and those two coal mines that shut down? They were in Colorado. Nobody thinks of "Colorado" when someone says "coal."
The US has been energy independent since the Obama Administration, and a net exporter of refined petroleum since 2011. This is just another case of tRump riding the trajectory set by someone else.
2018 U.S. becomes a net oil exporter for the first time in 75 years

So...do you like being dependent on foreign oil?
We haven’t been since 2011.

No we have not been independent of foreign energy sources since 2011, that is a lie. If you look at the chart of US energy exports vs. imports you will see that we were importing more energy in 2011, than we were exporting. We were not a net exporter of oil and gas at that time, nor were we ever.

This article was written on 10/18/19, immediately before we became a net exporter. The red and yellow lines on the chart crossed each other about a month ago. Do you even know what the term "net exporter" means? That means that we are now exporting more oil and gas than we are importing. Is that simple enough for you?

How Close is the U.S. to Being a Net Energy Exporter?

The manufacturers of solar panels seemed to have reached a roadblock in the reduction of the size of the product while improving efficiency. Capitalist and Government money has been used to push the maturation of solar panels for decades. It seems the house has to be rebuilt to fit the solar panels rather then the other way around.

I like alternative energy but solar is a frosted dream to those don't understand. What does it take to produce these panels, all associated devices, copper, inverters, batteries, chargers, charge controllers on and on which libtards have no clue. How about disposal when they expire, no one thinks of that. Solar is not what libs think and is not the answer. Gretta the brat has no clue what it took in energy, materials, polution to create her cross atlantic yacht and her kapitan flying across in a carbon footprint plane to sail her.

Not to mention, most solar panels and the devices that go in those inverters, chargers, and controllers are made in China. I bet the price has gone sky high of those and the availability is dropping.
You appear to not be too bright yourself. Guess you never heard of maintenance and repair have you? If a person is taught how to set up solar generation stations, not only would they be taught how to set them up, but they would also be taught how to maintain and repair them.
"Solar Panel Maintenance
Solar panels
generally require very little maintenance. They are very durable and should last around 25-30 years with no maintenance. The only maintenance you should need to perform is to wash them clean of dirt and dust two to four times a year, which you can easily do with a garden hose."
How Much Maintenance Do Solar Panels Require?

Fortunately I don't stress myself over the opinions and comments of idiots and other trolls looking to add their worthless
input. It generally isn't worth my time.
I would guess that during the time President Trump was campaigning, he never imagined that we would become not only emery-independent, but a net-exporter of oil and gas for the first time in this country's history.

Coal is nice for keeping the power grid going, but oil and natural gas production has really boomed in this country. So coal has to take a back seat.

Oh, and those two coal mines that shut down? They were in Colorado. Nobody thinks of "Colorado" when someone says "coal."
The US has been energy independent since the Obama Administration, and a net exporter of refined petroleum since 2011. This is just another case of tRump riding the trajectory set by someone else.

How can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you just make shit up and expect everyone to believe you? Or are you just that uninformed?

Once again:

U.S. becomes a net oil exporter for the first time in 75 years


See that spike during the latter part of 2013? That's when the fracking industry took off, no thanks to Obama. After he took steps to curtail oil production on state and federal lands, fracking suddenly became a huge industry on privately-owned land. The only thing Obama did as far as exporting oil and gas, was to lift a longstanding ban on crude-oil exports, which was not until in 2015.

Natural-gas production similarly increased by more than 50 percent during his tenure, no thanks to Obama. That was also largely due to the industry’s embracing of fracking technology.
I put up a link kid. I don't make shit up.

That's a tRumpling move.
I would guess that during the time President Trump was campaigning, he never imagined that we would become not only emery-independent, but a net-exporter of oil and gas for the first time in this country's history.

Coal is nice for keeping the power grid going, but oil and natural gas production has really boomed in this country. So coal has to take a back seat.

Oh, and those two coal mines that shut down? They were in Colorado. Nobody thinks of "Colorado" when someone says "coal."
The US has been energy independent since the Obama Administration, and a net exporter of refined petroleum since 2011. This is just another case of tRump riding the trajectory set by someone else.
2018 U.S. becomes a net oil exporter for the first time in 75 years
He was wrong, that’s what.
The export ban was lifted in 2015.

Under the Obama administration.
I would guess that during the time President Trump was campaigning, he never imagined that we would become not only emery-independent, but a net-exporter of oil and gas for the first time in this country's history.

Coal is nice for keeping the power grid going, but oil and natural gas production has really boomed in this country. So coal has to take a back seat.

Oh, and those two coal mines that shut down? They were in Colorado. Nobody thinks of "Colorado" when someone says "coal."
The US has been energy independent since the Obama Administration, and a net exporter of refined petroleum since 2011. This is just another case of tRump riding the trajectory set by someone else.
2018 U.S. becomes a net oil exporter for the first time in 75 years
I would guess that during the time President Trump was campaigning, he never imagined that we would become not only emery-independent, but a net-exporter of oil and gas for the first time in this country's history.

Coal is nice for keeping the power grid going, but oil and natural gas production has really boomed in this country. So coal has to take a back seat.

Oh, and those two coal mines that shut down? They were in Colorado. Nobody thinks of "Colorado" when someone says "coal."
The US has been energy independent since the Obama Administration, and a net exporter of refined petroleum since 2011. This is just another case of tRump riding the trajectory set by someone else.
2018 U.S. becomes a net oil exporter for the first time in 75 years

So...do you like being dependent on foreign oil?
Who lifted the export ban, tRumpling?
I would guess that during the time President Trump was campaigning, he never imagined that we would become not only emery-independent, but a net-exporter of oil and gas for the first time in this country's history.

Coal is nice for keeping the power grid going, but oil and natural gas production has really boomed in this country. So coal has to take a back seat.

Oh, and those two coal mines that shut down? They were in Colorado. Nobody thinks of "Colorado" when someone says "coal."
The US has been energy independent since the Obama Administration, and a net exporter of refined petroleum since 2011. This is just another case of tRump riding the trajectory set by someone else.

How can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you just make shit up and expect everyone to believe you? Or are you just that uninformed?

Once again:

U.S. becomes a net oil exporter for the first time in 75 years


See that spike during the latter part of 2013? That's when the fracking industry took off, no thanks to Obama. After he took steps to curtail oil production on state and federal lands, fracking suddenly became a huge industry on privately-owned land. The only thing Obama did as far as exporting oil and gas, was to lift a longstanding ban on crude-oil exports, which was not until in 2015.

Natural-gas production similarly increased by more than 50 percent during his tenure, no thanks to Obama. That was also largely due to the industry’s embracing of fracking technology.
I put up a link kid. I don't make shit up.

That's a tRumpling move.
You are a bald face liar.
I would guess that during the time President Trump was campaigning, he never imagined that we would become not only emery-independent, but a net-exporter of oil and gas for the first time in this country's history.

Coal is nice for keeping the power grid going, but oil and natural gas production has really boomed in this country. So coal has to take a back seat.

Oh, and those two coal mines that shut down? They were in Colorado. Nobody thinks of "Colorado" when someone says "coal."
The US has been energy independent since the Obama Administration, and a net exporter of refined petroleum since 2011. This is just another case of tRump riding the trajectory set by someone else.
2018 U.S. becomes a net oil exporter for the first time in 75 years
He was wrong, that’s what.
Sorry, but no.
I would guess that during the time President Trump was campaigning, he never imagined that we would become not only emery-independent, but a net-exporter of oil and gas for the first time in this country's history.

Coal is nice for keeping the power grid going, but oil and natural gas production has really boomed in this country. So coal has to take a back seat.

Oh, and those two coal mines that shut down? They were in Colorado. Nobody thinks of "Colorado" when someone says "coal."
The US has been energy independent since the Obama Administration, and a net exporter of refined petroleum since 2011. This is just another case of tRump riding the trajectory set by someone else.

How can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you just make shit up and expect everyone to believe you? Or are you just that uninformed?

Once again:

U.S. becomes a net oil exporter for the first time in 75 years


See that spike during the latter part of 2013? That's when the fracking industry took off, no thanks to Obama. After he took steps to curtail oil production on state and federal lands, fracking suddenly became a huge industry on privately-owned land. The only thing Obama did as far as exporting oil and gas, was to lift a longstanding ban on crude-oil exports, which was not until in 2015.

Natural-gas production similarly increased by more than 50 percent during his tenure, no thanks to Obama. That was also largely due to the industry’s embracing of fracking technology.
I put up a link kid. I don't make shit up.

That's a tRumpling move.
You are a bald face liar.
Again, no.
The market should be free and open so that the coal industry has the same opportunity as any other business. If they can't make it, it's not up to the government, nor Trump, to go against the free-market to bail them out.

It seems to me that, under Obama, the government acted like a fascist entity and tried to destroy the coal industry, and you cheered them on.
What did Obama do to harm the coal industry? That was frackers and natural gas, not Obama.

but Trumpy promised to bring coal back. Where is it?
Obama campaigned on shutting coal power plants down. What is you stupid or something?

And shit fer brains Biden wants to finish the job. Why should he care, he has all the money he needs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The market should be free and open so that the coal industry has the same opportunity as any other business. If they can't make it, it's not up to the government, nor Trump, to go against the free-market to bail them out.

It seems to me that, under Obama, the government acted like a fascist entity and tried to destroy the coal industry, and you cheered them on.
What did Obama do to harm the coal industry? That was frackers and natural gas, not Obama.

but Trumpy promised to bring coal back. Where is it?
Obama campaigned on shutting coal power plants down. What is you stupid or something?
Link? Quotes? You’re lying.
I see, you choose to remain stupid.
You’re making an assertion. Back it up with a reputable link.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
...and Trump lied. Where are all those coal jobs he promised to bring back?

And what was Hillary’s plan for those disappearing jobs that are never coming back?

Oh, yeah. This:

View attachment 297393


The mine closures alone were "catastrophic," according to a 2019 report by the Resource Legacy Fund, a nonprofit conservation group. Delta County went from 701 mining jobs in 2012 to 107 in 2016, a loss of more than 80%.

"Unlike some places that have a more gradual off-ramp or predictable decline, these mine closures came suddenly and significantly, allowing for little advance planning or preparation for what would come next," the report explained.

They were part of a broader decline in coal mining across the country, driven largely by cheap natural gas, which emits less carbon than coal, and the growing affordability of renewable energy. That decline is almost certainly a good thing overall, given the dangers of both mining and burning coal, but the short-term effects can also upend communities whose fates remain tethered to the coal industry.


Rural community that lost two coal mines is now teaching kids to install solar panels

Teaching kids to install solar panels, may as well teach them how to collect welfare checks.
Solar will never be a dominant energy source. It will always be a novelty supplement source to a large power grid. A power source that can’t generate shit when it’s dark or cold out is pretty worthless for a power grid.

It's readily apparent that you don't really understand how solar works. Yes, power is generated when the sun is out, and doesn't do so much when it's not. However...............you also need to remember that the panels are attached to a battery that stores the power until needed.

And...................if solar is such a "novelty" as you call it, then why are there lots of people who run their entire house on solar without needing to be hooked to the grid?
I was going to correct theHawk but then decided it would like pissing in the wind. The guy is just not bright, and rejects new information.

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