Hillary Was Right, example #1029

...and Trump lied. Where are all those coal jobs he promised to bring back?

And what was Hillary’s plan for those disappearing jobs that are never coming back?

Oh, yeah. This:

View attachment 297393


The mine closures alone were "catastrophic," according to a 2019 report by the Resource Legacy Fund, a nonprofit conservation group. Delta County went from 701 mining jobs in 2012 to 107 in 2016, a loss of more than 80%.

"Unlike some places that have a more gradual off-ramp or predictable decline, these mine closures came suddenly and significantly, allowing for little advance planning or preparation for what would come next," the report explained.

They were part of a broader decline in coal mining across the country, driven largely by cheap natural gas, which emits less carbon than coal, and the growing affordability of renewable energy. That decline is almost certainly a good thing overall, given the dangers of both mining and burning coal, but the short-term effects can also upend communities whose fates remain tethered to the coal industry.


Rural community that lost two coal mines is now teaching kids to install solar panels
You seem to have a thinly veiled smile about this. You love Maher don't you.

Anyway coal production is higher than 2016.

Joe Biden wants 100s of 1000s to lose their jobs in energy.....................That ia a winning strategy.
The market should be free and open so that the coal industry has the same opportunity as any other business. If they can't make it, it's not up to the government, nor Trump, to go against the free-market to bail them out.

It seems to me that, under Obama, the government acted like a fascist entity and tried to destroy the coal industry, and you cheered them on.
What did Obama do to harm the coal industry? That was frackers and natural gas, not Obama.

but Trumpy promised to bring coal back. Where is it?
he sure as hell aint the first politician to not keep a promise,and he wont be the last either......
What Is a List of Things Made From Coal?
Thousands of products are made with coal or coal by-products, including aspirins, soap, dyes, solvents, plastics, and fibers such as rayon or nylon.
Coal is an important ingredient in production of products that require activated carbon, carbon fiber or silicon metal. Activated carbon is an essential ingredient in the production of air purification and water filters as well as kidney dialysis machines.

Carbon fiber is used as a reinforcement material in mountain bikes, building construction and tennis rackets. Different types of coal are used in different ways. Steam coal is primarily used in power generation, while coking coal is used mainly in steel production. The five largest users of coal are China, India, the United States, Japan and Russia. These coal users make up 76 percent of worldwide coal usage, although Asia accounts for 67 percent of worldwide coal usage. Many Asian countries do not have enough natural energy resources to cover energy needs and must import coal to meet those requirements. Approximately 6.6 billion tons of hard coal and 1 billion tons of brown coal were used globally in 2013. Seventy percent of the steel produced in 2014 used coal in its production. Global crude steel production in 2010 was 1.4 billion tons.

Oh my!
Then why are they bitching all the time?
The market should be free and open so that the coal industry has the same opportunity as any other business. If they can't make it, it's not up to the government, nor Trump, to go against the free-market to bail them out.

It seems to me that, under Obama, the government acted like a fascist entity and tried to destroy the coal industry, and you cheered them on.
What did Obama do to harm the coal industry? That was frackers and natural gas, not Obama.

but Trumpy promised to bring coal back. Where is it?
Obama campaigned on shutting coal power plants down. What is you stupid or something?
Hillary's plan was welfare for out of work coal miners. They weren't interested.
The question becomes: are you stupid, ignorant, or just a kool-aid drinking troll?

Clinton has a $30 billion plan to help coal miners, but it got buried by a silly "gaffe"

The market should be free and open so that the coal industry has the same opportunity as any other business. If they can't make it, it's not up to the government, nor Trump, to go against the free-market to bail them out.

It seems to me that, under Obama, the government acted like a fascist entity and tried to destroy the coal industry, and you cheered them on.
What did Obama do to harm the coal industry? That was frackers and natural gas, not Obama.

but Trumpy promised to bring coal back. Where is it?
Obama campaigned on shutting coal power plants down. What is you stupid or something?
Link? Quotes? You’re lying.
The market should be free and open so that the coal industry has the same opportunity as any other business. If they can't make it, it's not up to the government, nor Trump, to go against the free-market to bail them out.

It seems to me that, under Obama, the government acted like a fascist entity and tried to destroy the coal industry, and you cheered them on.
What did Obama do to harm the coal industry? That was frackers and natural gas, not Obama.

but Trumpy promised to bring coal back. Where is it?
Obama campaigned on shutting coal power plants down. What is you stupid or something?
Link? Quotes? You’re lying.
I see, you choose to remain stupid.
The market should be free and open so that the coal industry has the same opportunity as any other business. If they can't make it, it's not up to the government, nor Trump, to go against the free-market to bail them out.

It seems to me that, under Obama, the government acted like a fascist entity and tried to destroy the coal industry, and you cheered them on.
What did Obama do to harm the coal industry? That was frackers and natural gas, not Obama.

but Trumpy promised to bring coal back. Where is it?
Obama campaigned on shutting coal power plants down. What is you stupid or something?
Link? Quotes? You’re lying.
I see, you choose to remain stupid.
You’re making an assertion. Back it up with a reputable link.
The market should be free and open so that the coal industry has the same opportunity as any other business. If they can't make it, it's not up to the government, nor Trump, to go against the free-market to bail them out.

It seems to me that, under Obama, the government acted like a fascist entity and tried to destroy the coal industry, and you cheered them on.
What did Obama do to harm the coal industry? That was frackers and natural gas, not Obama.

but Trumpy promised to bring coal back. Where is it?
Plenty. Obama Kept His Promise, 83,000 Coal Jobs Lost And 400 Mines Shuttered
Then see post #6.
The market should be free and open so that the coal industry has the same opportunity as any other business. If they can't make it, it's not up to the government, nor Trump, to go against the free-market to bail them out.

It seems to me that, under Obama, the government acted like a fascist entity and tried to destroy the coal industry, and you cheered them on.
What did Obama do to harm the coal industry? That was frackers and natural gas, not Obama.

but Trumpy promised to bring coal back. Where is it?
Obama campaigned on shutting coal power plants down. What is you stupid or something?
Link? Quotes? You’re lying.
I see, you choose to remain stupid.
You’re making an assertion. Back it up with a reputable link.
How is the Clinton foundation doing?
The market should be free and open so that the coal industry has the same opportunity as any other business. If they can't make it, it's not up to the government, nor Trump, to go against the free-market to bail them out.

It seems to me that, under Obama, the government acted like a fascist entity and tried to destroy the coal industry, and you cheered them on.
What did Obama do to harm the coal industry? That was frackers and natural gas, not Obama.

but Trumpy promised to bring coal back. Where is it?
Obama campaigned on shutting coal power plants down. What is you stupid or something?
Link? Quotes? You’re lying.
I see, you choose to remain stupid.
You’re making an assertion. Back it up with a reputable link.
New Carbon Rules the Next Step in Obama's War on Coal
Maybe it seems like a lifetime but Trump has only been in office for three years. He can't work miracles to overturn the eight years of Hussein. The elitist ignorant left still treats rural communities as though they were in some sort of FDR/great depression time warp. Rural communities in former mining areas are just as well informed as the dumb asses who live in murder capitals like Baltimore and Chicago.
which has what to do with the topic?

Nothing? You're just another RWNJ troll?


Trolls which dwell in caves and rock-like faces, such as Death Plateau and the Troll Stronghold are known as mountain trolls. These are the most prosperous and numerous of the troll races. Important and notable trolls are generally from this breed and, though some mountain trolls are weaker than other breeds, they appear to be among the more resourceful, as they construct equipment from bone and granite, along with having a primitive society, such as guards, cooks and farmers.

And Epstein did not kill himself.
I would guess that during the time President Trump was campaigning, he never imagined that we would become not only emery-independent, but a net-exporter of oil and gas for the first time in this country's history.

Coal is nice for keeping the power grid going, but oil and natural gas production has really boomed in this country. So coal has to take a back seat.

Oh, and those two coal mines that shut down? They were in Colorado. Nobody thinks of "Colorado" when someone says "coal."
The US has been energy independent since the Obama Administration, and a net exporter of refined petroleum since 2011. This is just another case of tRump riding the trajectory set by someone else.
I would guess that during the time President Trump was campaigning, he never imagined that we would become not only emery-independent, but a net-exporter of oil and gas for the first time in this country's history.

Coal is nice for keeping the power grid going, but oil and natural gas production has really boomed in this country. So coal has to take a back seat.

Oh, and those two coal mines that shut down? They were in Colorado. Nobody thinks of "Colorado" when someone says "coal."
The US has been energy independent since the Obama Administration, and a net exporter of refined petroleum since 2011. This is just another case of tRump riding the trajectory set by someone else.
2018 U.S. becomes a net oil exporter for the first time in 75 years

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