Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

Merry Christmas, Hillary! History will record how you were cheated out of the presidency! You were clearly and unfairly swiftboated - with NaziCon gerrymandering, House witch hunts, voter suppression, conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Putin.
Yes, Hillary was swiftboated - with NaziCon gerrymandering, voter suppression, conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Putin. Trump makes two Republican presidents in a row who were unfairly elected.
So far, every instance of "fake news" came from progressive news outlets.

Hiterly was "switfboated" by Hitlery. She decided that engaging in endless host of scandals, using her foundation to launder money as she sold American favors to get wealthy, and pathologically lying to the American people (such was having one "public position" and then having her true position private) was more important than being elected. She got her wish. She's disgustingly wealthy, incredibly powerful, and overwhelmingly hated.

She lost snowflake. She lost fair & square because the American people hate her (and rightfully so). Get over it already.

Is that why Hillary received almost 3 million more popular votes than Trump? If not for NaziCon gerrymandering - she would have also won the electoral votes.

History will record how Hillary was cheated out of the presidency! She was clearly and unfairly swiftboated - with NaziCon House witch hunts, voter suppression, conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey's FBI malfeasance - and Putin.
History will record how Hillary was cheated out of the presidency! She was clearly and unfairly swiftboated - with NaziCon House witch hunts, voter suppression, conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey's FBI malfeasance - and Putin.
History will record that you are bat-shit crazy. The recounts have increased Donald Trumps votes in every case so far. All of the voter fraud came from the left (as usual).
History will record how Hillary was cheated out of the presidency! She was clearly and unfairly swiftboated - with NaziCon House witch hunts, voter suppression, conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey's FBI malfeasance - and Putin.
History will record that you are bat-shit crazy. The recounts have increased Donald Trumps votes in every case so far. All of the voter fraud came from the left (as usual).

Proof? Link?
History will record how Hillary was cheated out of the presidency! She was clearly and unfairly swiftboated - with NaziCon House witch hunts, voter suppression, conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey's FBI malfeasance - and Putin.
History will record that you are bat-shit crazy. The recounts have increased Donald Trumps votes in every case so far. All of the voter fraud came from the left (as usual).

Proof? Link?
From the progressives second favorite site...

Wisconsin recount gives Donald Trump 131 more votes
History will record how Hillary was cheated out of the presidency! She was clearly and unfairly swiftboated - with NaziCon House witch hunts, voter suppression, conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey's FBI malfeasance - and Putin.
History will record that you are bat-shit crazy. The recounts have increased Donald Trumps votes in every case so far. All of the voter fraud came from the left (as usual).

Proof? Link?
Now he wants proof.
Those deplorables beat her.
They are in the minority though ...

U.S. Total...Clinton has over 2 million more votes

Clinton 64,211,658

Trump 62,204,961

Cool, so what day is Clinton sworn in?
Still waiting for the day I see you arguing with a con. Has that ever happened? BTW, Happy Thanksgiving Papa.

Yes it has, racist, Benghazi are two issues I have argued with some on. Also birther BS. I have been called a liberal by some.
Yea well don't take it too hard. 2 weeks ago they called Paul Ryan a rino and they wanted to lynch him and today he's the bell of the ball.

So you're a fiscal conservative but a social liberal.

Ryan is still a RINO. As with most two faced politicians he sticks his finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing
Ryan is still a RINO. As with most two faced politicians he sticks his finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing
It's not really fair for all of these butt-hurt Trump fans to call Ryan a "RINO". He's a pretty solid conservative. Not as good as Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, but certainly light years from true RINO's like John Boehner.
Ryan is still a RINO. As with most two faced politicians he sticks his finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing
It's not really fair for all of these butt-hurt Trump fans to call Ryan a "RINO". He's a pretty solid conservative. Not as good as Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, but certainly light years from true RINO's like John Boehner.

What did Boehner do wrong for NaziCons? Didn't he obstruct and say "NO" often enough? The teabagger Freedom Caucus nutjobs were more than he could tolerate. I don't blame him for leaving Congress.

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Ryan is still a RINO. As with most two faced politicians he sticks his finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing
It's not really fair for all of these butt-hurt Trump fans to call Ryan a "RINO". He's a pretty solid conservative. Not as good as Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, but certainly light years from true RINO's like John Boehner.

What did Boehner do wrong for NaziCons? Didn't he obstruct and say "NO" often enough? The teabagger Freedom Caucus nutjobs were more than he could tolerate. I don't blame him for leaving Congress.

Boehner not only bent over and got on all fours for Obama, he even brought the vaseline to make everything go nice and easy for Obama. He didn't want Barack to have any bumps or difficulties along the way.

As far as your ridiculous meme - that is why the American people handed both the House and the Senate to the Republican's. To stop Barack Obama's destruction of the United States.
Lots of Fake News propaganda out there. And most of it comes from the Left/Democrats. The OP is just too butthurt to acknowledge that.
It's pretty hard to get folks to believe what they don't want to believe. She, with Bill's help, made herself an easy target by not being trustworthy.
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.

Washington Redskin, you bitch and moan like some fucking pussy… LOL
The title of this thread is the biggest lie of 2016.

If translated from 'Liberal' to English it would read, 'Hillary Wost Presidential Candidate in US History - Lost Appropriately - No One But Hillary To Blame'!
The title of this thread is the biggest lie of 2016.

If translated from 'Liberal' to English it would read, 'Hillary Wost Presidential Candidate in US History - Lost Appropriately - No One But Hillary To Blame'!

How can it be a lie when it is so clearly and publicly documented?
The title of this thread is the biggest lie of 2016.

If translated from 'Liberal' to English it would read, 'Hillary Wost Presidential Candidate in US History - Lost Appropriately - No One But Hillary To Blame'!

How can it be a lie when it is so clearly and publicly documented?

Yes, it was documented that she was a terrible candidate. Many said so. Her popularity rating was low.
Trumps unpopularity threatens to hobble his presidency
Source: Politico

President-elect Donald Trump will descend on Washington next month, buoyed by his upset victory and Republican control of Congress to implement his agenda. But he’s facing a major obstacle: Trump will enter the White House as the least-popular incoming president in the modern era of public-opinion polling.

The down-in-the-dumps figures raise hard questions about whether he’ll have the political capital needed to push through his more controversial nominees and his aggressive legislative goals of repealing Obamacare, passing a major infrastructure spending plan and reforming immigration and tax policies.

On Election Day, just 38 percent of voters had a favorable opinion of Trump, compared to 60 percent who viewed him unfavorably — unheard of for a presidential-election victor. (Still, Trump won about 15 percent of the vote among those who had an unfavorable opinion of him.)

While Trump has received a boost in public opinion after his victory, he still badly lags past presidents-elect when it comes to personal favorability. Currently, his average favorable rating stands at 43 percent, according to HuffPost Pollster, while a 49-percent plurality views him unfavorably. More respondents viewed Trump unfavorably than favorably in the most recent batch of public polls from NBC News/Wall Street Journal, Suffolk University/USA Today, Fox News,CBS News and POLITICO/Morning Consult, all conducted in early- or mid-December.

Compare that with President Barack Obama, who entered 2009 with a 68-percent favorable rating – and only a 21-percent unfavorable rating.

Read more: Trump’s unpopularity threatens to hobble his presidency
This injustice must be avenged.
Perhaps if you sign a petition or make overblown comments on the internet Trump will realize the error of his ways and step down.

Error of his ways? You mean like help from Russia, conspiracy theories, fake news, and FBI malfeasance to help him win? I doubt someone like him cares about winning unfairly. Presidential historians will sort it out.

Funny how the liberals never mentioned Russia, conspiracy theories, fake news before the election.

How did he not win fairly, did he rig the primaries as Clinton did?

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