Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

The title of this thread is the biggest lie of 2016.

If translated from 'Liberal' to English it would read, 'Hillary Wost Presidential Candidate in US History - Lost Appropriately - No One But Hillary To Blame'!

How can it be a lie when it is so clearly and publicly documented?

Yes, it was documented that she was a terrible candidate. Many said so. Her popularity rating was low.
One poll that just came out showed Democrats would rather Bernie run again than her.
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.


Poor hiLIARy....


1.2 billion for campaign...
Millions on Jill Stein aka Queen Hillary recounts

Queen Hillary losing the election & losing the most electors in History- Priceless

As a side note,
she is doing much better this holiday season

sort of like anyone justifying the recent UN vote ...

got i t


Of course, to be fair ...

Since the election, tin foil hat sales have surged in DNC circles

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This injustice must be avenged.
Perhaps if you sign a petition or make overblown comments on the internet Trump will realize the error of his ways and step down.

Error of his ways? You mean like help from Russia, conspiracy theories, fake news, and FBI malfeasance to help him win? I doubt someone like him cares about winning unfairly. Presidential historians will sort it out.

Funny how the liberals never mentioned Russia, conspiracy theories, fake news before the election.

How did he not win fairly, did he rig the primaries as Clinton did?

Lol! You just keep going with that and run Clinton for President again, I'm sure you'll win.
Trump won.

It's a fact.

It's time for the country to decide that it does not need a loser like Trump, Clinton or Obama to be successful.

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