Hillary went ballistic at Congressman for suggesting Benghazi was terror attack.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Ah the old ashtray throwing bitch let her guard down and went koo koo bye bye in anger at a Congressman. This was two days after the attack.

She knew full well that it was a terror attack but she was lying her ass off in the briefing.

Cripes. What a nightmare of a President she would be.

An Illinois Republican congressman told constituents at a town hall meeting on Wednesday that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton screamed at a fellow member of Congress two days after a U.S. diplomatic station in Benghazi, Libya was destroyed, merely for saying aloud that the attack was carried out by terrorist groups..

The Obama administration later acknowledged that reality.

But White House officials initially maintained that the deaths of four Americans and the firebomb attack on the State Department mission was the result of a spontaneous protest against a low-budget YouTube film that was critical of the Muslim prophet Muhammad.

'Two days after this attack,' said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, 'we were in a briefing with Hillary Clinton and she screamed at a member of Congress who’d dare suggest that this was a terrorist attack.'

'Now we find out that while it was happening, they knew it was a terrorist attack. These are answers that we're going to get to the bottom of.''

Hillary Clinton exploded at a congressman two days after Benghazi for suggesting that the attack was the work of terrorists, says GOP Rep. | Mail Online

That tends to happen when those is power attempt to lie and mislead the nation about a terrorist attack. However if you would prefer to talk about something more up to date in the middle east how are things going in Egypt since we tossed Mubarak under the bus and now Morsi who I was no fan of but was the Democratically elected leader in Egypt. We won't even say that Morsi was overthrown by a military coup even though we and the whole world knows he was why because a military coup is a condition for cutting of all the aid we send to Egypt the bulk of which goes to their military so the Obama administration won't call the overthrow of Morsi a coup so they can keep sending aid to the ones who overthrew him. I hope you like this better than Benghazi.
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Ah the old ashtray throwing bitch let her guard down and went koo koo bye bye in anger at a Congressman. This was two days after the attack.

She knew full well that it was a terror attack but she was lying her ass off in the briefing.

Cripes. What a nightmare of a President she would be.

An Illinois Republican congressman told constituents at a town hall meeting on Wednesday that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton screamed at a fellow member of Congress two days after a U.S. diplomatic station in Benghazi, Libya was destroyed, merely for saying aloud that the attack was carried out by terrorist groups..

The Obama administration later acknowledged that reality.

But White House officials initially maintained that the deaths of four Americans and the firebomb attack on the State Department mission was the result of a spontaneous protest against a low-budget YouTube film that was critical of the Muslim prophet Muhammad.

'Two days after this attack,' said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, 'we were in a briefing with Hillary Clinton and she screamed at a member of Congress who’d dare suggest that this was a terrorist attack.'

'Now we find out that while it was happening, they knew it was a terrorist attack. These are answers that we're going to get to the bottom of.''

Hillary Clinton exploded at a congressman two days after Benghazi for suggesting that the attack was the work of terrorists, says GOP Rep. | Mail Online

The Hildebeast needs to be called before the House Committee again and they need to grill her ass until it's toasted. This woman is an EVIL oppritunist, and a criminal like her husband.
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That counts as news? "A republican said so?" I wonder how many news cycles that got on Fox
NEWS the Obama-Controlled Media won't cover, so YES it is NEWS...

Representative Issa told me that he ordered the attack on the embassy and said I'd disappear if I ever told anyone!!!

Can I go on Chris Matthews now? Is that news too?
Was this humour of some sort? Really?


Says the guy touting hearsay as news :cool:
Then by that Reckoning? ALL news is heresy.



Heresy - a belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs. Heresy is distinct from both apostasy, which is the explicit renunciation of one's religion, principles or cause, and blasphemy, which is irreverence toward religion.

Hearsay - information gathered by one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience nor can it be adequately substantiated (weak as evidence, and just as weak as news) :cool:

There ya go sport
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Says the guy touting hearsay as news :cool:
Then by that Reckoning? ALL news is heresy.



Heresy - a belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs. Heresy is distinct from both apostasy, which is the explicit renunciation of one's religion, principles or cause, and blasphemy, which is irreverence toward religion.

Hearsay - information gathered by one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience nor can it be adequately substantiated (weak as evidence, and just as weak as news) :cool:

There ya go sport

So? YOU just torpedoded your own argument.

Way to go.
( I knew ya could do it)!
Then by that Reckoning? ALL news is heresy.



Heresy - a belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs. Heresy is distinct from both apostasy, which is the explicit renunciation of one's religion, principles or cause, and blasphemy, which is irreverence toward religion.

Hearsay - information gathered by one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience nor can it be adequately substantiated (weak as evidence, and just as weak as news) :cool:

There ya go sport

So? YOU just torpedoded your own argument.

Way to go.
( I knew ya could do it)!

:doubt: Alright it's clear this is going over your head. You can go back to being angry about something that likely didn't happen at all how the congressman said it did. Have fun.
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Heresy - a belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs. Heresy is distinct from both apostasy, which is the explicit renunciation of one's religion, principles or cause, and blasphemy, which is irreverence toward religion.

Hearsay - information gathered by one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience nor can it be adequately substantiated (weak as evidence, and just as weak as news) :cool:

There ya go sport

So? YOU just torpedoded your own argument.

Way to go.
( I knew ya could do it)!

:doubt: Alright it's clear this is going over your head. You can go back to being angry about something that likely didn't happen at all how the congressman said it did. Have fun.

And this has to do with what we were discussing...HOW?
:doubt: Alright it's clear this is going over your head. You can go back to being angry about something that likely didn't happen at all how the congressman said it did. Have fun.

And this has to do with what we were discussing...HOW?
NO answer. Thought so.

We were discussing how you think that Fox reporting on a COMPLETELY unsubstantiated comment from a republican counts as news. No sound clip, no corroborating statements by anyone else in the room, nothing.


Fox News - "Representative Kinzinger told me that Hilary said so." = bad reporting/not news
And this has to do with what we were discussing...HOW?
NO answer. Thought so.

We were discussing how you think that Fox reporting on a COMPLETELY unsubstantiated comment from a republican counts as news. No sound clip, no corroborating statements by anyone else in the room, nothing.


Fox News - "Representative Kinzinger told me that Hilary said so." = bad reporting/not news
@The T
NO...wrong ANSWER.

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