Hillary went ballistic at Congressman for suggesting Benghazi was terror attack.

We were discussing how you think that Fox reporting on a COMPLETELY unsubstantiated comment from a republican counts as news. No sound clip, no corroborating statements by anyone else in the room, nothing.


Fox News - "Representative Kinzinger told me that Hilary said so." = bad reporting/not news
@The T
NO...wrong ANSWER.

Ugh. See ya
Guh bye. Don't let the door hit you on yer gluteus minimus on yer way out son.

Get lost.
Hillary got caught promoting a despicable lie. Hillary will pay. Hillary will be bombarded with questions about Benghazi when she hits the podium trying to convince sensible people to vote for her sorry ass....and she won't have any answers. The useful stupid people will vote for her anyway...no matter what happens between now and election day.
That counts as news? "A republican said so?" I wonder how many news cycles that got on Fox

What are you talking about? Of course it counts as "news". Clinton will be the Dem Presidential candidate. And it shows that not only is her hot wired temper still flaring up, but the bitch lied in the briefing.

She's a liar. But then she's a liberal democrat.

My link was to the Daily Mail UK. The video of this Congressman is at the link. He was speaking at a Town Hall Meeting.

Kinzinger challenged Clinton during her House panel testimony. He's very credible and no one has come out to deny that this incident of her flipping out didn't occur have they now?

In January when Clinton testified before a House panel about Benghazi, Kinzinger challenged her on her insistence during that briefing that the YouTube video was to blame.

'When you briefed us, you said unequivocally this was a result of a video,' he said during the January 23 hearing. 'I remember in fact, you got pretty upset when somebody suggested this was a terror attack. This was our briefing that we had. But we find out now it wasn’t a video, it was this terrorist attack.'

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And this has to do with what we were discussing...HOW?
NO answer. Thought so.

We were discussing how you think that Fox reporting on a COMPLETELY unsubstantiated comment from a republican counts as news. No sound clip, no corroborating statements by anyone else in the room, nothing.


Fox News - "Representative Kinzinger told me that Hilary said so." = bad reporting/not news

You don't know the definition of hearsay do you?

Kizinger was in the meeting and was a witness to Hillary exploding in anger. Kizinger later confronted Clinton during the House Panel meetings about her lies.

Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience nor can it be adequately substantiated.

He was a witness to her losing her cool. It's not hearsay.

'Two days after this attack,' said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, 'we were in a briefing with Hillary Clinton and she screamed at a member of Congress who’d dare suggest that this was a terrorist attack.'

Hillary Clinton exploded at a congressman two days after Benghazi for suggesting that the attack was the work of terrorists, says GOP Rep. | Mail Online
NO answer. Thought so.

We were discussing how you think that Fox reporting on a COMPLETELY unsubstantiated comment from a republican counts as news. No sound clip, no corroborating statements by anyone else in the room, nothing.


Fox News - "Representative Kinzinger told me that Hilary said so." = bad reporting/not news

You don't know the definition of hearsay do you?

Kizinger was in the meeting and was a witness to Hillary exploding in anger. Kizinger later confronted Clinton during the House Panel meetings about her lies.

Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience nor can it be adequately substantiated.

He was a witness to her losing her cool. It's not hearsay.

'Two days after this attack,' said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, 'we were in a briefing with Hillary Clinton and she screamed at a member of Congress who’d dare suggest that this was a terrorist attack.'

Hillary Clinton exploded at a congressman two days after Benghazi for suggesting that the attack was the work of terrorists, says GOP Rep. | Mail Online

Let me help clarify.

"I saw this happen." = Eyewitness testimony

"I heard that So-and-so saw this happen." = Hearsay
Still only questions except for a-hole Pubs and silly hater dupes. But even protesters with RPGs are terrorists, and this WOULD be the only one of 50 attacks/protests at that time NOT involved with that stupid RW video. Nice alternate universe!
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Since Republicans are well known for lying, especially about Classified Benghazi information, I'll take this as just another shot across the Bow of Hillary in 2016.

So, how's the Impeachment going? IRS scandal brought him down yet?

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