Hillary:"We've got to do everything we can to weed out hate and plant love and kindness"

Hillary Clinton, day 100 in the white house. Macaroni and Cheese Summit with Big Bird, Joe Biden, Putin and leader of ISIS.

Hillary won't see the inside of the White House unless President Trump (Shit it giles me to write that) invites her.

Everyone knows it, most of all her.
Hillary Clinton, day 100 in the white house. Macaroni and Cheese Summit with Big Bird, Joe Biden, Putin and leader of ISIS.

Hillary won't see the inside of the White House unless President Trump (Shit it giles me to write that) invites her.

Everyone knows it, most of all her.
55% of the US population would have to have an IQ under 35 for Hillary to win.
"We've got to do everything we can to weed out hate and plant love and kindness," she told a crowd of several hundred.
News from The Associated Press

Does she mean people like these should be weeded out ?

View attachment 56660

Christians were beheading people a thousand years ago.

We live today. You said it though Christians became more civilized and maybe there is hope for the Muslims???

How many of us have to die though before that happens?
Remember the difference between Christianity and Islam is a vast mnority probably less then 1% of the 1 billion though still believe the Quran for example :
The problem however, is that there are no Christians today who are wiping out whole villages at the edge of the sword. There are Muslims however, who are doing so in the name of their religion. In Nigeria, Boko Haram are doing just that as this report from Reuters reveals. The same is happening in Syria and Northern Iraq as ISIS claims territory—evacuating villages, slaughtering their inhabitants, selling the women into slavery and burning churches. Jesus may have said, “I have not come to bring peace but a sword.” But everyone understands that he did not mean it literally.

However, the prophet in Quran 8:12 did mean for his soldiers to use the sword literally and without mercy, and the Islamic warriors of ISIS behead those they consider infidels out of direct obedience to Quran 8:12.

No doubt moderate Muslims are as dismayed by such fanaticism as a Christian would be to hear of genocide committed in obedience to I Samuel 15:3. Nevertheless, obedience to the Quran is the reason given by the terrorists, and the terror instilled in others by beheading—which is given as the reason for barbaric acts seems to be working.

The answer therefore is that Quran 8:12 does not command beheading, but fanatical Muslims are using the words from their Scriptures to justify unspeakable violence and terror. Instead they should listen to their own moderate and wise teachers. Many Muslim leaders have spoken outagainst the barbarians of ISIS. The fanatics should stop and learn from their own teachers and from their own Quran where it is written, “Indeed, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression.” (Quran 16:91)
Does the Quran Command Beheading?
HC said,
""We've got to do everything we can to weed out hate and plant love and kindness,"

arrrgh...Well darlin', love an' kindness begin with morality an' decency. If' the ship you be sailin' has abandoned tha concepts at their core, yer goal's already been scuttled...

...For twont be long for the scurvy crew ye be sailin' with will drop their veils and smiles thru rottin' teeth, cut all the anchors to good and decent ways & be justifyin' a mutiny on all good ships moored in safe harbor...arrrrrggh..

That motly cluster o' rotters already threw Kim Davis in the brig and ye be kiddin' yerself that seaworthy lads an' lasses be castin' their votes fer ye as captain! Har har, ye be drinkin' a crock o' poison rum if yer noggin be so addled and fogged to believe that rubbish fairy tale..arrgh..

(I missed talk like a pirate day this year)

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What a RW reaction. Amazing. On the positive, if the Donald actually got the nomination, Americans generally do the right thing because most of us, of all races and religions, are actually decent people.
Hillary.The Day After The 2004/05 Psunami. "What happened over there in the Chinese nation of Indonesia is evidence that we need to put a hold on gun sales all over the world !!!"
What a RW reaction. Amazing. On the positive, if the Donald actually got the nomination, Americans generally do the right thing because most of us, of all races and religions, are actually decent people.

Decent people don't vote for Hillary.

Sorry, if you vote for an open Crook and scumbag like her, you're not a decent person - period. Those who voted for Obama can claim ignorance, at least the first time, but no such excuse holds with Hillary - you KNOW she is gutter scum.
"We've got to do everything we can to weed out hate and plant love and kindness," she told a crowd of several hundred.
News from The Associated Press

Does she mean people like these should be weeded out ?

View attachment 56660

Christians were beheading people a thousand years ago.
Yeah but Muslims are doing it now. Wake up, Princess.

Well if you want a Muslim genocide, tell us how you will go about it.
If a person hates *******, kikes, spics, mics, rag-heads, red heads, wops, gypsies, fags & dykes, dots, frogs, chinks, gooks, geeks, dweebs, and women (or any of the above in particular), what business is that of the United States Federal Government?

Should a college student be punished for opining that "Black chicks are not hot," on social media? It is his opinion and he owns it. It is not the least bit hateful, any more than if he said he is turned off by the appearance of tall women. It is what it is.

Can I form a club that includes only men whose principle ancestry comes from England, Scotland, Wales, and/or Ireland? This excludes 95% of the earth's population, but am I not free to associate with whomever I wish?

How can the United States Federal Government, "weed out hate"? It is a preposterous thought, not even worthy of discussion. All Government can do is to identify ACTIONS by government officials that are motivated by a desire to discriminate in a negative way on one of the many bases that have been identified as unacceptable (race, ethnicity, gender, etc). And if I'm a government official who hates, say, Lebanese people, but I treat them fairly, what is wrong with that? Should I be fired for "hate"?

HRC is a pandering whore. Why on earth would anyone vote for her for anything other than permanent banishment?

I see why you are so upset, as a hater you feel personally attacked. As someone who feels the need to call a women a "pandering whore" over the top even for a misogynist, I suspect you've been called worse than a hater.

Shes actually worse than a pandering whore.
What a RW reaction. Amazing. On the positive, if the Donald actually got the nomination, Americans generally do the right thing because most of us, of all races and religions, are actually decent people.

Decent people don't vote for Hillary.

Sorry, if you vote for an open Crook and scumbag like her, you're not a decent person - period. Those who voted for Obama can claim ignorance, at least the first time, but no such excuse holds with Hillary - you KNOW she is gutter scum.

Since the GOP is guaranteed not to nominate a decent person, then worst case scenario is,

'decency' is a wash' when deciding who to vote for.
If a person hates *******, kikes, spics, mics, rag-heads, red heads, wops, gypsies, fags & dykes, dots, frogs, chinks, gooks, geeks, dweebs, and women (or any of the above in particular), what business is that of the United States Federal Government?

Should a college student be punished for opining that "Black chicks are not hot," on social media? It is his opinion and he owns it. It is not the least bit hateful, any more than if he said he is turned off by the appearance of tall women. It is what it is.

Can I form a club that includes only men whose principle ancestry comes from England, Scotland, Wales, and/or Ireland? This excludes 95% of the earth's population, but am I not free to associate with whomever I wish?

How can the United States Federal Government, "weed out hate"? It is a preposterous thought, not even worthy of discussion. All Government can do is to identify ACTIONS by government officials that are motivated by a desire to discriminate in a negative way on one of the many bases that have been identified as unacceptable (race, ethnicity, gender, etc). And if I'm a government official who hates, say, Lebanese people, but I treat them fairly, what is wrong with that? Should I be fired for "hate"?

HRC is a pandering whore. Why on earth would anyone vote for her for anything other than permanent banishment?

I see why you are so upset, as a hater you feel personally attacked. As someone who feels the need to call a women a "pandering whore" over the top even for a misogynist, I suspect you've been called worse than a hater.

Shes actually worse than a pandering whore.

"Shes actually worse than a pandering whore"
If a person hates *******, kikes, spics, mics, rag-heads, red heads, wops, gypsies, fags & dykes, dots, frogs, chinks, gooks, geeks, dweebs, and women (or any of the above in particular), what business is that of the United States Federal Government?

Should a college student be punished for opining that "Black chicks are not hot," on social media? It is his opinion and he owns it. It is not the least bit hateful, any more than if he said he is turned off by the appearance of tall women. It is what it is.

Can I form a club that includes only men whose principle ancestry comes from England, Scotland, Wales, and/or Ireland? This excludes 95% of the earth's population, but am I not free to associate with whomever I wish?

How can the United States Federal Government, "weed out hate"? It is a preposterous thought, not even worthy of discussion. All Government can do is to identify ACTIONS by government officials that are motivated by a desire to discriminate in a negative way on one of the many bases that have been identified as unacceptable (race, ethnicity, gender, etc). And if I'm a government official who hates, say, Lebanese people, but I treat them fairly, what is wrong with that? Should I be fired for "hate"?

HRC is a pandering whore. Why on earth would anyone vote for her for anything other than permanent banishment?

I see why you are so upset, as a hater you feel personally attacked. As someone who feels the need to call a women a "pandering whore" over the top even for a misogynist, I suspect you've been called worse than a hater.

Shes actually worse than a pandering whore.

"Shes actually worse than a pandering whore"

You don't say? Neither are the republicans.
If a person hates *******, kikes, spics, mics, rag-heads, red heads, wops, gypsies, fags & dykes, dots, frogs, chinks, gooks, geeks, dweebs, and women (or any of the above in particular), what business is that of the United States Federal Government?

Should a college student be punished for opining that "Black chicks are not hot," on social media? It is his opinion and he owns it. It is not the least bit hateful, any more than if he said he is turned off by the appearance of tall women. It is what it is.

Can I form a club that includes only men whose principle ancestry comes from England, Scotland, Wales, and/or Ireland? This excludes 95% of the earth's population, but am I not free to associate with whomever I wish?

How can the United States Federal Government, "weed out hate"? It is a preposterous thought, not even worthy of discussion. All Government can do is to identify ACTIONS by government officials that are motivated by a desire to discriminate in a negative way on one of the many bases that have been identified as unacceptable (race, ethnicity, gender, etc). And if I'm a government official who hates, say, Lebanese people, but I treat them fairly, what is wrong with that? Should I be fired for "hate"?

HRC is a pandering whore. Why on earth would anyone vote for her for anything other than permanent banishment?

I see why you are so upset, as a hater you feel personally attacked. As someone who feels the need to call a women a "pandering whore" over the top even for a misogynist, I suspect you've been called worse than a hater.

Shes actually worse than a pandering whore.

"Shes actually worse than a pandering whore"

You don't say? Neither are the republicans.

Sure they are. Maybe you need a dictionary;\

To pander: To cater to or indulge someone's lower tastes or desires, especially in order to win his or her favor or gain an advantage.

Whore: A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.

Seems to fit the 21st Century of the Republican Brand perfectly and in particular the leading members of the clown car: Trump, Carson and Rubio as well as most of the others.
If a person hates *******, kikes, spics, mics, rag-heads, red heads, wops, gypsies, fags & dykes, dots, frogs, chinks, gooks, geeks, dweebs, and women (or any of the above in particular), what business is that of the United States Federal Government?

Should a college student be punished for opining that "Black chicks are not hot," on social media? It is his opinion and he owns it. It is not the least bit hateful, any more than if he said he is turned off by the appearance of tall women. It is what it is.

Can I form a club that includes only men whose principle ancestry comes from England, Scotland, Wales, and/or Ireland? This excludes 95% of the earth's population, but am I not free to associate with whomever I wish?

How can the United States Federal Government, "weed out hate"? It is a preposterous thought, not even worthy of discussion. All Government can do is to identify ACTIONS by government officials that are motivated by a desire to discriminate in a negative way on one of the many bases that have been identified as unacceptable (race, ethnicity, gender, etc). And if I'm a government official who hates, say, Lebanese people, but I treat them fairly, what is wrong with that? Should I be fired for "hate"?

HRC is a pandering whore. Why on earth would anyone vote for her for anything other than permanent banishment?

I see why you are so upset, as a hater you feel personally attacked. As someone who feels the need to call a women a "pandering whore" over the top even for a misogynist, I suspect you've been called worse than a hater.

Shes actually worse than a pandering whore.

"Shes actually worse than a pandering whore"
Perhaps, but she's running a disicipline, issue oriented campaign. And countering the Donald's message of fear is a pretty cagey move, imo. And probably not entirely false and self-serving.
She should have expressed some of that love and kindness to her pervert husband's numerous victims. Instead she only expressed vicious hate. She's full of shite again.
Lib logic.....
Bend over and take that good A$$ F**king from Muslims just like that guy got
it from that bear in the movie.

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