HILLARY!: "What difference does it make?"...

dear fuckjng IDIOT no one lied.

that is what the inteeligence first told them.
THAT is what the report on benghazi found.

Just like Fast and Furious you just pretend it has NOT been investigated

Jesus are you a dumb biased idiot.

The only reason the investigatioin on FF stopped was because that fuck in the WH used EO to stop it. To cover his buddy Holders ass.

The same adminstration of that fuck in the WH tried to blame the deaths at Benghazi on a video. They spread that lie for weeks. We find out that the CIA from the get go said it was AQ. Your boy hero and his sucky adminstration lied through their teeth.

If this had happened while Bush was POTUS I'm damned sure you would be screaming like a stuck pig.

Four good men are dead because Hillary and her State Department didn't beef up security after repeated requests for same. Four good men are dead and Hillary is alive and no one in her State Department will be held accountable. No one will lose a job. No one will lose anything.

If you don't see a problem with the lying, the cover up and four good men dead because of it them your nothing but a mindless ass kissing Democratic Obamabot.

Jesus you suck.

do you remember white water?

beating a dead horse is not an investigation

The horse isn't dead, it's being hidden.
Had I been president at the time, and I found that you did not read the cables from Benghazi, you did not read the cables from Ambassador Stevens, I would have relieved you of your post. I think it’s inexcusable.”

It was about this time that Clinton began to smirk to herself.

Raw Story (Clinton slams Rand Paul in Benghazi hearing: ?I have taken responsibility? | The Raw Story)

Paul went on saying that perhaps it was excusable that Clinton did not “read every cable” from Benghazi in the months leading up to the attack. And while he claimed to not “suspect” the Secretary of “bad motives,” he said he felt she had been a failure at her job.

He then asked if anyone is taking weapons out of Libya to Turkey.

“To Turkey?” Clinton replied, looking genuinely puzzled. “Uh, no, no-one’s ever raised that with me.”



“Well, Senator,” Clinton replied at length. “The reason I’m here today is to answer your questions the best I can. I am the Secretary of State and the [Administrative Review Board] made very clear that the level of the responsibility for the failure that they have outlined was set at the Assistant Secretary level and below.”

Why did we need her to 'answer the phone" again?

so you like spam too?
To sane persons, when government fucks up and people die, then when they lie about it and cover it up, that's a scandal.

But, that's to sane persons.

dear fuckjng IDIOT no one lied.

that is what the inteeligence first told them.
THAT is what the report on benghazi found.

Just like Fast and Furious you just pretend it has NOT been investigated

You said something similar in another thread a while back and I asked you a question and it went ignoired....

OK...So according to you, Fast and Furious has been investigated.

So tell me....who was the one who opted to NOT tell the Attorney General about an operation that included the selling of guns to the enemy (Drug Cartels) of an ally (Mexico)?

When one furnishes arms to the enemy of another, it is deemed as an act of war...

So who approved the act of war and did not ensure the AG, The President and the Congress be aware of it?

Surely the investigation would show that....

so who was it and what was his/her reprimand?


There were private gun sellers..selling guns to people that then sold guns to mexican cartels.

The pity is..when the ATF agents tried to get conservative prosecutors to go after those private sellers..they said NO.

Then conservatives tried to bring down the government because it was watching these illegal sales.

Pathetic and disgusting.
Jesus are you a dumb biased idiot.

The only reason the investigatioin on FF stopped was because that fuck in the WH used EO to stop it. To cover his buddy Holders ass.

The same adminstration of that fuck in the WH tried to blame the deaths at Benghazi on a video. They spread that lie for weeks. We find out that the CIA from the get go said it was AQ. Your boy hero and his sucky adminstration lied through their teeth.

If this had happened while Bush was POTUS I'm damned sure you would be screaming like a stuck pig.

Four good men are dead because Hillary and her State Department didn't beef up security after repeated requests for same. Four good men are dead and Hillary is alive and no one in her State Department will be held accountable. No one will lose a job. No one will lose anything.

If you don't see a problem with the lying, the cover up and four good men dead because of it them your nothing but a mindless ass kissing Democratic Obamabot.

Jesus you suck.

do you remember white water?

beating a dead horse is not an investigation

The horse isn't dead, it's being hidden.

There wasn't a horse in the first place.
What's odd about it? You do realize that arms dealings is a big part of what happened in Benghazi, right? Not to mention he may have access to information much of the public doesn't have.

Because it makes absolutely no sense.

Turkey is a NATO ally and has access to some of the best weapons available to modern nations.

Why the fuck would they be purchasing second hand dusty might not work crap from Libya?

Sallow really is Shallow.
dear fuckjng IDIOT no one lied.

that is what the inteeligence first told them.
THAT is what the report on benghazi found.

Just like Fast and Furious you just pretend it has NOT been investigated

You said something similar in another thread a while back and I asked you a question and it went ignoired....

OK...So according to you, Fast and Furious has been investigated.

So tell me....who was the one who opted to NOT tell the Attorney General about an operation that included the selling of guns to the enemy (Drug Cartels) of an ally (Mexico)?

When one furnishes arms to the enemy of another, it is deemed as an act of war...

So who approved the act of war and did not ensure the AG, The President and the Congress be aware of it?

Surely the investigation would show that....

so who was it and what was his/her reprimand?


There were private gun sellers..selling guns to people that then sold guns to mexican cartels.

The pity is..when the ATF agents tried to get conservative prosecutors to go after those private sellers..they said NO.

Then conservatives tried to bring down the government because it was watching these illegal sales.

Pathetic and disgusting.

What is pathetic and disgusting is what you just did....

you opted to leave out the fact that the government ADMITTEDLY arranged the selling to the private gun sellers in an effort fopr those gun sellers to sell those guns to the enemy of our ally.

You see...when you need to spin the truth, you are showing you have little confidence in your position.

from the above link;

By early 2010, straw buyers were picking up more than 300 guns monthly from Arizona firearms dealers, and cartels in Mexico were killing up to 1,200 people per month. Authorities said one straw buyer in Phoenix bought a total of 720 guns.

"Although my instincts made me want to intervene and interdict these weapons," Dodson testified later in a congressional hearing, "my supervisors directed me and my colleagues not to make any stop or arrest but rather to keep the straw purchaser under surveillance while allowing the guns to walk."

By April 2010, even some ATF administrators were sounding alarms, to no avail. According to congressional testimony, Dodson and other agents asked to make seizures but were turned down by prosecutors who wanted more evidence and by bosses who wanted to catch drug lords.

end of quoted section, more at link

where is the info you cite where uncooperative prosecutors were to blame?

To a lot of us this simoply looks like incompetence and stupidity.
now people are feeding the Fast and Furious conspiracy .... taking the thread off topic.

jesus christ you people need to stop going off topic so far as to enter into cnspiracies

Maybe the correlation is too deep for you to grasp?

Let me put it this way....

There are two MAJOR similarities...

The attoerney general claims he was not at all aware of an operation that included the selling of arms to the enemy of an ally. His excuse being that he has so many operations going on at once, he is unable to be aware of all of them....

The secretary of state claims she was not aware of the cables coming from Benghazi becuse she gets so many cables, she cant read them all.

Both saying "other things" were more important and required their attention more.



Exactly what would be deemed as more important than an operation that included the selling of arms to the enemy of an ally?

Exactly what would be more important than a cable from an AMbassador to a couintry that is in the midst of a major political transition while being in the center of the most volatile region on the planet?

Either they both lied or they both do not know how to prioritize.
now people are feeding the Fast and Furious conspiracy .... taking the thread off topic.

jesus christ you people need to stop going off topic so far as to enter into cnspiracies

Maybe the correlation is too deep for you to grasp?

Let me put it this way....

There are two MAJOR similarities...

The attoerney general claims he was not at all aware of an operation that included the selling of arms to the enemy of an ally. His excuse being that he has so many operations going on at once, he is unable to be aware of all of them....

The secretary of state claims she was not aware of the cables coming from Benghazi becuse she gets so many cables, she cant read them all.

Both saying "other things" were more important and required their attention more.



Exactly what would be deemed as more important than an operation that included the selling of arms to the enemy of an ally?

Exactly what would be more important than a cable from an AMbassador to a couintry that is in the midst of a major political transition while being in the center of the most volatile region on the planet?

Either they both lied or they both do not know how to prioritize.

correlation or hijack with a conspiracy theory?
dear fuckjng IDIOT no one lied.

that is what the inteeligence first told them.
THAT is what the report on benghazi found.

Just like Fast and Furious you just pretend it has NOT been investigated

Jesus are you a dumb biased idiot.

The only reason the investigatioin on FF stopped was because that fuck in the WH used EO to stop it. To cover his buddy Holders ass.

The same adminstration of that fuck in the WH tried to blame the deaths at Benghazi on a video. They spread that lie for weeks. We find out that the CIA from the get go said it was AQ. Your boy hero and his sucky adminstration lied through their teeth.

If this had happened while Bush was POTUS I'm damned sure you would be screaming like a stuck pig.

Four good men are dead because Hillary and her State Department didn't beef up security after repeated requests for same. Four good men are dead and Hillary is alive and no one in her State Department will be held accountable. No one will lose a job. No one will lose anything.

If you don't see a problem with the lying, the cover up and four good men dead because of it them your nothing but a mindless ass kissing Democratic Obamabot.

Jesus you suck.

do you remember white water?

beating a dead horse is not an investigation

We all remember white water.

We all remember how Vince Fosters briefcase "disappeared" after his death.

We all remember how Hillary suddently found records that had been sitting on her desk for years.

The only thing dead about Benghazi are the four good men who died waiting for help that didn't come.

But of course that doesn't bother you because if it did you'd have to admitt that your hero Dems aren't quite as heroic as you think they are. And oh yeah. They will lie all day long to cover their asses.
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now people are feeding the Fast and Furious conspiracy .... taking the thread off topic.

jesus christ you people need to stop going off topic so far as to enter into cnspiracies

Maybe the correlation is too deep for you to grasp?

Let me put it this way....

There are two MAJOR similarities...

The attoerney general claims he was not at all aware of an operation that included the selling of arms to the enemy of an ally. His excuse being that he has so many operations going on at once, he is unable to be aware of all of them....

The secretary of state claims she was not aware of the cables coming from Benghazi becuse she gets so many cables, she cant read them all.

Both saying "other things" were more important and required their attention more.



Exactly what would be deemed as more important than an operation that included the selling of arms to the enemy of an ally?

Exactly what would be more important than a cable from an AMbassador to a couintry that is in the midst of a major political transition while being in the center of the most volatile region on the planet?

Either they both lied or they both do not know how to prioritize.

correlation or hijack with a conspiracy theory?

so you dont want to address the similarities?

Instead you prefer to protest the location of the question? It is not in the right thread, (in your eyes) so it is not worth addressing?

Or you dont have an answer, so your tactic is to divert?
the republican party has nothing so they play games like this to confuse the voting public.

they cheat in elections and make up phoney conspiracys.

I wish they would go back to being the party they once were
This thread is not on the topic of Fast and Furious. Stop feeding the conspiracy trolls on both sides

It is a thread about how a cabinet member of this administration diverted from revealing the truth.

Showing how there is a pattern is not "hijacking" the thread....it is adding to the conversation.

So I again ask....do you plan to continue to divert from the final 2 questions of my post?

What was more important to Hillary that she had no time to read any cables from Benghazi?
obamination is part of crimes with F&F, Libya, Solyndra, etc....it all matters.

Liberal scum want people to ignore each one because it shows a pattern.
This thread is not on the topic of Fast and Furious. Stop feeding the conspiracy trolls on both sides

It is a thread about how a cabinet member of this administration diverted from revealing the truth.

Showing how there is a pattern is not "hijacking" the thread....it is adding to the conversation.

So I again ask....do you plan to continue to divert from the final 2 questions of my post?

What was more important to Hillary that she had no time to read any cables from Benghazi?
okay, but ARGUING fast and furious itself is hijacking the thread

you all have gone far beyond drawing a correlation and such

now you know why we can't have good things around here. :rofl:
This thread is not on the topic of Fast and Furious. Stop feeding the conspiracy trolls on both sides

It is a thread about how a cabinet member of this administration diverted from revealing the truth.

Showing how there is a pattern is not "hijacking" the thread....it is adding to the conversation.

So I again ask....do you plan to continue to divert from the final 2 questions of my post?

What was more important to Hillary that she had no time to read any cables from Benghazi?

I agree it shows a pattern of behavior from this administration to bring up fast and furious.
Dante can just put up with it or go into another thread if he doesn't like it.

The two are related, two sides of the same coin so to speak, in my opinion.

Fact is if it didn't make a difference, Hillary wouldn't be testifying in front of congress.
Fact is if she had not lost her cool and launched into shrieking almost crying histronics, her ability to perform her job properly might not be such a popular topic.

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