HILLARY WILL NOT GO AWAY! Hillary Clinton: "It’s ‘Quite Telling’ That Trump Attacks Black Athletes"


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Does she realize that all NFL players are not black?

She can't be that fucking stupid, right?

she is a clear and Present Danger to America and she should be put in pill and alcohol inpatient rehab for 6-12 months.

Just as she says about Trump....I say about her.

Which is worse for the trumpanzees....that H. Clinton is still being listened to.....or that she's right?
"it’s important to be reminded who won the most votes by far in both the primary and the general election." :thup:


No, Hillary Clinton should not just go away even though she lost to Trump
Hilly is getting to be like the creepy ex girlfriend that will not accept that she's been dumped.
Which is worse for the trumpanzees....that H. Clinton is still being listened to.....or that she's right?

She's as popular as a dose of herpes, and that's just with the Democrats.

The only thing she's been right about is that she lost the election.
Hillary is an angry, bitter attention whore who is trying to remain relevant because she delusionally thinks / hopes the DNC will actually give her another shot in 2020.

They pushed her stupid book out so she could campaign/book tour for the midterms.

It's funny how Progs assholes will call many people obsessed with Hildebeast....then she publishes a BOOK and goes on tour!
Hilly is getting to be like the creepy ex girlfriend that will not accept that she's been dumped.

she's dedicated her entire life to affecting public policy and she's not about to stop now just because a bunch of bullies wish she would.

ms hillary doesn't need your vote in order to continue affecting change just like any other interested citizen could.

she'd never go for a creep like you, either... ;)
Hillary has gone bat-shit crazy!

"Clinton Compares Trump to Putin: ‘Hopefully He Hasn’t Ordered the Killing of People and Journalists’"

No, you crazy bit@h - killing people / having people killed is YOUR 'thing'!

Clinton Compares Trump to Putin: 'Hopefully He Hasn't Ordered the Killing of People and Journalists'

"Hillary Clinton said Monday on Bloomberg News that President Donald Trump has "tendencies toward authoritarianism," adding that she hopes he has not "ordered the killing of people and journalists" as Russian President Vladimir Putin has been accused of doing."

Hillary doesn't want to 'go there'.

Clinton Body Count | Clinton Memorial Library

Hilly is getting to be like the creepy ex girlfriend that will not accept that she's been dumped.

she's dedicated her entire life to affecting public policy and she's not about to stop now just because a bunch of bullies wish she would.

ms hillary doesn't need your vote in order to continue affecting change just like any other interested citizen could.

she'd never go for a creep like you, either... ;)

Hillary takes a bite of reality -
Hilly is getting to be like the creepy ex girlfriend that will not accept that she's been dumped.

she's dedicated her entire life to affecting public policy and she's not about to stop now just because a bunch of bullies wish she would.

ms hillary doesn't need your vote in order to continue affecting change just like any other interested citizen could.

she'd never go for a creep like you, either... ;)

She loves that race card....and that misogyny card....and that homophobia card...and that Islamophobic card...

...and I love her list of reasons why she lost:


  1. Sexism
  2. Racism
  3. Misogyny
  4. Xenophobia
  5. Suburban women
  6. James Comey
  7. FBI
  8. Russians
  9. Vladimir Putin
  10. WikiLeaks
  11. DNC
  12. Barack Obama :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
  13. Joe Biden
  14. Bernie Sanders
  15. Anthony Weiner
  16. Electoral College
  17. Polling Data
  18. Cable News
  19. New York Times
  20. Fake News
  21. Bots
  22. Facebook
  23. Twitter
  24. Netflix
  25. TV Executives
  26. ‘Anti-American forces’
  27. Democrat documentaries
  28. Low information voters
  29. People wanting change
  30. People who assumed she’d win
  31. Republican Party
  32. “Content farms in Macedonia’
  33. Infowars
  34. Goosefer
  35. DC Leaks
  36. Jill Stein
  37. Steve Bannon
  38. Voter ID laws
  39. Chief Justice John Roberts
  40. KS Sec. of State, Kris Kobach
  41. Citizens United
  42. Colluding Trump officials
  43. Benghazi
Hillary has gone bat-shit crazy!

"Clinton Compares Trump to Putin: ‘Hopefully He Hasn’t Ordered the Killing of People and Journalists’"

No, you crazy bit@h - killing people / having people killed is YOUR 'thing'!

Clinton Compares Trump to Putin: 'Hopefully He Hasn't Ordered the Killing of People and Journalists'

"Hillary Clinton said Monday on Bloomberg News that President Donald Trump has "tendencies toward authoritarianism," adding that she hopes he has not "ordered the killing of people and journalists" as Russian President Vladimir Putin has been accused of doing."

Hillary doesn't want to 'go there'.

Clinton Body Count | Clinton Memorial Library


Name that high.

I am thinking Adderall/Oxy and Vodka.
Hilly is getting to be like the creepy ex girlfriend that will not accept that she's been dumped.

she's dedicated her entire life to affecting public policy and she's not about to stop now just because a bunch of bullies wish she would.

ms hillary doesn't need your vote in order to continue affecting change just like any other interested citizen could.

she'd never go for a creep like you, either... ;)

Let's hope she never does "go away".

Here's a list of SOME of her accomplishments ...

These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar. You do not have to support what she does or stands for. But do not say she doesn’t have any accomplishments. The conservatives who say this are the ones who are pushing for Ted Cruz – who brought on a $24 billion shut down. That, to them, is an accomplishment?

Yes, Hillary Clinton has accomplishments. You don’t have to like them, but they do, in fact, exist.
Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any
she should run in 2018 for wherever the Dems want to put her, and if she loses that race, she should run for POTUS in 2020.

if you don't want her to run in 2020, you are a racist misogynist homophobic Islamaphobe.
Hilly is getting to be like the creepy ex girlfriend that will not accept that she's been dumped.

she's dedicated her entire life to affecting public policy and she's not about to stop now just because a bunch of bullies wish she would.

ms hillary doesn't need your vote in order to continue affecting change just like any other interested citizen could.

she'd never go for a creep like you, either... ;)

Creep? Hillary is the psychopath who bragged about getting a pedophile acquitted on a technicality in her lawyer days.
she's dedicated her entire life to affecting public policy and she's not about to stop now just because a bunch of bullies wish she would.

Hillary Clinton’s Foreign-Policy Performance: The Worst. Ever.

- 'Hillary Clinton voted for the war.'

- 'As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was a cheerleader for those overthrowing governments friendly to the United States (such as in Egypt). These governments ended up being replaced with the Muslim Brotherhood, dictatorship and chaos. The Arab uprisings, combined with the ham-fisted withdrawal from Iraq, led to the formation of ISIS, which subsequently took over much of Iraq and Syria, extending its reach deep into the surrounding Arab states. This includes Libya / Benghazi.'

"Relying on Clinton’s assurances, Russia abstained from UN Resolution 1973, enabling military intervention to protect civilians under the explicit understanding that this would not mean regime change. Clinton immediately reneged on the deal."

4 Americans needlessly allowed to die, and Hillary is critical in helping Obama drag the US into an Un-Constitutional war to help Al Qaeda - murderous terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - take over their own country.

- "In 2011 Secretary Clinton then repeatedly stated “Assad must go” (FYI six years on he’s still in power). Obama destroyed America’s credibility around the world by imposing a ‘redline’ on chemical weapons being used in Syria that he was never willing to enforce. In the end Obama had to be bailed out by Russia, who brokered a deal with Assad to have those weapons removed.

Most damning, however, is Clinton’s
boast about how she strongly advocated arming Sunni rebels against Assad. Of course, ISIS later captured Mosul, seizing billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment anyhow."

- "While the United States was lurching from one failure to the next in the Middle East, massive challenges arose in Asia. North Korea has now completed four nuclear tests of increasing sophistication, and has made strides in long range ballistic missiles and SLBM technology. As a consequence, Obama bequeaths his successor a North Korea that will have the capability to conduct a nuclear strike on the United States within an eight-year term of office."

- 'China is America’s greatest long-term challenge, and is fast reemerging as a global superpower that seeks to expel the United States from Asia. It commits cyber theft on an industrial scale, employs mercantilist trade practices and currency manipulation, and of course, is asserting its expansive territorial claims by force. China has dredged three thousand acres of new land in the South China Sea, and Obama - and Hillary - has done (/ did) nothing to stop them.'

"No matter where you look, whether it’s Iran’s expansion in the Middle East, Russia’s aggression in Europe, nuclear proliferation in rogue states, or China’s bid for regional hegemony, the verdict is in—those running American foreign policy have been an ignominious disgrace on every possible front and in every conceivable respect, and Hillary Clinton has been central to that failure."

** Hillary Clinton’s Foreign-Policy Performance: The Worst. Ever.

Hillary Clinton:


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