Hillary wishes to mandate the denial of reality

That's right. We are at war with ISIS. China and Russia are doing all they can to undermine our economy. We have a flood of unskilled migrants flooding our borders. Crime in our large cities is spiking.

But.....Hilary wants to be sure you respect the 47 yr old married man with 7 kids....who abandoned his family so he could be "adopted" as a tranny 6 year old girl.


Go Hillary!!!!!

Go Hillary!!!!!

^^Yes Lakhota. It must be respected when a 47 year old MAN bails on his family so pretend he's a 6 year old girl and get adopted by another sick couple who treat him like that


Go Hillary!!!!!

^^Yes Lakhota. It must be respected when a 47 year old MAN bails on his family so pretend he's a 6 year old girl and get adopted by another sick couple who treat him like that

And why exactly is that any of your business?

Because when grown married men with children start bailing so they can pretend to be 6 year old girls....society destabilizes and collapses eventually. Unless a massive central power government comes in and takes over all aspects of life.....like China and Russia and N Korea do.

When bizarre mentally ill behavior such as that tranny is celebrated....society destabilizes.
LOL the right wing conservatives still puzzle over their identity. Listen wingnuts if you have these longings follow them, stop denying yourself. We know you are afraid of life as your love of guns and hatred for so many exemplifies, but try to grow up. Be yourself and let others be themselves, that's real freedom, something you righties have a hard time with.

Homosexuality is caused by being molested | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And please since you conservatives are so afraid, there are lots of remote areas in America to hide in. Go find one and stay there quiet and no one will bother you. Good luck.

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