Hillary....you dawg.

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday revealed a bombshell allegation that Hillary Clinton ordered “a campaign plan to stir up a scandal” by linking President Trump to Russia in 2016 — and that then-President Barack Obama knew about her possible role.

CIA told Obama of claim Hillary Clinton conjured Trump-Russia scandal: spy chief
I’m trying to figure out why anyone thinks this is relevant.

I'm sure you feel that way quite often.
Yes, because the right yammers on about nonsense quite frequently.

So let’s first assume this is not Russian propaganda, which it probably is.

Who cares? Clinton wanted a campaign strategy to tie Trump to Russia? Hell, he was trying to do that himself by talking about his good relationship with Putin. Why is the Trump administration declassifying this irrelevant material if not for political purposes?

You complain about yammering, yet you don't seem to read your own posts...go figure.
The right is trying to make this some kind of big deal. It’s obvious that our intelligence agencies are being used as political tools. Lindsey Graham is trying to make it sound like the FBI was supposed to investigate this because they investigated Trump.

The question is why would the FBI investigate it? It’s just a lot of outrage over nothing and no one here can put together a coherent explanation of why this matters.

I see, so back in the Obama days, the intelligence agencies were the ultimate experts. But now they're a political tools.
The intelligence agencies aren’t the problem. It’s the political appointees that are mucking about. Ratcliffe is a political hack. He he basically no experience in the area and is there because of reasons like this, to use the government to help get Trump re-elected.
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday revealed a bombshell allegation that Hillary Clinton ordered “a campaign plan to stir up a scandal” by linking President Trump to Russia in 2016 — and that then-President Barack Obama knew about her possible role.

CIA told Obama of claim Hillary Clinton conjured Trump-Russia scandal: spy chief
I’m trying to figure out why anyone thinks this is relevant.

I'm sure you feel that way quite often.
Yes, because the right yammers on about nonsense quite frequently.

So let’s first assume this is not Russian propaganda, which it probably is.

Who cares? Clinton wanted a campaign strategy to tie Trump to Russia? Hell, he was trying to do that himself by talking about his good relationship with Putin. Why is the Trump administration declassifying this irrelevant material if not for political purposes?

You complain about yammering, yet you don't seem to read your own posts...go figure.
The right is trying to make this some kind of big deal. It’s obvious that our intelligence agencies are being used as political tools. Lindsey Graham is trying to make it sound like the FBI was supposed to investigate this because they investigated Trump.

The question is why would the FBI investigate it? It’s just a lot of outrage over nothing and no one here can put together a coherent explanation of why this matters.

I see, so back in the Obama days, the intelligence agencies were the ultimate experts. But now they're a political tools.
The intelligence agencies aren’t the problem. It’s the political appointees that are mucking about. Ratcliffe is a political hack. He he basically no experience in the area and is there because of reasons like this, to use the government to help get Trump re-elected.

Sure, much different than the political hacks Obama put in.
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday revealed a bombshell allegation that Hillary Clinton ordered “a campaign plan to stir up a scandal” by linking President Trump to Russia in 2016 — and that then-President Barack Obama knew about her possible role.

CIA told Obama of claim Hillary Clinton conjured Trump-Russia scandal: spy chief
I’m trying to figure out why anyone thinks this is relevant.

I'm sure you feel that way quite often.
Yes, because the right yammers on about nonsense quite frequently.

So let’s first assume this is not Russian propaganda, which it probably is.

Who cares? Clinton wanted a campaign strategy to tie Trump to Russia? Hell, he was trying to do that himself by talking about his good relationship with Putin. Why is the Trump administration declassifying this irrelevant material if not for political purposes?

You complain about yammering, yet you don't seem to read your own posts...go figure.
The right is trying to make this some kind of big deal. It’s obvious that our intelligence agencies are being used as political tools. Lindsey Graham is trying to make it sound like the FBI was supposed to investigate this because they investigated Trump.

The question is why would the FBI investigate it? It’s just a lot of outrage over nothing and no one here can put together a coherent explanation of why this matters.

I see, so back in the Obama days, the intelligence agencies were the ultimate experts. But now they're a political tools.
The intelligence agencies aren’t the problem. It’s the political appointees that are mucking about. Ratcliffe is a political hack. He he basically no experience in the area and is there because of reasons like this, to use the government to help get Trump re-elected.

Sure, much different than the political hacks Obama put in.
Go ahead and give me an example of when Obama’s political hacks in intelligence did anything remotely similar.
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday revealed a bombshell allegation that Hillary Clinton ordered “a campaign plan to stir up a scandal” by linking President Trump to Russia in 2016 — and that then-President Barack Obama knew about her possible role.

CIA told Obama of claim Hillary Clinton conjured Trump-Russia scandal: spy chief
It shows John Brennan was doing his job, by letting Obama know what Hillary was allegedly planning.

In no way does it show the CIA or Hillary made up the information gathered already by Crowdstrike that the Russian GRU was linked to the theft of the DNC and Podesta emails...

Trump's own genuflecting in front of Putin, was a good enough reason to tie him to it....in any logical sense.... who needed to make it up?
hummmmmm STEELE DOSSIER paid for by the Clinton campaign
The Steele dossier was russian information that was found to be lies.
RATcliffe is a partisan hack with ZERO intel experience. Who cares what he has to say? :dunno:
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday revealed a bombshell allegation that Hillary Clinton ordered “a campaign plan to stir up a scandal” by linking President Trump to Russia in 2016 — and that then-President Barack Obama knew about her possible role.

CIA told Obama of claim Hillary Clinton conjured Trump-Russia scandal: spy chief
I’m trying to figure out why anyone thinks this is relevant.

I'm sure you feel that way quite often.
Yes, because the right yammers on about nonsense quite frequently.

So let’s first assume this is not Russian propaganda, which it probably is.

Who cares? Clinton wanted a campaign strategy to tie Trump to Russia? Hell, he was trying to do that himself by talking about his good relationship with Putin. Why is the Trump administration declassifying this irrelevant material if not for political purposes?

You complain about yammering, yet you don't seem to read your own posts...go figure.
The right is trying to make this some kind of big deal. It’s obvious that our intelligence agencies are being used as political tools. Lindsey Graham is trying to make it sound like the FBI was supposed to investigate this because they investigated Trump.

The question is why would the FBI investigate it? It’s just a lot of outrage over nothing and no one here can put together a coherent explanation of why this matters.

I see, so back in the Obama days, the intelligence agencies were the ultimate experts. But now they're a political tools.
The intelligence agencies aren’t the problem. It’s the political appointees that are mucking about. Ratcliffe is a political hack. He he basically no experience in the area and is there because of reasons like this, to use the government to help get Trump re-elected.

Sure, much different than the political hacks Obama put in.
Go ahead and give me an example of when Obama’s political hacks in intelligence did anything remotely similar.

WTF, aren't you paying attention.

Obama was briefed on unverified Russian report claiming Clinton approved plan to tie Trump to Putin and DNC hack
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday revealed a bombshell allegation that Hillary Clinton ordered “a campaign plan to stir up a scandal” by linking President Trump to Russia in 2016 — and that then-President Barack Obama knew about her possible role.

CIA told Obama of claim Hillary Clinton conjured Trump-Russia scandal: spy chief
I’m trying to figure out why anyone thinks this is relevant.

I'm sure you feel that way quite often.
Yes, because the right yammers on about nonsense quite frequently.

So let’s first assume this is not Russian propaganda, which it probably is.

Who cares? Clinton wanted a campaign strategy to tie Trump to Russia? Hell, he was trying to do that himself by talking about his good relationship with Putin. Why is the Trump administration declassifying this irrelevant material if not for political purposes?

You complain about yammering, yet you don't seem to read your own posts...go figure.
The right is trying to make this some kind of big deal. It’s obvious that our intelligence agencies are being used as political tools. Lindsey Graham is trying to make it sound like the FBI was supposed to investigate this because they investigated Trump.

The question is why would the FBI investigate it? It’s just a lot of outrage over nothing and no one here can put together a coherent explanation of why this matters.

I see, so back in the Obama days, the intelligence agencies were the ultimate experts. But now they're a political tools.
The intelligence agencies aren’t the problem. It’s the political appointees that are mucking about. Ratcliffe is a political hack. He he basically no experience in the area and is there because of reasons like this, to use the government to help get Trump re-elected.

Sure, much different than the political hacks Obama put in.
Go ahead and give me an example of when Obama’s political hacks in intelligence did anything remotely similar.

WTF, aren't you paying attention.

Obama was briefed on unverified Russian report claiming Clinton approved plan to tie Trump to Putin and DNC hack
So what? How does this affect anything or demonstrate that Obama’s intelligence was full of political hacks?
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday revealed a bombshell allegation that Hillary Clinton ordered “a campaign plan to stir up a scandal” by linking President Trump to Russia in 2016 — and that then-President Barack Obama knew about her possible role.

CIA told Obama of claim Hillary Clinton conjured Trump-Russia scandal: spy chief
I’m trying to figure out why anyone thinks this is relevant.

I'm sure you feel that way quite often.
Yes, because the right yammers on about nonsense quite frequently.

So let’s first assume this is not Russian propaganda, which it probably is.

Who cares? Clinton wanted a campaign strategy to tie Trump to Russia? Hell, he was trying to do that himself by talking about his good relationship with Putin. Why is the Trump administration declassifying this irrelevant material if not for political purposes?

You complain about yammering, yet you don't seem to read your own posts...go figure.
The right is trying to make this some kind of big deal. It’s obvious that our intelligence agencies are being used as political tools. Lindsey Graham is trying to make it sound like the FBI was supposed to investigate this because they investigated Trump.

The question is why would the FBI investigate it? It’s just a lot of outrage over nothing and no one here can put together a coherent explanation of why this matters.

I see, so back in the Obama days, the intelligence agencies were the ultimate experts. But now they're a political tools.
The intelligence agencies aren’t the problem. It’s the political appointees that are mucking about. Ratcliffe is a political hack. He he basically no experience in the area and is there because of reasons like this, to use the government to help get Trump re-elected.

Sure, much different than the political hacks Obama put in.
Go ahead and give me an example of when Obama’s political hacks in intelligence did anything remotely similar.

Obama was briefed on unverified Russian report claiming Clinton approved plan to tie Trump to Putin and DNC hack

So what? How does this affect anything or demonstrate that Obama’s intelligence was full of political hacks?

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday revealed a bombshell allegation that Hillary Clinton ordered “a campaign plan to stir up a scandal” by linking President Trump to Russia in 2016 — and that then-President Barack Obama knew about her possible role.

CIA told Obama of claim Hillary Clinton conjured Trump-Russia scandal: spy chief
I’m trying to figure out why anyone thinks this is relevant.

I'm sure you feel that way quite often.
Yes, because the right yammers on about nonsense quite frequently.

So let’s first assume this is not Russian propaganda, which it probably is.

Who cares? Clinton wanted a campaign strategy to tie Trump to Russia? Hell, he was trying to do that himself by talking about his good relationship with Putin. Why is the Trump administration declassifying this irrelevant material if not for political purposes?

You complain about yammering, yet you don't seem to read your own posts...go figure.
The right is trying to make this some kind of big deal. It’s obvious that our intelligence agencies are being used as political tools. Lindsey Graham is trying to make it sound like the FBI was supposed to investigate this because they investigated Trump.

The question is why would the FBI investigate it? It’s just a lot of outrage over nothing and no one here can put together a coherent explanation of why this matters.

I see, so back in the Obama days, the intelligence agencies were the ultimate experts. But now they're a political tools.
The intelligence agencies aren’t the problem. It’s the political appointees that are mucking about. Ratcliffe is a political hack. He he basically no experience in the area and is there because of reasons like this, to use the government to help get Trump re-elected.

Sure, much different than the political hacks Obama put in.
Go ahead and give me an example of when Obama’s political hacks in intelligence did anything remotely similar.

Obama was briefed on unverified Russian report claiming Clinton approved plan to tie Trump to Putin and DNC hack

So what? How does this affect anything or demonstrate that Obama’s intelligence was full of political hacks?

Charles Krauthammer, God rest his soul, did not have the ability to see into the future, but you could at least check what he's saying.

Krauthammer is saying that Holder is a political hack and as proof, he offers two examples. A lawsuit to strike down Texas Voter ID and a law to strike down Arizona immigration statute. Krauthammer says that Holder knows he is going to lose these cases but is doing it to please the base.

Unfortunately for Krauthammer and really unfortunately for you, Holder won both cases.

I welcome the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down major provisions of Arizona’s S.B. 1070 on federal preemption grounds. Today’s ruling appropriately bars the State of Arizona from effectively criminalizing unlawful status in the state and confirms the federal government’s exclusive authority to regulate in the area of immigration.

We are extremely heartened by the court's decision, which affirms our position that the Texas voter identification law unfairly and unnecessarily restricts access to the franchise. Even after the Voting Rights Act was seriously eroded last year, we vowed to continue enforcing the remaining portions of that statute as aggressively as possible. This ruling is an important vindication of those efforts.
Crooked Hillary detested Michelle Obama, and believed she was behind the White House leaks to the media about her emails and other scandals

Michelle gladly embraced her role as leaker in chief, after Barack asked her to do it

"what i want for you to do is to call off your fucking dogs, Barack", Hillary thundered!
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Hillary is about as likeable as an elective surgery. every time she speaks, an angel shoots a cherub!
"i get paid 300K dollars to give a speech...and these Hollywood jackasses are going to tell me how to do it?" - Hillary after Bill Clinton suggested Martin Scorcese give her lessons on how to orate
did you know?

Hillary once stayed at Trump Tower during her run for Senate in 2000. Accustomed as she was to being treated like royalty, she asked the management to give her exclusive use of the elevator. they refused. she had to share the elevator with Trump Tower's other millionaire peons
Strobe Talbott and Dekek Shearer recommends Wallander to Hillary. Interesting


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