Hillary's Aides Thought She was 'INSANE'

Of course her own staff described Hillary as 'often confused' and 'technology challenged' - awesome traits you want in a President.

Under oath Comey stated he did not believe Hillary had the ability to understand classification levels / markings / requirements - another thing you look for in a President.

Confused, doesn't understand technology, and criminally stupid - she's going to make a great President.

Rice and Powell didn't use their own servers. Or delete the evidence after getting a subpoena. Lefties either know it and lie or they are just plain stupid. Or both.

But they did have aids that smashed blackberries with hammers....oh wait.
That's standard departmental procedure, right?

They destroyed devices AFTER information was backed up. Hillary ordered the deletion of emails BEFORE getting the subpoena.

Your facts are just wrong. And you're fucking stupid.
You're nothing but a dirty stinking liar, like ALL leftists!

What Did Clinton’s Lawyers Say to Her Tech Guy a Few Days Before He Destroyed Her E-Mails?
What Did Clinton’s Lawyers Say to Her Tech Guy a Few Days Before He Destroyed Her E-Mails? Clinton on Capitol Hill during hearings into the Benghazi attack, October 22, 2015. (Reuters photo: Jonathan Ernst) PRINT ARTICLE ADJUST FONT SIZEAA by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY September 8, 2016 4:00 AM @ANDREWCMCCARTHY Unlock Free Digital Access The very curious timeline of Clinton’s document deletions: subpoena issued → her lawyers talk to Clinton’s IT team → e-mails destroyed Imagine a mafia don who wants to have some evidence destroyed, maybe even have a witness “disappear.”

Does he have a sit-down with his trusted capos, who will then give the job to a reliable button-man? Not if he’s taken the Clinton Family course in advanced criminology — known around the campus as “(C).” If the don is a graduate, he knows the new way to get away with murder is to have all your orders communicated by your lawyers.

At the Washington Examiner Wednesday, Byron York had a very interesting report about the destruction of thousands of Clinton e-mails after Congress had issued a subpoena for them. (Obstruction of a congressional investigation is a felony under federal law.) The report is based on the FBI’s heavily redacted summary report of its Clinton e-mails investigation. The e-mails were destroyed by a technician at Platte River Network (PRN), which had been retained by Clinton to handle her server.

The tech is clearly a man (referred to as “he” several times), but his name is redacted from the FBI report. Evidence strongly suggests that this PRN technician initially lied to the FBI, then changed his story and clammed up about any instructions he might have been given. A bit of background: In December 2014, Cheryl Mills instructed the PRN tech to implement a change in Clinton’s e-mail-retention policy: Any e-mails older than 60 days (translation: any remaining e-mails from Clinton’s time as secretary of state) were to be purged from the server. Purging in this context did not just mean deletion, it meant destruction: The Clinton team was using the BleachBit program to ensure that the purged e-mails could never be retrieved or reassembled. This was a conscious scorched-earth operation, headed up by Mills, the Clinton Family’s Tom Hagen — longtime consigliere and Clinton’s chief-of-staff at the State Department.

But there’s a Fredo in every good crime story, right? In this case, it is the PRN tech, who apparently did not follow instructions. According to his original story to the FBI, about three months went by when, out of the blue, in what he described as an “Oh sh**!” moment, he remembered that he had forgotten to purge the e-mails. So . . . he of course took it on himself to do it. You’ll be shocked to learn, though, that that’s not quite how it happened.

Even if You Believe the Left’s Excuses, Hillary Clinton Still Violated Criminal Law On March 3, 2015, the New York Times broke the story that, while secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton had systematically used an unauthorized homebrew server system for all her e-mail communications, including the tens of thousands related to government business. This finally roused the House Benghazi Committee from its slumbers. (As I noted at the time, the Benghazi Committee had curiously failed to issue a subpoena for Clinton’s private e-mails, despite knowing of her use of private e-mail addresses for government business even before the Times report revealed them publicly.) The same day the Times report was published, the committee zipped a letter to David Kendall, Clinton’s lawyer at the prestigious Williams & Connolly in Washington, D.C. (Clinton has a legion of lawyers, but W&C’s Kendall is her main outside-the-government attorney.)

The committee’s letter demanded that the e-mails be preserved and produced. The next day, March 4, the committee issued a subpoena directing Clinton to produce e-mails from her private e-mail addresses. In the days that followed, Mills confirmed that data on all relevant server equipment had been migrated to the PRN server. Then, according to the FBI report, a conference call was convened on March 25, 2015, with the PRN tech and “President Clinton’s staff.” The redacted version of the report does not make clear to whom “President Clinton’s staff” refers. Sometime shortly after this conference call, the PRN tech purged the archived e-mails, using the BleachBit program. I surmise that the purging occurred on March 25 or 26, and that the completion of the purge was swiftly reported to Clinton’s lawyers. Why? Because, as Byron recounts in his news story this week, Kendall informed Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy by letter on March 27, two days after the conference call with PRN, that Clinton’s “IT support” people had “confirmed” to him “that no e-mails from” Clinton’s relevant private address ([email protected]) “reside on the server or on any back-up systems associated with the server.”

Read more at: What Did Clinton’s Lawyers Say to Her Tech Guy a Few Days Before He Destroyed Her E-Mails?
What Hillary did with her emails was illegal and treasonous and even her staff knew it was.

They are clearly more intelligent than your average stupid Hillary supporter.

At least her staff have a vested personal interest in Hillary winning.
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Who told Rice she could use a private email? How about Powell? Who told him? Let's draw and quarter that person, as well.

The email thing is done. It was ill-advised, she apologized, but viewed in a light most favorable to those seeking prosecution, she committed no crime. Period.

Let's put this story to bed for crissakes. Trump is on trial for child rape in December. Think that might be worth a SLIVER of discussion?
They lied under oath?

Fucking loser
I imagine her aids are much relieved now. Politically her e-mail never made any difference to me. It's her policies that keeps away any thought of voting for her. If the shoe was on the other foot the Democrats would treat the situation gravely and get political traction. I don't believe the GOP has such discipline and so we piss opportunities away. One needs to know how to play the media.
It's not the murder I care about so much - it's all the other corruption, pay-to-play, paid access, Soros-money, political whoring, lies, enabling, national security jeopardizing, incompetence and political corruption leading to the death of 4 Americans, helping Barry drag the US into 2 wars to help terrorists (1 of them being the perpetrators of 9/11/01 that killed 3,000 Americans) take over their own countries, perjury, violating numerous laws regarding handling, storage, and destruction of classified, etc...

You mean all the other shit that there's absolutely ZERO evidence of? All that?
Who told Rice she could use a private email? How about Powell? Who told him? Let's draw and quarter that person, as well.

The email thing is done. It was ill-advised, she apologized, but viewed in a light most favorable to those seeking prosecution, she committed no crime. Period.

Let's put this story to bed for crissakes. Trump is on trial for child rape in December. Think that might be worth a SLIVER of discussion?
They lied under oath?

Fucking loser

it's really funny how many people are so stupid they do not understand the difference between using a private server kept at your house for ALL STATE DEPARTMENT BUSINESS and using a GMAIL address for PERSONAL BUSINESS.

Fucking idiots. How do they not drown when it's raining?
What I have enjoyed is how HIllary basically pretends it didn't happen.

It's her MO.

Same with Wikileaks.

It's just unreal.

Or she's gotten to the point where she realizes when the GOP baselessly accuses her of murder year after year, "using the wrong email', kind of sounds petty.

Accusing someone of murder is petty ?

That's new.
Emails show close Clinton allies in dark, shocked over ‘insane’ server setup
Emails show close Clinton allies in dark, shocked over ‘insane’ server setup

"Some of Hillary Clinton’s top advisers were in the dark about the scope and depth of her controversial email system as the scandal broke in March 2015, with even her now-campaign manager professing ignorance about the private system at the time."

How about that, for once it's someone throwing HILLARY under the bus instead of the other way around. :p

"Do we actually know who told Hillary she could use a private email? And has that person been drawn and quartered?" Tanden wrote in July. “Like whole thing is f---ing insane.”

The State Department stated they NEVER gave her permission to do so and that if she had asked to do so they would have said 'No'. Sounds like another case of Hillary wanting to do something, doing it, thinking she wouldn't get caught, and if she did it wouldn't matter - she believed herself to be above the law. (And with Barry's help she has been.)

"While some of Clinton’s closest aides, particularly those who worked with her at the State Department, such as Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, appeared to be well aware and deeply involved in her email setup, others apparently were not."

Only Hillary's corrupt / criminal inner-circle knew....and Barry.

In her mind, the law just doesn't apply to her. Sadly in the real world, she's right ...
Can you imagine if Hillary was queen of a 3rd world nation?

It's not the murder I care about so much - it's all the other corruption, pay-to-play, paid access, Soros-money, political whoring, lies, enabling, national security jeopardizing, incompetence and political corruption leading to the death of 4 Americans, helping Barry drag the US into 2 wars to help terrorists (1 of them being the perpetrators of 9/11/01 that killed 3,000 Americans) take over their own countries, perjury, violating numerous laws regarding handling, storage, and destruction of classified, etc...

In other words, Hillary is making you a crazy person with her secret mind powers... got it.
They destroyed devices AFTER information was backed up.
Hillary ordered the deletion of emails
BEFORE getting the subpoena.

Your facts are just wrong...
You're absolutely right!
What you stated is factually correct,
standing alone, on its own merit.

But, this,
...And you're fucking stupid.
is where you are sadly mistaken!

Not everyone is walking around,
with their head shoved so far up their ass,
they have to open their mouth just to see where the hell they're going!

Of course she ordered the deletion of emails before getting the subpoena,

I'm sure Comey tipped her off and knowing this couldn't be swept away,
they put on a horse & pony show instead...sound stupid, act clueless.
No charges, cased closed.....until today.

We don't know yet, what they discovered on Huma's devices,
but, you can believe this, it's nothing Mr.Comey could let slide or cover up....
the boat is sinking and he doesn't plan on going down with it.

The only dumb fuck here is you!

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