Hillary's Aides Thought She was 'INSANE'

Rice and Powell didn't use their own servers. Or delete the evidence after getting a subpoena. Lefties either know it and lie or they are just plain stupid. Or both.

THAT deserved to be EMPHASIZED!!

Who told Rice she could use a private email? How about Powell? Who told him? Let's draw and quarter that person, as well.

The email thing is done. It was ill-advised, she apologized, but viewed in a light most favorable to those seeking prosecution, she committed no crime. Period.

Let's put this story to bed for crissakes. Trump is on trial for child rape in December. Think that might be worth a SLIVER of discussion?

Do you know the difference between email and having your own SERVER?
Who told Rice she could use a private email? How about Powell? Who told him? Let's draw and quarter that person, as well.

Could you please focus on reality? There is no issue with having a private email account or accounts regardless of what public office you hold. Use it to talk about your grand children, yoga class, whatever.

It is highly illegal to use a private, non-governmental email account to transmit or receive classified information. To have the audacity to setup your own email system knowing that it will handle classified information is unforgivable. This puts American lives, and the country itself, in danger.

The law is clear about what should be done to those who through ignorance or devious motives fail to guard classified information in their possession. It is stunning to see such a blatant disregard of the law go unpunished. Of course, depending on what happens on November 08, maybe it will be punished. We can only hope.

God bless America.
Who told Rice she could use a private email? How about Powell? Who told him? Let's draw and quarter that person, as well.

The email thing is done. It was ill-advised, she apologized, but viewed in a light most favorable to those seeking prosecution, she committed no crime. Period.

Let's put this story to bed for crissakes. Trump is on trial for child rape in December. Think that might be worth a SLIVER of discussion?

They did not use their own PRIVATE SERVER and then delete 33,000 e-mails.

It's not that tough to grasp. Only liberals seems to be that fucking stupid. Hopefully it's just disingenuous, and they are not ACTUALLY retarded.
The State Department stated they NEVER gave her permission to do so and that if she had asked to do so they would have said 'No'. Sounds like another case of Hillary wanting to do something, doing it, thinking she wouldn't get caught, and if she did it wouldn't matter - she believed herself to be above the law. (And with Barry's help she has been.)

Or they realized that Colin did it, Condi did it, so why is there a special rule for Hillary...

Oh, wait. She's a CLINTON. Thats why there's a special rule.

Bush kills 5000 servicemen in Iraq, and no biggie, but four people die in Libya (two of whom didn't even work for her) and that's a big crisis.

Colin Powel can't produce any e-mails related to Iraq... no biggie. Hillary provides the e-mails, and you guys get all upset.

Have you been able to work your shoulders up your ass too ?
Rice and Powell didn't use their own servers. Or delete the evidence after getting a subpoena. Lefties either know it and lie or they are just plain stupid. Or both.

But they did have aids that smashed blackberries with hammers....oh wait.
Did Rice and Powell lie repeatedly to the American Public and Congress about their e-mails?

Powell used GOOGLE (GMAIL.COM) for his personal e-mails.

Clinton used a PRIVATE SERVER (CLINTONEMAIL.COM) THAT SHE KEPT AT HER HOUSE. And deleted 33,000 e-mails that she was SUBPOENAED to turn over.


If you think that's the SAME as Powell, you are a fucking moron and should shoot yourself in the back of the head twice like Vince Foster.
Rice and Powell didn't use their own servers. Or delete the evidence after getting a subpoena. Lefties either know it and lie or they are just plain stupid. Or both.

But they did have aids that smashed blackberries with hammers....oh wait.
That's standard departmental procedure, right?

They destroyed devices AFTER information was backed up. Hillary ordered the deletion of emails BEFORE getting the subpoena.

Your facts are just wrong. And you're fucking stupid.
Who told Rice she could use a private email? How about Powell? Who told him? Let's draw and quarter that person, as well.

The email thing is done. It was ill-advised, she apologized, but viewed in a light most favorable to those seeking prosecution, she committed no crime. Period.

Let's put this story to bed for crissakes. Trump is on trial for child rape in December. Think that might be worth a SLIVER of discussion?

They did not use their own PRIVATE SERVER and then delete 33,000 e-mails.

It's not that tough to grasp. Only liberals seems to be that fucking stupid. Hopefully it's just disingenuous, and they are not ACTUALLY retarded.

Yes, you're VERRRRY concerned about it, aren't you? It's not a political witch hunt in the least.
So you know better than the FBI whether she committed a crime? That's what you're saying?
The FBI - the Director of the FBI - is the one who pointed out the fact that she broke the law:

- Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified.
COMEY: "That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed,” Comey said.

CRIME: Hillary PERJURED herself AND sent/received classified!

- On her claim that she used one device:
COMEY: “She used multiple devices.”

CRIME: Hillary PERJURED herself

- And on her claim that she turned over all work-related emails
COMEY: No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

CRIME: Hillary PERJURED Herself AND she violated both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act

...and that's including the FACT that she illegally had classified information / material in her possession, on UN-Authorized, UN-Approved UN-Encrypted Servers....

...and that's NOT including giving access to highly classified information to persons who had no security clearances and those who did not have the required level of security clearances to have access to the material
- Her IT Tech aide
- Her Lawyer
- The IT firm that stored her highly classified information / server in an unprotected BATHROOM

ALL of this has been covered again and again and again, with links and evidence continuously posted. At this point it is not that this can't be proven - it has. At this point it is not that Liberals can't understand all of this - they do. It can ONLY be because they are deliberately LYING, either to themselves, others, or both. It has been made PERFECTLY clear, though - beyond the shadow of a doubt - that Hillary Clinton DID break the freaking law!

No doubt, however, Libs will continue to make the same false assertions regarding her innocence.

She turned over like 30,000 emails and out of them a handful were found to have classified stuff .

Would you know the content of 30k emails off the top of your head ?
Yes they were questioned, according to Powell. They testified under oath they did not do so. And again, Powell was pretty pissed she tried to throw him under the bus to cover her ass. There was even an article posted on here about how Hillary tried to not only throw blacks but a black and a black WOMAN under the bus over this.

OH, wait. They took HIS WORD FOR IT? Without even looking? Without even checking if they were confidential or could be retroactively reclassified after the fact.

They just....took their word for it.
Did Rice and Powell lie repeatedly to the American Public and Congress about their e-mails?

Powell used GOOGLE (GMAIL.COM) for his personal e-mails.

Clinton used a PRIVATE SERVER (CLINTONEMAIL.COM) THAT SHE KEPT AT HER HOUSE. And deleted 33,000 e-mails that she was SUBPOENAED to turn over.

Yes, years after she wasn't in that job anymore... they came looking for emails she deleted.
What I have enjoyed is how HIllary basically pretends it didn't happen.

It's her MO.

Same with Wikileaks.

It's just unreal.
Who told Rice she could use a private email? How about Powell? Who told him? Let's draw and quarter that person, as well.

The email thing is done. It was ill-advised, she apologized, but viewed in a light most favorable to those seeking prosecution, she committed no crime. Period.

Let's put this story to bed for crissakes. Trump is on trial for child rape in December. Think that might be worth a SLIVER of discussion?

Do you know the difference between email and having your own SERVER?
Apparently not......
It's not the murder I care about so much - it's all the other corruption, pay-to-play, paid access, Soros-money, political whoring, lies, enabling, national security jeopardizing, incompetence and political corruption leading to the death of 4 Americans, helping Barry drag the US into 2 wars to help terrorists (1 of them being the perpetrators of 9/11/01 that killed 3,000 Americans) take over their own countries, perjury, violating numerous laws regarding handling, storage, and destruction of classified, etc...
"using the wrong email', kind of sounds petty.
- Perjury
- Possession of classified while no longer being authorized to have ANY
- Illegal storage of classified (Un-Authorized servers, unencrypted, stored in unsecure BATHROOMS handled by people without security clearances
- Knowingly giving access to classif8ied servers and documents to people she knew did not have any security clearance or not the required level - her IT Tech aide, her lawyers, the IT company that illegally stored and handled her server
- Violating the FOIA and the Federal Records Act

...but when you try to classify all that by saying 'using the wrong e-mail' it does sound petty, not to mention a LIE!

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