Hillary's Asinine Wellesley Speech.Beyond Pathetic.No Mention Of Liberal Scandals Or World Crises?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:eek-52: :smoke: :tongue-44: This came off as just another boring Hillary speech where most of us were assuming there were props on the stage, each one holding an assigned sign that reads "Applause",,,"Cheers",,,"Laugh",,,"Standing Ovation",,,"Sigh"...etc. etc.
Well either that or all of the "Liberal Girls" in the small crowd had some form of brain damage, or just a bit intoxicated at the event.
Hillary never brought up any of the crises her and Obama created during the last 8 years.Hillary didn't bring up her sale of Uranium to the Russians, Hillary didn't bring up the fact that it was her party that caused the economic downfall of 2008 and that she and the rats did absolutely nothing to create jobs. Hillary never brought up her approval to give IRAN billions to build and sell more bombs. The list of her and Democrat Scandals/Screw ups just goes on and on and on! It seemed as if she was blaming white men and Trump for all the current world problems! and yet all of these young girls were agreeing with "The Beast" ?? :hmpf: :dunno: :eek-52: :cow:
did Hillary mention that she used to get about 250,000 a speech while the middle class was suffering, maybe even losing their homes?
:eek-52: :smoke: :tongue-44: This came off as just another boring Hillary speech where most of us were assuming there were props on the stage, each one holding an assigned sign that reads "Applause",,,"Cheers",,,"Laugh",,,"Standing Ovation",,,"Sigh"...etc. etc.
Well either that or all of the "Liberal Girls" in the small crowd had some form of brain damage, or just a bit intoxicated at the event.
Hillary never brought up any of the crises her and Obama created during the last 8 years.Hillary didn't bring up her sale of Uranium to the Russians, Hillary didn't bring up the fact that it was her party that caused the economic downfall of 2008 and that she and the rats did absolutely nothing to create jobs. Hillary never brought up her approval to give IRAN billions to build and sell more bombs. The list of her and Democrat Scandals/Screw ups just goes on and on and on! It seemed as if she was blaming white men and Trump for all the current world problems! and yet all of these young girls were agreeing with "The Beast" ?? :hmpf: :dunno: :eek-52: :cow:
Funny thing is....if it hadn't been for what Hillary and Obama did in Libya......Manchester probably never would have happened.

But these are the types of things that the media forgets to mention and of course, Hillary would never mention in her speech. She just was up there to gather some sympathy for losing and to trash Trump for trying to drain the Swamp in Washington.
:eek-52: :smoke: :tongue-44: This came off as just another boring Hillary speech where most of us were assuming there were props on the stage, each one holding an assigned sign that reads "Applause",,,"Cheers",,,"Laugh",,,"Standing Ovation",,,"Sigh"...etc. etc.
Well either that or all of the "Liberal Girls" in the small crowd had some form of brain damage, or just a bit intoxicated at the event.
Hillary never brought up any of the crises her and Obama created during the last 8 years.Hillary didn't bring up her sale of Uranium to the Russians, Hillary didn't bring up the fact that it was her party that caused the economic downfall of 2008 and that she and the rats did absolutely nothing to create jobs. Hillary never brought up her approval to give IRAN billions to build and sell more bombs. The list of her and Democrat Scandals/Screw ups just goes on and on and on! It seemed as if she was blaming white men and Trump for all the current world problems! and yet all of these young girls were agreeing with "The Beast" ?? :hmpf: :dunno: :eek-52: :cow:
Funny thing is....if it hadn't been for what Hillary and Obama did in Libya......Manchester probably never would have happened.

But these are the types of things that the media forgets to mention and of course, Hillary would never mention in her speech. She just was up there to gather some sympathy for losing and to trash Trump for trying to drain the Swamp in Washington.
i watched/heard bit and pieces of it,,,but did she mention that she was wearing two cath bags?
Hillary has class unlike Trump who whined at a graduation of Coast Guard cadets about being treated unfairly -- making the speech about himself instead of an uplifting message to the men and women who protect the homeland.
Fuck Donald and fuck you. History will not be kind to the Orange menace and the fools who voted for him
Hillary never brought up any of the crises her and Obama created during the last 8 years.Hillary didn't bring up her sale of Uranium to the Russians, Hillary didn't bring up the fact that it was her party that caused the economic downfall of 2008 and that she and the rats did absolutely nothing to create jobs. Hillary never brought up her approval to give IRAN billions to build and sell more bombs. The list of her and Democrat Scandals/Screw ups just goes on and on and on! It seemed as if she was blaming white men and Trump for all the current world problems! and yet all of these young girls were agreeing with "The Beast" ??

You were expecting differently? Hillary doesn't see anything she did as a crisis, it was no crisis for her, it was exactly what she wanted. She WANTED to sell the Russians uranium. They wanted the S&L downfall. She wanted the Iran deal. She wants to blame white men (can't blame black!). And she wants to blame Trump for things that existed long before he got in. Sure, she knows better but you are dealing with a congenital liar whose mentor was a guy whose life's work was in bringing chaos to orderly societies. There must never be any gap in the continuous drone of these talking points to their weak-kneed following, for if they left them to their own too long, they might start seeing things for themselves rather than automatically swallow the rhetoric they are spoon-fed daily.
Hillary has class unlike Trump who whined at a graduation of Coast Guard cadets about being treated unfairly -- making the speech about himself instead of an uplifting message to the men and women who protect the homeland.

Has Hillary ever taken responsibility for the failure of her Presidential run, Jed? She's blamed Russia....repeatedly. What she hasn't done however is admit that the real reason she lost was because her lies finally caught up with her!

As for the commencement speech at the Coast Guard Academy? I'd suggest reading the transcript of that speech before you make comments like you just did, Jed! In a lengthy speech in which Trump repeatedly praised the graduates and lauded them for the job that they were about to do for the country at the very end he spoke briefly about standing up to adversity and doing what you know is right!

As usual...you on the left ignored 90% of what Trump said while attacking him for the rest. It's what you do...and it's why people don't pay attention to what you say anymore!

Read President Trump's Speech at U.S. Coast Guard Academy Commencement
Hillary never brought up any of the crises her and Obama created during the last 8 years.Hillary didn't bring up her sale of Uranium to the Russians, Hillary didn't bring up the fact that it was her party that caused the economic downfall of 2008 and that she and the rats did absolutely nothing to create jobs. Hillary never brought up her approval to give IRAN billions to build and sell more bombs. The list of her and Democrat Scandals/Screw ups just goes on and on and on! It seemed as if she was blaming white men and Trump for all the current world problems! and yet all of these young girls were agreeing with "The Beast" ??

You were expecting differently? Hillary doesn't see anything she did as a crisis, it was no crisis for her, it was exactly what she wanted. She WANTED to sell the Russians uranium. They wanted the S&L downfall. She wanted the Iran deal. She wants to blame white men (can't blame black!). And she wants to blame Trump for things that existed long before he got in. Sure, she knows better but you are dealing with a congenital liar whose mentor was a guy whose life's work was in bringing chaos to orderly societies. There must never be any gap in the continuous drone of these talking points to their weak-kneed following, for if they left them to their own too long, they might start seeing things for themselves rather than automatically swallow the rhetoric they are spoon-fed daily.
i thought for sure she was going to blame Trump for Pearl Haba and that Led Zeppelin that crashed and burned in New Joisy
Has Hillary ever taken responsibility for the failure of her Presidential run, Jed?

One of the cornerstones of integrity is the willingness to take responsibility for even things that were beyond your control. You don't blame your team, much less the voters, the polls, the FBI, the weather, the media or some other foreign country on the other side of the world. Even if all of these things were true, a person of true integrity ultimately sees the final blame resting with THEM.
Hillary has class unlike Trump who whined at a graduation of Coast Guard cadets about being treated unfairly -- making the speech about himself instead of an uplifting message to the men and women who protect the homeland.

Has Hillary ever taken responsibility for the failure of her Presidential run, Jed? She's blamed Russia....repeatedly. What she hasn't done however is admit that the real reason she lost was because her lies finally caught up with her!

As for the commencement speech at the Coast Guard Academy? I'd suggest reading the transcript of that speech before you make comments like you just did, Jed! In a lengthy speech in which Trump repeatedly praised the graduates and lauded them for the job that they were about to do for the country at the very end he spoke briefly about standing up to adversity and doing what you know is right!

As usual...you on the left ignored 90% of what Trump said while attacking him for the rest. It's what you do...and it's why people don't pay attention to what you say anymore!

Read President Trump's Speech at U.S. Coast Guard Academy Commencement
Cool story bro. Whatever you feel about Hillary, a commencement speech is no place for her to air grievances. And it's no place for the POTUS to whine about the big mean liberal press -- whether that accounted for 10% of his speech or 90% of his speech. He should be ashamed of himself.
I loved hiLIARy's speech. It's such a pathetic whinge and embarrassment to the Dems. Keep it up, girl!
Fuck Donald and fuck you. History will not be kind to the Orange menace and the fools who voted for him

You sick freak, what drugs are you on that shows President Trump as orange?
Fuck Donald and fuck you. History will not be kind to the Orange menace and the fools who voted for him

You sick freak, what drugs are you on that shows President Trump as orange?
i didnt know the slow flakes were still crying like 3 year old babies
Says the snowflake who keeps obsessing over Hillary and Obama. What's wrong, Little one - Orange Man not doing too well? Time to change the subject?

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