Hillary's BS train delivers it's first load to NH


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
There is no other way to explain this memory loss except it must be alzheimer, it's not like she would purposely lie....is it? :)

Hillary's BS Train Delivers It's First Load to NH - Claimed That She Became Involved In Politics In 1991

Grandma Clinton told a group of New Hampshire Voters Monday “The first place I ever came for any political campaign was in 1991, when I was here campaigning for my husband, in October of 1991.” - ( Remarks At A Campaign Event, 4/20/15)
In 1968, Hillary Clinton Worked On The Presidential Campaign Of Senator Eugene McCarthy In “New Hampshire That Winter.”
- “Ms. Rodham had traveled to New Hampshire several times that winter to volunteer for Mr. McCarthy, the Minnesota Democrat challenging President Lyndon B. Johnson for the Democratic nomination. Mr. McCarthy’s message — that the antiwar movement should operate within the system, not on the streets — appealed to Ms. Rodham."..... “Her political itinerary that year resembles a frenzied travelogue of youthful contradiction. She might have been the only 20-year-old in America who worked on the antiwar presidential campaign of Senator Eugene McCarthy in New Hampshire that winter and for the hawkish Republican congressman Melvin Laird in Washington that summer.” (Mark Leibovich, “In Turmoil Of ’68, Clinton Found A New Voice,” The New York Times, 9/5/07)

Lot's more at the link:

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