Hillary's campaign launch could have been a stroke of Brilliance!

Hell, everybody criticizes Hillary. Even a lot of Democrats.

And if you think having coffee with a few planted supporters is campaigning, think again. Six people can't elect a President.

There are more than six women in this country.

The super-conservative women will lie to their wife-beater husbands and vote for her anyway.

Face it, Dems hold the WH in 2016.

It's over Johnny.
'Coincidentally, the way Marco Rubio announced his run for the Republican nomination most likely amplified the impact of Clinton's reframing. For all his posturing about being the new generation, Rubio followed to a "T" the most traditional script for announcing a candidacy: traditional stage and podium, dark suit, bright tie, wife and kids on camera, a live speech, all about himself, timed for the evening news.'

True, reflecting the fact that republicans are devoid of new ideas, the reactionaryism of the right, and the fear of change and diversity common to most conservatives.
Poor Hillary....she will have to wait to see who comes out of the Clown Car as her opponent.
Poor Hillary....she will have to wait to see who comes out of the Clown Car as her opponent.

Maybe she can chase the clown car down in her Scooby van. AHAHAHAHA

The week was a disaster for her lol.

It came off completely staged and stiff.
"Sneakily brilliant". Only CNN could come up with a negative term and call it brilliant. It's going to be a long campaign and CNN has indicated that it is willing to defend Mrs Clinton every step of the way. And they wonder why nobody watches.
Hillary Clinton s sneakily brilliant launch - CNN.com

The stiff, starched, and very predictable GOP can critisize her all day, but her staff may have hit on a very innovative way of rebranding Hillary.

Yes, Rubio did leave Alaska and Hawaii off his logo....Good Grief!

Marco Rubio Forgets Hawaii Alaska In Campaign


So Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriend's wife's campaign is declaring that they PLANNED for Americans to criticize the woman who openly demanded to know "WHAT DIFFERENCE THE TRUTH MAKES?"

Oh now that IS brilliant.

Has anyone heard? Are they also claiming that they planned to have the sun rise and set on, at the same rate as the earth's rotation, during the campaign?
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That is because Rubio can see these 2 states in his backyard, oh wait some other knucklehead said that......

No one said anything like that except Tina Fey, who was pretending to be Palin. Palin correctly stated that Russia can be seen from a part of Alaska.

Hillary is a fucking joke. She is going around in her van pretending to meet with everyday Iowans. The van parked in a handicapped space and she even rehearses ordering food. I guess this 'everyday' stuff really takes practice for some people. Hillary isn't a good actor and came off sounding mechanical. And she forgot to rehearse tipping and acting like a normal human being.

Her little followers are willing to travel so they can get interviewed, sign an agreement and turn in their cell phones before being transported to unknown locations to wait for their queen. Gag! Yea, brilliant of Hillary to diss all Iowans in this poorly staged effort to meet the people. And she thinks Iowans are so stupid that they won't catch on.
Lighting up the celebratory cigar for the safe landing of The Hindenburg might, by Hillary standards, also have been a stroke of brilliance.

Wait, it WAS!
Hillary Clinton s sneakily brilliant launch - CNN.com

The stiff, starched, and very predictable GOP can critisize her all day, but her staff may have hit on a very innovative way of rebranding Hillary.

Yes, Rubio did leave Alaska and Hawaii off his logo....Good Grief!

Marco Rubio Forgets Hawaii Alaska In Campaign

From the article:

"That's why the key to Hillary Clinton's success in reframing her message and movement will be consistency. She must not only take the essence of a humble, empathic relationship with voters and integrate it into all elements of her communication, she must also live it every day."

:lol: Not a fat chance in hell the true hillary won't be seen and her neon light hypocrisy will shine bright for all to see.
Hillary's campaign is all about honesty, sincerity and money.

In baseball a .333 average is considered OK, so who's to fault her record?

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