Hillary's campaign manager: "If Trump gets the nomination, he will beat us"


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Hillary's campaign is leaning hard on the panic button as Donald Trump continues to lead in nearly all polls for the Republican nomination.

Too bad, so sad. When you've spent your life lying, breaking promises, and failing to deliver what you said, eventually people stop listening to you.... and stop voting for you.

It's always possible, of course, that this email is simply a lie deliberately planted by the Democrats to make the Republicans overconfident. Lying, after all, is what the Democrats do best.


MOOK SPOOKED: Hillary manager predicts Trump will win presidency if nominated!

MOOK SPOOKED: Hillary manager predicts Trump will win presidency if nominated!

January 29, 2016
By Kyle Olson

Democrats aren’t laughing about Donald Trump anymore. He has them all but admitting defeat.

In a stunning admission, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager predicts in an email that Donald Trump will become president if he wins the Republican nomination.

“If Donald Trump takes the Republican nomination, our party will lose more than the presidency,” Robby Mook writes to supporters.

“Years of progress will be ripped away. Obamacare will be repealed. Marriage equality will be rolled back. Get excited to visit the wall on the Mexico border — and get ready to pay for it if President Trump can’t magically get Mexico to cough up the cash for it.”

While Mook stokes fear over an apparently inevitable Trump presidency, he’s also panicking over a surging Bernie Sanders.

Late last night, Bernie Sanders’ campaign announced they’d raised $1.4 million from 50,000 donations in a single day. The day before, they announced that the Reddit community had contributed more than $1 million to his campaign.

There’s no denying this: His supporters are stepping up. They see a chance to win in Iowa and they’re willing to go all in for their guy.
I'm sure Mook's comments were a trick, like you suggested, but what does it say about love for Hillary when a decrepit old socialist is doing better than she is? It tells me they're saying "Anybody but Hillary".
I'm sure Mook's comments were a trick, like you suggested, but what does it say about love for Hillary when a decrepit old socialist is doing better than she is? It tells me they're saying "Anybody but Hillary".
IF Sanders take Iowa and New Hampshire Hillary has flushed MILLIONS down the toilet.
I'm sure Mook's comments were a trick, like you suggested, but what does it say about love for Hillary when a decrepit old socialist is doing better than she is? It tells me they're saying "Anybody but Hillary".
IF Sanders take Iowa and New Hampshire Hillary has flushed MILLIONS down the toilet.
That's nothing compared to what she would flush down the toilet if she were to become President.
I'm sure Mook's comments were a trick, like you suggested, but what does it say about love for Hillary when a decrepit old socialist is doing better than she is? It tells me they're saying "Anybody but Hillary".
IF Sanders take Iowa and New Hampshire Hillary has flushed MILLIONS down the toilet.

She will perform very well in South Carolina and Nevada, however, which are right after.
Trump and Cruz cannot beat Hillary Clinton. Rubio definitely can, however. I think Kasich can as well, but it's not likely he will get the nomination. He would be a strong VP pick, though.
I'm sure Mook's comments were a trick, like you suggested, but what does it say about love for Hillary when a decrepit old socialist is doing better than she is? It tells me they're saying "Anybody but Hillary".
IF Sanders take Iowa and New Hampshire Hillary has flushed MILLIONS down the toilet.

She will perform very well in South Carolina and Nevada, however, which are right after.
Sanders will beat her in S. Carolina and Nevada? Nevada is a state you get stuck with. Like dating the ugly sister to help your buddy.
I'm sure Mook's comments were a trick, like you suggested, but what does it say about love for Hillary when a decrepit old socialist is doing better than she is? It tells me they're saying "Anybody but Hillary".
IF Sanders take Iowa and New Hampshire Hillary has flushed MILLIONS down the toilet.

She will perform very well in South Carolina and Nevada, however, which are right after.
Sanders will beat her in S. Carolina and Nevada?

Did I not just say exactly the opposite?
yes because we all know the electorate of the united stated is just old white Christians :itsok::laugh2:
I'm sure Mook's comments were a trick, like you suggested, but what does it say about love for Hillary when a decrepit old socialist is doing better than she is? It tells me they're saying "Anybody but Hillary".
IF Sanders take Iowa and New Hampshire Hillary has flushed MILLIONS down the toilet.

She will perform very well in South Carolina and Nevada, however, which are right after.
Sanders will beat her in S. Carolina and Nevada?

Did I not just say exactly the opposite?
Well it looks we disagree. Is that a problem?
Hillary's campaign is leaning hard on the panic button as Donald Trump continues to lead in nearly all polls for the Republican nomination.

Too bad, so sad. When you've spent your life lying, breaking promises, and failing to deliver what you said, eventually people stop listening to you.... and stop voting for you.

It's always possible, of course, that this email is simply a lie deliberately planted by the Democrats to make the Republicans overconfident. Lying, after all, is what the Democrats do best.


MOOK SPOOKED: Hillary manager predicts Trump will win presidency if nominated!

MOOK SPOOKED: Hillary manager predicts Trump will win presidency if nominated!

January 29, 2016
By Kyle Olson

Democrats aren’t laughing about Donald Trump anymore. He has them all but admitting defeat.

In a stunning admission, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager predicts in an email that Donald Trump will become president if he wins the Republican nomination.

“If Donald Trump takes the Republican nomination, our party will lose more than the presidency,” Robby Mook writes to supporters.

“Years of progress will be ripped away. Obamacare will be repealed. Marriage equality will be rolled back. Get excited to visit the wall on the Mexico border — and get ready to pay for it if President Trump can’t magically get Mexico to cough up the cash for it.”

While Mook stokes fear over an apparently inevitable Trump presidency, he’s also panicking over a surging Bernie Sanders.

Late last night, Bernie Sanders’ campaign announced they’d raised $1.4 million from 50,000 donations in a single day. The day before, they announced that the Reddit community had contributed more than $1 million to his campaign.

There’s no denying this: His supporters are stepping up. They see a chance to win in Iowa and they’re willing to go all in for their guy.

To repeal Obamacare would require: A sitting Republican President and a Super Majority in both houses. That's how we got Obamacare and that's the only way you'll get rid of it.

Mexico isn't going to pay for a wall--LOL

Bernie Sanders is not going to be the nominee of the Democrat party, Hillary Clinton will be and if Trump is the nominee, Hillary Clinton will win in a landslide.

Trump and his supporters have already chased off 17% of the population into Hillary Clinton's lap. When we needed at least 46% of the Hispanic vote to win the White House. Trump is polling at a Negative 75%. You Trumpet's goose's are already cooked.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Add this to the problems Republicans have with the largest voting block (women) and Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong - CNNPolitics.com

In your efforts to get a non establishment nominee, you have effectively rino'd yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, along with a loss of the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.

But there is one happy gal in all of this and she wants to give all you Tea Party members, and right wing extreme Evangelista's a shout-out for your continued support.



Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
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Hillary's campaign is leaning hard on the panic button as Donald Trump continues to lead in nearly all polls for the Republican nomination.

Too bad, so sad. When you've spent your life lying, breaking promises, and failing to deliver what you said, eventually people stop listening to you.... and stop voting for you.

It's always possible, of course, that this email is simply a lie deliberately planted by the Democrats to make the Republicans overconfident. Lying, after all, is what the Democrats do best.


MOOK SPOOKED: Hillary manager predicts Trump will win presidency if nominated!

MOOK SPOOKED: Hillary manager predicts Trump will win presidency if nominated!

January 29, 2016
By Kyle Olson

Democrats aren’t laughing about Donald Trump anymore. He has them all but admitting defeat.

In a stunning admission, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager predicts in an email that Donald Trump will become president if he wins the Republican nomination.

“If Donald Trump takes the Republican nomination, our party will lose more than the presidency,” Robby Mook writes to supporters.

“Years of progress will be ripped away. Obamacare will be repealed. Marriage equality will be rolled back. Get excited to visit the wall on the Mexico border — and get ready to pay for it if President Trump can’t magically get Mexico to cough up the cash for it.”

While Mook stokes fear over an apparently inevitable Trump presidency, he’s also panicking over a surging Bernie Sanders.

Late last night, Bernie Sanders’ campaign announced they’d raised $1.4 million from 50,000 donations in a single day. The day before, they announced that the Reddit community had contributed more than $1 million to his campaign.

There’s no denying this: His supporters are stepping up. They see a chance to win in Iowa and they’re willing to go all in for their guy.

Well, I don't know how you repeal Obamacare. That will take a Republican President and a Super Majority in both houses. That's how we got Obamacare and that's the only way you'll repeal it.

Mexico isn't going to pay for a wall--LOL

Bernie Sanders is not going to be the nominee of the Democrat party, Hillary Clinton will be and if Trump is the nominee of the Hillary Clinton will win in a landslide. Trump and his supporters have already chased off 17% of the population into Hillary Clinton's lap. When we needed at least 46% of the Hispanic vote to win the White House. Trump is polling at a Negative 75%. You Trumpet's goose's are already cooked.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

In your efforts to get a non establishment nominee, you have effectively rino'd yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, along with a loss of the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.

Hate to break this to you but just Voiding Obama's EO's on Obamacare KILLS it. He did NOT need the Senate OR House to write them and President Trump won't to KILL them.
I'm sure Mook's comments were a trick, like you suggested, but what does it say about love for Hillary when a decrepit old socialist is doing better than she is? It tells me they're saying "Anybody but Hillary".
IF Sanders take Iowa and New Hampshire Hillary has flushed MILLIONS down the toilet.

She will perform very well in South Carolina and Nevada, however, which are right after.
Sanders will beat her in S. Carolina and Nevada? Nevada is a state you get stuck with. Like dating the ugly sister to help your buddy.

The caucus states Iowa, Nevada, etc. will always pick who the LOOSER will be. They have a very long history of doing that. Not many people participate or are able to participate, so the lower intelligence level, angry people--aka the right wing or left wing show up at these, then they're wiped out when the primary ballot states roll in--where the majority can participate.
if your cat or dog took a big mean chit,,,do you think that that pile of poop would beat Hillary?

It would be a tie.

Which would throw the election into the House of Representatives.

"Tramp or dump? Tramp or dump? Hmm, gonna have to think about that one for a while...."
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