Hillary's Character in the Words of Her Fanatical Partisan, David Brock


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
OK, people say that attacks on Hillary's character are not objective as these are the words of her right wing opposition. But what about the characterization of some of her own supporters like David Brock?

The below quotes are from Brocks book "The Seduction of Hillary Rodham".

Why No Press Interest In the Troubling Conduct Of Hillary’s Top Attack Dog?

Brock himself has written in his 2002 memoirs that he believes this was an honest book, and still does today. Seduction contains damning evidence against both Hillary and Bill, but you would never know that from the recent coverage of the book by the New York Times (which called it “flattering”) and others. Many of Brock’s conclusions about Hillary are anything but “flattering” – in fact, they are downright disturbing, as these easily-verifiable highlights demonstrate.

  • Hillary believes that the ends justify the means and that “legal and ethical strictures and standards of accountability” do not apply to her (p. 415);
  • Bill’s serial womanizing had instilled in Hillary “a contempt for the democratic process itself” (p. 276-77);
  • Hillary’s bad faith “Trojan horse efforts” on health care reform “would reveal not just surprisingly poor judgment on her part but character flaws of a particularly dangerous and self-destructive sort” (p. 330), and she “employed means that were questionable in a democracy” (p. 346);
  • She lied about whether she represented a client before the state when her husband was Governor (p. 265);
  • She was willing to use the Department of Justice to achieve political ends (p. 312);
  • Her hand-picked White House attorneys stonewalled investigations, acted like “mob lawyers, ” and their conduct was a “serious infringement of the public trust” (p. 397);
  • The Clinton campaign’s use of a thug private eye to intimidate potential witnesses showed that Hillary “was willing to countenance intimidation of women to cover up Bill’s peccadilloes.” (p. 274)
Brock also provided extensive evidence showing that when he was governor of Arkansas, Hillary’s husband ran a vast corrupt administration where he showered favors on and “greased the wheels of government” for supporters such as Jim McDougal and Dan Lasater (pp. 195-213). Brock finds Bill – who would remain an important figure in his wife’s White House – to be a person without any integrity or strength of character (p. 234), and calls him “perhaps the weakest chief executive since Warren Harding.”

My God, how can anyone work for and support such a hideous incompetent, corrupt corporate network crony like this old hag?

And you NeverTrumpers will be full responsibility if she gets elected for letting your whiny resentment of Trump stomping your asses in the primary to enable this bitch to get elected.
Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!).

Trump may sound rough, but there is a huge difference between words and actions. Remember that, #NeverTrumpers! Try not to look like ostriches with their heads in sand and butts sticking out. It is a very awkward position in both meanings of this word.
Yes, at one time David Brock was anti-Hillary, but not so any more. He is one of her strongest supporters.
How did they grease his wheel?
Yes, at one time David Brock was anti-Hillary, but not so any more. He is one of her strongest supporters.
Sometimes. . .

Alternative ways of persuasion can be found. :badgrin:

Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!).

Trump may sound rough, but there is a huge difference between words and actions. Remember that, #NeverTrumpers! Try not to look like ostriches with their heads in sand and butts sticking out. It is a very awkward position in both meanings of this word.

So can I assume you actually still believe that whoever's in that office can change the course this society has been on for over half a century across "both" parties' reign/administrations?
"Hillary believes that the ends justify the means"

That is the same credo of the Communist and the Jesuit order of the Illuminati manifestos and why is that? Because they are one and the same. Hitlery is thicker than proverbial thieves with the puppet masters. When you have the Rothschilds throwing 100K per plate fund raisers for you? What else do you need to know?
"Hillary believes that the ends justify the means"

That is the same credo of the Communist and the Jesuit order of the Illuminati manifestos and why is that? Because they are one and the same. Hitlery is thicker than proverbial thieves with the puppet masters. When you have the Rothschilds throwing 100K per plate fund raisers for you? What else do you need to know?

They have more to say about american society and our political and economic systems (which are really one in the same at this point) as any mass of voters ever had. What a ruse.
Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!).

Trump may sound rough, but there is a huge difference between words and actions. Remember that, #NeverTrumpers! Try not to look like ostriches with their heads in sand and butts sticking out. It is a very awkward position in both meanings of this word.

So can I assume you actually still believe that whoever's in that office can change the course this society has been on for over half a century across "both" parties' reign/administrations?

I believe that the fix is in and if they have to drag Hitlery's corpse over the finish line in order to accomplish their goal? They will have no problem doing it. There are "white hats" working within the inner workings of the alphabet agencies that have staved off at least three devastating false flag events. Patriots whose names we may never know until the battle is over but did it for love of country. The window of opportunity for people to wake up as to what is happening is closing and the globalists and their agenda are ratcheting up the attack. I see people questioning but is it enough? Only time will tell.
Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!).

Trump may sound rough, but there is a huge difference between words and actions. Remember that, #NeverTrumpers! Try not to look like ostriches with their heads in sand and butts sticking out. It is a very awkward position in both meanings of this word.

So can I assume you actually still believe that whoever's in that office can change the course this society has been on for over half a century across "both" parties' reign/administrations?

I believe that the fix is in and if they have to drag Hitlery's corpse over the finish line in order to accomplish their goal? They will have no problem doing it. There are "white hats" working within the inner workings of the alphabet agencies that have staved off at least three devastating false flag events. Patriots whose names we may never know until the battle is over but did it for love of country. The window of opportunity for people to wake up as to what is happening is closing and the globalists and their agenda are ratcheting up the attack. I see people questioning but is it enough? Only time will tell.

Hilary = Trump = status quo either way.
"Hillary believes that the ends justify the means"

That is the same credo of the Communist and the Jesuit order of the Illuminati manifestos and why is that? Because they are one and the same. Hitlery is thicker than proverbial thieves with the puppet masters. When you have the Rothschilds throwing 100K per plate fund raisers for you? What else do you need to know?

They have more to say about american society and our political and economic systems (which are really one in the same at this point) as any mass of voters ever had. What a ruse.

Agreed, but there are more of us than there are of them and their biggest fear is that we wake up to this debt slavery system. We live our lives in an invisible bondage when we have the keys to the shackles that bind us in our pockets....
"Hillary believes that the ends justify the means"

That is the same credo of the Communist and the Jesuit order of the Illuminati manifestos and why is that? Because they are one and the same. Hitlery is thicker than proverbial thieves with the puppet masters. When you have the Rothschilds throwing 100K per plate fund raisers for you? What else do you need to know?

They have more to say about american society and our political and economic systems (which are really one in the same at this point) as any mass of voters ever had. What a ruse.

Agreed, but there are more of us than there are of them and their biggest fear is that we wake up to this debt slavery system. We live our lives in an invisible bondage when we have the keys to the shackles that bind us in our pockets....

The required critical mass is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far off into the future. The american public will merely continue to vote and return to the couch to bitch.
Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!).

Trump may sound rough, but there is a huge difference between words and actions. Remember that, #NeverTrumpers! Try not to look like ostriches with their heads in sand and butts sticking out. It is a very awkward position in both meanings of this word.

So can I assume you actually still believe that whoever's in that office can change the course this society has been on for over half a century across "both" parties' reign/administrations?

I believe that the fix is in and if they have to drag Hitlery's corpse over the finish line in order to accomplish their goal? They will have no problem doing it. There are "white hats" working within the inner workings of the alphabet agencies that have staved off at least three devastating false flag events. Patriots whose names we may never know until the battle is over but did it for love of country. The window of opportunity for people to wake up as to what is happening is closing and the globalists and their agenda are ratcheting up the attack. I see people questioning but is it enough? Only time will tell.

Hilary = Trump = status quo either way.

I can't argue with you on that nor would I even try...but the fact that people preferred Sanders and they preferred Trump tells me that people are snapping out of their funk. If the people only knew how badly they have been fucked over and how USA.INC has used our military might as a hammer while using every non-compliant country as a nail all under the veil of "patriotism"? There would be a torch and pitchfork march on D.C that shake the world....unfortunately there isn't enough people that know the things we do.
Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!).

Trump may sound rough, but there is a huge difference between words and actions. Remember that, #NeverTrumpers! Try not to look like ostriches with their heads in sand and butts sticking out. It is a very awkward position in both meanings of this word.

So can I assume you actually still believe that whoever's in that office can change the course this society has been on for over half a century across "both" parties' reign/administrations?

I believe that the fix is in and if they have to drag Hitlery's corpse over the finish line in order to accomplish their goal? They will have no problem doing it. There are "white hats" working within the inner workings of the alphabet agencies that have staved off at least three devastating false flag events. Patriots whose names we may never know until the battle is over but did it for love of country. The window of opportunity for people to wake up as to what is happening is closing and the globalists and their agenda are ratcheting up the attack. I see people questioning but is it enough? Only time will tell.

Hilary = Trump = status quo either way.

I can't argue with you on that nor would I even try...but the fact that people preferred Sanders and they preferred Trump tells me that people are snapping out of their funk. If the people only knew how badly they have been fucked over and how USA.INC has used our military might as a hammer while using every non-compliant country as a nail all under the veil of "patriotism"? There would be a torch and pitchfork march on D.C that shake the world....unfortunately there isn't enough people that know the things we do.

The system doesn't care if people are snapping out of their funk, so long as they keep shuffling along with their heads down complaining. It will require a mass torch and pitchfork approach.
Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!).

Trump may sound rough, but there is a huge difference between words and actions. Remember that, #NeverTrumpers! Try not to look like ostriches with their heads in sand and butts sticking out. It is a very awkward position in both meanings of this word.

So can I assume you actually still believe that whoever's in that office can change the course this society has been on for over half a century across "both" parties' reign/administrations?

I believe that the fix is in and if they have to drag Hitlery's corpse over the finish line in order to accomplish their goal? They will have no problem doing it. There are "white hats" working within the inner workings of the alphabet agencies that have staved off at least three devastating false flag events. Patriots whose names we may never know until the battle is over but did it for love of country. The window of opportunity for people to wake up as to what is happening is closing and the globalists and their agenda are ratcheting up the attack. I see people questioning but is it enough? Only time will tell.

Hilary = Trump = status quo either way.

I can't argue with you on that nor would I even try...but the fact that people preferred Sanders and they preferred Trump tells me that people are snapping out of their funk. If the people only knew how badly they have been fucked over and how USA.INC has used our military might as a hammer while using every non-compliant country as a nail all under the veil of "patriotism"? There would be a torch and pitchfork march on D.C that shake the world....unfortunately there isn't enough people that know the things we do.

The system doesn't care if people are snapping out of their funk, so long as they keep shuffling along with their heads down complaining. It will require a mass torch and pitchfork approach.

You have to keep the faith and continue doing what you do. The "white hats" are counting on us to do our part. Why should they stick their necks out if we don't do all we can? There has been many times where I have wanted to say "fuck it, let them fend for themselves" but I sleep on it, pray about it and I wake up to fight another day. You are needed and you make a difference even though you many not realize it at the time. It's the ripple effect...toss out that pebble and may the ripple reach the shores.
OK, people say that attacks on Hillary's character are not objective as these are the words of her right wing opposition. But what about the characterization of some of her own supporters like David Brock?

The below quotes are from Brocks book "The Seduction of Hillary Rodham".

Why No Press Interest In the Troubling Conduct Of Hillary’s Top Attack Dog?

Brock himself has written in his 2002 memoirs that he believes this was an honest book, and still does today. Seduction contains damning evidence against both Hillary and Bill, but you would never know that from the recent coverage of the book by the New York Times (which called it “flattering”) and others. Many of Brock’s conclusions about Hillary are anything but “flattering” – in fact, they are downright disturbing, as these easily-verifiable highlights demonstrate.

  • Hillary believes that the ends justify the means and that “legal and ethical strictures and standards of accountability” do not apply to her (p. 415);
  • Bill’s serial womanizing had instilled in Hillary “a contempt for the democratic process itself” (p. 276-77);
  • Hillary’s bad faith “Trojan horse efforts” on health care reform “would reveal not just surprisingly poor judgment on her part but character flaws of a particularly dangerous and self-destructive sort” (p. 330), and she “employed means that were questionable in a democracy” (p. 346);
  • She lied about whether she represented a client before the state when her husband was Governor (p. 265);
  • She was willing to use the Department of Justice to achieve political ends (p. 312);
  • Her hand-picked White House attorneys stonewalled investigations, acted like “mob lawyers, ” and their conduct was a “serious infringement of the public trust” (p. 397);
  • The Clinton campaign’s use of a thug private eye to intimidate potential witnesses showed that Hillary “was willing to countenance intimidation of women to cover up Bill’s peccadilloes.” (p. 274)
Brock also provided extensive evidence showing that when he was governor of Arkansas, Hillary’s husband ran a vast corrupt administration where he showered favors on and “greased the wheels of government” for supporters such as Jim McDougal and Dan Lasater (pp. 195-213). Brock finds Bill – who would remain an important figure in his wife’s White House – to be a person without any integrity or strength of character (p. 234), and calls him “perhaps the weakest chief executive since Warren Harding.”

My God, how can anyone work for and support such a hideous incompetent, corrupt corporate network crony like this old hag?

And you NeverTrumpers will be full responsibility if she gets elected for letting your whiny resentment of Trump stomping your asses in the primary to enable this bitch to get elected.

Wow...and that's from her friend
Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!).

Trump may sound rough, but there is a huge difference between words and actions. Remember that, #NeverTrumpers! Try not to look like ostriches with their heads in sand and butts sticking out. It is a very awkward position in both meanings of this word.

So can I assume you actually still believe that whoever's in that office can change the course this society has been on for over half a century across "both" parties' reign/administrations?

I believe that the fix is in and if they have to drag Hitlery's corpse over the finish line in order to accomplish their goal? They will have no problem doing it. There are "white hats" working within the inner workings of the alphabet agencies that have staved off at least three devastating false flag events. Patriots whose names we may never know until the battle is over but did it for love of country. The window of opportunity for people to wake up as to what is happening is closing and the globalists and their agenda are ratcheting up the attack. I see people questioning but is it enough? Only time will tell.

Hilary = Trump = status quo either way.

I can't argue with you on that nor would I even try...but the fact that people preferred Sanders and they preferred Trump tells me that people are snapping out of their funk. If the people only knew how badly they have been fucked over and how USA.INC has used our military might as a hammer while using every non-compliant country as a nail all under the veil of "patriotism"? There would be a torch and pitchfork march on D.C that shake the world....unfortunately there isn't enough people that know the things we do.

Well, if Trump wins, he'll tell Americans the truth about what you, Dale, just said. That's another reason why Elites are so afraid of Trump and that's another reason for voting for Trump.
Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!).

Trump may sound rough, but there is a huge difference between words and actions. Remember that, #NeverTrumpers! Try not to look like ostriches with their heads in sand and butts sticking out. It is a very awkward position in both meanings of this word.

So can I assume you actually still believe that whoever's in that office can change the course this society has been on for over half a century across "both" parties' reign/administrations?

I believe that the fix is in and if they have to drag Hitlery's corpse over the finish line in order to accomplish their goal? They will have no problem doing it. There are "white hats" working within the inner workings of the alphabet agencies that have staved off at least three devastating false flag events. Patriots whose names we may never know until the battle is over but did it for love of country. The window of opportunity for people to wake up as to what is happening is closing and the globalists and their agenda are ratcheting up the attack. I see people questioning but is it enough? Only time will tell.

Hilary = Trump = status quo either way.

I can't argue with you on that nor would I even try...but the fact that people preferred Sanders and they preferred Trump tells me that people are snapping out of their funk. If the people only knew how badly they have been fucked over and how USA.INC has used our military might as a hammer while using every non-compliant country as a nail all under the veil of "patriotism"? There would be a torch and pitchfork march on D.C that shake the world....unfortunately there isn't enough people that know the things we do.

Well, if Trump wins, he'll tell Americans the truth about what you, Dale, just said. That's another reason why Elites are so afraid of Trump and that's another reason for voting for Trump.

From your lips to God's ears, my friend. This country seems so FUBAR'd to me at times. The amount of work it will take to undo the damage of the last 53 years seems monumental to me...but I will keep the faith.

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