Trump vows revenge when elected

For revenge? The only revenge Trump wants is a win in November and ability to put bad people in government out of a job. He never weaponized his DOJ or any government agency against any enemy or any citizen and there is no reason to believe he would do that in a second term either. Especially when he is clearly on the record that he has no intention of doing that.

He will be far too busy doing what he was meant to do -- fix this country.

That Trump Cult members claim that Trump won’t use the power of the Federal government to attack his enemies and seek revenge on political opponents is meaningless, as they can’t be believed; indeed, we’re hearing exactly that from Trump himself.
Trump Cult members are as dishonest as Trump and lie as much as Trump.
Did Trump do that in 2016? The answer is NO. So you're lying.
You suck at lying, cult boi.

But then, you know you suck at lying, and you still do it. The point of your lying is to show how low you're willing to stoop on behalf of your fascist cult. A good cultist has to demonstrate that there's no atrocity they won't stoop to.

And Trump cultists? Half of you say Trump didn't say that, half of you say Trump's promised revenge will be glorious. When you contradict each other like that, you make the lying really obvious. Y'all need to unite on a single dishonest cult talking point.
/—-/ Only democRATs march in lockstep like the Red Army.
/——/ We aren’t a cult. That’s just how you libtards try and denagrate our grassroots movement.
We hear from Trump himself his plot of revenge and retribution: to lawlessly indict members of the 1/6 House select committee for no other reason than doing their Constitutional duty to present to the American people the facts of Trump’s treasonous insurrection, and dishonest Trump Cult members continue to lie for Trump.
Trump is planning for revenge if he wins in 2024.
I want a President taking care of the nation, not spending time on his personal vendettas.

If Trump wins, he will spend too much time getting revenge. There are so many who he feels wronged him. The group he feels wronged him include democrats, independents and Republicans.
Trump has a long history of seeking revenge on those he feels wronged him.
Another sign of what weak person Trump is.

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Dems must pay for their treasonous crimes. They must be scared of the penalty for ever trying this again.

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A man like Wales Trump lives by the feud....Good.

That is what the Nazis said when Germans compained about them in the 1930's.
There's some people doing exactly what the Nazi party did in Germany in the 1930s in America this very day.

Do you know who those people are? They're all Democrats. Democrats are the new fucking Nazis and that shit

is going to go over like the Led Zeppelin did in America.

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