Trump vows revenge when elected

Trump is planning for revenge if he wins in 2024.
I want a President taking care of the nation, not spending time on his personal vendettas.

If Trump wins, he will spend too much time getting revenge. There are so many who he feels wronged him. The group he feels wronged him include democrats, independents and Republicans.
Trump has a long history of seeking revenge on those he feels wronged him.
Another sign of what weak person Trump is.

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Well you’ve always got Canada.
Trump is planning for revenge if he wins in 2024.
I want a President taking care of the nation, not spending time on his personal vendettas.

If Trump wins, he will spend too much time getting revenge. There are so many who he feels wronged him. The group he feels wronged him include democrats, independents and Republicans.
Trump has a long history of seeking revenge on those he feels wronged him.
Another sign of what weak person Trump is.

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Oh he did not. NBC and everybody else twisting what he did say into something sinister is not only thoroughly dishonest but it is evil. I listened very closely to what he did say and it was exactly the opposite of taking revenge.
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Oh he did not. NBC and everybody else twisting what he did say into something sinister is not only thorough dishonest and evil. I listened very closely to what he did say and it was exactly the opposite of taking revenge.
Open up your eyes.
Look what Trump does to anyone who works for him that challenges him. Look what he does to Republicans who don't support him.
Look into his business past. Revenge was a big part of his life.
‘During just this week, two of Donald Trump’s friendliest interviewers handed him big prime-time opportunities to unequivocally renounce any intention to retaliate against Democrats for his criminal conviction by a jury of his peers in Manhattan. Both times, Trump demurred.

“Sometimes revenge can be justified,” Trump told Dr. Phil McGraw, after he suggested that seeking retribution for Trump’s criminal charges would harm the country. Though Trump graciously said he was “open” to showing forbearance toward Democrats, he suggested revenge would be tempting, given “what I’ve been through.”

Trump voiced similar sentiments to Sean Hannity after the Fox News host practically begged him to deny he’d pursue his opponents. “I would have every right to go after them,” Trump said. Though Trump nodded along with Hannity’s suggestion that “weaponizing” law enforcement is bad, Trump added, “I don’t want to look naïve,” seemingly meaning that if he doesn’t seek revenge, he’ll have been victimized without acting to set things right.

These moments have been widely mocked as a sign that even Trump’s media pals can’t help him disguise his true second-term intentions. That’s true, but there’s another point to be made here: The exchanges should awaken us to what a monstrous scam it is when T rump and his allies talk about unleashing prosecutions of foes as “revenge” and “retribution.”’

Trump, wannabe dictator and autocrat, enemy of democracy.
Trump is planning for revenge if he wins in 2024.
I want a President taking care of the nation, not spending time on his personal vendettas.

If Trump wins, he will spend too much time getting revenge. There are so many who he feels wronged him. The group he feels wronged him include democrats, independents and Republicans.
Trump has a long history of seeking revenge on those he feels wronged him.
Another sign of what weak person Trump is.

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Progs are on Perma Revenge. Most of it made up. The serious looks on the Prog TV people alone tells us how dead they are inside. They are even suggesting opening up reeducation camps and worse for Deplorables. And near all of them living the life of the real privileged. Walls and armed security around their mansions with the best in food, liquor and luxuries. That in itself tells us all they are fraud shills. We fell asleep for too long unfortunately while the government was giving out the goodies to seduce us. If it came down to removing the checks, medical and benefits and losing all of our freedom while blaming a group or groups and rounding them up for camps or prisons most would take the checks, medical and losing all their freedoms. And Progs are not for freedoms in a massive high tax environment. Promoting freedoms for people who live at the extremes, not as good as other can be at employment or will not enter civil society is endless and has weakened us and has cost us a loss of unalienable rights.
Just like the civil war, the good will win the battle. Trump and MAGA are not the good guys,
So open borders letting in 100,00 Chinese and 50,000 Russians is good?
So open borders letting in thousands of terrorists and criminals is good?

Biden is a National Security disaster. Democrats are stupid, i.e have low-IQs, they are the bad guys.
Trump is planning for revenge if he wins in 2024.
I want a President taking care of the nation, not spending time on his personal vendettas.

If Trump wins, he will spend too much time getting revenge. There are so many who he feels wronged him. The group he feels wronged him include democrats, independents and Republicans.
Trump has a long history of seeking revenge on those he feels wronged him.
Another sign of what weak person Trump is.

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1. I think you been smoking something, I never heard what you have stated.

2. And now YOU people are going to play the victim? You really are kidding. If Trump had ever Leftist in congress put under scrutiny, that would be NOTHING compared what they did to him.

3. If Trump..........or any moderate Democrat, stuck their proverbial nose up the SQUADS rearends, they would become heroes to the anyone on the right, along with any moderate Democrat.......and......Independents would see them as a breath of fresh air.

Look here-------->you can try and spin all you want; that is your right! But so far, not only is it not working, but it is making you look extremely weak...........and when I say you.......I mean you paid shills for the Dems, lol.

Most of us are here to tell you------------->it appears that you Leftists have met your match; which is exactly why you need to make him go away. You may succeed! But if you do not, you are going to be pounded; and from what I see, you panty waists are going to collapse once you are outted-)
That Trump Cult members claim that Trump won’t use the power of the Federal government to attack his enemies and seek revenge on political opponents is meaningless, as they can’t be believed; indeed, we’re hearing exactly that from Trump himself.

Trump Cult members are as dishonest as Trump and lie as much as Trump.
Oh he did not. NBC and everybody else twisting what he did say into something sinister is not only thorough dishonest and evil. I listened very closely to what he did say and it was exactly the opposite of taking revenge.

Time is coming.


.How many threads are you losers going to start about this lie?
You suck at lying, cult boi.

But then, you know you suck at lying, and you still do it. The point of your lying is to show how low you're willing to stoop on behalf of your fascist cult. A good cultist has to demonstrate that there's no atrocity they won't stoop to.

And Trump cultists? Half of you say Trump didn't say that, half of you say Trump's promised revenge will be glorious. When you contradict each other like that, you make the lying really obvious. Y'all need to unite on a single dishonest cult talking point.
Open up your eyes.
Look what Trump does to anyone who works for him that challenges him. Look what he does to Republicans who don't support him.
Look into his business past. Revenge was a big part of his life.
Balony deluxe! You have zero evidence for that. His life has been just the opposite. Word fights during campaigns dissolve almost immediately after the campaigns end and he becomes good friends with most of his political opposition. After bitter confrontations with Ted Cruz in 2016, Cruz is now a friend and staunch supporter. Nikki Haley recently endorsed Trump. Ditto others who had former bitter words like Rubio et al. Rubio is now reported to be on his short list for VP. DeSantis and Trump have again become friends and colleagues and are working together. DeSantis vows Trump won't lose his right to vote in Florida even if Menchan puts him in prison.

Trump made no attempt to have Comey, Hillary or any others who did him the most dirt prosecuted for crimes or malfeasance in office. He has no history of retaliation or vengeance of any kind.

Time is coming.


For revenge? The only revenge Trump wants is a win in November and ability to put bad people in government out of a job. He never weaponized his DOJ or any government agency against any enemy or any citizen and there is no reason to believe he would do that in a second term either. Especially when he is clearly on the record that he has no intention of doing that.
Trump is planning for revenge if he wins in 2024.
I want a President taking care of the nation, not spending time on his personal vendettas.

If Trump wins, he will spend too much time getting revenge. There are so many who he feels wronged him. The group he feels wronged him include democrats, independents and Republicans.
Trump has a long history of seeking revenge on those he feels wronged him.
Another sign of what weak person Trump is.

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