Hillary's Character in the Words of Her Fanatical Partisan, David Brock

So can I assume you actually still believe that whoever's in that office can change the course this society has been on for over half a century across "both" parties' reign/administrations?

I believe that the fix is in and if they have to drag Hitlery's corpse over the finish line in order to accomplish their goal? They will have no problem doing it. There are "white hats" working within the inner workings of the alphabet agencies that have staved off at least three devastating false flag events. Patriots whose names we may never know until the battle is over but did it for love of country. The window of opportunity for people to wake up as to what is happening is closing and the globalists and their agenda are ratcheting up the attack. I see people questioning but is it enough? Only time will tell.

Hilary = Trump = status quo either way.

I can't argue with you on that nor would I even try...but the fact that people preferred Sanders and they preferred Trump tells me that people are snapping out of their funk. If the people only knew how badly they have been fucked over and how USA.INC has used our military might as a hammer while using every non-compliant country as a nail all under the veil of "patriotism"? There would be a torch and pitchfork march on D.C that shake the world....unfortunately there isn't enough people that know the things we do.

Well, if Trump wins, he'll tell Americans the truth about what you, Dale, just said. That's another reason why Elites are so afraid of Trump and that's another reason for voting for Trump.

From your lips to God's ears, my friend. This country seems so FUBAR'd to me at times. The amount of work it will take to undo the damage of the last 53 years seems monumental to me...but I will keep the faith.


I just hope time comes and there will be independent (independent is a key-word!) International Military Tribunal, judging all the war crimes of Clinton, Obama, Soros, Nulamd and Co.
I believe that the fix is in and if they have to drag Hitlery's corpse over the finish line in order to accomplish their goal? They will have no problem doing it. There are "white hats" working within the inner workings of the alphabet agencies that have staved off at least three devastating false flag events. Patriots whose names we may never know until the battle is over but did it for love of country. The window of opportunity for people to wake up as to what is happening is closing and the globalists and their agenda are ratcheting up the attack. I see people questioning but is it enough? Only time will tell.

Hilary = Trump = status quo either way.

I can't argue with you on that nor would I even try...but the fact that people preferred Sanders and they preferred Trump tells me that people are snapping out of their funk. If the people only knew how badly they have been fucked over and how USA.INC has used our military might as a hammer while using every non-compliant country as a nail all under the veil of "patriotism"? There would be a torch and pitchfork march on D.C that shake the world....unfortunately there isn't enough people that know the things we do.

Well, if Trump wins, he'll tell Americans the truth about what you, Dale, just said. That's another reason why Elites are so afraid of Trump and that's another reason for voting for Trump.

From your lips to God's ears, my friend. This country seems so FUBAR'd to me at times. The amount of work it will take to undo the damage of the last 53 years seems monumental to me...but I will keep the faith.


I just hope time comes and there will be independent (independent is a key-word!) International Military Tribunal, judging all the war crimes of Clinton, Obama, Soros, Nulamd and Co.

Don't leave out the neocons like the Bush crime family.....they need to be front and center.
I just hope time comes and there will be independent (independent is a key-word!) International Military Tribunal, judging all the war crimes of Clinton, Obama, Soros, Nulamd and Co.
Don't leave out the neocons like the Bush crime family.....they need to be front and center.
The Bush family is the flip side of the same coin to the Bush family.

We need to break up the corporate crony network that controls DC.

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